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Orgone Biophysical Research Lab

Ashland, Oregon, USA

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Bibliography on Orgonomy:
Sex-Economy and Orgone Biophysics

Part III: 2000 to the Present
Research After Reich (Continued)

Click here for Part I: c.1920 through 1957 Covering Wilhelm Reich's lifetime

Click here for Part II: c.1957 through 1999 Covering Research After Reich

Click here for more information on the
background, structure and organization of this Bibliography on Orgonomy.

Users are invited to submit citation or keyword additions or corrections. (Use the email at the page bottom.)

Compiled and maintained by James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Copyright (C), All Rights Reserved

This Page Under Construction


* Appleton, Matthew: A Free-Range Childhood: Self Regulation at Summerhill School, Solomon Press/The Foundation of Educational Renewal, Brandon, VT, 2000; German translation: Summerhill: Kindern Ihre Kindheit zuruckgeben, Schneider Verlag, Baltmannsweiler, Germany.

* Blasband, Richard: "Organismic Sexuality", Perspective, Newsletter of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, June/July 2000, p.15-17.

* Gerber, Michael: "Sexual Health: Reich and Roll", Alternative Medicine, July 2000, p.98-102.

* Martin, Jim: Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, Flatland Books, Mendocino, CA, 2000.
      Keywords: history, conspiracy, emotional plague

* Medeiros, Geraldo: Bioenergologia: a ciencia das energias da vida, Editora Universalista Ltda, Londrina, Brasil 2000.
      Keywords: orgone, bions, cancer, therapy

* Strick, James: Sparks of Life: Darwinism and the Victorian Debates over Spontaneous Generation, Harvard Univ Press, New Haven, 2000.

* Von Ward, Paul: "Book Review of DeMeo's Saharasia," Perspective, Newsletter of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, June/July 2000, p.27-29.


* Correa, Paulo & Correa, Alexandra: "The Reproducible Thermal Anomaly of the Reich-Einstein Experiment Under limit Conditions", Infinite Energy, #37, 2001.
      Keywords: To-T

* Correa, Paulo & Correa, Alexandra: "S2-Series Aetherometry Publications", Internet Posting to: http://www.aetherometry.com 2001.

* DeMeo, James: Manuel de l'accumulateur d'orgone: l'energie d'orgone de Wilhelm Reich, Editions Sully, Paris, 2001.

* DeMeo, James: "Summary Critique of the Correa S2-Series Aetherometry Publications" and "Preliminary Report on a Bare-Metal-Box 'Naked Accumulator' To-T Experiment, with Negative Results", Sept. and Dec. 2001, Internet posting: http://www.orgonelab.org/correas.htm

* Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer: "A educação em Wilhelm Reich: da psicanálise à pedagogia econômico-sexual" (The education in Wilhelm Reich: from psychoanalysis to the sex-economic pedagogy), UNESP- Marília, Dissertation 2001.

* Oliveira E Silva, João Rodrigo: "O desenvolvimento da noção de caráter no pensamento de Reich" (The development of the notion of character in Reich's thought), Master Thesis, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2001.

* Southgate, Leon: "Wilhelm Reich and Chinese Medicine", Northern College of Acupuncture, United Kingdom, Master's Thesis, 2001.


* Albini, Carlo: "Giordano Bruno's Philosophy", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:75-78 2002.

* Allais, Maurice: "The Experiments of Dayton Miller and the Theory of Relativity", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:131-136 2002.

* Appleton, Matthew: "Childbirth As A Sexual Process", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:67-74 2002.

* Baker, Courtney: "Orgonometry: A New Detector", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:155-162 2002.

* Blasband, Richard: "The Implications of Current Consciousness Research on Orgonomic Theory", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:147-154 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "The Geography of Genital Mutilations", in Constructing Sexualities: Readings in Sexuality, Gender and Culture, Suzanne LaFont, Editor, Prentice Hall, NY, 2002.

* DeMeo, James (Ed.): Heretic's Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy, With New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich (Pulse of the Planet #5) Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Update on Saharasia: Ambiguities and Uncertainties about War Before Civilization", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:15-44 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Editor's Postscript: CSICOP, Prometheus Books, Pornography and the Journal of Pedophilia?!", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:65, 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Bion-Biogenesis Research and Seminars at OBRL: Progress Report", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:100-113 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Dayton Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments: A Fresh Look", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:114-130 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Reconciling Miller's Ether-Drift with Reich's Dynamic Orgone", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:137-146 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:168-176 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Green Sea Eritrea: A 5-Year Desert Greening CORE Project in the SE African Sahel", in Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:183-211 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "The Origin of the Tropical Easterlies: An Orgone-Energetic Perspective", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:212-218 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "The Orgone Energy Motor", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:219-221 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "The Earth-Atmosphere Electrical Potential as a Source of Electromotive Power", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:225-226 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Renewable and "Free" Energy from Nature: Net-Energy Analysis", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:227-241 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Satellites or Silent Glowing Spacecraft? Are Some Assumed 'Satellites' Extraterrestrial?", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:242-244 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "My UFO Observations", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:245-249 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Negative Finding on T. Constable's 'Bioforms'", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:250 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Research Progress Reports: Water Research, Orgone Accumulator Temperature Differentials (To-T), Photographing the Orgone Energy, Archaeological-Historical Research:'Ice Age or Polar Axis Shift?'", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:251-257 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Special Note on the Video Documentary: Rain in the Desert", The Willful Stealing of Other People's Work, and Betrayal of Truth: The Case of John Trettin and Beate Freihold of the I.O.O." 2002 Internet posting only:
      Keywords: cloudbusting, emotional plague

* DeMeo, James: "Letter to Editor: Regarding Brian Griffith's Gardens of Their Dreams and Saharasia, The Ecologist, 32(2): May 2002.

* DeMeo, James: "Die Saharasia-Hypothese: Ursprünge menschlicher Gewalttätigkeit entdeckt", Zeit Geist, Stuttgart, 3:32-36, 2002.

* DeMeo, James: Letter to the Editor "About Uri Geller's Article: Opening your mind can help end droughts", Jewish Telegraph, London, c.26 July 2002.
      Keywords: cloudbusting, Israel, drought

* Geller, Uri: "Opening your mind can help end droughts", Jewish Telegraph, London, 20 July 2002.
http://www.uri-geller.com/jewish/week.htm       Keywords: cloudbusting, Israel, drought

* Grad, Bernard: "Studies on the Origin of Life: The Preparation of Primordial Cell-Like Forms", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:79-87 2002.
      Keywords: bions, biogenesis

* Kong, Dong Chul & Kim, Hyun-Won: "The Sanal Theory of Bong Han Kim: Bion-Like Processes in Acupuncture and Biology", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:95-99 2002.

* Marett, Dave: "West-East Asymmetry and Diurnal Effect of Cosmic Radiation", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:177-181 2002.

* Milian, Victor: "Confirmation of an Oranur Anomaly", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:182 2002.

* Nikolaidis, Nikolas: "Orgone Field Observations Using Dowsing Rods", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:163-167 2002.

* Reich, Eva: "Orgonomic First Aid for Mothers and Infants", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:5-14 2002.

* Reiter, Nicholas: "Examination of the Western Electric KS-9154 Motor", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:222-224 2002.

* Shapiro, David: "Theoretical Reflections on Wilhelm Reich's Character Analysis", Am. J. Psychotherapy, 56(3)338-346, 31 Dec. 2002.       Keywords:

* Sharaf, Myron: "Orgonomic Functionalism: A Lecture in Berlin", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:45-54 2002.

* Snyder, Maxwell: "Some Observations on Reich's Experiment 20", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:88-94 2002.

* Southgate, Leon: "Traditional Chinese Medicine and Wilhelm Reich", MSc Thesis, University of Wales and Northern College of Acupuncture, 2002.

* Taylor, Steve: "Where Did It All Go Wrong? James DeMeo's Saharasia Thesis and the Origins of War", Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9(8), August 2002.

* Wilder, John: "CSICOP, Time Magazine, and Wilhelm Reich", Heretic's Notebook: Pulse of the Planet 5:55-66 2002.


* Corrington, Robert S.: Wilhelm Reich: Psychoanalyst and Radical Naturalist, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 2003.       Keywords:

* DeMeo, James: "Miller Was Right" (Letter), Physics World, March 2003, p.19.
      Keywords: physics, ether

* DeMeo, James: "Red Tape in the Way of Greening the Negev" (Letter), Jewish Telegraph, August 2003 (292).
      Keywords: cloudbusting

* DeMeo, James: "The Geography of Genital Mutilations", in Constructing Sexualities: Readings in Sexuality, Gender and Culture, Suzanne LaFont, Editor, Prentice Hall, NY, 2003, p.120-126.

* DeMeo, James: "Reich On War" Internet Posting Only: http://www.orgonelab.org/ReichOnWar.htm

* Grandics, Peter: "Cancer: a single disease with a multitude of manifestions?" J Carcinog. 2003; 2: 9. Published online Nov. 2003:

* DeMeo, James: "Masters Of Deception: Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore and the 9-11 Conspiracy Industry" Internet Posting Only: http://www.orgonelab.org/MastersOfDeception.htm

* Morton, Jerry: "Who Was Dr. Wilhelm Reich, and Why has History Tried So Hard to Erase Him?", Idaho Observer, March 2003. Internet Posting: http://proliberty.com/observer/20030310.htm

* Southgate, Leon: "Chinese Medicine and Wilhelm Reich", European Journal of Chinese Medicine, 4(4):31-41, 2003. Republished in 2009.

* Taylor, Steve: "Book Review of DeMeo's Saharasia," New Renaissance, Vol.11, No.4, Issue #39, p.30-31, 2003.

* Reich-Rubin, Lore: "Wilhelm Reich and Anna Freud: His Explusion from Psychoanalysis", International Forum of Psychoanalysis,, 12(203):109-117, Sept. 2003. Abstract published here


* DeMeo, James: "A Dynamic Cosmological Ether: Evidence from Dayton Miller, Wilhelm Reich, Giorgio Piccardi and Others", Abstract in Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, SW & Rocky Mountain Division, 79th Annual Meeting, Metro State College of Denver/Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Sciences, 7-10 April 2004, p.27-28. Full article given in Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, Cynthia Whitney, Editor, Vol.1, No.1, Spring 2004. Arlington, MA. p.15-20. Internet Posting here.

* DeMeo, James: "A 'Saharasian' Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in the Global Cross-Cultural Data on Human Behavior" and "The Saharasian Desert Belt" in World Cultures, Vol.14, No.2, Spring 2004, p.111-143.

* Kammer, Brad J.: Trauma & Civilization: The Relationship Between Personal Trauma, Social Oppression, and the Transformative Nature of Trauma Healing, Vermont College (of The Union Institute & University) Master's Thesis, 2004. Item posted here
      Keywords: Children, Sexuality, Reich, DeMeo, Saharasia


* Kavouras, Jorgos: Heilung mit Orgonenergie: Die medizinische Orgonomie, Turm Verlag, Bietighem, Germany, 2005.
      Keywords: orgone accumulator

* DeMeo, James: "Peaceful Versus Warlike Societies in Pre-Columbian America and Elsewhere: What Does Archaeology and Anthropology Tell Us?", Abstract in Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, 86th Annual Meeting, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, 12-15 June 2005, p.52.

* DeMeo, James: "Experimental Comparison of the Reich Orgone Energy Blanket with the New Line of 'Plastic-Foil' Energy Blankets". Internet Posting Only: http://www.orgonelab.org/energyblanket.htm


* DeMeo, James: Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World, Revised and Updated Second Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 2006.

* DeMeo, James: "The Saharasian Origins of Patriarchal Authoritarian Culture", in The Rule of Mars: Readings on the Origins, History and Impact of Patriarchy, Christina Biaggi, Editor, Knowledge, Ideas and Trends Publisher, Conn., 2006. http://www.booktrends.com/social_issues.htm

* DeMeo, James: "Peaceful Versus Warlike Societies in Pre-Columbian America: What Does Archaeology and Anthropology Tell Us?", in Unlearning the Language of Conquest, Scholars Expose Anti-Indianism in America ,Four Arrows (Don Jacobs), Editor, Univ. Texas Press, 2006. http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/books/jacunl.html

* DeMeo, James: "Saharasia. Die Urspruenge patriarchaler authoritaerer Kultur in Verbindung mit Praehistorischer Wuestenbildung (Saharasia: The Origins of Patriarchy in Ancient Desertification)", in Gesellschaft in Balance: Dokumentation des 1. Weltkongresses fuer Matriarchatsforschung 2003 in Luxemburg (Societies in Balance: First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies), Editions Hagia, Winzer, Germany, 2006, p.230-248.

* DeMeo, James: Letter to Editor: "A Climate of Change", American Scientist, May-June 2006. http://www.americanscientist.org/template/AssetDetail/assetid/51205
      Keywords: desertification, Saharasia


* anon.: "Scientists Working to Advance Wilhelm Reich's Sexual Energy-Cosmic Life Force Work", Fox News (foxnews.com), 6 Nov. 2007.
Keywords: Wilhelm Reich Museum conference

* Bryant, Anne: "Rangeley playing host to weekend events", sunjournal.com, 28 July 2007. http://www.sunjournal.com/story/222658-3/Franklin/Rangeley_playing_host_to_weekend_events
      Keywords: Wilhelm Reich Museum, Conference

* DeMarchi, Luigi & Valenzi, Vincenzo: Wilhelm Reich: Una Formidabile Avventura Scientifica e Umana, Scienza & Conoscenza, Macro Edizioni, 2007.

* DeMeo, James: "Climate and Soils: Their Influence Upon Human Health and Society" (Abstract), Soils Science Society of America, Annual Convention,12-16 Nov.2006, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstracts contained in HPSSS Newsletter, December 2007, p.16.

* DeMeo, James: "Intervista a James DeMeo sugli siviluppi della ricerca orgonica negli ultimi 50 anni, (Interview with James DeMeo)", Italian Translation by Roberto Maglione, Chapter 8 in Wilhelm Reich: Una Formidabile Awentura Scientifica E Humana, Luigi DeMarchi & Vincenzo Valenzi, Editors, Macro Edizioni, Italy, p.165-184, 2007.

* DeMeo, James: "Wilhelm Reich's Sexual Theories", Italian Translation by Roberto Maglione, in Scienza e Conoscenza, October 2007.

* DeMeo, James: "Maps From the Ethnographic Atlas Data: A Defense of the Cross-Cultural Codes and Data Base of G. P. Murdock and the Quadruple-Blind Control Procedures Used in my Saharasia Research", Internet Publication only 2007: http://www.orgonelab.org/murdockdata.htm
      Keywords: emotional armoring

* DeMeo, James: "The First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies in Luxemburg, 2003: Personal Observations and Reflections, And a Response to Criticism", Internet Publication only 2007:
      Keywords: emotional armoring

* DeMeo, James: "The Suppression of Dissent and Innovative Ideas In Science and Medicine: A Work In Progress", First presented to a Special Session at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco 1994; also presented to Special Sessions at the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the 72nd Annual Meeting, 1996, Northern AZ Univ., Flagstaff, Arizona, and 74th Annual Meeting, Mesa State College, Grand Jct. Colorado. Internet Publication Only.

* DeMeo, James: "Critical Review: Dusan Makavejev's WR Mysteries of the Organism", Internet Publication only:

* DeMeo, James: "Book Review: The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time (Nichols, Moon), reprinted from Pulse of the Planet #4, 1993, p.140. Internet Publication 2007:

* DeMeo, James: "The Growing Nonsense About Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy on Global Internet", Internet Publication only 2007:
      Keywords: orgonite, orgone generators, chembuster

* Maglione, Roberto: Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, 2007.
      Keywords: cloudbusting, weather

* Schwarz, Ernst R.: "Editorial: Sexual Function in Women With Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Disease", Int. J. of Impotence Research, 19:341-342, 2007. Favorable mention of Reich and biological orgone energy in sexual functioning.
      Keywords: cloudbusting, weather


* Blasband, Richard: "Book Review of Heretic's Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life-Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich," Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.22, 2008.

* DeMeo, James: "The Blue-Glowing Astronauts: Solar Glare? Lunar Dust? Water Vapor? Camera Smudges? Or the RF/Electrically-Excited Human Orgone (Life) Energy Field?" Internet Publication only 2008:
      Keywords: subtle energy

* DeMeo, James: "Unreliable Book Containing Errors and Sexual Slander" Review of Daniel Flynn's A Conservative History of the American Left, posted to Amazon.com book review page.

* Weaver, Judyth: "Memories of Eva Reich", USA Body Psychotherapy Journal, 2008. Internet posted to http://judythweaver.com/writings/memories-of-eva-reich


* DeMeo, James: "Saharasia: The Origins of Patriarchal Authoritarian Culture in Ancient Desertification", in Societies of Peace: Matriarchies Past, Present and Future, Edited by Heide Goetner-Abendroth, Ianna Publications, Ontario, 2009.p.407-423.
      Keywords: emotional armoring

* DeMeo, James: "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, 4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Russian Translation by Alexandra Goldburt: Internet Publication only: http://www.orgonelab.org/saharasia_ru.htm

* DeMeo, James: "Experimental Confirmation of the Reich Orgone Accumulator Thermal Anomaly", Subtle Energies, 20(3):1-16, 2009.
0.6 MB PDF Download available: http://www.orgonelab.org/DeMeoToTSubtleEnergies.pdf

* DeMeo, James (editor): "Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy: A Brief Introduction", YouTube Video, Internet Publication only: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPV-JExUPns

* DeMeo, James: "Water as a Resonant Medium for Unusual External Environmental Factors", at the Fourth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, Mt. Snow, Vermont, October. Abstract published in: Water: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2, Supplement 1.

* Heckman, Joseph & James DeMeo: "Swaddling Concerns" (Letter), Wise Traditions, Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2009, p.6-7.

* Southgate, Leon: Chinese Medicine and Wilhelm Reich: An Analysis of Chinese Medical and Reichian Theories of Life Force And Experimental Orgone-Acupuncture Study, Lambert Academic Publishing, London 2009.


* Bennett, Philip: "The persecution of Dr. Wilhelm Reich by the government of the United States", International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 19:51-65, 2010.
      Keywords: William Reich confusion, Albert Crombie, Emotional Plague

* DeMeo, James: "Following the Red Thread of Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Adventure", Edge Science, p.11-16, October-December 2010. 0.5 MB PDF Download
      Keywords: orgone energy, cloudbusting, orgonomy

* DeMeo, James: "Report on Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans", Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 21(2):51-62, 2010. Update of article from 2002.
0.5 MB PDF Download available: http://www.orgonelab.org/DeMeoSeedsSubtleEnergies.pdf

* DeMeo, James: The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Science and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, With Construction Plans, Third Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, 2010.
Available at Amazon.com and elsewhere.

* DeMeo, James: "New Evidence on the Persecution and Death of Wilhelm Reich" Internet posted: http://www.orgonelab.org/ReichPersecution.htm Also included as a Chapter Section in the 3rd Revised Edition of the Orgone Accumulator Handbook, ibid, 2010.

* DeMeo, James: Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster, with the Appendix Evidence for a Principle of Atmospheric Continuity, and a New Preface. Republication of author's 1979 research study from the University of Kansas at Lawrence. Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon, 2010.
Available at Amazon.com and elsewhere.
      Keywords: cloudbuster

* DeMeo, James: "Marx-Engels Genocide Quotations: The Hidden History of Marx and Engels", Internet Publication Only: http://www.orgonelab.org/MarxEngelsQuotes.htm

* DeMeo, James: Reprint: "Bion-Biogenesis Research and Seminars at OBRL: Progress Report" (with color photos). Republished from Heretic's Notebook 2002 as a 1 MB PDF Download. Also available as Turkish-Language PDF Download.

* DeMeo, James: "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, 4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Italian Translation of DeMeo article, by Daniela Enrico Bamberg. Internet Publication only: http://www.orgonelab.org/saharasia_it.htm

* DeMeo, James: "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, 4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Korean Translation of DeMeo article, by Kim Subin: Internet Publication only: http://www.orgonelab.org/saharasia_kr.htm

* Hebenstreit G.A.: Die Elektrophysiologie erogener und nicht-erogener Hautzonen in Verbindung mit der Spannungs-Ladungs-Formel Wilhelm Reichs. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung. Universitaet Wien, Dissertation, 2010.

* Mazzocchi, Alberto; Maglione, Roberto: "A Preliminary Study of the Reich Orgone Accumulator Effects on Human Physiology", Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 21:2, 41-50, 2010.


* Blasband, Richard: "Book Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron, How the Sexual Revolution Came to America by Christopher Turner", Subtle Energies, Vol.21, No.2, p.63-72, 2011.

* Crist, Peter: Unpublished Letter to the Editor of Wall Street Journal, Internet publication only, 2011.

* DeMeo, James: "Water as a Resonant Medium for Unusual External Environmental Factors", Water: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, V.3, p.1-47, 2011.
Internet Posted: http://www.waterjournal.org/volume-3
PDF download also from here (6.5 MB): http://www.orgonelab.org/DeMeoWaterJournal2011.pdf

* DeMeo, James: "Dayton C. Miller Revisited", in Should the Laws of Gravitation Be Reconsidered? Hector A. Munera, Editor, Aperion, Montreal, p.285-315, 2011.
Available at Amazon.com and elsewhere.

* DeMeo, James: "Influences of the Reich Orgone Accumulator Upon Water, and By Water", Sixth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, Mt. Snow, Vermont, October. Abstract listed here:

* DeMeo, James: "Critical Review of Christopher Turner's Adventures in the Orgasmatron. A Defense of Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his Orgonomic Science Against Renewed Sexual Slander and Defamation", Internet posting:

* DeMeo, James: Interview with James DeMeo (Korean), conducted by Lee Won Kyoo, in Here Now Journal, 16-1, p.172-184, 2011.

* DeMeo, James: "Saharasia" (Korean), in Here Now Journal, 16-2, p.70-97, 2011.

* DeMeo, James: Selections from the Orgone Accumulator Handbook (Korean), in Here Now Journal, 16-2, p.144-156 and 16-3, p.73-86, 2011.

* DeMeo, James: "Critical Review of Christopher Turner's Adventures in the Orgasmatron. A Defense of Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his Orgonomic Science Against Renewed Sexual Slander and Defamation", Internet publication only, 2011.

* DeMeo, James & Blasband, Richard: Letters To Christopher Hitchins in reply to "Inside the Orgone Box", 23 Sept.2011.

* Hinchey, Kevin et al., Letters To the Editor regarding "Adventures in the Orgasmatron", New York Times Sunday Book Review, 14 Oct.2011. Internet posting:

* Jones, Peter: "Standing Up for Wilhelm Reich", Internet publication only, 2011.
http://www.orgonomyuk.org.uk/Orgasmatron%20Review.html and


* anon.: "What are Christopher Turner's and Henry Allen's Credentials?", American College of Orgonomy website, 2012:

* Blasband, Richard: "Book Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron: How the Sexual Revolution Came to America by Christopher Turner", Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 895-906, 2012.

* James DeMeo Aurelio Albini, William Aronstein, Alexander Bingham, Emilio Del Giudice, Robert Haralick, Morton Herskowitz, Marco Heimann, Harold Hillman, Georgos Kavouras, Jonathan Koblenzer, Nicolas Maluf, Roberto Maglione, Alberto Mazzocchi, Stefan M&aumu;schenich, Michel Odent, Patrice Okouma, Gerald Pollack, William Pryatel, Armando Reyes, Anton Salat, Roger Taylor, Margherita Tosi, Armando Vecchietti: "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: An Open Response to Nature and the Scientific/Medical Community," Water: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, V.4, p.72-81, 2012.
Internet posting: http://www.waterjournal.org/volume-4

* DeMeo, James: "Wilhelm Reich's Bion-Biogenesis Discoveries - Experimental Verification", YouTube Video, Internet Publication only:

* DeMeo, James: "From Russia, With Hate: The Case of Nikolai Levashov From Psychic Healer to Jew-Hate and Holocaust Denial. Book Review and Social Analysis", Internet posting:
http://www.orgonelab.org/DeMeoReviewOfLevashov.pdf 200kb download.

* DeMeo, James: "Fighting Defamatory Slanders from UK Channel 4/Wag-TV The Sex Researchers Program."
Internet posting June 2012: http://obrlnews.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/fighting-defamatory-slanders-from-uk-channel-4wag-tv-sex-researchers-program

* Maglione, Roberto: Methods and Procedures in Biophysical Orgonometry, Moncrivello, Italy, 2012.

* Reich, Wilhelm: Where's the Truth? Letters and Journals 1948-1957, Edited by Mary B. Higgins, Introduction by James E. Strick, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 2012.

* Whitener, Virginia: "Book Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron by Christopher Turner", American College of Orgonomy website, 2012.


Note: This listing is incomplete and is periodically updated with new citations.

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