A Clear View From the Mountain-Top...
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA
An Appeal for Your Support
James DeMeo's most recent publications and lectures:
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From: James DeMeo, Ph.D., Director of OBRL
OBRL Funding Request
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
VIEW The OBRL / James DeMeo Research Websites at:
Special Announcement
Beginning OBRL's Fourth Decade of Work
Dear Friend of Orgonomy, and of OBRL,
Please Support our Research and Educational Efforts.
At this time of year, I wish to thank those of you who have already supported OBRL, and ask those of you who have not to please consider it now. Please consider the scope of work-efforts which have been supported and organized through OBRL over many decades, projects which have made a real difference.
As I noted in a letter a few years ago, the New Millennium is unfortunately afflicted with the same set of problems that afflicted the old one, and no magical transformation of human character structure or social structure has occurred.
Readers of this letter who are familiar with the discoveries of the late Wilhelm Reich, will only shake their head in dismay at the preventable human tragedies and deadly Grand Theatre whereupon world events are being played out before our eyes. With luck, we might live in splendid isolation, only being forced to deal with local dramas of one sort or another. We know all too well, the fundament of these problems in the sex-economic disaster which grips nearly every nation and society on our small planet, and the technological complications which always promise to make life better, but usually only make life more hurried, high-pressured and even dangerous. We know also, that it does not have to be this way.
Flowing from the discoveries of Wilhelm Reich made in the last Century, there are practical solutions and answers available, at least for individuals if not for larger social groups, which continue to offer a way "out of the trap". Most people reading this e-letter will have taken advantage of them -- gentle raising of their children, the orgone accumulator for immune-system boosting and disease prevention, avoiding entanglements with the emotional plague in society, orgone therapy for emotional clarity, and so forth.
Here at the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, where the new findings and discoveries of orgonomy are worked with on a daily basis, we are optimistic about the future, even if it requires looking down the road many decades, even beyond our own lifetimes. Such long-term planning is basically absent from human affairs, but it once characterized those peaceful societies which were discussed in great detail within my Saharasia book, who asked themselves how a decision made today would affect things seven generations hence. And so, I ask those with interests in Reich's discoveries, and the means to do so, to please support the work being undertaken at OBRL -- we are one of the very few torchbearers for a rational future, and work to keep alive a body of natural scientific discovery which is absolutely essential for today as well as for future generations.
As the OBRL founder and Director since it was established in 1978, I am pleased to report a growing professional and public interest in the discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, and in my own supportive research findings, with many socially-beneficial applications of the fruits of the science of orgonomy. Here is an update of the situation at OBRL.
OBRL Greensprings Center: Education
The OBRL Greensprings Center, in forested rural Oregon. The structure incorporates a passive-solar heating design.
Astronomical Observatory Dome is perched on roof.
Since the founding of the new high-altitude Greensprings Research and Educational Center in 1995, and with the assistance and participation of various skilled professionals, OBRL has offered nearly 30 different summer laboratory seminars plus two major Conferences on "New Research in Orgonomy". These were attended collectively by over 550 students and professionals from across the USA and overseas as well. My own Laboratory Seminar on General Orgonomy, which covers both sex-economic as well as orgone biophysical topics, is regularly repeated in Summertime.
OBRL also has continued to develop its internet presence and web site (http://www.orgonelab.org), helping to establish contacts and speed communications with interested people around the world. My "OBRL Newsletters" provide periodic updates of research and activites, as well as announcements and informative bulletins to several thousand subscribers, worldwide.
OBRL Greensprings Center: Research
The OBRL Greensprings Center is located in a pristine forested environment, free of typical atmospheric stagnation (dor) found in other regions, and is well set up for undertaking orgone energy research in a highly quantitative, top-notch manner. As noted in our recent OBRL Newsletters:
-- Starting in the late 1990s, I have implemented a very robust experimental protocol to evaluate Wilhelm Reich's "To-T experiment", the thermal anomaly inside the orgone energy accumulator, with excellent results that meets or exceeds all known thermodynamic considerations. After running this experiment for many years, I can report a very clear confirmation of Reich's original observations, something which others have also indicated is so. Publications of results have already taken place in peer-reviewed science journals (see the above links to my articles, and to the most recent OBRL Newsletters).
-- An Orgone Energy Darkroom was constructed in the 1990s, and provides an excellent medium for student demonstrations and experimental investigation of high-charge orgone energy fields. This Darkroom is today the location of an extended multi-year experimental investigation of Reich's observation that an orgone-charged Geiger-Muller counter would yield anomalous pulse-reactions or "counts". The claims of Reich have also been verified in this instance, with counts of up to 4000 counts per minute being recorded from only orgone energy charging of the GM tubes.
Above, the Orgone Energy Darkroom at Greensprings, with accumulators inside.
-- A study of "stationary GPS" readings over two years was concluded, with preliminary indications suggesting non-random diurnal and sidereal-day variations in standard GPS "errors". The implications are, these "errors" are actually responses by the GPS system to cosmic energy flux in the open space between the orbiting GPS satellites and the Earth's surface. It is an indirect confirmation of an ether-like energy, similar or identical to Reich's orgone energy substrate, in open space.
-- An archive of research papers showing positive results on various ether-drift experiments was recently created at the OBRL website, with downloadable scannned PDF copies of the original documents. It is one of the most complete recountings of the ether-drift subject to be found anywhere.
-- A series of new orgone-charged high vacuum (vacor) tube experiments has been recently initiated, to further explore the properties of open air-free space. The bluish glow observed by Reich in his vacor experiments has been verified, an anomalous phenomenon elicited without significant external application of electrical or electromagnetic fields, such as by simple holding or gentle stroking of the vacor tubes with the hand.
-- Efforts to photograph the orgone energy units pulsing in the atmosphere have continued, on and off now for many years, using various filters and sensors. So far, results have proven very elusive towards this goal.
These new experiments proceed even as old ones undertaken in the 1990s continue to hold a great significance.
-- With assistance from students at the OBRL Independent Study seminars, a tightly-controlled orgone-accumulator seed-charging experiment was undertaken over several years, showing a systematically-reproducible growth enhancement in early sprouting, averaging a striking 34% increase, with a very high level of statistical significance (p<0.0001).
Results of one seed-charging experiment.
-- Reich's discovery of the "bion" and concept of bionous disintegration of inorganic and organic materials, was reproduced at OBRL with excellent photographs being prepared. This photographic documentation was possible with great help from Dr's Nagy and Blasband, who led the OBRL seminar on "Bions, Cancer Biopathy, and the Reich Blood Test" which continued for several years. A copy of my published paper on this subject was recently posted to internet as a free download, complete with color photographs:
-- Some years ago my investigations of the old "ether-drift" controversy required a visit to the Archives at Case-Western Reserve University, in Cleveland Ohio, to review long-ignored materials on the research findings of the late Dayton Miller. Miller had achieved positive measurements of ether-drift in the early 1900s, though he was ignored or politically suppressed. He described a dynamic ether-drift in a manner very similar to Reich's dynamic orgone energy. Through my efforts, Dr. Miller's long-lost original data sheets for his important Mount Wilson ether-drift experiments were located and are now publicly available. His little-known research provides indirect but independent support for the theoretical foundations of orgonomy, and I've now published several papers on this subject:
-- I've also undertaken historical investigation into the events and personalities surrounding the death of Reich in the USA. Who were the people attacking him? What were their backgrounds and motivations. This work was stimulated by my readings of the book Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War by Jim Martin, and the article CSICOP, Time Magazine, and Wilhelm Reich by John Wilder. Their work indicated Reich was persecuted by communist agents -- including KGB operatives -- working undercover in the USA. This was contrary to the usual claims that Reich was persecuted by "conservative right-wingers", "McCarthy-ites" and so on. My own investigations confirmed the findings of Martin and Wilder, however, uncovering additional evidence as obtained from only recently-available materials from Soviet archives. My article on this controversial subject is now available, "New Evidence on the Persecution and Death of Wilhelm Reich":
All of these kinds of experimental findings and research investigations have been publicly presented, typically today in professional PowerPoint presentations at various international scientific conferences. Starting in the 1990s, I made a deliberate and focused attempt to openly bring these and other controversial new scientific findings into the mainstream of modern natural science - without compromise or dilution. This has been a most challenging task which has brought a few disappointments, but many successes and rewards.
Drought-Abatement and Desert-Greening Program
Cloudbuster Icarus at work on the banks of the Colorado River, during the successful 1989 Arizona desert-greening field experiments. I constructed this apparatus in 1977, and it was used in my original University of Kansas field trials, as well as in other drought-abatement experiments.
In the 1990s, I personally led 13 separate expeditions into Africa and the Middle East, for purposes of drought-abatement or desert greening. These expeditions included work in Israel, Namibia, and a 5-year project in the Eritrean Sahel zone. In all cases the work was made possibly by generous donations of ordinary people concerned with the terrible conditions which existed, plus the even more generous and quite strenuous dedication of time and life-energy by teams of professional volunteers. All of this work has been published in various journals, including our own Pulse of the Planet journal.
In more recent years, I was contacted by concerned persons in both Israel and Australia, but in both cases the problem of intensive skepticism against Reich's findings (as from the many internet distortions of his name and work by both "skeptic club" attackers and "orgonite fan-club" supporters) led to an eventual ending of discussions with no positive results. In both cases, the nations had to endure many years of drought before natural rains returned on their own. There is unfortunately so much distortion and misrepresentation of Reich's findings by various mystics and internet-hawkers, that people wanting to learn more either come to us fully resistant to fact, having been poisoned with all the wrong ideas, or they simply are repulsed by all the terrible mysticism and distortion they encounter, which is mis-attributed to Reich. This is a social dilemma we have no easy answer for, except to continue quietly speaking the truth in those public venues available to us. The OBRL website now posts a series of public announcements or correctives against this destructive social trend, here for example:
In any case, the entire Earth seems to have entered a cooling trend towards wetter conditions, with fewer droughts all over, starting around the year 2000. This has led to a diminished need for the difficult cloudbusting work.
OBRL Publications:
OBRL continues to distribute copies of its journal, Pulse of the Planet, through catalogs, bookstores, and by internet. The #5 issue of Pulse, also titled Heretic's Notebook: Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich, continues to draw much interest. OBRL also recently assisted the English-language publication of Dr. Roberto Maglione's book Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres, which is one of the very best summary discussions of the subject. OBRL also is undertaking an English translation of Dr. Jorgos Kavouras' book Healing with Orgone Energy from the original German edition, for publication by a publisher yet to be determined.
In addition, OBRL supported the publication of my larger work SAHARASIA: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence In the Deserts of the Old World which continues to gain support, from both archaeological-historical findings, as well as from various depressing current-events.
Saharasia is a controversial work providing critical cross-cultural and geographical-historical support for Reich's original sex-economic findings on the origins of human violence, solving in a quantitative manner the riddle of the origins of human armoring. It is the largest single study of global human behavior ever undertaken, and it validates Reich's views completely. The work contains over a hundred maps, tables, illustrations and photos - a major research and publishing project. A German-language edition is partly completed, though no publisher has been found. Several of my own new publications also progress, albeit slowly Saharasia Since 1900 and Greening Deserts.
I've additionally recently updated my Orgone Accumulator Handbook with 100 pages of new material, the first substantial update since the original publication in 1989. Also, based upon various requests, OBRL recently published a new edition of my 1979 work on the Reich Cloudbuster, a detailed study of the subject as undertaken during my days as graduate student at the University of Kansas. You can learn more about those two new publications, with ordering information from the following webpage:
We also recently posted two new videos to YouTube, promoting several of our publications. If you haven't seen them, you should enjoy doing so:
Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy
John Ott: Exploring the Spectrum
OBRL Greensprings Center: Facilities
The facilities at the Greensprings Center were recently expanded and upgraded. A small student cabin was constructed, while the main OBRL laboratory and seminar building, which also hosts a top-notch astronomical observatory, had a new seminar and storage room added to the East side. This allows the old seminar room to now be fully dedicated to research projects.
Each of these activities -- educational, laboratory, field work, publications, lectures, upgrading and maintenance of the Greensprings Center itself -- requires a considerable expenditure of time, resources and money, beyond our personal financial capacities. Therefore each year, we openly ask for financial assistance from OBRL's network of friends and supporters. The simplest way to help out is to purchase our various publications for yourself or as a gift, and to plan to attend our summer Greensprings Seminars, as described here:
For those of more substantial means, please consider making a larger donation targeted towards our ongoing field and laboratory work, or a bequest. Donations of any amount are most welcome and appreciated, and are fully tax-deductible.
There are very few institutions in the world where Wilhelm Reich's important discoveries are seriously considered and openly worked with in such a direct and uncompromised manner. With the help of dedicated friends and associates, OBRL has developed a unique, life-positive, productive and non-political, natural scientific approach, with a proven record of accomplishment. With your support and assistance, this vitally important work will remain alive and growing. Please make a tax-deductible contribution to the financial needs of the OBRL projects.
Your Support is Needed Now
Donating online is easy and secure and also keeps our administrative costs down. To contribute right now, visit
You can indicate the amount you wish to contribute.
OBRL is a 501(c)(3) status organization, and your donation to OBRL is tax-deductible. Please also consider to remember OBRL in your bequests.
You can also send a check to OBRL:
Thanks once again, with kind regards,
James DeMeo, PhD
Director and Founder of OBRL
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory
Since 1978
Ashland, Oregon, USA
Additional Informative Web-Links:
* An annotated citation listing of James DeMeo's publications and lectures,
* Recent or forthcoming seminars organized by OBRL
* Research Summary on Saharasia
* Research Summary on a New Method for Drought-Abatement and Desert-Greening
* Other Articles on a wide variety of topics by DeMeo and others, posted to the OBRL website.
Click here to order OBRL Publications (Saharasia, Pulse of the Planet, Heretic's Notebook, Etc.):
A wintertime scene at the OBRL Greensprings Center, 4200' elevation.
Additional Articles and Materials:
* Click here to review and/or purchase books by James DeMeo.
* The Orgone Biophysical Research Lab: James DeMeo's Research Website.
* The Saharasia web page.
* The Complete OBRL / Natural Energy Works On-line Bookstore and Product Shop
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