Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA James DeMeo, PhD.
Publications and Lectures
with Annotations and Abstracts
Most recent items listed first.
James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
List of Published Papers, with
Selected Abstracts of Unpublished Papers and Invited Lectures,
as Presented to Various Scholarly Groups, Societies and Conferences
1973 to the Present.
Reverse Chronology - Most Recent Items Posted First.
Click on links for additional information on a given topic.
If you find any dead links, please let us know, thanks!
Last Update in Nov.2019. For an alternative, please review these websites, which also carry download links for most of the articles, and which is updated more regularly:
Click here for James DeMeo's biography.
Dr. DeMeo is also available to give a Lecture with PowerPoint presentation on his research findings to your group. Click here for info.
* A Critical Review of CDC USA Data on Covid-19: PCR/Antigen Tests & Cases Reveal Herd Immunity Only and Do Not Warrant Public Hysteria or Lockdowns.
Related: Supplementary Information to: A Critical Review of CDC USA Data on Covid-19 by J. DeMeo
* The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, Natural Energy Works, Ashland 2019.
Book Preview
Purchase from
* "Anomalous Living Spectrographic Changes in Water Structures: Explorations in New Territory". Water Journal, Volume 10, p.41-81.
* "Anomalous Living Spectrographic Changes in Water Structure". 12th Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, 26-29 October 2017, Sofia Bulgaria.
PowerPoint Presentation
* Marx Engels Lenin Trotsky: Genocide Quotes, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 2016.
Book Preview
Purchase from
* DeMeo, et al., with T. Cook, T. DiFerdinando, J. Heckman, S. Nagy, M. Ryan: "Open Letter Regarding Recent West Coast Cloudbusting Operations, 30 September 2016". Internet posted.
* CORE Network Success: 'Miracle March II' West Coast Rains & Snow -
Preliminary Report. 27 March 2016". Internet posted.
* DAS ORGONAKKUMULATOR-HANDBUCH: Wilhelm Reichs Entdeckung der Lebensenergie. Rüstzeug für das 21. Jahrhundert zur Selbstheilung und allgemeinen Verbesserung der Lebensqualität, Mit vielen Bauanleitungen. German translation of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, Third Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, OR 2015.
* "Restoring the Life-Properties to Atmospheric Water: A New Method for Ending Droughts, Field-Tested in the USA, Israel, Africa" 10th Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, 1-4 October 2015, Varna Bulgaria.
PowerPoint Presentation
Abstract: http://
* "Does a Cosmic Ether Exist? Evidence from Dayton Miller and Others" J. Scientific Exploration, 28(4): 647-682, 2014.
Internet Version with better photo images:
* "Spectrographic Signatures in Water Induced by Radiant Fields from Enclosures of Various Materials", Ninth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water, Orlovetz, Pamporovo, Bulgaria; 10/2014.
PowerPoint Presentation
* "Saharasia: Geographical Comparisons of World Cultures and Civilizations", by James DeMeo, in Comparative Civilizations Review, 69:4-22, Fall 2013.
* In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Natural Scientists, Natural Energy Works, Ashland 2013.
* "Introduction" to Hodann, Max: History of Modern Morals: By a Central Participant in the European Weimar-Era Sexual Reform Movement, Republished edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, 2013.
* Manual del Acumulador de Orgón: La Energía Vital de Wilhelm Reich. Descubrimientos y Herramientas de Curación para el Siglo XXI con Planos para su Construcción, Spanish translation of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, Third Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, OR, 2013.
* Il Manuale Dell'Accumulatore Orgonico: Le scoperte e gli strumenti terapeutici di Wilhelm Reich per il XXI secolo basati sull'energia vitale, con gli schemi di costruzione, Italian translation of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, Third Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, OR, 2013.
Οι Ανακαλύψεις και τα
του Βίλχελμ
Ράιχ σχετικά
με την Ζωική
Ενέργεια για
τον 21ο Αιώνα
μαζί με Οδηγίες
Δρ. Τζέιμς ΝτεΜέο Πρόλογος απ;ό την Ιατρό, Εύα Ράιχ
Greek translation of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, Third Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, OR, 2013.
* Signator: Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), Institute of Science In Society.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2013:
- "Saharasia: a cross-cultural proof of Wilhelm Reich's sex-economic theory and origins of violence question", Invited Lecture, International Conference on Orgonomy, Italian Association of Orgonomy, Rome, Italy, 2013.
- "Wilhelm Reich's Biophysical and Atmospheric Discoveries: A Fresh Look", Invited Lecture: University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan Italy, 2013.
- "Saharasia: The Great Migrations of Desert Warrior Nomads Towards Fertile Lands", Conference, Int. Soc. Comparative Study of Civilizations, Asilomar, Monterey, California, 2013
* James DeMeo, Aurelio Albini, William Aronstein, Alexander Bingham, Emilio Del Giudice, Robert Haralick, Morton Herskowitz, Marco Heimann, Harold Hillman, Georgos Kavouras, Jonathan Koblenzer, Nicolas Maluf, Roberto Maglione, Alberto Mazzocchi, Stefan M&aumu;schenich, Michel Odent, Patrice Okouma, Gerald Pollack, William Pryatel, Armando Reyes, Anton Salat, Roger Taylor, Margherita Tosi, Armando Vecchietti: "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: An Open Response to Nature and the Scientific /Medical Community", Water: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, V.4, p.72-81, 2012.
Internet Posted:
* "Wilhelm Reich's Bion-Biogenesis Discoveries - Experimental Verification", YouTube Video, Internet Publication only:
* "From Russia, With Hate: The Case of Nikolai Levashov
From Psychic Healer to Jew-Hate and Holocaust Denial.
Book Review and Social Analysis", Internet posting: 200kb download.
* "Fighting Defamatory Slanders from UK Channel 4/Wag-TV "The Sex Researchers" Program. A Report from James DeMeo, PhD.
Internet posting June 2012, here:
and here:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2012:
- "Wilhelm Reich's Science: A Fresh Look (Or, Why Book-Burning is a Bad Idea)", Technical University of Munich, 16-17 March 2012. Flyer available:
* "Water as a Resonant Medium for Unusual External Environmental Factors", Water: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, V.3, p.1-47, 2011.
Internet Posted:
PDF download also from here (6.5 MB):
* "Dayton C. Miller Revisited", in Should the Laws of Gravitation Be Reconsidered? Hector A. Munera, Editor, Aperion, Montreal, p.285-315, 2011.
Available at and elsewhere.
* "Influences of the Reich Orgone Accumulator Upon Water, and By Water", Sixth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, Mt. Snow, Vermont, October. Abstract listed here:
* "Critical Review of Christopher Turner's Adventures in the Orgasmatron. A Defense of Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his Orgonomic Science Against Renewed Sexual Slander and Defamation", Internet posting:
* Interview with James DeMeo (Korean), conducted by Lee Won Kyoo, in Here Now Journal, 16-1, p.172-184, 2011.
* "Saharasia" (Korean), in Here Now Journal, 16-2, p.70-97, 2011.
* Selections from the Orgone Accumulator Handbook (Korean), in Here Now Journal, 16-2, p.144-156 and 16-3, p.73-86, 2011.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2011:
* "Report on Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans", Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 21(2):51-62, 2010. Update of article from 2002.
0.5 MB PDF Download available:
* "Following the Red Thread of Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Adventure", Edge Science, p.11-16, October-December 2010.
0.5 MB PDF Download available
* "Marx-Engels Genocide Quotations: The Hidden History of Marx and Engels", Internet Publication Only:
* The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Science and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, With Construction Plans, Third Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, 2010.
Available at and elsewhere.
* "New Evidence on the Persecution and Death of Wilhelm Reich" Internet posted: Also included as a Chapter Section in the 3rd Revised Edition of the Orgone Accumulator Handbook, ibid, 2010.
* Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster, with the Appendix Evidence for a Principle of Atmospheric Continuity, and a New Preface. Republication of author's 1979 research study from the University of Kansas at Lawrence. Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon, 2010.
Available at and elsewhere.
* "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, 4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Italian Translation of DeMeo article, by Daniela Enrico Bamberg: Internet Publication only:
* "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, 4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Korean Translation of DeMeo article, by Kim Subin. Internet Publication only:
* "Bion-Biogenesis Research and Seminars at OBRL: Progress Report". Turkish translation of DeMeo 2002 article, by Serdar Cetin. Internet Publication only:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2010:
- "Experimental Confirmation of Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Research". Conference on Space Energy, Korea Research Group for Space Energy, Korean Research Institute for Space Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, October 6th.
* "Experimental Confirmation of the Reich Orgone Accumulator Thermal Anomaly", Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 20(3):17-32, 2009.
0.6 MB PDF Download available:
* "Saharasia: The Origins of Patriarchal Authoritarian Culture in Ancient Desertification", in Societies of Peace: Matriarchies Past, Present and Future, Edited by Heide Goetner-Abendroth, Ianna Publications, Ontario, 2009.p.407-423.
* "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, 4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Russian Translation of DeMeo article, by Alexandra Goldburt: Internet Publication only:
* "Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy: A Brief Introduction", YouTube Video, Internet Publication only:
* "John Ott: Exploring the Spectrum", YouTube Video, Internet Publication only:
* "Water as a Resonant Medium for Unusual External Environmental Factors", at the Fourth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, Mt. Snow, Vermont, October. Abstract published in: Water: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2, Supplement 1.
* ...with Joseph Heckman: "Swaddling Concerns" (Letter), Wise Traditions, Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2009, p.6-7.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2009:
* "The Blue-Glowing Astronauts: Solar Glare? Lunar Dust? Water Vapor? Camera Smudges? Or the RF/Electrically-Excited Human Orgone (Life) Energy Field?" Internet Publication only:
* Signator: Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change: "Global warming is not a global crisis", International Climate Science Coalition, 4 March 2008.
* Signator: Open Letter to President Obama on Climate Change: "With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true", Cato Institute, 19 Nov. 2008.
* Signator: U. S. Senate Minority Report: "More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims Scientists Continue to Debunk 'Consensus' in 2008 & 2009", United States Congress, Washington, DC, 11 Dec. 2008.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2008:
- "Science Discovers the Biological and Atmospheric Life Energy", 9th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Life in its Fullness: Nutrition for Mental and Emotional Health, 7-10 November, Burlingame, California. Audio recording available.
* "Climate and Soils: Their Influence Upon Human Health and Society" (Abstract), Soils Science Society of America, Annual Convention,12-16 Nov.2006, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstracts contained in HPSSS Newsletter, December 2007, p.16.
* "Foreword to the English Edition" in Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres: Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification by Roberto Maglione, Natural Energy Works/Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon, p.x-xii, 2007.
* "Intervista a James DeMeo sugli siviluppi della ricerca orgonica negli ultimi 50 anni, (Interview with James DeMeo)", Italian Translation by Roberto Maglione, Chapter 8 in Wilhelm Reich: Una Formidabile Awentura Scientifica E Humana, Luigi DeMarchi & Vincenzo Valenzi, Editors, Macro Edizioni, Italy, p.165-184, 2007.
* "Wilhelm Reich's Sexual Theories", Italian Translation by Roberto Maglione, in Scienza e Conoscenza, October 2007.
* "Update on Saharasia II: Reviewing Global Sex-Economic Conditions After c.1900", Abstracts of Papers booklet, New Research in Orgonomy Conference, Chipping Village Hall, Lancashire, UK, 18-19 August 2007. Internet Posted:
* "New Experiments at OBRL: Reich's Geiger-Muller and To-T Effects Confirmed", Abstracts of Papers booklet, New Research in Orgonomy Conference, Chipping Village Hall, Lancashire, UK, 18-19 August 2007. Internet Posted:
* "The Suppression of Dissent and Innovative Ideas In Science and Medicine: A Work In Progress", First presented to a Special Session at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco 1994; also presented to Special Sessions at the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the 72nd Annual Meeting, 1996, Northern AZ Univ., Flagstaff, Arizona, and 74th Annual Meeting, Mesa State College, Grand Jct. Colorado. Internet Publication Only.
* "Critical Review: Dusan Makavejev's WR Mysteries of the Organism", Internet Publication only:
* "Book Review: The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time (Nichols, Moon), reprinted from Pulse of the Planet #4, 1993, p.140. Internet Publication 2007:
* "The Growing Nonsense About Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy on Global Internet", Internet Publication only:
* "Maps From the Ethnographic Atlas Data: A Defense of the Cross-Cultural Codes and Data Base of G. P. Murdock and the Quadruple-Blind Control Procedures Used in my Saharasia Research", Internet Publication only:
* "The First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies in Luxemburg, 2003: Personal Observations and Reflections, And a Response to Criticism", Internet Publication only:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2007:
- "Contemporary Applications of the Reich C.O.R.E. Methods for Drought Abatement and Desert-Greening: (1977-2007)" and "Orgonomic Research: Overcoming Obstacles", Wilhelm Reich in the 21st Century: 2007 International Conference on Orgonomy, 29 July - 1 August, Sponsored by the Wilhelm Reich Museum in Rangely, Maine, and held at the Saddleback Mountain Lodge.
- "Update on Saharasia II: Reviewing Global Sex-Economic Conditions After c.1900" and "New Experiments at OBRL - Reich's Geiger-Müller and To-T Effects Confirmed", Conference on New Research in Orgonomy, held in association with the Orgonomy Today Conference sponsored by CORE, Chipping Village, UK, 18-19 August. Abstracts published here:
- "Confirmation of Reich's Biophysics at OBRL", 50 Years After Reich: A Life Movement, ESTER, 1-4 November, Valencia, Spain.
* "The Saharasian Origins of Patriarchal Authoritarian Culture", in The Rule of Mars: Readings on the Origins, History and Impact of Patriarchy, Christina Biaggi, Editor, Knowledge, Ideas and Trends Publisher, Conn., 2006.
* "Peaceful Versus Warlike Societies in Pre-Columbian America: What Does Archaeology and Anthropology Tell Us?", in Unlearning the Language of Conquest, Scholars Expose Anti-Indianism in America, Four Arrows (Don Jacobs), Editor, Univ. Texas Press, 2006.
* "Saharasia. Die Urspruenge patriarchaler authoritaerer Kultur in Verbindung mit Praehistorischer Wuestenbildung (Saharasia: The Origins of Patriarchy in Ancient Desertification)", in Gesellschaft in Balance: Dokumentation des 1. Weltkongresses fuer Matriarchatsforschung 2003 in Luxemburg (Societies in Balance: First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies), Editions Hagia, Winzer, Germany, 2006, p.230-248.
* Letter to Editor: "A Climate of Change", American Scientist, May-June 2006.
* "OBRL Progress Report, Summer 2006", Internet Publication Only:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2006:
- "Dayton Miller's Discovery of the Dynamic Ether Drift", 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 7-10 June, Orem, Utah.
- "Orgonomic Research at the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory", "Update on Saharasia: New Archaeological Findings on an Ancient Period of Peace, and Implications for the Modern World", "Saharasian Desert Expansion: Influences upon the Modern World Climate, including Global Warming and El Nino", October, Munich, Muster & Berlin, Germany.
- "Climate and Soils: Their Influence Upon Human Health and Society", Soils Science Society of America, Annual Convention,12-16 Nov., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- "Peaceful Versus Warlike Societies in Pre-Columbian America and Elsewhere: What Does Archaeology and Anthropology Tell Us?" Abstract in Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, 86th Annual Meeting, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, 12-15 June 2005, p.52. (Full paper forthcoming in 2006, see below.)
Cross-cultural evaluations using the Textor and Murdock data samples of native, subsistence-level cultures, plotted geographically on world maps, allowed identification of regions of high-level patrism, explicitly defined through correlated measures of child-abuse/neglect, male dominance, sex-repression, social-hierarchy, slavery and violence/warfare. This combined cross-cultural/geographical method demonstrated the following: Old World cultures were generally more patristic than those within the New World and Oceania. Within Old World regions, the great desert belt of Saharasia (North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia) held the largest contiguous region of extreme-high patrism on the planet, with a surrounding band of intermediate patrism. Old World regions most distant from Saharasia -- the Arctic fringe, Southern Africa and India, and SE Asia -- were generally characterized by less-violent matrism. Within Oceania and New World cultures, isolated "islands" or sub-regions of patrism existed amid a background of relatively peaceful matristic social conditions. Identified "massacre sites" within pre-Columbian New World archaeology closely match geographical regions of high patristic-violence, suggesting a linkage between relatively recent archaeology and anthropology. Global maps of such data indicate patrism and violence were not uniformly spread around the world, and while a dominant theme in some regions, both were at very low levels in others. A drought-famine-starvation mechanism is suggested for the origins of human armoring and patristic violence within the primary Saharasian desert region, given its history of climatic change from wet to hyperarid conditions at c.4000-3500 BCE. Mass-migrations from land-abandonment thereby spread human patristic violence world-wide, over 6000 years of history.
* "Experimental Comparison of the Reich Orgone Energy Blanket with the New Line of 'Plastic-Foil' Energy Blankets". Internet Publication Only:
* "A 5-Year Desert Greening Project in Eritrea, Africa", Abstracts of Papers booklet, New Research in Orgonomy Conference, Greensprings Center, Ashland, Oregon, 6-7 August 2005. Internet Posted:
* "New Observations on Spontaneous Heat Production Inside the Reich Orgone Energy Accumulator", Abstracts of Papers booklet, New Research in Orgonomy Conference, Greensprings Center, Ashland, Oregon, 6-7 August 2005. Internet Posted:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2005:
- "Replication of Wilhelm Reich's Microbiological Findings, on the Bions and Biogenesis." Biology Department, Aristotlian University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 7 Nov. 2005.
- "Orgonomic Research at the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory", Fachhochschule fuer Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany. Nov. 2005.
- "Update on Saharasia: New Archaeological Findings on an Ancient Period of Peace, and Implications for the Modern World", Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2005.
- "Saharasian Desert Expansion: Influences upon the Modern World Climate, including Global Warming and El Nino", Thessaloniki, Greece & Berlin, Germany, November 2005.
- "Seminar on Saharasia", HAGIA Akademie, Passau, Germany, 4 Nov. 2005.
- "A 5-Year Desert Greening Project in Eritrea, Africa", and "New Observations on Spontaneous Heat Production Inside the Reich Orgone Energy Accumulator", Conference on New Research in Orgonomy, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon, 6-7 Aug. 2005.
- "A Dynamic and Substantive Cosmological Ether", Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, Cynthia Whitney, Editor, Vol.1, No.1, Spring 2004. Arlington, MA. p.15-20. Internet Publication:
- "A 'Saharasian' Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in the Global Cross-Cultural Data on Human Behavior" and "The Saharasian Desert Belt" in World Cultures, Vol.14, No.2, Spring 2004, p.111-143.
- "A Dynamic Cosmological Ether: Evidence from Dayton Miller, Wilhelm Reich, Giorgio Piccardi and Others", Abstract in Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, SW & Rocky Mountain Division, 79th Annual Meeting, Metro State College of Denver/Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Sciences, 7-10 April 2004, p.27-28. (Full paper published in NPA Proceedings, above.)
The ether-drift experiments of Dayton Miller (c.1906-1929) using a highly sensitive Michelson light-beam interferometer, demonstrated systematic positive effects. He argued the ether could be blocked or reflected by dense material surroundings, and the best results were obtained at high-altitude locations. After decades work, he computed the axis of the Earth's net motion of ether-drift, but not the direction along that axis, stating the final determination required integration with other cosmological evidence. Miller finally settled upon a generally passive but "Earth-entrained" ether through which the Earth pushed, but he did not address the major contradiction contained within this idea, that an ether would act as a braking force against all cosmic motion over time. A dynamic ether, acting as cosmic "prime mover" was the alternative solution, but requires the ether to have both slight mass and spiral-form streaming motions. This alternative solution to Miller's ether-drift data gains independent support from other disciplines. Wilhelm Reich (c.1930-1956) demonstrated an energy continuum having distinct biological and meteorological affinities, existing in high vacuum, interactive with matter, reflected by metals, and with self-attracting (ie., gravitational) spiral-form streaming motions. Giorgio Piccardi (c.1950-1970) demonstrated a metal-reflectable solar-modulated energy affecting the physical chemistry of water and chemical reactions, revealing cyclical patterns in ordinary biology and weather, correlated to Earth's spiral-form motion through cosmic space. My own laboratory and field research provides independent support for these concepts. Special enclosures composed of dielectrical and ferromagnetic material, satisfying Reich's and Piccardi's specifications, and Miller's "ether-shielding" observations, yield quantitative physical and biological anomalies.
* "Prefazione" ("Foreword") to Wilhelm Reich e la Modificazione del Clima, by Roberto Maglione, Tornio, Italy, 2004.
* "Miller Was Right" (Letter), Physics World, March 2003, p.19.
- "The Geography of Genital Mutilations", in Constructing Sexualities: Readings in Sexuality, Gender and Culture, Suzanne LaFont, Editor, Prentice Hall, NY, 2003, p.120-126.
* "Red Tape in the Way of Greening the Negev" (Letter), Jewish Telegraph, August 2003 (292).
* Podrecznik Akumulatora Orgonu: Plany Konstrukcyijne Sposoby Eksperymentalnego Uzytkowania oraz Ochrona Prezed Toksyczna Energia (Orgone Accumulator Handbook - Polish)" Translated by Woject Wacura, PPHU Maycom Polska S.C., Nowy Sacz, Poland, 2003.
* "Reich On War" Internet Publication Only:
* "Masters Of Deception: Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore and the 9-11 Conspiracy Industry" Internet Publication Only:
* "The Origins of Patriarchy in Ancient Desertification: Saharasia", Presented at Societies in Balance: Gender Equality in Matrilineal, Matrifocal, Matriarchal Societies, First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies, Luxemburg, Sept.5-7 2003, Abstract in Conference Booklet, p.31, with subsequent Internet Publication of full article.
Behavioral variables such as infant neglect, child abuse and obedience training, adolescent sexual repression, female subordination, and tendencies towards social violence, hierarchical structures, high-god religion and warfare were correlated and mapped, using the 1170+ global cross-cultural data base of G. P. Murdock. Regional behavior-averages demonstrated: A) Native cultures residing within the Saharasian desert belt (Sahara, Middle East, Central Asia) were possessed of the most strongly violent patriarchal, authoritarian, sex-negating, female subordinating, and child abusing elements -- a highly armored (Reich), patristic (Hodan), dominator (Eisler) culture-type. B) Regions very far removed from Saharasia (Oceania, the New World) were mostly unarmored, matristic, partnership culture types. C) Intermedial regions between the two identified extremes possessed an intermediate or blended type of culture, possessing both patristic and matristic elements. The anthropological data, and a correlated global archaeological/ historical survey, suggests a source region for armored/patristic/dominator culture within Saharasia predominantly after c.4000 BCE, when Saharasia began to convert from a semi-forested savanna into desert, with subsequent famine-driven migrations outward -- the mechanism of the great Indoaryan and Semitic cultural migrations, which the maps suggest eventually affected the entire world. A smaller amount of evidence for social violence was also identified in pre-Saharasian archaeology, before c.4000 BCE, but in all cases source regions for such cultures were characterized by more limited regional conditions of harsh desert and drought, suggesting they were "exceptions which prove the rule" of predominantly peaceful human social conditions in the pre-Saharasian period. The implications are: Human beings are by nature a peaceful species, but can be driven into conditions of social violence by harsh environmental extremes and famine starvation, which destroys softer child-positive, sex-positive and female-oriented social institutions and belief systems, and transmutes culture into more armored, violent and hierarchal conditions. Detailed maps and cross-cultural data tables and histograms are presented to show climate-linked patterns in human behavior and archaeological evidence for social violence which were previously unknown.
* "Research Summary & Author Interview on SAHARASIA", Internet Publication only:
* "Research Summary and Interview on a 'New' Method for Drought-Abatement and Desert-Greening: Cloudbusting", Internet Publication only:
* "Report on OBRL Summer 2003 Educational Events", Internet Publication only:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2003:
- Panel Discussant at Peace Festival, Wellsprings School, Eugene Oregon, January 2003.
- "Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries" Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library, Ashland, Oregon, October 2003.
* Heretic's Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life-Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich (Pulse of the Planet #5), James DeMeo, Editor, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon 2002.
* "Letter to Editor: Regarding Brian Griffith's Gardens of Their Dreams and Saharasia, The Ecologist, 32(2): May 2002.
* "Die Saharasia-Hypothese: Ursprünge menschlicher Gewalttätigkeit entdeckt", Zeit Geist, Stuttgart, 3:32-36, 2002.
* "Advancing the Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich", Pulse of the Planet, 5:3-4, 2002.
- "Update on Saharasia: Ambiguities and Uncertainties about 'War Before Civilization'", Pulse of the Planet, 5:15-44, 2002.
* "Bion-Biogenesis Research and Seminars at OBRL: Progress Report", Pulse of the Planet, 5:100-113, 2002. Reprint with color photos posted to internet as a 1 MB PDF Download. See DeMeo 2010 for Turkish translation.
- "Dayton Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments: A Fresh Look", Pulse of the Planet, 5:114-130, 2002.
* "Reconciling Miller's Ether-Drift with Reich's Dynamic Orgone", Pulse of the Planet, 5:137-146, 2002.
* "Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans", Pulse of the Planet, 5:168-176, 2002.
* "Green Sea Eritrea: A 5-Year Desert Greening CORE Project in the SE African Sahel", Pulse of the Planet, 5:183-211, 2002.
* "Origin of the Tropic Easterles: An Orgone-Energetic Perspective", Pulse of the Planet, 5:212-218, 2002.
* "The Orgone Energy Motor", Pulse of the Planet, 5:219-221, 2002.
* "The Earth-Atmosphere Electrical Potential as a Possible Source of Energy", Pulse of the Planet, 5:225-226, 2002.
* "Renewable 'Free' Energy from Nature: Personal Experiences and Net-Energy Analysis", Pulse of the Planet, 5:227-241, 2002.
* "Satellites or Silent Glowing Spacecraft? Are Some Assumed 'Satellites Extraterrestrial?", Pulse of the Planet, 5:242-245, 2002.
* "My UFO Observations", Pulse of the Planet, 5:245-249, 2002.
* "Negative Finding on Trevor Constable's 'Bioforms'", Pulse of the Planet, 5:250, 2002.
* "Letter from James DeMeo to a Trevor Constable Enthusiast", 4 May 2002 (revised 2016). Internet Posted:
* "Research Progress Reports: Water Research, Orgone Accumulator Temperature Differentials (To-T), Photographing the Orgone Energy, Archaeological-Historical Research ('Ice Age or Polar Axis Shift?')", Pulse of the Planet, 5:254-257, 2002. Details also internet posted:
* "Book Review: Left At East Gate (Robbins)", Pulse of the Planet, 5:263-264, 2002.
* "In Memoriam: Robert D. Morris, Louis Hochberg", Pulse of the Planet, 5:265-272, 2002.
* "On Atmospheric Disturbances, 'Chemtrails' and the 'Croft Chembuster': Critical Discussions" and Open Letters," Internet Publication:
* "Special Note on the Video Documentary: Rain in the Desert", The Willful Stealing of Other People's Work, and Betrayal of Truth: The Case of John Trettin and Beate Freihold of the I.O.O." Internet posting only:
Keywords: cloudbusting, emotional plague
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2002:
- "New Research Verifying Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energetic Discoveries", Nevada Homeopathic & Integrative Medical Assn. Conference, Lake Tahoe, NV.
- "Agricultural Applications of Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energetic Discoveries", 7th Annual Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference, Lovettsville, VA.
- "Die Entwicklung der Wissenschaft Von der Aufklaerung zur dogmatischen Erstarrung", "5 Jahre Duerrebekaempfung in Eritrea - Erfahrungen mit Cloudbusting: Wird die Sahara wieder gruen?", "Saharasia - Historische Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Wueste und Gewalt -miit neueren Forschungsergebnissen", "Lebensenergie-Forschung ueber Reich hinaus - mit neueren Forschungsergebnissen", Fachhochschule fuer Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany.
* "Dayton Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments: A Fresh Look", Infinite Energy, #38, 2001, p.72-82.
* Manuel de l'accumulateur d'orgone: L'energie d'orgone de Wilhelm Reich, Editions Sully, Vannes Cedex, France, 2001.
* "Wilhelm Reich's Atmospheric Research - Empirical Confirmations", Society for Scientific Exploration annual meeting, La Jolla, California, June 2001, Abstract in The Explorer: Newsletter of the SSE, Vol.17, Winter-Spring-Summer 2001, p.8.
In the 1950s, Wilhelm Reich claimed discovery of an apparatus that could affect basic atmospheric conditions over large areas, with a capability to end droughts and bring rains to deserts. His findings on the cloudbuster -- a passive water-grounded antenna operated from the ground, which involved no chemical agents or applied electrical or EM fields -- were published in journals and books well outside the scientific mainstream, and nearly forgotten in the wake of Reich's death. A few of his followers continued to apply the cloudbusting method in the 60s and 70s, also publishing in little-known journals. In the 1970s, I studied Reich's original publications, worked with Richard Blasband who was knowledgable of Reich's methods and apparatus, and later undertook a series of cloudbusting operations for my graduate research project at the University of Kansas, Geography-Meteorology Department. Field tests of a large cloudbuster, constructed by myself, provided positive confirmation of the device's effects upon overhead cumulus cloud dynamics (through a filmed protocol), and precipitation data for the State of Kansas showed anomalous significant peaks correlated with 12 separate operations to increase rains. My home Department at KU provided supportive oversight and approved my Thesis research, but political reactions elsewhere undermined and ended the research program, in spite of the positive evidence. Since then, I have tested the cloudbuster's ability to bring rains under mild to severe drought conditions, and even in harsh desert climates, with a continuing success. The two most significant, systematically-undertaken experiments were in the deserts of Arizona in 1989, and in the East African Sahel between 1994 through 1999. The Arizona experiments were composed of five different summertime test dates, pre-announced to NOAA offices, the results of which showed a doubling of precipitation over a very large dryland region, for a period lasting approximately one week after the onset of tests. The African experiments were supported by the State of Eritrea, and involved three different cloudbusting stations operated in a coordinated manner, by teams of workers under my direction. The results showed an approximate 36% increase in rains over Eritrea (at the edge of the hyper-arid Sahara Desert), with "downstream" increases in rains over adjacent Sahel regions. In all cases, official measured weather data were used to evaluate for effects, supplemented by satellite images and field observations. My work on this subject has encompassed tests in other regions with results of equal or even greater magnitudes over a period spanning 23 years, but the Kansas, Arizona and Eritrean trials were the most systematically undertaken. These results, taken together with field reports from Reich and others, strongly suggest the cloudbusting device works, and opens the door to entirely new methods for greening the worlds deserts. My work thereby corroborates Reich's earlier findings, and those of others such as Blasband and Eden, and suggests a renewed and open-minded investigation of Reich's theory of cosmic/atmospheric life energy (the orgone energy) is in order.
* "Auroras At the Tree-Tops: Low-Level Auroras, Low-Altitude Auroras, Surface Auroras, Ground-Level Auroras: Observations by Ordinary People Versus Scientific Theory", Internet Publication Only:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2001:
- "Update on Saharasia: Warfare and Violence before 4000 BCE?", Int. Psychohistorical Assoc., New York City, June 2001.
- "Saharasia", HEAL, New York City, June 2001.
- "Lebensenergie in Mensch, Natur und Gesellschaft nach Wilhelm Reich mit Bezuegen zu Viktor Schauberger", Schauberger Pythagoras-Kepler Schule, Bad Ischl, Austria, Sept. 2001.
- "Practical Applications of the Reich Cloudbuster for African Desert-Greening", Center for Functional Research Conference, Kentfield, Calif., Nov. 2001.
- "Die 'Saharasia-These' im Licht neuerer Forschungen", Fachhochschule fuer Wirtschaft Berlin, Germany, Dec. 2001.
* "Seed Sprouting Inside the Orgone Energy Accumulator", Presented
to the Society for Scientific Exploration, Annual Meeting, Kings
College, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 8-10 June 2000, Programs & Abstracts p.16. Also in The SSE Explorer: Newsletter, Summer 2000, 16(3), p.vii.
In the 1940s, Wilhelm Reich published experimental findings on the discovery of a biological life-energy, called orgone energy, which existed in the atmosphere and could be accumulated inside a special metal-lined enclosure called the orgone energy accumulator. His work was attacked in the press and subject to a politically-inspired Food and Drug Administration injunction which led to Reich's death in prison in 1957, and the court-ordered burning of his books and research journals. Starting in the 1970s, I undertook experimental examination of Reich's original claims regarding the accumulator, including a simple seed-sprouting experiment. Mung beans obtained from a local health food store were mixed, counted into groups of 100, placed into open glass dishes with 50ml of water, and allowed to sprout inside both a strong orgone accumulator and environmentally-matched control enclosure which excluded all metals. The accumulator and control shared nearly identical humidity and temperatures, with light being totally excluded; fresh water was added daily to each dish as necessary to keep the sprouting seeds moist, for a period of approximately 10 days, after which the sprouted seeds were photographed, blotted dry, teased apart and measured. Early trials demonstrated from 160% to a maximum of 500% growth increase inside the accumulator as compared to the controls, while later trials with more rigorous environmental controls yielded a 140% growth increase inside the accumulator. These latter experiments, undertaken during the summers of 1998-99 at my high-altitude laboratory in rural Oregon under exceptionally clean environmental conditions, showed mean growth lengths of bean sprouts at 130mm. for controls and 183mm. for orgone-charged (n.=400), with medians of 132mm. and 185mm. respectively, and maximums of 265mm. and 337mm. respectively. A paired means comparison based upon an hypothesized difference of zero between the two groups indicated these results were highly significant, with P < 0.0001. Orgone charged sprouts also yielded greater absolute weight increases, with a fresher smell and sweeter taste as compared to controls. The developed seed-sprouting protocol has yielded consistent and repeatable results, and orgone experiments of a similar design and result have been reported upon both plants and animals since the 1940s. These experiments, taken together, strongly suggest Reich made an important new discovery. The similarities of his orgone accumulator to a Faraday cage also suggest observations of anomalous effects observed inside Faraday cage "controls" by other experimenters might be the consequence of phenomenon similar to what Reich's reported for the orgone accumulator.
* "Interview: The Fire This Time" by Maralyn Polak, World Net Daily, 2000.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 2000:
- "Critical Review of the Shankland, et al,
Analysis of Dayton Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments", Presented
to the Natural Philosophy Alliance, Berkeley, May 2000.
Dayton Miller's work on
dynamic ether drift (1933) is nearly unknown today in large measure due
to a 1955 critique by Shankland, et al (1955) published after Miller's
death. Miller's interferometer fringe-shifts showed sidereal-cosmic
variations at all times of day and seasons of the year, along the same
cosmological axis. Shankland acknowledged the systematic patterns
in Miller's data, but explained them away as the consequence of temperature
artifacts. My review of the subject suggests this dismissal was not
well-supported. Shankland misrepresented the background history (ie.,
only Miller obtained positive results for ether) and displayed a strong
bias against ether -- only passing reference was given to Miller's counter-critique
to the temperature argument, which he had addressed in control experiments
and successfully rebutted while alive. Selected sets of Miller's interferometer
data, with minimal variations most easily supporting the temperature argument,
were dissected and criticized, while other sets of higher magnitude fringe-shift
data were apparently ignored. Shankland, et al, did not provide a serious
challenge to Miller, and the entire subject of ether-drift begs for renewed
open discussion and experimental evaluation.
- "Contemporary Bion Research: Support from Modern Biology", Presented at the Second International Symposia on Pleomorphism, Ashland, Oregon 19-20 October 2000.
Around sixty years ago, Dr. Wilhelm Reich published findings on the origins of life which included the following parameters observed in his laboratory experiments: 1) The breakdown of mineral and organic materials into small vesicular forms (called bions by Reich), 2) the re-organization of some bions into heaps which later developed new membranes and life-like structure and motility, 3) the dependency of this process upon the chemistry of the solution in which the preparations were made, 4) the speeding up of the process of bionous decay via autoclavation and heating of substances to red-hot incandescence, with subsequent bion culturability and growth in some preparations, 5) the development of plasmatic forms in filtered, sterilized and frozen preparations, and 6) the existence of a sensible, observable bioenergetic radiation from bion preparations derived from beach sand. Reich's findings were generally confirmed by Prof. R. duTeil and jointly presented to the French Academie des Sciences in 1937-38, but the findings only appeared in Reich's own publications, notably the book Die Bione. There was little specialized research into the origins of life at that time, and the popular press ridiculed Reich for his discoveries. Viewed from today's perspective, we find other experimentalists who have made similar observations (ie., Krishna Bahadur's jeewanu particle). Entire new fields of microbiology anticipated by Reich's discoveries (but not by orthodox biological theory), such as that devoted to archaea and extremophiles, also derive from the observation of primitive microbes within environments once considered impossible for life, such as at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, hot springs, and within nuclear reactor cores. Other contemporary researchers point to life-like materials derived from the process of freezing and thawing, while exobiologists detect bion-like micro-forms in meteoritic materials (which were subject to incandescence). Medical research, meanwhile, increasingly is focused upon the process of "apoptosis", which appears functionally identical to Reich's findings on bionous decay, while fields devoted to pleomorphism and microbial symbiosis identify phenomenon suggestive of the bionous organization of protists. Many of these modern observations support Reich's earlier research findings, which merits a serious and renewed consideration.
- "Objective Scientific Evidence for Life Energy - Orgone Energy Applications to Ecological Agriculture", 20th Annual Ecological Farming Conference, Committee for Sustainable Agriculture, Asilomar, California, 20 January 2000.
- "AIDS as an Expression of Cultural Sexual Anxiety", Alive and Well Eugene, Oregon, 28 May 2000.
- "The Saharasia Thesis", Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, Berlin,
- "Discovery of an Unusual Energy Similar to Orgone by Scientists Other than Reich", Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, Berlin,
- "The Origins of Violence", Peace Festival, Wellsprings School, Eugene, Oregon 9 December 2000.
* "Satellites or Silent Glowing Spacecraft? An Observational Test", Flatland 16:56-58, February 1999.
* "Shredding Saharasia: A Response to Richard Morrock's 'Review'", Journal of Psychohistory, 26(4):858-863, Spring 1999.
* "Orgone Oracle (Letter, responding to Hal Cohen's 'A Secret History of the Sexual Revolution')", Lingua Franca, July/August 1999, p.5,65.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1999:
- "Verification of Wilhelm Reich's Discovery of the Life Energy", Acres
USA Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, 11-12 January.
- "Orgone Energy Research: Independent Experimental Evaluations Since Reich's Death", Center for Orgonomic Studies Conference, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, 8 May.
- "Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression,
Warfare and Social Violence", International Psychohistorical
Association, 22nd Annual Convention, 2-4 June, Fordham
Univ., New York.
- "Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression,
Warfare and Social Violence", Humboldt Universität,
Johannes Heinrichs lecture series, Berlin, Germany
- Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence in the Deserts of the Old World, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, 1998.
* "Regarding the Article: 'A Close Look at Therapeutic Touch' in Journal of the American Medical Association (April 1998, pp.1005-1010)", Bridges, Magazine of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine, 9(1):16, Spring 1998.
- "Continuing the Work of Wilhelm Reich", Lithiagraph, 14(6):1, 9, Ashland Oregon, July 1998.
* "Practical Applications of Aether: Novel Biological and Atmospheric
Experiments", Presented to the 74th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern
& Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement
of Science, Mesa State College, Grand Junction, Colorado, 17-21 May
1998, Program and Abstracts, p.45.
Most arguments and experiments
addressing the question of aether focus upon anticipated changes in the
behavior and properties of light, such as speed of transmission or frequency
shifting. Experiments undertaken since the 1940s (not originating within
physics), using simple but novel arrangements of different materials, have
yielded anomalous phenomena suggesting the existence of an energy-rich
substrate meeting the requirements of a
dynamic aether weakly interacting
with matter, but also with biological and meteorological properties. Empirical
findings, notably of Wilhelm Reich, indirectly support aether-theory in
ways not generally discussed or anticipated by aether-advocates. Meteorological,
biological, nuclear and solar-terrestrial aspects are discussed. Practical
applications suggested by medical experiments, seed-charging and desert-greening
field experiments are also reviewed and documented.
* "Saharasia: A Major Climate-Linked Geographical
Pattern to Human Behavior", Presented to the 74th Annual Meeting
of the Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division, American Association
for the Advancement of Science, Mesa State College, Grand Junction,
Colorado, 17-21 May 1998, Program and Abstracts, p.50.
The first geographical mapping
of cross-cultural data, from 1100+ different cultures, reveals a major
climatic influence upon human behavior and social institutions. The Saharasian
desert belt (N. Africa, Mideast, Central Asia), a formerly wet region
today characterized by harsh desert, held the world's most extreme patristic
cultures (child-abusive, sex-repressive, female-subordinating, despotic,
warlike), while the most matristic cultures (gentle child-treatment,
sex-positive, egalitarian, peaceful) were found predominantly in Oceania
and the Pre-Columbian Americas. A related systematic mapping of ancient
archaeological evidence suggests: 1) the global absence of significant
patrism anywhere on Earth prior to c.4000 BCE, and 2) the first-genesis
of significant patrism within Saharasia at c.4000 BCE, when it firstly
converted from moist to hyper-arid conditions, with a subsequent diffusion
of patrism into the Saharasian borderlands, and globally to form its modern-day
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1998:
- "Report on Desert-Greening Cloudbusting Experiments in Africa", Ministry
of Agriculture, State of Eritrea, Africa.
- "The Suppression of Innovative Ideas and Discoveries in the Modern
Sciences", Southwestern & Rocky Mtn. Div., American
Association for the Advancement of Science, 74th Annual
Meeting, Mesa State College, Grand Jct. Colorado.
- "Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression,
Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old
World", Center for Functional Research, Tiburon, Calif.
* "Geography of Male and Female Genital Mutilations", in Denniston, G. & Milos, M., Eds., Sexual Mutilations: A Human Tragedy, (Proceedings, Fourth International Symposia on the Sexual Mutilation of Children, Lausanne, Switzerland), Plenum Press, NY, 1997, pp.1-15. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "Interview: The Search for Cosmic Life Energy", The Gazette, Ashland, Oregon, Sept. 97, and "J. DeMeo Responds" (letter), The Gazette, November 1997.
* "Holis (Internet Magazine) Interview With James DeMeo", by Heike Goerner, 1997. Internet posted, in the German language.
* ....Co-edited with Bernd Senf: Nach Reich: Neue Forschungen Zur Orgonomie, Sexualökonomie, Die Entedeckung der Orgonenergie, Zweitausendeins, Frankfürt, 1997.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1997:
- "Verification of Reich's 'Oranur' from Modern Radiation Biophysics"
& "Verification of Desert-Greening From
Cloudbusting Expeditions to Arizona and Africa", Symposia
on Wilhelm Reich's Last Years: Oranur, CORE, Contact
With Space and the FDA Investigation, Greensprings Center,
Ashland, Oregon.
- "Overview and Summary of Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries: Function of
the Orgasm to Contact With Space", Symposia on
Remembering Wilhelm Reich: The Man and His Work - A 100th
Birthdate Anniversary, Greensprings Center, Ashland.
- "Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries", Center for Functional Research,
- "Introduction to the Biophysical Research of Wilhelm Reich", "Discovery of an Unusual Energy Similar to Orgone by Scientists Other than Reich", and "Microscopical Demonstration of Bions," Congreso Interamericano De Piscoterapias Corporales, 19-21 September 1997, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- O Manual do Acumulator de Orgônio (Orgone Accumulator Handbook - Portuguese Translation), Imago Editora, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, 1996.
- Manual del Acumulador de Orgón (Orgone Accumulator Handbook - Spanish Translation), E.S.TE.OR. Publicationes, Valencia, Spain, 1996.
- "Foreword" to Wilhelm Reich e il Segreto deiDischi Volanti (by Alessandro Zabini) Tre Editori, Roma, Italy, 1996.
- "Cloudbusting: Growing Evidence for a New Method of Ending Drought and Greening Deserts", AIBC Newsletter, American Institute of Biomedical Climatology, Sept. 1996, #20, p.1-4.
* "Dayton Miller's Discovery of the Dynamic Aether Drift", Presented
to the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern & Rocky Mountain
Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Northern
Arizona Univ., Flagstaff, Arizona, 2-6 June 1996. Program and Abstracts,
While Michelson-Morely are
given credit for having disproven the existence of aether, their very short,
6-hour experiment addressed only the theologically-necessary
aether of Newton. Dayton Miller, student of Michelson, continued researching
this same question and undertook the most systematic and thorough work
on the subject, proving the existence of a dynamic and Earth-entrained
aether, with properties that made understandable the very small results
observed by M-M and nearly all investigators of this question. Miller's
work was never addressed straightforwardly, however, but only ridiculed
and marginalized by political fiat. Only after his death did his opponents
attempt to finally defeat his work by, once more, raising questions he
had repeatedly addressed during his lifetime. Miller's work on the dynamic
aether has never been replicated by his critics, nor to my knowledge by
his supporters, which is what would be necessary to either fully confirm
or refute his findings. However, there are numerous other researchers who
have come to nearly similar conclusions, or who have described a natural
aether-like energetic phenomenon with very similar properties. At the very
least, physics textbooks should cease misrepresenting the M-M experiments
as "definitive" and more accurately portray the question of aether, or
energy-in-space, as an open question.
* "Independent Discovery of a Dynamic Bio-Cosmic Energy in Space
and in the Atmosphere: Miller, Reich, Piccardi, Burr & Brown", Presented
to the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern & Rocky Mountain
Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Northern
Arizona Univ., Flagstaff, Arizona, 2-6 June 1996. Program and Abstracts,
One of the more significant
proofs for a new scientific finding is the independent discovery and/or
verification of similar findings by other researchers. There is growing
evidence for such independent discovery of a dynamic energy in space, with
both biological and meteorological characteristics, based upon the work
of different researchers. Dayton Miller's work identified a dynamic
aether, moving faster at higher altitudes, and slowed or reflected
by dense materials such as metals or stone. Wilhelm Reich discovered an
unusual energy, the orgone, reflectable by metals and more active
at higher altitudes, with cosmic, biological and meteorological functions.
Giorgio Piccardi discovered a similar biocosmic, physico-chemical fluctuating
phenomenon at work in physical chemistry, reflected by metal plate,
more active at higher altitudes, and possessing significant solar-terrestrial,
biological and meteorological components. Harold Burr, a neurosurgeon,
identified an electrodynamic field surrounding and penetrating living
organisms, with environmental-meteorological components. Frank Brown, investigating the biological clock, observed similar unshieldable cosmic solar-lunar
phenomena capable of affecting the behavior and metabolism of many living
creatures. Other names could be added to this incomplete listing, of scientists
whose work either directly demonstrated or implied and/or postulated the
existence of a very similar natural energetic principle (i.e., Halton Arp,
Bjorn Nordenstrom, Rupert Sheldrake). Virtually all of these researchers
have been attacked and censored or through other unethical political tactics,
shut out of participation in their different fields of research.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1996:
- "Peacful Vs. Violent Societies, Lessons from Cross-Cultural Research,
History and Archaeology" & "Modern AIDS Hysteria
and the Unproven 'Infectious HIV' Theory", Symposia on Today's
Children and the Struggle for Tomorrow's Humanity ,
Greensprings Center, Ashland, Oregon.
- "Suppression of Innovative Thought in the Academic World", Southwestern
and Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Panelist, Discussion Session, 72nd Annual Meeting, Northern
AZ Univ., Flagstaff, Arizona.
* "Regen in der Wüste, Ein Interview mit Dr. James DeMeo", in Orgon und Dor: Die Lebensenergie und ihre Gefährdung, Jurgen Fischer, Editor, Simon & Leutner Verlag, Berlin, 1995, p.77-96.
* "Desert-Greening Cloudbusting Experiments in Israel, Namibia and
the Horn of Africa: 1991-1994," Presented to the Annual Meeting of
the Association of Arid Lands Studies, Western Social Science Association,
Oakland, California, Session on "Climate, Climatic Change and Environmental
Quality", April 1995, Abstracts of Papers, p.21.
The cloudbuster, a device
and method for triggering the return of episodes of rains across broad
dryland regions, was invented in 1952 as a product of the controversial
life-energy theories of the late Wilhelm Reich. Since 1977, this technique
has been studied by the author in a series of field operations. The present
experiments focused upon major drought episodes in drylands, in Israel
and Africa. In two cases, Israel and Eritrea, healthy rainfalls were restored
across the entire target regions within days after onset of operations.
Streams and reservoirs filled, and large areas of barren desert were greened.
In the case of Namibia, results were slower in developing and less significant,
but were generally correlated with the ending of a major drought episode
in southern Africa. Additional evidence here is added to that previously
published and presented, that cloudbusting has the capacity to reverse
precipitation declines, and green deserts.
* "Global Desert Haze/Dust Transport: An Interconnecting Common Denominator
for Deserts, Droughts and El Niño?", Presented to the Annual
Meeting of the Association of Arid Lands Studies, Western Social
Science Association, Oakland, California, Session on "Climate, Climatic
Change and Environmental Quality", April 1995, Abstracts of Papers, p.21.
The slowing of Pacific Easterly
winds and related El Niño phenomenon may be the product of a west-to-east
trans-Pacific spreading of the desert-like inversion atmosphere from Sahara-Asian
(Saharasian) deserts. This possibility was first suggested in my "Desert-Drought
Map", applying climatological classifications for both land and open ocean
regions. Saharasia is a source of dusts and hazy inversion conditions which
migrate across large regions of adjacent ocean, often to affect distant
continents. Specifically, North American deserts appear to be strongly
influenced by trans-Pacific dusty/hazy air movements of Saharasian origins.
The slow migration of this arid air mass across the Pacific is identifiable
in maps of long-wave infrared radiation to space, in vector maps of desert
aerosols captured in airborne and surface sampling devices, and in direct
observations of the "marine haze/dry fog" layer characterizing the Pacific
Ocean east of Hawaii; this same air mass moves east from coastal to mountain
basin regions of southwestern North America , whereupon it is identified
as "desert haze".
Lecture 1995:
- "Minoan Art & Archaeology: An Example of the Origin of Human
Armoring in Saharasia", Center for Functional Research,
Tiburon, California.
"The Desert-Drought Map and its Implications", Presented to the 90th Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, California, 29 March - 2 April, 1994, Abstracts of Papers, p.81.
* "In Defense of Reich", Green Living, Spring 1994, p.6.
- "In Defense of Orgonomy: Response to Joel Carlinsky and Richard Morrock", Skeptic, 2(4):15-17, 1994.
- "Response to Disinformation and Smears on the Internet: The 'Orgonomy Peddlers' Article", Special Report, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, 1994.
- Der Orgonakkumulator. Ein Handbuch (Orgone Accumulator Handbook - German Translation), Zweitausendeins, Frankfürt, 1994.
- "Open Critique #1: Reply to Bernhard Harrer's Criticisms of Wilhelm Reich", Special Report, Orgone Biophysical Lab, 1994. German translation available.
- (Orgone
Accumulator Handbook - Greek Translation), Hellenic Orgonomic
Association, Thessaloniki, 1994.
* "Modern Horrific Medicine: Unnecessary Sexual Surgery", Presented
to the 3rd Int. Symposium on Circumcision, National Organization of
Circumcision Information Resource Centers, Washington, DC. 1994.
One of the more telling
methods for understanding the urge to mutilate the genitals of young males
and females is to view the problem cross-culturally. There is a
cross-cultural pattern recorded in the anthropological literature, demonstrating
that cultures which engage in genital mutilations also have, in general:
high levels of political hierarchy, premarital sexual taboos, subordinated
female status, taboos regarding vaginal, hymenal, and menstrual blood,
male dominance over childbirth matters (couvade), an emphasis upon military
glory, high levels of alcoholic aggression, and belief in a moralistic
high god. The argument is raised that the sadistic energy directed towards
the sexual organs of children is but only one expression of a larger cultural
component of sadistic energy more generally directed at sexual functions,
especially childhood and female sexuality. From the cross-cultural and
other scientific evidence, one can make an extended critique of other ritual
sexual mutilations not generally considered to be in the same category
as genital mutilations. Unnecessary surgeries upon the sexual organs of
women in modern American hospitals are critically reviewed from this new
perspective, wherein the same medical shamans who perform painful and unnecessary
genital mutilations on children -- the obstetrical/gynecological specialists --
are given similar critical decision-making roles for a variety of other
generally unnecessary but often routine and common sexual mutilations:
episiotomy, Cesarean section childbirth, and hysterectomy all have been
criticized by health reformers for their generally unnecessary nature,
and for the subsequent problems they create for the women subject to them.
Here, we view them as expressions of culture-wide sexual anxiety and sadism.
For the patient, such sexual mutilations dampen or extinguish sexual feeling,
thereby relieving the individual of sexual anxiety. For the medical surgeon,
the mutilations provide an outlet for scientifically rationalized sadistic
urges. Carrying the critique farther, the current "epidemics" of breast
and prostate cancer are critically reviewed as expressions of epidemic
mass sexual hysteria and sexual anxiety, lacking in a solid scientific
foundation. The absence of serious investigation of natural healing methods,
the broadening of diagnostic criteria to define larger numbers of healthy
people into the "sick" category, and the use of medical-police tactics
to imprison and suppress health reform dissenters, are reviewed as critical
components in the "scientific" rationalization of traditional hospital
mutilations as "treatment". This analysis is particularly relevant where
cultural propaganda regarding the "unhealthy" nature of the normal breast
is used to justify "enhancement" mutilations, or where unscientific "genetic"
screening methods are employed to convince anxious but otherwise completely
healthy women into having "preventative" breast-amputation mutilations.
Other high-tech screening methods, such as mammography and other forms
of x-ray when used for diagnosis in the absence of independent clinical
evidence of pathology are critically reviewed as factors in the "elevation
in cancer rates". In short, American medicine is awash in a host of various
forms of unnecessary, scientifically invalid and barbaric ritualized genital/sexual
mutilations. Most of these are as bad or worse than anything practiced
by other cultures, such as infibulation of little girls in Africa. While
this latter African practice has attracted much attention and criticism
in the American press, circumcision of baby boys, and other "modern medical"
mutilations, have not.
* "Energy in Space: Empirical Evidence and Implications for Orthodox
Theory", Presented (in absentia) to the Pacific Division,
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting,
June 1994, Special session on "Challenges to Contemporary Views in Physics
and Astronomy", San Francisco State Univ., California, Proceedings
Experimental findings from
a variety of research disciplines have independently observed and documented,
or theoretically derived and implied, the existence of an energy in space
which satisfies the described properties of a dynamic aether, but one with
biological and meteorological properties. From the brief 1887 experiment
of Michelson-Morley, undertaken for three days only in the basement of
a stone building, one may properly conclude only the defeat of the static
aether of Newton they never followed through with their expressed desire
to test for a dynamic aether. An Earth-entrained dynamic aether would not
be detectable from basement locations, or from inside any dense enclosure.
Dayton Miller's later work (1920-33) satisfied these criteria, of high
altitude and light density of interferometer environment, clearly detecting
the dynamic aether. In later years (c.1950), Giorgio Piccardi detected
an unusual energetic phenomenon with similar and additional unusual properties:
solar-terrestrial components, affected by metals (density), more active
at higher altitudes, capable of affecting the physical chemistry of water,
with physiological and meteorological components. Harold Burr identified
(c.1960) a similar electrodynamic phenomenon at work in nature.
Wilhelm Reich likewise identified a life-energy phenomenon at work
(c.1940) in living systems, in the atmosphere, and in ultra-high vacuum:
capable of influencing the physical properties of air and water, reflectable
by metal shields, more active at higher altitudes. More recent studies
on anomalous energy fluctuations in ultra-high vacuum (Puthoff), anomalous
coincidental placements of high and low red-shift stellar objects (Arp),
and streaming cosmic plasmas in space (Alfven) provide additional independent
evidence suggesting the existence of a tangible and measurable bio-cosmic
energy continuum pervading the natural world. The relativistic and "big-bang"
cosmologies are challenged empirically, by researchers working independently
in different disciplines.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1994:
- "Desert Greening Experiments with the Reich Cloudbuster in Arizona,
Israel, and Namibia", Center for Functional Research,
San Anselmo, California.
- "Update on Orgone Energy Research", Cancer Control Society,
Pasadena, California.
- "Wilhelm Reich's Bioenergetic Discoveries", East Bay Psychiatric
Association, Berkeley, California.
- "Field Experiments With the Reich Cloudbuster", Colorado River
Board, Glendale, California.
- "Suppression of Innovative Thought", and "Huntington's Legacy: Ethnocentrism
or Valuable Theory?", Panelist and Co-Chair, Discussion Sessions, Association
of American Geographers annual meeting, San Francisco.
* On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy (Pulse of the Planet #4), James DeMeo, Editor, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon 1993.
* "The Biophysical Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich", Pulse of the Planet 4:78-82, 1993.
* "OROP Israel 1991-1992: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Wintertime Rains to Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean During an Extended Period of Drought", Pulse of the Planet 4:92-98, 1993.
* "Research Reports and Observations: Orgonomic Project Waldheilung 1989 - 1993, OROP Namibia 1992-1993, Cloudbusting is Not 'Weather Modification', Healing Lakes with Life Energy?", Pulse of the Planet 4:114-116, 1993.
* "Weather Anomalies and Nuclear Testing: The Oakland Wildfires of October 1991, Report on Nuclear Accident at Tomsk, Russia, 6 April 1993", Pulse of the Planet 4:117-120, 1993.
* "Book Reviews: Denying the Holocaust (Lipstad), Against Therapy (Masson), Powers of Healing (Time-Life), The Montauk Project (Nichols & Moon)", Pulse of the Planet 4:137-140, 1993.
* "Modern Medical-Genetic Quackery/Modern Horrific Medicine", Pulse of the Planet 4:161-165, 1993.
- "HIV is Not the Cause of AIDS: A Summary of Current Research Findings", Pulse of the Planet 4:99-105, 1993; reprinted in Journal of Borderland Research, LIV(2):6-16, 1998; Also published as an Appendix in Saharasia, 1998.
- "Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Power by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and Other Governmental Agencies", Pulse of the Planet 4:106-113, 1993.
* "Cloudbusting Heute: Ein Interview von Jurgen Fischer mit dem Orgonomischen Forscher James DeMeo", 2000: Kosmo, Erde, Mensch, Oct./Nov. 1993, pp.56-62, 1993.
* Signatory to the Open Letter of the "Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV Hypothesis of AIDS", 1993.
(Eventually published in Science magazine, 17 Feb. 1995, vol.267 pp.945-946).
* "Man-Made Radioactivity: A Cause of Droughts? Interview with Dr. James DeMeo", Explore, 4(1):64-67, January 1993.
* "The Petkau Effect", (Letter), Earth Island Journal, Spring 1993, p.2.
* "A Global Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Presented
to the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Annual Meeting,
University of California at Berkeley, 15-18 Sept. 1993, Abstracts of Papers,
p.23; also abstracted in APCG Yearbook, Vol.56, Berkeley, Calif.,
1994, p.202-203. Full paper later published as a chapter in the book Saharasia.
Behavioral variables such
as infant neglect, child abuse and obedience training, adolescent sexual
repression, female subordination, and tendencies towards social violence,
hierarchical structures, high-god religion and warfare were correlated
and mapped, using the global cross-cultural data base of George P. Murdock.
Murdock's data encompassed 1170 different cultures, has been peer-reviewed
for accuracy, and is widely-consulted source for cross-cultural social
theory testing. My work was the first mapping of this treasure-trove of
cultural information, which revealed a profound spatial pattern imbedded
within the data. Native cultures residing within the Saharasian desert
belt (Sahara, Middle East, Central Asia) were possessed of the most strongly
violent patriarchal, authoritarian, sex-negating, female subordinating,
and child abusing elements -- a highly armored (Reich), patristic (Hodan),
dominator (Eisler) culture type. Regions very far removed from Saharasia
(Oceania, the New World) were mostly unarmored, matristic, partnership
culture types. The anthropological data, and a correlated archaeological/historical
survey, suggest a source region for dominator culture within Saharasia
only after c.4000 BCE, when Saharasia began to convert from a semiforested
savanna into desert, with subsequent famine-driven migrations outward --
the mechanism of the great Indoaryan and Semitic cultural movements, which
the maps suggest eventually affected the entire world. The data imply several
phases of diffusion, and are independently supported in Pre-Columbian contact
theory and genetic mapping. The pattern in the data is real, and strongly
implies the existence of a global period of peaceful human culture, with
free and probably democratic social conditions, prior to 4000 BCE.
* "Similarities and Differences Between Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Accumulator
and Giorgio Piccardi's Shielded Enclosures", Presented (in absentia)
to the International Symposium on Relations of Biological and Physicochemical
Processes with Solar Activity and Other Environmental Factors, Pushchino,
Russia, 1993, Abstracts of Papers, p.229.
From 1934 to 1957, Dr. Wilhelm
Reich published a series of experimental reports demonstrating the existence
of a specific biologically and meteorologically active energy continuum
at work within the atmospheric ocean, and in high vacuum. Reich developed
unique experimental devices, notably a metallic energy-accumulating enclosure
(the orgone accumulator), which was capable of altering the basic physical
properties inside of itself. Reich and other physicians associated with
his group reported powerful healing effects of the orgone accumulator upon
a wide variety of disorders, including cancers and other degenerative ailments.
Severe burns also responded well to the orgone radiation, which was additionally
objectified through various measures. Visual and subjective sensory examinations
of the orgone accumulator have yielded fairly consistent positive indications
of an unusual property, as compared to a control enclosure, and at least
one double-blind test of human-sized orgone accumulator devices has yielded
positive indications of such effects. Controlled studies with plants and
cancer mice have likewise demonstrated the growth-promoting and healing
properties of the orgone radiation. Other controlled studies with the orgone
accumulator, verified numerous times, have indicated patterned changes
in internal air temperature, humidity, and electroscopical discharge rates,
tied to meteorological and solar fluctuations. Anomalous changes in response
patterns of Geiger-Muller counters and ionization properties within high
vacua suggest that the orgone accumulator effect is that of a basic energy
continuum, similar to that of a dynamic aether, though one possessing distinct
and powerful biological properties. Reich therefore discussed the orgone
radiation in the context of being a life-energy continuum. In the USA,
Reich's research was attacked by the US Government in the 1950s, which
banned and burned all pertinent publications, initiating a period of censorship
of the topic which continues today. In Europe, however, discovery of this
same energetic principle appears to have developed in the works of the
late Dr. G. Piccardi, who described a similar metallic/organic enclosure
which possessed similar properties to the orgone accumulator, though apparently
not as intensive. The metallic enclosures used in Piccardi's tests are
similar to the metallic/organic accumulators used in Reich's energy experiments.
Piccardi's observations on water activation parallel those of Reich on
the capacity of water to absorb the atmospheric orgone energy. Likewise,
Bortel's suggestion of a specific weather radiation is founded upon observations
similar to those made by Reich and his coworkers, who came to similar conclusions.
The works of Miller on the dynamic aether drift, Burr on electrodynamic
fields, Alfven and Arp on plasma energy in space, Kervran on biological
transmutations, Brown on exogenous biological clock phenomena, and Benveniste
on water-activating principles in high dilutions, have likewise demonstrated
either the importance of cosmic spatial/environmental factors to experimental
results, or the necessity for the existence of a biologically and meteorologically
active ether-like energy continuum. The author suggests that the discovery
by Reich of the orgone energy, which is an excitable, pulsatile, water-active
cosmic-atmospheric-biological force, provides a concrete and experimentally-demonstrated
mechanism to the entire field of physico-chemical and biological fluctuating
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1993:
- "Wilhelm Reich's Scientific Discoveries", Namibian Scientific
Society, Windhoek, Namibia.
- "The Volcanic Destruction of Thera, 1650 BCE"; "Acrotiri: Minoan
Art & Life as Understood Today"; "Phaistos & Knossos: Rural and
Urban Centers of Minoan Culture"; "The Minoan Collection at the Iraklion
Museum - Preservation of the Historical Transition from Matrist to Patrist
Culture", Hellenic Orgonomic Association, Field Lectures, Crete and Santorini.
* "CORE Progress Report #26: California Drought of 1990-1991, Part II. With a Special Note on Underground Nuclear Testing and the Oakland Wildfires", Journal of Orgonomy, 26(1):,49-71 1992; parts reprinted in: "The Oakland Wildfires of October 1991", Pulse of the Planet 4:117-118, 1993.
* "The Use of Contraceptive Plant Materials by Native Peoples", Journal of Orgonomy, 26(1):152-176, 1992; German translation: "Empfängnisverhütungsmittel bei Naturvölkern", Emotion 11:6-29, 1994. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "OROP Israel 1991-1992: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Wintertime Rains to Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean During an Extended Period of Drought", Special Report, Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, 1992.
* "Has the AIDS Tragedy been Distorted by Media and Partisan Politics?" Book Review, Macrocosm USA, ed. by Sandi Brockway, Macrocosm Publishers, Cambria, CA, 1992, p.130.
* "CORE Report #30: The Desert Greening Project in Israel 1991-1992", Journal of Orgonomy, 26(2):248-265, 1992; reprinted in Pulse of the Planet 4:92-98 1993.
* "Climatic Causation and Pre-Columbian Contacts in Global Patterns
of Human Behavior", Presented to the Association of American
Geographers, Annual Meeting, San Diego, 1992, Abstracts of Papers,
p.54-55. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
Currently popular models
of history exclude the possibility of any major global influence upon climate
upon human culture and history, and likewise deny the possibility of significant
culture contact between the Old and New Worlds prior to the time of Columbus.
Nevertheless, much empirical evidence has been discovered in support of
such unorthodox minority positions, generating a storm of controversy.
Recently evaluated and mapped world-wide cross-cultural data on behavior
and cultural institutions have provided independent corroboration for those
unorthodox views. There is a positive geographical correlation between
the harshest, most arid contiguous climate region on Earth (the Saharasian
Desert Belt: North Africa, Middle-East, Central Asia) and the region of
most extreme patrist culture on Earth (with abusive infant-care and child-care
practices, repression of sexuality and of females, male dominance, and
high levels of social violence). The hyperarid character of the Saharasian
desert belt and its associated patrist cultural complex both developed
at about the same time, c.4000-3500 BCE, and an explicit causal relationship
has previously been identified and argued. Cultural exceptions to this
global geographical-temporal association, of harsh deserts and harsh patrism,
appear as the product of trans-oceanic, pre-Columbian contact and diffusion.
The mapped patterns of behavior, in this context, provide the basis for
a new, more empirically-based world view, in which elements of ecological
environment (climatic determinants), cultural environment (child-rearing
and sexuality), and long distance, large scale migration and diffusion
patterns (pre-Columbian contacts) play central, fundamental roles.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1992:
- "Atomic Energy and Climate Change", Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft,
Berlin, Germany.
- "A Desert-Greening Experiment in Israel", American College of Orgonomy Annual Scientific Meeting, Princeton, NJ.
- "The Saharasia Thesis", Psychology Students Symposia, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
* "Adolescent Sex-Repression", Journal of Orgonomy, 25(1):98-106, 1991. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "CORE Progress Report #25: Two Year Research Summary -- The American West, Greece, and Germany", Journal of Orgonomy, 25(2):181, 1991.
Pulse of the Planet, 3:3-16, 1991.* "Personal Observations with the Orgone Accumulator", Pulse of the Planet 3:54-55, 1991.
* "OROP Arizona 1989: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Bring Rains in the Desert Southwest", Pulse of the Planet, 3:82-92, 1991; also published as a Special Report, Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, 1991.
* "Book Review: Myth of Heterosexual Aids (Fumento)", Pulse of the Planet 3:106-108, 1991.
* "Research Progress Report: Desert-Greening Program, CORE Operations in the Western USA, CORE Research and Field Operations Overseas: Greece 1990, Germany 1989-1990 Orgonomisches Projekt Waldheilung, Core Breakthrough in California Rains, March 1991, Cloudbuster Icarus", Pulse of the Planet, 3:110-116, 1991.
* "Marriage and Family", Journal of Orgonomy, 25(2):280-290, 1991. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "Saharasia-These: Von der Wuste zum Patriarchat - vom Patriarchat zur Welt-Verwustung", Ich: Die Psychozeitung, 2:16-20, 1991.
* "In Search of the Goddess", (Letter), East West, April 1991, p.6.
* "Desert Expansion and Drought: Global Interconnections and the
Desert/Drought Map", Presented to the Annual Meeting, Association
for Arid Lands Studies, Portland, Oregon, April 1990, Abstracts of
Papers, p.40.
Some 12 years of climatic
analysis and field work undertaken by the author in regions of desert and
drought have indicated that droughts are often initiated by intrusions
of arid air from geographically adjacent desert regions. Field work in
Florida in the early 1970s indicated the intrusion of Saharan haze and
dust into Florida and Georgia during droughy periods. Residues of Saharan
dusts on vehicles and satellite images showing air currents confirmed the
connections. Later field work in the Great Plains and Midwest indicated
that droughts in those areas were initiated by the intrusion of desert
air out of the arid American Southwest. In both of these cases, atmospheric
characteristics similar to those seen in desert regions (stagnating haze,
high pressure, inversions) appeared in the normally wet region that was
suffering from drought. Similar processes are at work in "dry season" regions,
which develop desert-like conditions on a seasonal basis, following the
intrusion of arid air from adjacent desert regions. When a map is procured
that includes both desert regions and regions suffering from "dry seasons",
and likewise includes data for climate over the open oceans, it is seen
that all desert regions on Earth have an interconnecting characteristic.
A Global Desert/Drought Map was produced, which suggests that all drought
and "dry season" phenomena are secondary effects of a more primary global
* "Preliminary Results of a Desert Greening Experiment in the American
Southwest, Summer 1989", Presented to the Association for Arid Lands
Studies, Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 1990. Updated and
also presented to the Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC, 1991, Abstracts of Papers, p.46.
Published field experiments
undertaken since 1952 have demonstrated a novel instrument and technology
for drought abatement, the Reich cloudbuster. Based upon an empirically
determined but unorthodox theory of atmospheric functioning, the cloudbuster
has been field tested by myself on 37 different occasions since 1977, mostly
under mild to severe drought conditions, with an approximate 80% success
in restoring significant cyclical rainfall within 48 hours after onset
of tests. Cloudbuster tests under more restrictive desert conditions proceeded
in the summer of 1989, in the core desert region of the southern Colorado
River Basin; the goal was to reduce atmospheric stagnation and increase
moisture, clouds, and rains across the area. Five separate experimental
tests, each of 3-5 days duration, were undertaken roughly once each month
from May through September; experimental dates were selected well in advance.
Field observations and National Weather Service data indicated widespread
atmospheric changes after the onset of cloudbusting tests: atmospheric
stagnation and haziness were reduced, air temperatures generally declined,
and percent cloud cover and rains increased. Measured increases in rainfall
of up to five times seasonal normals were observed in a several thousand
square kilometers area centered on the cloudbusting site, with a general
doubling of rainfall for a solid week over an even larger region. The distribution
and timing of rainfall episodes were similar to those observed following
prior drought-abatement experiments. My observations and data verify the
prior published claims of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, inventor of the cloudbuster,
on the desert-greening potentials of cloudbusting, and on the existence
of an ether-like, excitable, life-like atmospheric property governing clouds
and rain.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1991:
- "Wilhelm Reich and the Discovery of Orgone Energy", American Society of Dowsers, University of California, Santa Cruz, July.
- "The Saharasia Thesis", Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany.
- "The Saharasia Thesis", Graduate Student Seminar, Universität Köln, Koln, Germany.
- "Geography of Genital Mutilations", 2nd International Symposia
on Circumcision, NOCIRC San Francisco, California.
- "Wilhelm Reich's Discovery of the Life Energy", Higher Technical Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- "Bioenergetic Aspects of Drought and Desertification", Hellenic
Orgonomic Association, Athens, Greece.
- "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, 4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Kyoto Review, 23:19-38, Spring 1990; also in Pulse of the Planet, 3:3-16, 1991, and World Futures, 30(4):247-271, March-May, 1991; Japanese Translation, Bioenergy, 13:2-13, 1990; German Translation, Emotion, 10:106-136, 1992.
* "The Geography of Male Genital Mutilations (Part 3: Desertification and the Origins of Armoring: The Saharasian Connection)", Journal of Orgonomy, 24(1):99-110, 1990. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "CORE Progress Report #22: OROP Arizona 1989", Journal of Orgonomy, Part II: 24(1):111-124, 1990.
* "Patrism in Saharasia: Climate-Linked Human Behavior", Women's International Network News, 16(3):75-77, 1990.
* "The Geography of Female Genital Mutilations (Part 3: Desertification and the Origins of Armoring: The Saharasian Connection)", Journal of Orgonomy, 24(2):233-239, 1990. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "CORE Progress Report #23: OROP Arizona 1989 (Part III)", Journal of Orgonomy, 24(2):252-258, 1990.
* "Hidden Psychological Motives", NOCIRC Newsletter, 4(2):1, Fall 1990.
* "Interview with James DeMeo, Ph.D., Part II", Wildfire, 5(2):18-31, Fall, 1990; reprinted in Pulse of the Planet, 3:72-81, 1991.
* "A Challenge to Martin Gardner, CSICOP, the Skeptical Inquirer, and the FDA", and "A Drought Abatement Proposal", (Letter), Truth Seeker, 117(7):46-47, 1990.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1990:
- "Bioenergetic Aspects of Forest Death", Fachhochschule für
Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany.
- "Desertification and Deforestation", Berkeley Earth Day, Environmental Workshops, California.
- "Discovery of the Life Energy", Bear Tribe Medicine Wheel Society,
Port Townsend, Washington.
- "Desert Greening Experiments in Arizona and Overseas", American College of Orgonomy, Annual Meeting, Princeton, NJ.
- Presentations on "Saharasia", "Cloudbusting", and "The FDA Attack
on Reich", 6th International Orgonomic Conference, American College
of Orgonomy, Nice, France.
- "The Saharasia Thesis", Hellenic Orgonomic Association, Thessaloniki,
* "Cloudbusting, A New Approach to Drought", Pulse of the Planet, 1(1):1-3, 1989.
- "Response to Martin Gardner's Attack on Reich and Orgone Research in the Skeptical Inquirer", Journal of Orgonomy, 23(1):126-133, 1989; also in Pulse of the Planet 1(1):11-17, 1989 and Truth Seeker, 117(7):30-38, 1990; German translation "Irrationale Angriffe Gegen Reich und die Orgonforschung", Lebensenergie, 1:24-32, 1990.
* "Postscript to the Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich: Results of a Freedom-of-Information-Act Inquiry.", Pulse of the Planet, 1(1):18-23, 1989; reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 23(2):273-276, 1989, and Truth Seeker, 117(7):39-45, 1990.
* "Research Progress Report: Development of a Desert Research Facility", Pulse of the Planet, 1(1):45-46, 1989.
* "Cosmic Orgone Engineering Report", Pulse of the Planet, 1(1):47 and 1(2):84-86, 1989.
* "A Dynamic Biological-Atmospheric-Cosmic Energy Continuum: Some Old and New Evidence", Geo-Cosmic Relations: The Earth and its Macro-Environment, Proceedings, First International Congress on Geo-Cosmic Relations, 19-22 April 1989, Amsterdam, Netherlands, G.J.M. Tomassen, et al, Editors, PUDOC Science Publishers, Wageningen, 1989. (See above, 1997)
* "The Orgone Energy Continuum: Some Old and New Evidence", Pulse of the Planet, 1(2):3-8, 1989; German translation "Alte und neue Beweise für das Orgon Energie Kontinuum", Lebensenergie, 2:13-20, 1991.
* "Research Progress Report: The Desert-Drought Map", Pulse of the Planet, 1(2):82, 1989. A copy of this article can be downloaded here.
* "Orgonomic Observations: Pin Points in the Sky?", Pulse of the Planet, 1(2):89-90, 1989.
* "Desert Expansion and Drought: Environmental Crisis, (with the Desert-Drought Map)", Journal of Orgonomy, 23(1):15-26, 1989. A copy of this article can be downloaded here.
* "CORE Progress Report #20: Breaking the Drought Barriers in the Southwest and Northwest USA", Journal of Orgonomy, 23(1):97-125, 1989.
- "The Geography of Genital Mutilations", Proceedings, First International Conference on Circumcision, NOCIRC, San Anselmo, CA, 1989 (Published in Truth Seeker, 1(3):9-13, July/August 1989). Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "Interview with James DeMeo, Ph.D.", Wildfire, 4(2):14-27, Winter, 1989; reprinted in Pulse of the Planet, 3:62-71, 1991; Translated into German, Emotion, No.10, 1992.
- "Interview with James DeMeo", by Jim Martin of Flatland Magazine, Mendocino, 1989.
* "Cranial Deformation and Swaddling (Part 3: Desertification and the Origins of Armoring: The Saharasian Connection)", Journal of Orgonomy, 23(2):248-256, 1989. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
- The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Construction Plans, Experimental Use, and Protection Against Toxic Energy, 2nd Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 1989. Selected Chapters are reproduced on internet.
* "So, Du Willst also einen Cloudbuster bauen?", Emotion, 9:14-44, 1989. German translation of English article: "So, You Want to Build A Cloudbuster?", 1987.
* "CORE Progress Report #21: OROP Arizona 1989", Journal of Orgonomy, 23(2):271-272, 1989.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1989:
- "Reich's Discovery of the Life Energy", American Society of Dowsers,
Santa Cruz, California.
- "Male & Female Genital Mutilations", 1st Internat. Symposia
on Circumcision, NOCIRC Anaheim, California.
- "Bioenergetic Aspects of Forest Death", Institut für Ökologische Zukunftsperspektiven, Hannover, Germany.
- "The Saharasia Thesis", Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, Berlin,
- "Life Energy: Its Role in Health & Disease", Cancer Control
Society Convention, Pasadena, California.
- "Wilhelm Reich and the Discovery of Orgone Energy," American Society of Dowsers, 10th Anniv. West Coast Conference.
- "Cloudbusting in the American Southwest" (in Absentia), American College of Orgonomy Annual Scientific Meeting, Princeton, NJ.
- "Origins of Armoring in Saharasia", Seika Univ., Wilhelm Reich
Conference, Osaka, Japan.
- "Bioenergetic Aspects of Forest Death & Drought", Kyoto Univ.,
Environmental Center, Japan.
- "Life Energy Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich", Tokyo Medical College,
Holistic Medical Society, Japan.
- "The Orgone Accumulator and Reich Blood Test", Kanazawa Medical
Hospital, Hematology Dept., Japan.
* "Desertification and the Origins of Armoring: The Saharasian Connection, Part 2: Possible Mechanisms for the Genesis and Diffusion of a Specific Desert Character Structure", Journal of Orgonomy, 22(1):101-122, and 22(2):268-289, 1988. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package and published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "Cloudbusting: Fact or Mythology", Acres, USA, August 1988, and Wildfire, 4(1):12-14, Fall 1988.
* "The Origins of Armored Patrism (Patriarchal Authoritarian Society)
in Ancient Desertification", Presented at the Annual Meeting, Association
of American Geographers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1988, AAG Program Abstracts,
p.40. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
Behavioral variables such
as infant neglect, child abuse and obedience training, adolescent sexual
repression, female subordination, and tendencies towards social violence,
hierarchical structures, high-god religion and warfare were correlated
and mapped, using the global cross-cultural data base of George P. Murdock.
Murdock's data encompassed 1170 different cultures, has been peer-reviewed
for accuracy, and is widely-consulted source for cross-cultural social
theory testing. My work was the first mapping of this treasure-trove of
cultural information, which revealed a profound spatial pattern imbedded
within the data. Native cultures residing within the Saharasian desert
belt (Sahara, Middle East, Central Asia) were possessed of the most strongly
violent patriarchal, authoritarian, sex-negating, female subordinating,
and child abusing elements a highly armored (Reich), patristic (Hodan),
dominator (Eisler) culture-type. Regions very far removed from Saharasia
(Oceania, the New World) were mostly unarmored, matristic, partnership
culture types. The anthropological data, and a correlated archaeological/
historical survey, suggest a source region for dominator culture within
Saharasia only after c.4000 BCE, when Saharasia began to convert from a
semi-forested savanna into desert, with subsequent famine-driven migrations
outward the mechanism of the great Indoaryan and Semitic cultural movements,
which the maps suggest eventually affected the entire world. The data imply
several phases of diffusion, and are independently supported in Pre-Columbian
contact theory and genetic mapping. The pattern in the data is real, and
strongly implies the existence of a global period of peaceful human culture,
with free and probably democratic social conditions, prior to 4000 BCE.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1988:
- "Climate Patterns in Social Institutions", Faculty Colloquium, U.
Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
- "Reich's Discovery of the Life Energy", Bear Tribe Medicine Wheel
Society, Payson, Arizona.
* ...with Robert Morris: "CORE Progress Report #15: Breaking the 1986 Drought in the Eastern U.S., Phase 3: A Cloudbusting Expedition Into the Southeastern Drought Zone", Journal of Orgonomy, 21(1):27-41, 1987; Greek translation, Hellenic Orgonomic Association Journal, 2:30-46, 1988.
* ...with Robert Morris: "Preliminary Report on a Cloudbusting Experiment in the Southeastern Drought Zone, August 1986", Southeastern Drought Symposium Proceedings, March 4-5, 1987, South Carolina State Climatology Office Publication G-30, Columbia, SC, 1987. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
- On the Origins and Diffusion of Patrism: The Saharasian Connection, James DeMeo, Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of Kansas, Geography Dept., Univ. Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan (cf. Dissertation Abstracts Int., 48, August 1987, pp.457-458A). Full text now available in the published work: Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World, Natural Energy, 1998.
* "L'effet de la Lumiere Fluorescente sur la Croissance des Plantes", Sciences Orgonomiques (France), 2(5):24-28, 1987.
* "Desertification and the Origins of Armoring: The Saharasian Connection, Part 1: The Saharasian Desert Belt", Journal of Orgonomy, 21(2):185-213, 1987. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package and published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "Reduction of Rainwater Acidity Following the End of the 1986 Drought: An Effect of Cloudbusting?", Journal of Orgonomy, 21(2):249-251, 1987. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
* "Field Experiments with the Reich Cloudbuster: Positive Evidence
for a New Technique to Lessen Atmospheric Stagnation and Bring Rains in
Droughty or Arid Atmospheres", Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association for Arid Lands Studies, April 1987, Western Social Science Association, El Paso, Texas, see Abstracts of Papers, p.6. (The following Abstract was updated in 1990 from the 1987 original.)
For more than 13 years (1977
- 1990), the author has conducted field trials with the Reich cloudbuster,
a novel water-grounded antenna operated from the ground and which, thorough
an unorthodox theory of atmospheric functioning, influences cloud growth
and circulation patterns governing rainfall. Reported increases in moisture,
clouds and rains have been observed to follow cloudbusting operations in
a rather consistent and repeatable manner, sometimes in a most dramatic
fashion. Initial field tests on the dynamics of cumulus clouds, involving
densitometer readings of cloud images, suggested immediate influences over
distances of several kilometers. Later work on enhancement of precipitation,
during both drought and non-drought conditions, confirmed more significant
effects over regions ranging in size from hundreds of thousands of square
kilometers in area. These included changes in pressure, circulation, cloud
cover and rainfall patterns. A definite drought-breaking potential has
been confirmed on many occasions. Approximately 37 field trials have been
undertaken with the cloudbuster by the author since 1977. National Weather
Service data, plus field measurements and satellite images, were used to
evaluate for effects. These trials include: 12 operations in Kansas during
non-drought conditions (1977-1978); 12 additional operations in Kansas
during mild to severe drought conditions (1979-1980); 2 operations in Florida
during severe drought conditions (1981-1982); 2 operations in Illinois
during mild drought (1983); and several major extended field operations
during recent extreme droughts of historical magnitudes, such as the Southeastern
USA drought of 1986, the great Midwestern USA drought of 1988, and the
Pacific Northwest drought of 1988. Additionally, six separate cloudbuster
field trials were conducted in the deserts of Arizona during 1988 and 1989.
A dramatic increase and peaking of rainfall was observed within 48 hours
after 80% of these 37 field trials, to include those operations undertaken
during mild, severe, and extreme drought as assessed independently. Four
of the six desert operations were likewise followed by a major increase
and peaking of rainfall within 48 hours, with ambiguous results in the
other two cases. On average, the desert experiments were followed by a
doubling of rainfall quantities for a full week, for a region of several
hundred kilometers radius around the cloudbuster. In the author's view,
the cloudbuster constitutes a breakthrough technology for the breaking
of droughts; a distinct desert-greening capability also exists. This work
confirms the research findings reported by Dr. Wilhelm Reich some five
decades ago, and indirectly supports his theory of an excitable, weather-active
medium at work in the physical chemistry of water, and in the atmosphere.
* "A Dynamic Biological-Atmospheric-Cosmic Energy Continuum: Some
Old and New Evidence", Presented at the 11th International Congress
of Biometeorology, International Society for Biometeorology, Purdue
University, September, 1987, Abstracts, p.43. Updated version (below) Presented
and Published in Geo-Cosmic Relations: The Earth and its Macro-Environment,
Proceedings, First International Congress on Geo-Cosmic Relations,
19-22 April 1989, Amsterdam, Netherlands, G.J.M. Tomassen, et al, Editors,
PUDOC Science Publishers, Wageningen, 1989.
From 1934 to 1957, Dr. Wilhelm
Reich published a series of experimental reports demonstrating the existence
of a specific biologically and meteorologically active energy continuum
at work within the atmospheric ocean, and in high vacuum. Reich developed
unique experimental devices, notably a metallic energy-accumulating enclosure
(the orgone accumulator), and a special water-grounded instrument for affecting
clouds and weather patterns from a distance (the cloudbuster). His most
crucial experiments and observations have been verified and duplicated
in both Europe and the USA. In controlled studies, the metallic energy-accumulating
enclosures have been found to have specific influences upon air temperature,
humidity, and electroscopical discharge rate in a manner dependent upon
local meteorology. A stimulating effect upon plant growth, wound healing,
and general physiology have also been documented. The cloudbuster, which
must be partly grounded in moving, unpolluted water, has a demonstrated
capacity to influence cloud dynamics over large regions, and has been used
to break droughts and bring rains in various parts of the world. This body
of work demonstrating the existence of an excitable, pulsatile cosmic-atmospheric-biological
energy is in general agreement with similar findings of Piccardi and Bortels
on fluctuating physicochemical and biological phenomena. In particular,
the metallic enclosures used in Piccardi's tests are similar to the metallic
accumulators used in Reich's energy experiments. Piccardi's observations
on water activation parallel those of Reich on the capacity of water to
absorb the atmospheric orgone energy, a principle employed most effectively
in the cloudbuster. Likewise, Bortel's suggestion of a specific weather
radiation is founded upon observations similar to those made by Reich and
his coworkers, who came to similar conclusions. The works of Miller on
the dynamic aether drift, Burr on electrodynamic fields, Alfven and Arp
on plasma energy in space, Kervran on biological transmutations, Brown
on exogenous biological clock phenomena, and Benveniste on water-activating
principles in high dilutions, have likewise demonstrated either the importance
of cosmic spatial/environmental factors to experimental results, or the
necessity for the existence of a biologically and meteorologically active
ether-like energy continuum.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1987:
- "Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia", University of Miami,
GTU Faculty Club, Miami, Florida.
- "Genesis of Armoring in Saharasia," American College of Orgonomy
Lecture Series, Berkeley, California.
- "Desert-Greening Experiment in the Southeastern USA", American College Orgonomy Annual Meeting, Princeton, NJ.
* ...with Robert Morris: "CORE Progress Report #14: Possible Slowing and Warming of an Arctic Air Mass through Cloudbusting", Journal of Orgonomy, 20(1):120-125, 1986. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
* "Interview: Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy, and the Accumulator", Acres, USA, p.25-28, October 1986.
* The Orgone Energy Motor: Reference and Data Package, Special Report, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab / Natural Energy Works, 1986.
- The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: With Plans for Construction of Experimental Orgone Energy Accumulators, Blankets, and Garden Seed Chargers, and Directions for their Use, 1st. Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 1986; translated into Japanese, Center for the Study of Bioenergy, Kanazawa, Japan, 1990, with portions reprinted in Bioenergy, 10:2-11, 1990.
* "Orgone Energy" (Letter), Acres USA, p.34, August 1986.
* "So You Want to Build A Cloudbuster?" Internet Publication:
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1986:
- "The Genesis of Armoring in Saharasia", Wilhelm Reich Conference,
American College of Orgonomy, Wagner College, Staten Island, NY.
- "Agricultural Applications of Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries", Acres
USA Conference, Kansas City.
- "Cloudbusting Operations in the SE USA", American College of Orgonomy
Annual Meeting, New York.
* "Field Experiments with the Reich Cloudbuster: 1977-1983", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(1):57-79, 1985; Greek translation in the Hellenic Orgonomic Association Journal, Thessaloniki, 1990. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
- Bibliography on Orgone Biophysics: Selected Citations, 1934-85, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon (expanded & revised 1986).
* ...with Robert Morris: "CORE Progress Report #13, Fighting the Extreme Drought of Spring 1985 (Southeast)", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(2):265-66, 1985. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
- "Global Distribution of Male and Female Genital Mutilations", Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Detroit 1985, AAG Program Abstracts, Item #227. Also published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
* "Implausible Inventions" (Letter), Science, 227:246, 18 January 1985. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
* "Microcomputer Access to Geographical-Anthropological Data Bases", Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C. 1984, Abstracts of Papers, p.331.
Lecture 1984:
- "Child-Rearing Practices & the Search for Global Peace", Terrorism and World Peace Conference, Illinois State University, Office of International Studies, Normal, Illinois.
* "Evidence For Reich Outweighs the Negatives" (Letter), Daily Pantagraph, Normal, IL, 19 August 1983. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
Lecture 1983:
- "Field Experiments with the Reich Cloudbuster", Illinois State University.
Faculty Club, Normal, Illinois.
* "The Use of Herbs for Contraception by Primitive People", Presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
San Antonio 1982, AAG Program Abstracts, p.33-34. Also
published as a chapter in Saharasia, 1998.
Herbs with a contraceptive
effect were knowingly used by primitive peoples around the world.
Such knowledge seems to have persisted in its most potent form in matrist
cultures, where women's status was high. The dispersed distribution
of tribes using herbal contraceptives, and their closer association to
matristic cultures where Judeo-Christian and Islamic influences were minimal,
suggests that the knowledge of these herbs was once widespread. The
contraceptive potency of some of these herbs has been verified by laboratory
testing; as such, they stand as the solution to the riddle of "infertile
premarital promiscuity" present in many matrist cultures.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1982:
- "Women's Status, Infant & Child Treatment", Illinois State Univ.
Gamma Theta Upsilon honorary society.
Faculty Club, Normal, Illinois.
- "Cloudbusting", McLean County Farm Bureau, Rain Gain Cooperative,
* "University-Level Appropriate Technology Education", Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles 1981, AAG Program Abstracts, p.10.
* "Homebirth Provides Viable Alternative to Hospitalization" (Letter), University Daily Kansan, U. of Kansas, Lawrence, 3 November 1981, p.4. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1981:
- "Historical Geography of Circumcision", Nat. Assn. Safe Childbirth
Alternatives Conference, Lawrence, KS.
- "Geographic Parameters in the Status of Women," Women's Studies
Dept., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
* "Instructor's Guide: Undergraduate Course On Appropriate Technology", Solar Energy Research Institute/DOE, booklet privately published and distributed, 1980.
* "Water Evaporation Inside the Orgone Accumulator," Journal of Orgonomy, 14:171-175, 1980. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
* "Cross Cultural Studies as a Tool in Geographic Research", Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Louisville, Kentucky, 1980, AAG Program Abstracts, p.167.
* "On the Pendulum Experiment" (Letter), Kronos, 5(4):88, 1980. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
* "Safety in Home Births" (Letter), University Daily Kansan, U. of Kansas, Lawrence, p.4, 7 July 1980.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1980:
- "Environmental Radiation & Pregnancy", Nat. Assn. Safe Childbirth
Alternatives Conference, Lawrence, Kansas.
- "Cloudbuster Research at the University of Kansas", Wilhelm Reich
Conference, York University, Toronto, Canada; also at Planetary
Association for Clean Energy, Learned Societies Conferences, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada.
- "Kansas Soil and Water: Improving or Declining", Appropriate Technology Resource Center, Earth Day Events, Lawrence, Kansas.
* Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental
to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster, James DeMeo,
M.A. Thesis, Univ. of Kansas, Geography-Meteorology Dept., Univ. Microfilms
International, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1979. (High
quality xerographic edition available -- UMI version not recommended
due to poor quality); Chapter 1 reprinted in Int. Journal of Life Energy,
2(2):35-48, 1980, and in Planetary Assn. for Clean Energy Newsletter,
2(2):6-8, 1980. Abstract of work in Masters Abstracts, 18(1),
1980 (below).
A Reich cloudbuster was
field tested for its reported ability to modify the weather. Photographic
analysis of tested cumulus clouds revealed an increased rate of decay as
compared to a control group. NOAA weather data indicated, on the
average, a decrease in percent cloud cover and precipitation in Kansas
following precipitation abatement tests run during rainy periods.
Summarized precipitation enhancement tests revealed an increase in percent
cloud cover and precipitation following onset of testing. The increase
in precipitation was, on the average, the largest amount to occur within
a week encompassing the test dates. Many other interesting phenomena
were observed and minimally documented. Natural weather conditions
could not fully explain all of the effects noted. While a high degree
of statistical significance was not achieved in this preliminary study,
the data and phenomena observed do fit comfortably with a positive interpretation
of the device's efficacy.
* "Seed Sprouting Inside the Orgone Accumulator", Journal of Orgonomy, 12:253-258, 1978. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
Lecture 1978:
- "History of Childbirth & Midwifery", Nat. Assn. Safe Childbirth
Alternatives Conference, Lawrence, Kansas.
* "Legislation Needed to Promote Solar Energy Use", Alternative Sources of Energy, 25:32-33, 1977.
* "Herbal Oral Contraceptives: Their Use by Primitive Peoples", Mothering, 5:24-28, 1977. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
* "Roots of the Problem" (Letter), Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, p.4, February 1976.
* "Wind Power", Florida Urban and Environmental Issues, 2:8-10, 1975.
* "Effects of Fluorescent Lights and Metal Boxes on Growing Plants", Journal of Orgonomy, 9:62-68, 1975. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
* (Signatory to Open Letter) "Scientist's Declaration on the Hazards of Nuclear Power", Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, D.C., 1975.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1975:
- "Solar Power Versus Nuclear Power", Dade County Women's Political
Caucus, Miami, Florida.
- "Solar Legislation", Florida Institute of Technology, Solar Energy
Society, Jensen Beach, Florida.
- "Electric Power from the Wind", Society for Advancement of Natural
Energy, Boca Raton, Florida
- "Solar Power Potential for South Florida", Florida Solar Energy
Center, Miami, Florida.
* "Solar Energy", Florida Urban and Environmental Issues, 1:7-11, 1974.
* "Cyclamates Can Be Dangerous" (Letter), Good Times, Florida International University, Miami, p.8, 21 November 1974.
Lectures (without published Abstracts) 1974:
- "Biological Effects of Low Level Radiation", Testimony at Intervenor
Hearings, Atomic Energy Commission, Miami, Florida.
- "Life Energy Experiments of Wilhelm Reich", Psychobionics Symposium, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, Florida.
* "Health Hazards of Fluorescent Lighting" (Letter), Alternative Sources of Energy, March, #13, p.41, 1973.
Additional Articles and Materials:
* Click here to review and/or purchase books by James DeMeo.
* The Orgone Biophysical Research Lab: James DeMeo's Research Website.
* The Saharasia web page.
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