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Part I: c.1920 through 1957 Click here for Part II: 1958 to 1999. Research After Reich.
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Compiled and maintained by James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Covering Wilhelm Reich's Lifetime
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1920s - early 1930s: Reich's Early Psychoanalytic and Sex-Political Work in Vienna and Berlin
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ueber einen Fall von Durchbruch der Inzestschranke" (Breakthrough of the Incest Taboo), Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft , VII, 1920.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Triebbegriffe von Forel bis Jung" (Forel's Argument Against Jung), "Der Koitus und die Geschlechter" (Sexual Intercourse and Gender), Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, 1921.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ueber Spezifitaet der Onanieformen" (On the Specific Forms of Masturbation), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, VIII, 1922.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Zur Triebenergetik" (The Drive for Power), Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Kindliche Tagtraeume einer spaeteren Zwangsneurose" (Childhood Daydreams of a Later Neurosis), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, 1923 ?.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ueber Genitalitaet" (About Genitality), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Ueber funktionelle Blasenstörungen" ("On Functional Bladder Disorders" by Oswald Schwarz), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (1): 90-91, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Ueber psychogene Dermadosen" ("On Psychogenic Dermatoses" by Bunnemann), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (1): 91-92, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Zur Psychopathologie des Asthma bronchiale" ("On the Psychopathology of Bronchial Asthma" by Frieda Reichmann), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (1):92, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Psychische Faktoren bei organischen Krankheit" ("Psychic Factors in Organic Diseases" by G.R. Heyer), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (1):92-92, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Vorstudien zu einer Psychologie der Manie" ("Preliminary Studies of a Psychology of Mania" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (2):221, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Bemerkungen ueber die Psychologie des paralytischen Größenwahns" ("Comments on the Psychology of Paralytic Megalomania" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (2):221-222, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Ueber das archaische Denken in der Schizophrenie" ("On Archaic Reasoning in Schizophrenia" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (2):222, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Schizophrenie" ("Schizophrenia" by Karl Wilmans), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (2):222, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die konstitutionelle Struktur und Dynamik der 'originären' Zwangsvorstellungsneurose - Fall Anna Reimer" ("The Constitutional Structure and Dynamics of 'Original' Obsessive-compulsive Neurosis - the Case of Anna Reimer" by Hermann Hoffmann), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (2):224-225, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Beitrage zur Psychologie der Kokainomanie" ("Contributions to the Psychology of Cocainism" by Norbert Marx), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (2):225-226, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Zur Frage der Selbstblendung" ("On the Question of Self-Blinding" by Heinz Hartmann), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (2):228, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Das Unbewußte" ("The Unconscious" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (3):531-534, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Zum Problem des Unbewußten" ("On the Question of the Unconscious" by Gaston Roffenstein), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX (3):534-535, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der Tic als Onanieequivalent" (The Tic as a Masturbation Equivalent), Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Die therapeutische Bedeutung der Genitallibido" (The Therapeutic Importance of Genital Libido), and "Über Genitalität vom Standpunkt der psa. Prognose und Libidotheorie." (On Genitality From the Standpoint of PENSA. Prognosis and Libido Theory) Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X, Vienna, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Die Rolle der Genitalitaet in der Neurosentherapie" (The role of Genitality in the Treatment of Neurosis), Zeitschrif für Aerztliche Psychotherapie (Journal for Medical Psychotherapy), IX, 1923.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Sexualpathologie" ("Sexual Pathology" by Arthur Kronfeld), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):312-313, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Über neuere grundsätzliche Auffassungen in der Psychotherapie" ("On Recent Basic Concepts in Psychotherapy" by Arthur Kronfeld), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):313-314, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Angstneurose" ("Anxiety Neurosis" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):314, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Zur Lehre von der Hypochondrie" ("On the Theory of Hypochondriasis" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):314, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Medizinische Psychologie für Arzte und Psychologen" ("Medical Psychology for Physicians and Psychologists" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):314-316, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Uber den Wirkungswert psychischer Erlebnisse und uber die Vielheit der Quellgebiete der psychischen Energie" ("On the Effective Value of Psychic Experiences and on the Multiplicity of the Source Areas of Psychic Energy" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):316, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Zur Psychologie epileptischer Ausnahmezustände" ("On the Psychology of Epileptic Derangements" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):317, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die psychopathischen Persönlichkeiten" ("Psychopathic Personalities" by Kurt Schneider), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):317, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Daseinsweise der Hysterie" ("The Existential Mode of Hysteria" by Kurt Schneider), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):317, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Experimentelle Symbolträume" ("Experimental Symbolic Dreams" by Gaston Roffenstein), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):327, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Zur Kasuistik des nervösen Tic" ("On the Causes of the Nervous Tic" by E. Sigg), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):328, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Verlaufsformen paranoider Psychosen der Schizophrenie" ("Courses of Paranoid Psychosis of Schizophrenia" by Otto Magenau), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):329, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Zum Behandlungsmodus des Sado-Masochismus" ("On the Treatment of Sadomasochism" by Johans Strömme), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):478, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Gehäuftes Auftreten von Morbus Basedowii" ("Heaped up Occurrence of Basedow's Disease" by Felix Deutsch), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):478-479, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Praxis und Theorie der Individualpsychologie" ("Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology" by Alfred Adler), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):479, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Praxis und Theorie der Individualpsychologie" ("Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology" by Alfred Adler), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X (4):479, 1924.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Der Triebhafte Charakter: eine psychoanalytische Studie zur Pathologie des Ich (The Impulsive Character: A Psychoanalytic Study on the Pathology of the Id), International Psychoanalyse Verlag, #4 Liepzig/Vienna/Zurich 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Eine hysterische Psychose in statu nascendi (Hysterical Psychosis in Statu Nascendi)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XI, Liepzig/Vienna/Zurich 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Weitere Bemerkungen ueber die therapeutische Bedeutung der Genitallibido" (More Comments on the Therapeutic Importance of Genital Libido), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XI, Liepzig/Vienna/Zurich 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Hypnose und die Suggestion" ("Hypnosis and Suggestion" by W. Hilger), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XI (2):240, 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Von menschlichen Trieben" ("On Human Drives" by W.C. Rivers), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XI (3):368, 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Psychoide als Prinzip der organischen Entwicklung" ("The 'Psychoid' as the Principle of Organic Development" by E. Bleuer), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XI (3):368-370, 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Das Ziel in der Psychotherapie" ("The Goal of Psychotherapy" by W. Eliasberg), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XI (3):375, 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Wesen und Vorgang der Suggestion" ("Essence and Process of Suggestion" by Erwin Strauss), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XI (3):375, 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Psychologische Vorlesungen" ("Psychological Lectures" by Oswald Bumke), Imago, XI (1,2):187, 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Gestandniszwang und Strafbedurfnis" ("Compulsions to Confess and Need for Punishment" by Theodor Reik), Imago, XI (4):467-478, 1925.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ueber die Quellen der neurotischen Angst (The Sources of Neurotic Anxiety)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII, #3, Liepzig/Vienna/Zurich 1926. Also in International Journal for Psychoanalysis, VII, p.381-391, London 1926. Abstract reprinted here.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ueber die chronische hypochondrische Neurasthenie mit genitaler Asthenie" (On the Chronic Hypochondriac Neurasthenia with Genital Asthenia), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII, Liepzig/Vienna/Zurich 1926. Also in: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Paedagogik, No.3, 1926, continued in issues No.7, 8 & 9, 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Grundzuge der arztlichen Psychologie" ("Main Features of Medical Psychology" by Heinz Fendel), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII (1):105, 1926.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Entwurf einer Psychiatrie auf psychoanalytischer Grundlage" ("Outline of a psychiatry on psychoanalytic foundations" by Paul Schilder), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII (1):106-114, 1926.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Psychologie des Sauglings" ("The Psychology of the Infant" by Siegfried Bernfeld), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII (4):571-573, 1926.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Die Funktion des Orgasmus: zur Psychopathologie und zur Soziologie des Geschlechtslebens (Function of the Orgasm) International Psychoanalyse Verlag, 1927. English exerpts in International Journal of Psychoanalysis, London 1930. Facimile reprint by Thomas de Munter, Amsterdam 1965.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Zur Technik der Deutung und der Widerstandsanalyse" (On the technique and Interpretation of Resistance Analysis), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII, Liepzig/Vienna/Zurich 1927. Included in Reich, Character Analysis, 1933, 1945, 1949.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Hysterical Psychosis in Statu Nascendi", International Journal for Psychoanalysis, London, VIII, pp.159-173 1927. Abstract reprinted here
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Onanie im Lichte der modernen Seelenkunde" ("Masturbation in the Light of Modern Psychology" by Miroslav Schlesinger), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (1):100 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Das Unterbewusstsein, Eine Kritik" ("The Unconscious: A Criticism" by Oswald Bumke), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (1):100 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Seelische Selbsbehandlung" ("Psychological Self-Treatment" by V. Hahnlein), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (1):101 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Sexualpsychologische Studie zur Homosexualität" ("Sex-psychological studies on homosexuality" by Werner Hartoch), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (2):253 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die liebe Krankheit" ("Dear Sickness" by Anton Mißriegler), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (2):253 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Allgemeine und spezielle Pathologie der Person, klinische Syzygiologie" ("General and special pathology of the person. Clinical syzygiology" by Fr. Kraus), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (3):338-339 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Paranoiafrage" ("The Paranoia Problem" by Doz. Lange), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (3):343 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die abnormen seelischen Reaktionen" ("Abnormal Psychological Reactions" by Kurt Schneider), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (3):344 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Traktat über die Heilkunde" ("Tract on Therapeutics" by Kurt Schneider), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (3):344-349 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die psychopathischen Verbrecher" ("The Psychopathic Criminal" by Karl Birnbaum), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (3):349-350 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Der 'moralische Defekt', das Schuld- und Strafproblem in psychoanalytischer Beleuchtung" ("The 'Moral Defect.' The Problem of Guilt and Punishment in the Light of Psychoanalysis" by A. Furrer), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIII (3):349-350 1927.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "A Criticism of Recent Theories of the Problem of Neurosis", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, IX, p.227-240, 1928. Abstract reprinted here.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ueber Charakteranalyse (On the Technique of Character Analysis), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIV, 1928 [Contained in Reich, Character Analysis, 1933, 1945, 1949, and in The Psychoanalytic Reader, Robert Fleiss, Editor, 1948].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Onanie im Kindesalter (About Genital Self-Satisfaction in Children)", Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Paedagogik, No.4, 5 & 6, 1928; English translation reprinted in Reich 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Wohin fuehrt die Nackterziehung" (Where Does Natural Family Nudity Lead), Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Paedagogik, No.2 & 3, 1928; Contained in Reich The Sexual Revolution, 1945.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Die Spaltung der Geschlechtlichkeit und ihre Folgen für Ehe und Gesellschaft" (The Division of Sexuality and its Consequences for Marriage and Society), in Almanach [der Psychoanalyse] fuer das Jahr, Band 3, Herausgegeben von Adolf Joseph Storfer. Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1928.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Machtwille und Menschenwürde" ("The Will to Power and Man's Dignity" by Konrad Falke), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIV (2):257 1928.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Fortschritte der Sexualwissenschaft und Psychoanalyse" ("Progress of Sex-Research and Psychoanalysis" by Wilhelm Stekel), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIV (2):257 1928.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Über die Ehe" ("About Marriage" by Paul Häberlin), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIV (4):532-533 1928.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Die Abneigung in der Ehe. Eine Studie über ihre Entstehung und Bekämpfung" ("Aversion in Marriage. A Study on the Struggle against Sensuality in Marriage." by Theo Van de Velde), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XIV (4):534-536 1928.
Reich Visits the Soviet Union in August-September.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse (Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis)" in German and Russian editions of the journal Under the Banner of Marxism, Journal of the German Communist Party (KPD).
French trans. "La Crise Sexuelle", Paris, Edition Social. Int. 1933. Serbian trans. 1934.
Revised and republished with new Introduction by Reich, as a pamphlet by Sexpol Verlag, Denmark 1934. See 1934 entry for further reproductions and translations.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Psychoanalysis in the Soviet Union", Psychoanalytische Bewegung, 1929.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Sexualerregung und Sexualbefriedigung (Sexual Excitation and Sexual Satisfaction), Muensterverlag, Vienna 1929. Hungarian trans. 1930.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der genitale und der neurotische Charakter (The Genital Character and the Neurotic Character)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XV, Vienna 1929 (Included in Reich, Character Analysis, 1933, 1945, 1949, and in The Psychoanalytic Reader, Robert Fleiss, Editor, 1948).
* Reich, Wilhelm: Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral: Eine Kritik der bürgerlichen Sexualreform (Sexual Maturity, Abstinence and Marital Fidelity: A Criticism of Civil Sexual Reform), Muensterverlag, Vienna 1930.
Republished in Reich 1936 with new title: Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf.
Included as the first part of English language editions of Reich's The Sexual Revoluton, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1962.
German pirate edition in Reich 1968.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Zur Kritik der Sexualreform" (To the Criticism of Sexual Reform), booklet, Berlin 1930.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Über kindliche Phobia und Charakterbildung (Infantile Phobia and Character Formation)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XVI, Liepzig/Vienna/Zurich 1930 (Included in Reich, Character Analysis, 1933, 1945, 1949, and in The Psychoanalytic Reader, Robert Fleiss, Editor, 1948).
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Sexualnot der Werktätigen und die Schwierigkeit sexueller Beratung (The Sexual Misery of the Working Masses and the Difficulties of Sexual Reform)", Sexualnot und Sexualreform: Verhandlung der Weltliga für Sexualreform, abgehalten zu Wien am 16-23 Sept. 1930, Vienna 1931, p.72-87.
English translation in Reich 1974.
* Reich, Wilhelm, "Die charakterologische Überwindung des Ödipuskomplexes" (Characterological Mastery of the Oedipus Complexes), Lecture to the German Psychoanalytic Society, Dresden, Sept. 1930.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Character Formation and the Phobias of Childhood", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII, p.219-230, Vienna 1931. Abstract posted here
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Die charakterologische Ueberwindung des Oedipuskomplexes (The Characterological Mastery of the Oedipus Complex)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII, p.452-457, 1931. (Included in Reich, Character Analysis, 1933, 1945, 1949). Abstract reprinted here.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ueber den epileptischen Anfall" (About Epileptic Seizures), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XVII, Vienna 1931, p.263-275. Also in International Journal for Psychoanalysis, London, 1932?.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Das Geschlechtsleben der Wilden in Nordwestmelanesien" ("The Sexual Life of Savages in Northwest Melanesia" by Bronislav Malinowski), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XII (3):403-404 1931. Also in Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung I, 1932, p.232.
Reich is expelled from the German Communist Party, for "counter-revolutionary" ideas.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Der Sexuelle Kampf der Jugend (The Sexual Struggle of Youth), Verlag für Sexualpolitik, Berlin 1932.
Partial English translation as revised by Reich in Children of the Future, Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1983 (does not include the first section on "Reproduction" and the last two chapter sections).
Last chapter section found in Baxandall edition of Reich 1966.
English language pirate edition by Socialist Reproduction of London in 1972.
Includes sections on:
- Foreword
- Reproduction -- with sections on A) The Sexual Organs, B) Pregnancy and Childbirth, C) A Paragraph on Abortion, D) Contraceptive Methods
- Sexual Tension and Gratification -- with sections on A) Sexual Maturation, B) Masturbation and Young People, C) The Sexual Act, D) Difficulties in Sexual Relationships (impotence, premature ejaculation, problems of enjoyment, sexual frigidity, nymphomania) E) Venereal Diseases and their Prevention, F) Self-Regulation of Sexual Life Through Sexual Satisfaction, G) Continence and Productiveness,
- On the Question of Homosexuality
- The Problems of Friendship Between Young People
- What the Suppression of Young People's Sexual Lives Signifies
- Social Revolution as the Precondition of the Sexual Liberation
- Politicizing the Sexual Problems of Youth
Keywords: adolescent sexuality, love, premarital sex, homosexuality, contraception, abortion
* Reich, Wilhelm: Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral: Zur Geschichte der sexuellen Ökonomie (The Invasion of Sexual Morality: A History of Sexual Economics), Verlag für Sexualpolitik, Berlin 1932.
Revised German edition published in Copehnagen 1935, by Sexpol Verlag.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der masochistische Charakter: Eine sexualökonomische Widerlegung des Todestriebes und des Wiederholungszwanges (The Masochistic Character: A Sex-Economic Refutation of the Death Instinct and Repetition Compulsion)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XVIII, Vienna 1932. Reprinted in 1944, and included in Reich, Character Analysis, 1933, 1945, 1949.
Keywords: sexuality, neurosis, orgasm
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Abschließende Bemerkung zur 'Gegenkritik' Bernfelds" (in reference to Siegfried Bernfeld's "Die kommunistische Diskussion um die Psychoanalyse und Reichs 'Widerlegung des Todestriebhypothese" in this same issue), Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XVIII, Vienna 1932.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Eros im Zuchthaus" ("Eros in the Penitentiary" by Karl Plettner), Imago, XIII (1):130 1932.
Reich Departs Germany for Denmark in May, to Escape Nazi and Communist threats.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Article in Danish magazine (published by Edvard Heiberg, but previously appearing in Zeitschrift für psychoanalyt. Pädagogik), Copenhagen, c.1933 (ref from. Leistikow 1942).
* Reich, Wilhelm: Sexualny Boj Mladeze (The Sexual Struggle of Youth), Knihovna leve fronty, Prague (Czech Ed.), 1933; also Trans. into Hungarian.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Charakter-Analyse: Technik und Grundlagen für studierende und praktizierende Analytiker (Character Analysis: Principles and Technique for Psychoanalysts in Practice and in Training), 1st Edition, Sexpol Verlag, 1933. English translantions, whole or part, in Reich 1944, 1945, 1949.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Massenpsychologie des Faschismus (Mass Psychology of Fascism), 1st Edition, Sexpol Verlag, 1933; 2nd Edition, Sexpolverlag 1934. English translantion in Reich 1946.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Book Review: "Social Pathology" by John Lewis Gillin & "Social Pathology" by George Mangold, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, II (3):435-436 1933.
Reich Departs Denmark for Norway in October, Following Continued Nazi-Communist Attacks.
Reich is expelled from the International Psychoanalytic Assocation (IPA).
* Arm, Arnold: "Zur Geschichte der Sexpol-Bewegung: Durch Sexualhemmung ins Dritte Reich (On the History of the Sexpol Movement: Sexual Repression in the Third Reich)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:260-262, 1934.
* Epstein, Julius: "Marxismus -- Ideology -- Psychologie: Marx, Peuchet und die Psychoanalyse (Marxism - Ideology - Psychology: Marx, Peuchet and Psychoanalysis)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:281-288, 1934.
* Fenichel, Otto: "Über die Psychoanalyse als Keim einer zukünftigen dialektisch-materialistischen Psychology (Psychoanalysis as Germ of a Guture Dialectic-Materialistic Psychology)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:43-62, 1934.
* Hansen, Otto: "Ein Kinderschicksal: Beitrag zur Strukturbildung des bürgerlichen Menschen (The Fate of Children: Contribution to the Structural Formation of a Civil Humanity)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:196-206, 1934.
* Kolbenhoff, Walter: "Besprechungen: I Le Problem Sexuel (Book Review)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:81-84, 1934.
* Leunbach, J.H.: "Religion und Sexualität" (Religion and Sexuality), Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:70-73, 1934.
* Leunbach, J.H.: "Sex-Pol Bewegung (Sex-Pol Movement)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:78-78, 1934.
* Leunbach, J.H.: "Sex-Pol-Bewegung: Ein Pornografie-Prozess in Schweden (Sex-Pol Movement: Pornographic Developments in Sweden)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:155-156, 1934.
* Muster, Karl: "Religion: Theologie -- spottet ihrer selbst und weiss nicht wie" (Religion: Theology is a Joke, Of Which They are Unaware), Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:152-153, 1934.
* Muster, Karl: "Besprechungen: Psychoanalyse; Allendys Trieblehre, Falsche Konsequenzen aus A's Trieblehre (Discussions: Psychoanalysis; Allendys' Impulse Theory; False Consequences of A's Impulse Theory)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:291-295, 1934.
* Reich, Annie: "Arbeiterbewegung: Wir bekamen folgenden Bericht (Worker's Movement: A Report Received)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:73-78, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Foreword" to the work by Sigmund Freud Tre Afhandlinger om Sexualtheori, (Three Papers on Sexual Theory) Jorgen Neergaard Translator (from the original 1905 edition), Nordiske Videnskabsboghandel, Copenhagen, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: La Crise Sexuelle (The Sexual Crisis), Editions Sociales Internationales, Paris, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse (Dialectic Materialism and Psychoanalysis) Sexpol Verlag, Denmark 1934, with new 1934 Introduction add by Reich.
English Translation republished in Studies on the Left (Stanley, et al Eds.) Vol.6, #4, July-August 1966.
Also contained in Baxandall edition of Reich 1966.
English language pirate edition by Socialist Reproduction in 1972.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Zur Einführung" (Introduction), Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:1-4, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Zur Anwendung der Psychoanalyse in der Geschichtsforschung" (On the Application of Psychoanalysis in Historical Research), Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:4-16, 1934.
English translation in anon.1977.
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. Parell, Ernst): "Was ist Klassenbewußtsein? (What is Class Consciousness?)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:16-29; 90-107; 226-255, 1934.
Also contained in Baxandall edition of Reich 1966.
English language pirate edition by Socialist Reproduction of London in 1972.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie - Der Orgasmus als elektrophysiologische Entladung (Paper on Human Sex-Economy: The Orgasm as an Electrophysiological Discharge)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:29-43, 1934 [English translation reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 2(2):117-131, 1968; also in Reich 1974, 1982].
Keywords: electrophysiology, emotions, orgasm
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. Parell, Ernst): "Einwände gegen Massenpsychologie und Sexualpolitik (Objections Against Mass-Psychology and Sexual Politics)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:62-70; 146-152, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. "Observer"): "Besprechungen: II Walter Kolbenhoff, Untermenschen (Book Review)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:84-85, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ein Widerspruch in der Freud'schen Verdrängungslehre (A Contradiction in Freud's Displacement Theory)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:115-125, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie - Der Urgegensatz des vegetative Lebens (Paper on Human Sex-Economy: The Basic Antithesis of Vegetative Life)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:125-142, 1934.
English translation reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 1(1-2):4-22, 1967 and 2(1):5-23, 1968.
Keywords: anxiety, biochemistry, electrophysiology, emotions, mind-body, orgasm, pleasure, psyche-soma
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Roheims 'Psychoanalyse primitiver Kulturen' (Roheim's Psychoanalysis of Primitive Culture)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:169-195, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie - Die vegetative Urform des Libido-Angst. Gegensatzes (Paper on Human Sex-Economy: The Primary Form of Libido-Anxiety Antithesis)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:207-225, 1934.
Keywords: anxiety, biochemistry, electrophysiology, emotions, mind-body, orgasm, pleasure, psyche-soma
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Geschichte der Deutschen Sex-Pol Bewegung; Sexualpolitische Platform des "Deutschen Reichs vergandes für proletarische Sexualpolitik" (History the German Sex-Pol Movement; Sexual-Political Platform of the 'German Association for Proletarian Sexual Politics')", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:262-269, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Sex-Pol-Praxis: Zum Arbeitsdienstflugblatt aus 'Massenpsychologie des Fascismus'; Arbeitsdienst und Sexualproblem; Wie sollen wir zur Frage der Homosexualität ind der SA Stellung nehmen (Sex-Pol Practice: On the Labor Conscription Handbill in 'Mass Psychology of Fascismus'; Work Service and Sexual Problems; Our position on the Question of Homosexuality in the SA)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:262-272, 1934.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Einige Gedanken über freundschaftliche Kritik oder 'Der Stein von Eslöv' (Some Friendly Criticisms of The Stone of Eslöv)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:289-290, 1934.
* Teschitz, Wolfgang: "Arbeiterbewegung: Zur Kritik der kommunistischen Politik in Deutschland (Worker's Movement: A Criticism of the Communist Policies in Germany)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:107-114, 1934.
* Teschitz, Karl: "Zur Kritik der kommunistischen Politik: Ein Nachtrag (Criticism of Communist Policy: An After-Thought)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:256-258, 1934.
* anon.: "Marxismus -- Ideologie -- Psychologie", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:79-80, 159, 1934.
* anon.: "An alle Antifaschisten! (To All Anti-Fascists!)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:89-90, 1934.
* anon.: "Der Traum (The Dream)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:142-145, 1934.
* anon.: "'Unpolitische' Wissenschaft: S-Typhus und J-Typhus: Rassenfrage vor der deutschen Wissenschaft ('Non-Political' Science: S-Typhoid fever and J-Typhoid fever: Race Question Before German Science)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:153, 1934.
* anon. ("H.B."): "Sex-Pol-Bewegung: Susammenkunft skandinavischer Psychoanalytiker in Oslo (Sex-Pol Movement: Meeting of Scandinavian Psychoanalysts in Oslo)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:157-158, 1934.
* anon.: "Anfragen: Anfragen aus Luxemburg, Anfragen uber das Wesen des Hasses gegen die Juden, Anfrage aus Zurich, Anfrage aus Paris, Die 'Sexelle Freheit' der Hitlerjugend (Questions: Questions from Luxemburg, More Questions on the Nature of Jew-Hatred, Question from Zurich, Question from Paris, The 'Sexual Freedom' of the Hitler Youth)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:159-163, 1934.
* anon.: "Was hat die Elektrophysiologie des Orgasmus mit der Politik zu tun? (What Has the Electrophysiology of the Orgasm to do with Politics?)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:163-164, 1934.
* anon.: "Ökonomie -- Massenpsychologie: Japans grosse Handelsoffensive (Economics -- Mass Psychology: Japan's Big Trade Offensive)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:164-165, 1934.
* anon.: "Empfehlenswerte Literatur (Recommended Literature)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:165, 1934.
* anon.: "Eingegangene Schriften (Books Received)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:165, 1934.
* anon. ("R.G."): "Zur Geschichte der Sexpol-Bewegung: Wohin die Vereinsmeierei führt (On the History of the Sexpol Movement: Where All the Club-Nonsense Leading To)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:259-260, 1934.
* anon.: "Arbeiterbewegung-Massenpsychologie: Der Führer will das nicht! (Worker's Movement - Mass Psychology: The Führer does not want this!)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:273-274, 1934.
* anon.: "Grundsätze zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiterbewegung (Principles for Discussion on the Newly Forming Worker's Movement)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:274-277, 1934.
* anon.: "Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen (Experiences and Observations)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:278, 1934.
* anon.: "Politik und Wissenschaft: Wo liegt die gesellschaftliche Bedutung der Angstpsychologie? (Politics and Science: Where Lies the Social Meaning of the Psychology of Anxiety?)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:279-280, 1934.
* anon.: "Besprechungen: Aktuelle Politische Schriften: (Discussions: Current political Writings)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, I:296-299, 1934.
* Epstein, Julius: "Das neue Homosexuellen-Gesetz Sowjet-Russlands (The New Homosexual Laws of Soviet Russia)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:50-51, 1935.
* Epstein, Julius: "Das Dritte Reich und die Homosexuellen (The Third Reich and the Homosexuals)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:178-181, 1935.
* Haire, Norman & J.H. Leunebach: "Ein Brief von Norman Haire", "Antwort an Norman Haire" & "Mitteilung: an alle Mitglieder und Sektionen der Weltliga für Sexualreform" ("A Letter from Norman Haire", "Answer to Norman Haire", and "Report to all Members and Sections of the World League for Sexual Reform"), Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:81-98, 1935.
* Hartmann, Anna: "Kleinbürgerlicher Individualismus (Lesser Civil Individualism)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:44-46, 1935.
* Jonny: "Zur massenpsychologischen Wirkung des Kreigsfilms (The Mass-Psychological Effects of War Films)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:26-31, 1935.
* Leunbach, J.H.: "Von der bürglichen Sexualreform zur revolutionären Sexualpolitik
(From Civil Sexual Reform to Revolutionary Sexual Politics)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:14-25, 1935.
* Leunbach, J.H.: "Magnus Hirschfeld in memoriam", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:52-53, 1935.
* Neergaard, Jorgen: "Einige Notizen über Psychoanalyse und Sexualökonomie (A Notice About Psychoanalysis and Sex-Economy)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:134-136, 1935.
* Neergaard, Jorgen: "Mit Lisa Jensen durch Nord-Schweden (With Lisa Jensen in North Sweden)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:181-184, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral: Zur Geschichte der sexuellen Ökonomie: Zweite Ergänzte Auflage (The Invasion of Sexual Morality: A History of Sexual Economics, Second Supplemented Edition), Sex-Pol Verlag, Copenhagen, 1935. Revised from earlier 1932 Berlin edition.
English translation published in Reich 1966 (Baxandall edition)
Revised (by Reich) English edition by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY in 1971.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Überblick über das Forschungsgebiet der Sexualökonomie (Overview of Sex-Economic Research)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:5-13, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. Roner, Walter): "Die Funktion der 'objektiven Wertwelt' (The Function of Work-Value)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:32-43, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. Parell, Ernst): "Ein Gespräch mit einem Frisörgehilfen (Conversation with a Barbershop assistant)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:46-48, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der Ausschluss Wilhelm Reich aus der Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung (The Expulsion of Wilhelm Reich from the International Psychoanalytic Association)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie , II:54-61, 1935. English translation in Reich 1947.
Keywords: history, Freud, psychoanalysis
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Besprechung: Über Psychoanalyse, Krieg und Frieden (Discussions: About Psychoanalysis, War and Peace)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:190-192, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. Parell, Ernst): "Unterschiede zwischen liberalistischer Sexualreform und revolutionärer Sexualpolitik (Differences Between Liberal Sexualreform and Revolutionary Sexual Politics)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:99-103, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. Parell, Ernst): "Wie wirkt Streichers sadistische Pornografie? (What Effect does Streicher's Sadistic Pornography Have?)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:129-133, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der Kampf um die neue Moral (The Struggle for a New Morality)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie , II:145-166, 1935.
Keywords: history, Freud, psychoanalysis
* Reich, Wilhelm, et al.: "Besprechungen (Discussions: Book Reviews)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:71-80, 138-141, 192-195, 1935.
* Reventlow, Rolf: "Die Familie, eine wirtschaftliche Institution (The Family: An Economic Institution)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie , II:166-175, 1935.
* Teschitz, Karl: "Grundlagen der Religion" & "Berichtigung..." (The Foundations of Religion, & Correction...)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:103-129, 195, 1935.
* anon.: "An unsere Freunde und Leser! (To Our Friends and Readers)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:1-4, 1935.
* anon.: "Lasst blusen sprechen! (Let the Women Speak!)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:48-50, 1935.
* anon.: "Ein Abtreibungsprozess in Dänemark (Abortion in Denmark)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:61-64, 1935.
* anon.: "Sexpol-Schulung (Sexpol Training)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:64, 1935.
* anon.: "Geschichte der deutschen Sexpol-Bewegung II (History of the German Sexpol Movement II)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:64-70, 1935.
* anon.: "Sexualpolitische Korrespondenz - Sex-Pol-Bewegung (Sex-Political Correspondence - Sex-Pol Movement)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:136-138, 1935.
* anon. "Erna": "Zur Frage der Sexualaufklärung (Clearing Up Sexual Questions)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie , II:175-178, 1935.
* anon.: "Sexpol-Bewegung: Einige Fortschritte der Sexpol, Kleine Sexpolnachrichten, Gegen Kulissen-Politiker, Masse und Staat, Zur Methode des Kampfes gegen die Nazis (Sexpol Movement: Progress in Sexpol, Small Sexpol Changes, Conflicts with Politicians, Masses and State, On the Method of Fighting Against the Nazis)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:184-188, 1935.
* anon.: "Arbeiter Korrespondenz: Mit Stalin in Tuschino, Gesprfärcht mit einem Jugendlichen (Worker Correspondence: With Stalin in Tuschino, Talks with a Teenager)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:188-189, 1935.
* anon.: "Der Jude im faschistischen Licht (The Jew in the Fascist Light)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, II:189-190, 1935.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf: Zur sozialistischen Umstrukturierung des Menschen (Sexuality in the Cultural Struggle: The Socialist Restructuring of Humanity), Sexpol Verlag, Kopenhagen 1936. 2nd Revised Edition.
Reprinted from Reich 1930, "Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral: Eine Kritik der bürgerlichen Sexualreform".
Included as the first part of English language edition of The Sexual Revoluton, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1962.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Ein Briefwechsel über dialektischen Materialismus" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 8-22, 1936.
* Reich, Wilhelm (pseud. Parell, Ernst): "Die Sexpol als Organisation der dialektisch-materialistischen Psychologie" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 22-24, 1936.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Fortpflanzung eine Funktion der Sexualität" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 24-31, 1936.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Gespräch mit einer vernünftigen Mutter" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 52-61, 1936.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Charakter und Gesellschaft" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 136-150, 1936.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Unser Glückwunsch an Freud" (Congratulations to Freud) Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 150-156, 1936. English translation in Reich 1947.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Masse und Staat: Zur Frage der Rolle der Massenstruktur in der revolutionären Bewegung (Masses and State: On the Question of the Role of Mass Structure in the Revolutionary Movement" Politisch-Psychologische Schriften der Sexpol, 3a, 1936.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Psychischer Kontakt und vegetative Strömung (Psychic Contact and Vegetative Streaming)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 1936, Sexpol Verlag, Kopenhagen, Prag, Zürich.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Sexpol Manifesto, 1936: What is sexual chaos? What sexual chaos is not!", reprinted in Socialist Reproduction (pirate) edition of Reich's What is Class Consciousness? 1971, London, endmatter.
* Teschitz, Karl: "Aus der internationalen Sexpol-Diskussion (From the International SexPol Discussion)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 43-49, 1936, Sexpol Verlag, Kopenhagen, Prag, Zürich.
English translation in anon.1977.
* Walter, Ernst: "Gespräch mit einer vernünftigen Mutter (A Talk With a Sensible Mother)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 3, 52-61, 1936. English translation in Walter 1942.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality
* Reich, Wilhelm: Psychischer Kontakt und vegetative Strömung (Psychic Contact and Vegetative Streaming), Sexpol Verlag, 1937 (contained in Reich, Function of the Orgasm, 1942).
* Reich, Wilhelm: Arbeitsdemokratie, Sexpol Verlag, 1937.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Experimentelle Ergebnisse über Die Elektrische Funktion Von Sexualität Und Angst (The Bioelectric Function Of Sexuality And Anxiety), Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte (Clinical and Experimental Report) #4, Sexpol Verlag, Copenhagen, 1937 [translation reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 3(1):4-29, and 3(2):132-154, 1969. Reprinted as book in Reich 1974 & 1982].
Keywords: anxiety, electrophysiology, emotions, orgasm, pleasure
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Communication to the French Academie des Sciences on Bion Experiment VI", January, 1937 [reprinted in Reich 1938].
Keywords: biogenesis
* Reich, Wilhelm: "A Laboratory Manual for Bion Experiments", unpublished manuscript, 1937. German language. Available as a reprint from the Wilhelm Reich Museum Bookstore.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, culture media
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Einige aktuelle Fragen der zweiten Front" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 4, 1-12, 1937.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der Orgasmusreflex" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 4, 76-88, 1937.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Aus dem 'Internationalen Institut für Sexualökonomische Forschung (About the 'International Institute for Sex-Economic Research')", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie , IV:88-90, 1937.
Keywords: history
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der dialektische Materialismus in der Lebensforschung - Bericht über die Bionversuche" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 4, 137-148, 1937.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Dialektisch-materialistische Facharbeiter contra geistige Irrlichter der sozialistischen Bewegung" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 4, 149-161, 1937.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Die natürliche Organisation der Arbeit in der Arbeitsdemokratie" Laboratoriumsarbeite Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 4, 1937.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgasmusreflex, Muskelhaltung und Körperausdruck", Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte (Clinical and Experimental Report) #5, 5-49, 1937. (also published by Sexpol Verlag, 1937, and contained in Reich, Function of the Orgasm, 1942).
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Der dialektische Materialismus in der Lebensforschung", Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte (Clinical and Experimental Report), #5, 51-62, 1937.
* anon. [editor]: Sex-Pol I: Die wichtigsten noch unveröffentlichten Berichte aus der Sex-Pol-Zeitung (Bd. 2-5). Band I: Zur Organisationsfrage - Arbeiterbewegung - Marxismus. (Sex-Pol I: The most important, still-unpublished papers from the Sex-Pol journal. Vol.1: Organization, Workers Movement, Marxism Various papers from Reich and his associates. Pirate Edition from c.1970, Germany, dates of original publications given where known. This material is listed for the 1937 date as most of the materials come from slightly before that time.
Includes the following -- all are by anon. unless indicated otherwise:
- Zur Geschichte der Sol-Pol-Bewegung (History of the Sex-Pol Movement).
- Die Sexpol als Organisation der dialektisch-materialistischen Psychologie (Sexpol Development from Dialectic-Materialist Psychology), by Ernst Parell (pseud. W. Reich)
- Aus der internationalen Sexpol-Diskussion (From the International Sexpol Discussion), by Karl Teschitz
- Sexpol-Bewegung: An wen wenden wir uns? (Sexpol Movement: To whom do we turn?), by J.H. Leunbach
- Irrationalismus in Politik und Gesellschaft: Dialektisch-materialistische Facharbeiter contra geistige Irrlichter der sozialistischen Bewegung (Irrationalism in Politics and Society: Dialectic-Materialistic Skilled Workers Versus Mental Confusion in the Light of the Socialist Movement), by Wilhelm Reich
- Arbeiterkorrespondenz (1936-1937) (Worker's Correspondence 1936-1937):
Einige aktuelle Fragen der zweiten Front (Current Questions on the Second Front).
Spanien: Ein Augenzeugenbericht (An Eye-Witness Account).
Palästina: Bericht aus Palästina (Report from Palestine), by "H.O."
Frankreich (France).
Der Moskauer Prozess (The Moscow Process), by Sigurd Hoel
Ein Briefwechsel über dialektischen Materialismus (An exchange of letters over dialectic materialism), by W. Reich and others.
- Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol (Sexpol Newsletter), Januar 1936, Nr.3/4
- Zur Methode des Kampfes gegen die Nazis (On the method of fighting against the Nazis)
- Einige Mitteilungen Aus Deutschland (Some Reports from Germany)
* anon. [editor]: Sex-Pol II: Die wichtigsten noch unveröffentlichten Berichte aus der Sex-Pol-Zeitung (Bd. 2-5). Band II: Sexualökonomie - Religion (Sex-Pol II: The most important, still-unpublished papers from the Sex-Pol journal. Vol.2: Sex-Economy - Religion). Pirate Edition from c.1970, Germany, dates of original publications given where known. This material is listed for the 1937 date as most of the materials come from slightly before that time.
Includes the following -- all are by anon. unless indicated otherwise:
- Überblick über das Forschungsgebiet der Sexualökonomie (Overview of Sex-Economic Research), by W. Reich.
- Fortpflanzung eine Funktion der Sexualitaet (The Reproductive Function of Sexuality), by W. Reich.
- Der Orgasmusreflex: Vorabdruck aus einer Abhandlung über charakteranalytische Vegetotherapie (The Orgasm Reflex: Preprint of a longer paper on Character-Analytic Vegetotherapy), by W. Reich.
- Der dialektische materialismus in der Lebensforschung (1937) (Dialectic Materialism in Life Research), by W. Reich
- Die drei Grundelemente des religiösen Gefühls (Three Basic Elements of Religious Feeling), by W. Reich
- Grundlagen der Religion (The Foundations of Religion), by Karl Teschitz
* anon. [editor]: Sex-Pol III: Die wichtigsten noch unveröffentlichten Berichte aus der Sex-Pol-Zeitung (Bd. 2-5). Band III: Massenpsychologie - Kultur - Padagogik (Sex-Pol III: The most important, still-unpublished papers from the Sex-Pol journal. Vol.3: Mass Psychology - Culture - Education). Pirate Edition from c.1970, Germany, dates of original publications given where known. This material is listed for the 1937 date as most of the materials come from slightly before that time.
Includes the following -- all are by anon. unless indicated otherwise:
- Der kulturpolitische Standpunkt der Sexpol (1936)
- Dialektischer materialismus und Psychoanalyse (Dialectic Materialism and Psychoanalysis) by W. Reich
- Kulturkampf und Literatur (Cultural Struggle and Literature), by Sigurd Hoel
- Die Wirkung der Kriminalromane (The Effect of Detective Stories), by Harry Proll.
- Zur massenpsychologischen Wirkung des Kreigsfilms (The Mass-Psychological Effects of War Films), by Jonny.
- Aktuelle Diskussion: Der Film "The Shape of Things to Come", Zum Problem der politische organisierlen Wissenschaft (Current Discussion: The film "The Shape of Things to Come", A problem of the Political Organization of Science), by Jonny
- Kriegsfilm dammerung: Eine Arbeiterzuschrift (War-film Awakening: A Worker's Letter)
- Wie wirkt Streichers sadistische Pornographie? (What About Streicher's Sadistic Pornography?) by Ernst Parell (pseud. W. Reich)
- Besprechungen: Brief an Renn (Discussions: Letters)
- Die Familie, eine wirtschaftliche Institution (The Family, an Economic Institution), by Rolf Revenflow.
- Bericht aus einem Kindergarten (Report from a Kindergarten), by Hala
- Die "Social Party of the Child"
- Aus der padagogischen Praxis (From an Educational Practice), by Irma Kessel
* duTeil, Roger: "Leben und Materie: Drei Versuchsreihen (Three Series of Experiments Based on the Tension-Charge Principle)", Communicationto the Natural Philosophy Society, Nice, and Academie des Sciences, Paris, France, 1938.
Contained in Reich, Die Bione 1938.
Reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 11(1):4-14, 1977. Also see duTeil 1973.
Keywords: biogenesis, bions
* Hahn, A.: "Die Geschichte der Auffassungen Seit Dem 17. Jahrhundert über den Ursprung des Organischen Lebens (A Review of the Theories, Dating from the 17th Century, on the Origin of Organic Life)", Contained in Reich, Die Bione 1938.
English translation by D. & I. Jordan, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, Maine, 1979.
Keywords: biogenesis, history
* Leistikow, Gunnar: "Sensational Scientific Experiments", Socialdemokraten, 3 March 1938. (translated in Siersted 1993, p.62-63).
Keywords: biogenesis, history
* Reich, Wilhelm: Die Bione: zur Entstehung des vegetativen Lebens, Issued in the series Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte (Clinical and Experimental Report), Institut für Sexualökonomische Lebensforschung, Sexpol Verlag, Oslo/Kopenhagen/Zurich, 1938.
Contains Roger duTeil's "Leben und Materie: Drei Versuchsreihen", pp. 117-136 & Arthur Hahn's "Die Geschichte der Auffassungen seit dem 17. Jahrhundert über den Ursprung des organischen Lebens" pp. 137-205.
English Translation in Reich The Bion Experiments, 1979.
English version serially reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 10(1):5-56, 10(2):156-171, 1976; 11(1):4-14, 11(2):141-154, 1977; 12(1):6-15, 12(2):149-165, 1978; 13(1):5-30, 1979.
Keywords: biogenesis, bions
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Lied der Jugend (Song of Youth)" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 5, 1, 1938.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Die drei Grundelemente des religiösen Gefühls" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 5, 7-13, 1938.
* anon.: "Selbstverständlichkeiten" Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, 5, 4-6, 1938.
Reich Departs Norway for the USA (on 11 August) Following Continued Fascist Attacks Against His Work.
* Neill, Alexander S.: The Problem Teacher, Herbert Jenkins Ltd., London 1939. Exerpts in Neill 1942.
Keywords: education
* Reich, Wilhelm: Bion Experiments On The Cancer Problem, in the series Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte (Clinical and Experimental Report), #7, p.3-25,Sexpol Verlag, Rotterdam-Oslo-Copenhagen, 1939.
Keywords: biogenesis, bions, cancer
* Reich, Wilhelm: Drei Versuche Am Statischen Elektroskop (Three Experiments with the Static Electroscope), in the series Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte (Clinical and Experimental Report), #7, 26-27, Sexpol Verlag, 1939, Institut für Sexualökonomische Lebensforschung, Oslo, Norway [English translation reprinted in Reich 1951].
Keywords: physics, static electricity
* Reich, Wilhelm: Sexualiteit en Nieuwe Kultur (Sexuality in the New Culture), Uitgeverij voor Sociale Psychologie, Rotterdam, 1939. Republished in 1949.
* Siersted, Ellen: "Opdragelse til Liv (Education for Life)", Sexualökonomiske Meddelelser (Sex-Economic Communications), No.1, Copenhagen, 1940.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Weitere Probleme der Arbeitsdemokratie (Further Problems in Work-Democracy), Sexpol Verlag, 1941.
Start of New Publication by Reich: International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research.
Reich buys an abandoned farm in Rangeley, Maine, in the first steps towards development of Orgonon, his later home and research institute.
* Arnold, Carl (pseud.): "The Treatment of a Depression", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):163-170, July 1942.
Keywords: vegetotherapy
* Frank, Walter (pseud.): "Vegetotherapy", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):65-87, March 1942.
Keywords: history
* Hirning, Stefan (pseud): "The Place of Literature in the Cultural Struggle", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):238-246, November 1942.
Keywords: freedom, fascism, Germany, Nazism, totalitarianism
* Leistikow, Gunnar: "The Fascist Newspaper Campaign in Norway", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):266-273, November 1942.
Keywords: attacks, emotional plague, history
* Martin, Paul (pseud): "Sex-Economic 'Upbringing'", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):18-32, March 1942.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality
* Martin, Paul (pseud): "Reviews: The Cardiovascular System in Pubberty; Anxiety and Sexual Organs; Experimental Confirmation of Respiratory Inhibition", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):88-89, March 1942.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality
* Martin, Paul (pseud): "The Dangers of Freedom", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):226-237, November 1942.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality, fascism
* Neill, Alexander S.: "The Problem Teacher: Exerpts", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):180-184, July 1942; I(3):282-288, November 1942. Continued in Neill 1943, 1944.
Keywords: education, children, love, sexuality, schools, freedom
* Reich, Wilhelm: "About the History and Activities of Our Institute", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):1-10, March 1942.
Keywords: history
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Orgasm Reflex: A Case History", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):55-64, March 1942. Reprinted as Chapter VIII in Reich Function of the Orgasm, 1942.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Biophysical Functionalism and Mechanistic Natural Science", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):97-107, July 1942 [reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):5-18, 1974].
Keywords: electroscope, physics
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Discovery of the Orgone: Experimental Investigations of Biological Energy", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):108-130, July 1942 [reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948].
Keywords: sand bions, orgonoscope, accumulator
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):131-155, July 1942 [reprinted in Reich The Cancer Biopathy 1948, and in Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):151-186, 1972].
Keywords: cancer, bions, emotional resignation
* Reich, Wilhelm: "In Memoriam: Bronislaw Malinowski 1884-1942", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):173-174, July 1942.
Keywords: history, anthropology, psychoanalysis
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Natural Organization of Protozoa from Orgone Energy Vesicles", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):193-225, November 1942 [reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):4-29, 7(2):149-169, 1973, and in Reich 1948].
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, cancer
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Character and Society", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):247-256, November 1942.
Keywords: emotions, Marx, psychology, sexuality
* Reich, Wilhelm: Discovery Of The Orgone, I: Function Of The Orgasm, T. Wolfe, trsl., 1st Edition, Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1942 [republished by Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, NY, 1961; new translation by V. Carfagno republished by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1973].
Keywords: Freud, bioelectricity, emotions, sexuality, armoring
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Det Levende (The Living)", Sexualökonomiske Meddelelser (Sex-Economic Communications), No.3, Copenhagen 1942.
* Robert, Mary (pseud.): "Shock Therapy as a Subjective Experience", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):156-162, July 1942.
Keywords: electroshock
* Thornburn, William F.: "Mechanistic Medicine and the Biopathies", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):257-258, November 1942.
Keywords: disease, biopathy
* Walter, Ernst: "A Talk With a Sensible Mother", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):10-17, March 1942. Translated from Walter 1936.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "The Sex-Economic Concept of Psychosomatic Identity and Antithesis", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):33-54, March 1942.
Keywords: sexuality, disease
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "Reviews: Sexology, Character Analysis", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):90-94, March 1942.
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "A Note on 'Integration' in Science", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):171-172, July 1942.
Keywords: psychoanalysis, medicine
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "Reviews: Types of Anxiety by P. Schilder; General Semantics by A. Korzybski", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):185-190, July 1942.
Keywords: sexuality, mysticism
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "A Sex-Economic Note on Academic Sexology", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):259-265, November 1942.
Keywords: psychiatry, sexuality
* anon.: "Ill-Advised Surgical Procedure; The 'Dangers' of Sexual Intercourse", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):94-95, March 1942.
Keywords: microscope, bions
* anon.: "Sex-Economy and Everyday Life: I. Character Armor in Everyday Life, 2. Mechanistic Medicine and National Health", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):175-176, July 1942.
Keywords: neurosis, anxiety, sexuality
* anon.: "Psysiological Anchoring of Psychic Conflicts", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):177-179, July 1942.
Keywords: neurosis, anxiety, sexuality
* anon.: "Letter from a Mother", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):191, July 1942.
Keywords: children, childbirth, breastfeeding
* anon.: "Warning Against the Application of Sex-Economic Knowledge", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):192, November 1942.
Keywords: armoring, children, love, sexuality
* anon.: "Correspondence: On the Psychology of Adolescence; The Old Question of Magnifications Over 2000x; Disastrous Fads in Infant Upbringing; Realization of Change", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):274-279, November 1942.
Keywords: microscope, bions, children, love, sexuality
* anon.: "Notes: On the Technique of Irrationalism in Social Life", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):280-281, November 1942.
Keywords: emotional plague
Reich increasingly divides his time between his Forest Hills, NY laboratory, and his new facility in rural Maine.
* Bellamy, Lucille: "Vegetotherapeutic Gynmastics", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):141-147, September 1943.
Keywords: therapy, emotions, armoring
* Martin, Paul: "Review: Det Sunde Barn (The Healthy Child) by A. M. Nörvig, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):175-188, September 1943.
Keywords: education, freedom, sexuality
* Neill, Alexander S.: "The Problem Teacher: Exerpts", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):198-204, September 1943. Continued from Neill 1942 and continued in Neill 1944.
Keywords: education, children, love, sexuality, schools, freedom
* Obermayer, Harry: "Review: The Fear of Freedom by Eric Fromm; General Semantics by A. Korzybski", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2):173-175, September 1943.
Keywords: fascism, history
* Post, Dorothy I.: "Freedom is Not So Dangerous", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):148-152, September 1943.
Keywords: children, education
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Experimental Orgone Therapy of the Cancer Biopathy", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(1):1-92, March 1943 [reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948].
Keywords: orgone accumulator, emotions, sexuality
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Give Responsibility to Vitally Necessary Work!", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):93-96, September 1943.
Keywords: work-democracy
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Biological Miscalculation in the Human Struggle for Freedom", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):97-121, September 1943.
Keywords: work democracy, fascism, armoring, history
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Work Democracy Versus Politics", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):122-140, September 1943.
Keywords: fascism, history
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Notice from the Orgone Institute Regarding Orgone Accumulators", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II:194-197, September 1943.
Keywords: history
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "A Sex-Economist Answers", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):158-165, September 1943. Continued in 1944.
Keywords: education
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "Misconceptions of Sex-Economy as Evidence in Book Reviews", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II:166-172, September 1943.
* Wolfe, Theodore P. & anon.: "The Sexual Behavior of Adolescents in a New York Borough", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):153-157, September 1943.
Keywords: education
* anon.: "Notes: Party-Political and Scientific Concept of Fascism; On Defamations; Miscellaneous Questions; Upbringing and Fitness for War; Abolition of Co-Education in Soviet Russia; Notice from the Orgone Institute Regarding Orgone Accumulators; Warning Against the Misinterpretation of 'Sexual Health'", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II:189-197, September 1943.
Keywords: work democracy, children, military
* Arnold, Carl (pseud.): "Sex-Economy: A Theory of Living Functioning", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):17-37, March 1944 [reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948].
Keywords: fascisn, sexuality, children, neurosis, therapy
* Lowen, Alexander: "Review: The Ethics of Sexual Acts by Rene Guyon", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):205-210, October 1944.
Keywords: religion, morals, orgasm
* Martin, Paul (pseud.): "Sex Education in the Schools", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):188-190, October 1944.
Keywords: children, sexuality
* Meyer, Gladys: "Review: Psychoanalysis Today by Sandor Lorand", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):213-219, October 1944.
Keywords: history, society, sex-economy
* Neill, Alexander S.: "That Dreadful School: Exerpts", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):220-230, October 1944. Continued in 1945.
Keywords: education, children, love, sexuality, Summerhill School, freedom
* Neill, Alexander S.: "The Problem Teacher: Exerpts", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):87-96, March 1944, III(2-3):230-232, October 1944. Continued from Neill 1942, 1943.
Keywords: education, children, love, sexuality, schools, freedom
* Neill, Alexander S.: The Problem Teacher International University Press, NY, 1944.
Keywords: education, children, love, sexuality, schools, freedom
* Obermayer, Harry: "Review: The Psychology of Fascism by Peter Nathan", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):81-82, March 1944.
Keywords: fascism, history
* Obermayer, Harry: "Reviews: Education: A Search for New Principles by Herbert Phillipson; Children in Soviet Russia by Deana Levin", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):210-213, October 1944.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality, fascism
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Thermal and Electroscopical Orgonometry (Discovery of the Orgone, part 2)", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):1-16, March 1944. Reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948.
Keywords: orgone accumulator, to-t
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Masochistic Character", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):38-61, March 1944. Translated from Reich 1932, reprinted in Reich Charakter-Analyse 1933, 1945, 1949.
Keywords: sexuality, neurosis, orgasm
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonotic Pulsation: The Differentiation of Orgone Energy from Electromagnetism, Presented in Talks with an Electrophysicist", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):97-150, October 1944.
Keywords: orgone accumulator, electroscope, To-T, pulsation
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The 'Living Productive Power, Working Power' of Karl Marx", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):151-164, October 1944.
Keywords: socialism, work democracy, sex-economy
* Wolfe, Theodore P. "Editors Note (preface to Reich's 'The Masochistic Character')", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):38-39, March 1944.
Keywords: history, emotional plague
* Wolfe, Theodore P. "A Sex-Economist Answers, Part 2", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):62-70, March 1944. Continued from 1943.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "On a Common Motive for Defamation", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):71-73, March 1944.
Keywords: history, emotional plague
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "Review: The Boy Sex Offender and His Later Career by Lewis J. Doshay", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):82-86, March 1944.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: "The Stumbling Block in Medicine and Psychiatry", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):165-187, October 1944.
Keywords: sexuality, armoring
* anon.: "Notes: Rational and Irrational Discussion of Orgone Biophysics; 'Nuttier Than a Fruit Cake'; A Sex-Economic Prediction Come True", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):74-80, March 1944.
Keywords: history, emotional plague, military
* anon.: "Notes: The Orgone Energy in Early Scientific Literature", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):191-195, October 1944.
Keywords: history, Newton, aether
* anon.: "Notes: A Clarification (on Psychosomatic Medicine by Flanders Dunbar); Some Observations of Children", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):195-203, October 1944.
Keywords: history, children, love, sexuality
Reich builds a new laboratory at Orgonon, in Rangeley Maine.
* Calas, Elena: "Studying 'The Children's Place'", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):156-172, November 1945.
Keywords: schools, education,
* Denison, Lucille Bellamy: "The Child and His Struggle", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):173-190, November 1945.
Keywords: schools, education, sexuality
* Hoppe, Walter: "My First Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):200-201, November 1945.
* Lowen, Alexander: "Adolescence: A Problem in Sex-Economy", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):72-95, April 1945.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality, masturbation
* Meyer, Gladys: "Review: An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy by Gunnar Myrdal", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):103-114, April 1945.
Keywords: history, society, sex-economy, racism
* Meyer, Gladys: "The Making of Fascists", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):191-199, November 1945.
Keywords: schools, education, sexuality
* Neill, Alexander S.: "Coeducation and Sex", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):54-58, April 1945.
Keywords: children, love, sexuality, schools
* Neill, Alexander S.: "That Dreadful School: Exerpts", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):115-128, April 1945, IV(2-3):228-251, November 1945. Continued from 1944.
Keywords: education, children, love, sexuality, Summerhill School, freedom
* Meyer, Gladys: "Reviews: Margaret Sanger. An Autobiography and Infant and Child in the Culture of Today: The guidance of Development by A. Gesell & F. Ilg", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):221-227, November 1945.
Keywords: history, children, sexuality, contraception
* Obermayer, Harry: "Reviews: The Machiavellians by James Burnham" and Die Sexuelle Erziehung by Z. Sohar & S. Gollan", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):216-220, November 1945.
Keywords: fascism, history, sexuality
* Reich, Wilhelm: Character Analysis: Principles and Technique for Psychoanalysts in Practice and in Training, 2nd Enlarged Edition, Translation by Theodore Wolfe of 1933 edition (with new materials), Orgone Institute Press, New York, 1945.
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Sexual Revolution, Orgone Institute Press, New York, 1945. Republished Nevill & Vision, London 1952.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Anorgonia in the Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):1-33, April 1945. Reprinted in Reich 1948.
Keywords: cancer, anxiety, bions
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Some Mechanisms of the Emotional Plague", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):34-53, April 1945.
Keywords: neurosis
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgone Biophysics, Mechanistic Science and 'Atomic Energy'", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):129-132, November 1945.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Experimental Demonstration of the Physical Orgone Energy", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):133-146, November 1945. Reprinted in Reich 1948.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, pulsation, orgone accumulator, fluorophotometer, experiment XX, orgone field meter
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Development of the Authoritarian State Apparatus from Rational Social Relationships", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):147-155, November 1945. Reprinted in Reich Mass Psychology of Fascism 1946
Keywords: history, fascism
* Reich, Wilhelm: "From the Orgone Institute", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV:214, 1945.
* Saxe, Felicia: "A Case History", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):59-71, April 1945.
Keywords: emotions, armoring, therapy, neurosis
* anon.: "Outline of the Present Activities of the Orgone Institute", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):96-99, April 1945.
Keywords: history
* anon.: "Notes: 'Cold Facts', Sexuality Before the Law, 'Free Love'", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):100-104, April 1945.
Keywords: childhood, impotence, pornography
* anon.: "Notes: Is the Orgone Atomic Energy?; Orgonotic Contact. Letter from a Reader; 'A New Disease'; A Note on 'Family Cohesion'; Some Practical Problems of Adolescent Sex Relationships; A Note from the History of Science; The Position of Sex-Economy: A Clarification; A.S. Neill and Sex-Economy: A Clarification; From the Orgone Institute; From the Orgone Institute Press", International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):202-215, November 1945.
Keywords: sexuality, schools, education, Marie Curie
* anon.: "Construction of a Three-Fold Orgone Energy Accumulator and a Five Fold Shooter", and "How to Use the Orgone Energy Accumulator", pamphlets, Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Rangeley, Maine, c.1945. Reprinted as appendices in Boadella 1973, Greenfield 1974, and Boadella 1976.
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Orgone Institute Press, Rangeley, Maine, 1946. (exerpts in "Les Primaires" France).
Start of New Journal by Reich: Annals of the Orgone Institute
Start of American press smear campaign against Reich.
* Atkin, R.H.: "Mechanistic Thinking as Original Sin", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:95-101, 1947.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Sex-Economy and Orgone Research in Palestine", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:73-81, 1947.
* Mann, John: "Review: The Rights of Infants by M.A. Ribble", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:142-146, 1947.
* Ollendorff, Ilse: "About Self-Regulation in a Healthy Child", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:81-90, 1947.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Introducing the Annals of the Orgone Institute", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:3, 1947.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Work Democracy in Action", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:4-35, 1947.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Our Congratulations to Freud on his Birthday (1936)", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:108-114, 1947. Reprinted from Reich 1936.
Keywords: history, Freud, psychoanalysis
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Expulsion of Wilhelm Reich from the International Psychoanalytic Association", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:114-126, 1947. Reprinted from Reich 1935.
Keywords: history, Freud, psychoanalysis
* Reich, Wilhelm: "In Memoriam: Fritz Brupbacher 1874-1945", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:140-141, 1947.
* Saxe, Felicia: "Armored Human Beings Vs. The Healthy Child", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:35-72, 1947.
* Swarowsky, Anthony I.: "Thoughts on the Sex Behavior of American Soldiers in the ETO (European Theater of Operations)", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:101-107, 1947.
* Tyson, Elizabeth: "The Armored Teacher", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:91-94, 1947.
* Tyson, Elizabeth: "Review: The Child At Home And At School by E.M. Leonard, et al.", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:147-153, 1947.
* Tyson, Elizabeth: "Review: Babies are Human Beings by C.A. Aldrich & M.M. Aldrich", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:153-159, 1947.
* anon.: "Notes: A Warning Repeated; Some Observations of Children; Jerry's Case; Again the Common Cold; A Note on 'Specific Diseases' (Quotes from "Bechamp or Pasteur, by E. Douglas Hume)", Annals of the Orgone Institute, I:127-139, 1947.
Construction of the main Observatory building at Orgonon, Rangely, Maine.
* Fleiss, Robert: The Psychoanalytic Reader, International Universities Press, NY 1948. Contains several papers by Wilhelm Reich from the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse: "On the Technique of Character Analysis" (1928), "The Genital Character and the Neurotic Character" (1929), "Infantile Phobia and Character Formation" (1930). These same papers are found in Reich, Character Analysis, 1933, 1945, 1949.
* Neill, A.S.: The Problem Family: An Investigation of Human Relations, Herbert Jenkins, London 1948. Reprinted by Hermitage Press, NY 1949.
* Neill, A.S.: That Dreadful School, Herbert Jenkins, London 1948.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Discovery Of The Orgone, I: Function Of The Orgasm, T. Wolfe, trsl., 2nd Edition, Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1948 [republished in Reich 1961 & 1973].
Keywords: Freud, bioelectricity, emotions, sexuality, armoring
* Reich, Wilhelm: Discovery Of The Orgone, II: The Cancer Biopathy, T. Wolfe, trnsl., Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1948 [republished Reich 1973].
* Reich, Wilhelm: Listen, Little Man!, Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1948.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Der Sexuelle Kampf der Jugend, Freiheitlich-Sozialistische Schriftenreihe, Zurich-Amsterdam, 1948 (unauthorized publication in mimeograph).
* Wolfe, Theodore P.: Emotional Plague Versus Orgone Biophysics: The 1947 Campaign, Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1948.
Keywords: history
Start of New Journal by Reich: Orgone Energy Bulletin
* Atkin, R.H.: "The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):52-60, 1949.
Keywords: To-T
* Baker, Elsworth F.: "The Concept of Self-Regulation", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):160-164, 1949.
* Baker, Elsworth F., et al: "A Letter to the American Medical Association", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):186-187, 1949.
Keywords: emotional plague
* Cott, Alan: "A Warning", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):35-36, 1949.
Keywords: emotional plague, attacks
* Gardner, John: "Bionous Disintegration in Wood. A Letter to the Editor", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):87-88, 1949.
* Hamilton, A.E.: "Reactions to the First Orgonomic Conference", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):117-123, 1949.
* Hamilton, A.E.: "Reviews: The Problem Family by A.S. Neill", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):189-193, 1949.
Keywords: children, sexuality, self-regulation
* Haskell, Helen: "How Distribution of Harmful Literature for Adolescents is Being Fought", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):21-28, December 1949
Keywords: history, Albert Crombie
* Hoppe, Walter: "My Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):12-22, 1949 [partially contained in Hoppe 1950].
* Kahn, Alice: "Funds for Prefrontal Lobotomy", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):20, December 1949
Keywords: history
* Lowen, A.: "The Impressionists and Orgone Energy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):169-183, 1949.
Keywords: art, painting
* Ollendorff, Ilse: "Note Regarding Rumors", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):36-37, 1949.
* Raphael, Chester M.:"Social Pathology: The Marlboro Incident", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):70-76, 1949.
Keywords: emotional plague, attacks
* Reich, Wilhelm: Character Analysis, 3rd Enlarged Edition, Orgone Institute Press, New York, 1949; reprinted Nevill & Vision, London 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonomic Functionalism, Part I: Ether, God & Devil", Annals of the Orgone Institute, II, 1949 [partially reprinted in Reich 1960 and Reich 1973, Ether, God & Devil].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonotic Light Functions 1: Searchlight Phenomena in the Orgone Energy Envelope of the Earth", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):3-6, 1949.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "A Motor Force in Orgone Energy. Preliminary Communications", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):7-11, 1949.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonotic Light Functions 2: An X-Ray Photograph of the Excited Orgone Energy Field of the Palms (1944)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):49-51, 1949.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Regarding the Founding of 'The American Association for Medical Orgonomy'", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):78-81, 1949.
Keywords: work democracy, sociology
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonotic Light Functions 3: Further Characteristics of Vacor Lumination", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):97-99, 1949.
Keywords: vacuum
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Public Responsibility in the Early Diagnosis of Cancer", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):110-116, 1949.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "A Dilemma in Social Self-Government", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):124-127, 1949.
Keywords: fascism, freedom, work democracy
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Cosmic Orgone Energy and 'Ether'", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):143-159, 1949 [reprinted in Reich 1951 and Reich 1973, Ether, God & Devil].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "A Note on Basic Natural Scientific Research", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):184-185, 1949.
Keywords: orgonomic functionalism
* Reich, Wilhelm: "A Clarification", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):130-131, 1949.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Sexualiteit en Nieuwe Kultur: Bijdrage tot de
socialistische omvorming van de mens (Sexuality in the New Kulture), Groningen. Plutarchus. Tweede druk. (Vertaald door Rene De Lange) 1949. Republished from 1939.
* Riley, Karl: "Chairman - The Word", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):19-20, December 1949
Keywords: history
* Riley, Karl: "Work Democracy Vs. Political Lobbying", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):28, December 1949
Keywords: history
* Riley, Karl: "The Sexual Revolution", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):29-34, December 1949
Keywords: history, Benjamin Spock
* Riley, Karl: "The Problem of 'Sex Offenders'", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):35-36, December 1949
Keywords: history, adolescent sexuality
* Singer, Richard: "Play Problems of a Healthy Child", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):165-168, 1949.
Keywords: sex-economy, self-regulation
* Sharaf, Myron: "The First Orgonomic Conference at Orgonon, August 30 to September 3, 1948", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):23-29, 1949.
* Sharaf, Myron: "A Dangerous Tendency in Contemporary Thought", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):30-33, 1949.
* Sharaf, Myron: "Reviews: The Meeting of East and West by F.S.C. Northrop, and Psychotherapy - Practice and Theory by Charles Berg", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):89-92, 1949.
* Sharaf, Myron: "Reviews: Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):187-188, 1949.
* Sharaf, Myron: "Reviews: Man For Himself by Erich Fromm", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(4):193-198, 1949.
Keywords: sex-economy, sexuality
* Tropp, Simeon J.: "The Treatment of a Mediastinal Malignancy with the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):100-109, 1949.
Keywords: cancer
* Tropp, Simeon J.: "A Note on Resignation in Birds", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):100-109, 1949.
Keywords: cancer
* Tyson, Elizabeth: "Reviews: I Want to Be Like Stalin: From the Russian Text on Pedagogy by Yesipov and Goncharov", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):135-140, 1949.
* Willie, James A.: "The Use of a Male Dummy in Medical Orgone Therapy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):61-69, 1949.
* Willie, James A.: "The Founding of the 'American Association for Medical Orgonomy'", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):77-78, 1949.
* Wyvell, Lois: "Origin and Growth of the Committee for Self-Regulation", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):1-18, December 1949
Keywords: history
* anon.: "Introducing the Orgone Energy Bulletin", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):1, 1949.
* anon.: "Notes Regarding the Use of the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):37-38, 1949 [reprinted in Wilhelm Reich Museum Newsletter, 19:4-5, 1986].
* anon.: "Orgonomy: A Threat", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):34-35, 1949.
Keywords: emotional plague, attacks
* anon.: "From Recent Reviews", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):39-45, 1949.
* anon.: "List of Directors of the Orgone Institute Research Laboratories, Inc.", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):46, 1949.
* anon.: "Question Regarding Orgone and the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):82-83, 1949 [reprinted in Wilhelm Reich Museum Newsletter, 19:5-6, 1986].
* anon.: "Increase of Orgonotic Irradiation Effect by Fatty Substances", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):83, 1949 [reprinted in Wilhelm Reich Museum Newsletter, 19:6, 1986].
* anon.: "Some Basic Principles of Our Social Attitude", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):83-84, 1949.
Keywords: sex-economy, work democracy
* anon.: "A Psychoanalytic Dilemma", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):85-86, 1949.
Keywords: character analysis
* anon.: "Glossary", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):93-96, 1949.
* anon.: "Orgonomic Lectures from January 1948 to Date" (lectures by Elsworth Baker, Albert Duvall, Sidney Handelman, G. Ferrari Hardoy, Walter Hoppe, Alexander Lowen, A.S. Neill, Ola Raknes, Chester Raphael, Felicia Saxe, Myron Sharaf and William Washington), Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):128-129, 1949.
* anon.: "On Criticism of the Critic", "A Clarification", and "From the Orgone Institute", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):130-131, 1949.
Keywords: emotional plague
* anon.: "Questions and Answers Regarding the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(3):131-134, 1949 [reprinted in Wilhelm Reich Museum Newsletter, 19:6-7, 1986].
* anon.: "A Question for the House of Commons: Is a School Girl's Kiss Worth a Caning?", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):34, December 1949
Keywords: history
* anon. (S.C.?): "Breast-Feeding and Cancer", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):37-38, December 1949
Keywords: infants, breastfeeding
* anon.: "A Course on Orgonomy Open to the Public; About the Study Groups of the Committee for Self-Regulation", Toward Self-Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation, 1(1):39-41, December 1949
Keywords: history, Richard Singer
Start of biased investigation of Reich by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
* Anderson, William A.: "Orgone Therapy in Rheumatic Fever", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):71-73, 1950.
* Baker, Elsworth F.: "A Correspondence" (with American College of Physicians), Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):44-46, 1950.
* Baumann, Jakob:"Some Observations of the Atmospheric Orgone Energy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):74-83, 1950.
* Duvall, Albert I.: "Review: New Ways in Discipline: You and Your Child Today by Dorothy Walter Baruch", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):96, 1950.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Further Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):16-21, 1950 [partially contained in Hoppe Int. Zeit. Orgonomie 1950].
* Hoppe, Walter: "Meine Erfahrungen mit dem Orgon Akkumulator (My Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie, I(1):10-20, 1950.
* McDonald, Hellen E.: "Wilhelm Reich's Concept 'Cancer Biopathy'", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):124-130, 1950.
* Neill, A.S.: "Self-Regulation and the Outside World", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):68-70, 1950.
* Oller, Charles I.: "Orgone Therapy of Frigidity: A Case History", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):207-216, 1950.
* Raknes, Ola: "A Short Treatment with Orgone Therapy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):22-31, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II: On the Historical Development of Orgonomic Functionalism", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):1-15, II(2):49-62, and II(3):99-123, 1950 [continued in Reich 1952].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Note on Electroscopical Orgonometry", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):47, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "About Genital Self-Satisfaction in Children", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):63-67, 1950. [translation from Reich 1928]
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Our Biosocial Base of Operation", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):97-98, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonomic and Chemical Cancer Research: A Brief Comparison", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):139-142, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonomy 1935-1950 (I): A Brief Account", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):143-151, 1950.
Keywords: history
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonometric Equations I: General Form", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):161-183, 1950 [continued in Reich 1951].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Meteorological Functions in Orgone-Charged Vacuum Tubes", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):184-193, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Children of the Future, I: Report on the Orgonomic Infant Research Center", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):194-206, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Orgone Energy Observatory (1948)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):217-219, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Correction Regarding a 'Control' of Reich's Cancer Experiments", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):222-224, 1950.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Oranur Project: The Orgonomic Anti-Nuclear Radiation Project", Orgone Energy Emergency Bulletin, #1, 1950.
Keywords: nuclear, atomic
* Silvert, Meyer: "Critique of an Attitude Expressed by Anna Freud", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):84-87, 1950.
* Sobey, Victor M.: "Six Clinical Cases", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):32-43, 1950.
* Tropp, Simeon J.:"Orgone Therapy of an Early Breast Cancer", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):131-138, 1950.
* Wolfe, Theodore, et al: "Our Policy Regarding Cancer", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):155-158, 1950.
* anon.: "Notes: Open House at the Orgone Energy Observatory; Report of the Orgonotic Motor Force; Shipping the Orgone Accumulator; On Electroscopical Orgonometry; Cancer Course at Orgonon; Orgone Institute Research Laboratories, Ltd. in Israel", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):46-48, 1950.
* anon.: "Review: Psychology and Natural Science: Listening With the Third Ear by Theodore Reik", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):88-90, 1950.
* anon.: "Notes: Questions and Answers Regarding the Orgone Accumulator; On the Responsibility of the Author; On the Orgone Accumulator and Orgastic Potency; A Warning; A Rumor; On 'Critics' Again", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(2):91-95, 1950.
* anon.: "Orgonomic Literature Ordered from Russia", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):152-154, 1950.
* anon.: "Notes: On Scientific 'Control'; Our Policy Regarding Cancer; 'Heatwaves'; A New Orgonomic Periodical", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):155-158, 1950.
* anon.: "On the Record: Cancer 'Outside the Domain'; Re: Koestler The God That Failed; From the Orgone Institute", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(3):159-160, 1950.
* anon.: "Wilhelm Reich's Priority in Cancer Tests", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):220-221, 1950.
* anon.: "Correction Regarding a 'Control' of Reich's Cancer Experiments", Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(4):222-224, 1950.
* Atkin, R.H.: "Mathematical Questions Without Answers", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):106-110, 1951.
* Baker, Elsworth F.: "The Orgone Institute Diagnostic Clinic", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):39-41, 1951.
* Cott, A. Alan: "Orgonomic Treatment of Ichtyosis", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):163-166, 1951.
* Gold, Philip: "Orgonotic Functions in a Manic-Depressive Case", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):167-180, 1951.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Great Men in Conflict with the Emotional Plague", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):4-22, III(2):99-105 1951.
Keywords: history
* Levine, Emanuel: "Treatment of a Hypertensive Biopathy with the Orgone Accumulator", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):23-34, 1951.
* MacDonald, Helen: "Reviews: Wanderings in the Radiesthetic Field by A.T. Westlake; Your Child's Mind and Body by Flanders Dunbar", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):23-34, 1951.
* Ollendorff, I.: "Report on Orgone Energy Accumulators in the USA", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):53-58, 1951.
* Raknes, Ola: "Orgonomic Work in Scandinavia", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):42-52, 1951.
Keywords: history
* Raphael, Chester M.:"Orgone Treatment During Labor", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):90-98, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Orgone Energy Accumulator, Its Scientific And Medical Use, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Ether, God and Devil, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1951. [partially reprinted in Reich 1960; republished in Reich 1973].
* Reich, Wilhelm: Cosmic Superimposition: Man's Orgonotic Roots In Nature, Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Maine, 1951 [partially reprinted in Reich Selected Writings 1960; republished in Reich 1973].
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Oranur Experiment, First Report (1947-1951), Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Maine, 1951;
Includes sections on:
- Integration of Orgone Energy Functions
- The Geiger-Müller Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy (1947)
- Orgone Energy Charged Vacuum Tubes (VACOR)(1948)
- Orgone Energy (OR) Versus Nuclear Energy (NR)
- ORANUR (December 1950 - May 1951)
- Outlook: Technical Setup, Historical Record.
Originally appeared as Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(4)185-344, 1951
Partially reprinted in Reich Selected Writings 1960.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "'Cancer Cells' in Experiment XX", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):1-3, 1951.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Anti-Nuclear Radiation Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy", Orgone Energy Bull., III(1):61-63, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Rules to Follow in Basic Research", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):63-64, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Complete Orgonometric Equations", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):65-71, 1951.
Keywords: orgonomic functionalism
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Storm of November 25th and 26th, 1950", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):72-75, 1951.
Keywords: vacor tubes, physics
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Lukemia Problem: Approach", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):76-80, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonomic Infant Research Center (OIRC): Armoring in a Newborn Infant", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):121-138, 1951.
Keywords: children, sexuality, childbirth
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Dowsing as an Object of Orgonomic Research (1946)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):139-144, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Three Experiments with Rubber at the Electroscope (1939)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):144-145, 1951.[Translation from Reich 1939]
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Wilhelm Reich on the Road to Biogenesis (1935-1939)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):146-162, 1951 [reprinted in People In Trouble, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1953; Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1976].
Keywords: bions
Keywords: bions
* Reich, Wilhelm: "'Air Germs'", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):183-184, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Corroboration of Orgone Biophysics", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):184, 1951.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Integration of Visual Orgone Energy Functions", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(4):188-200, 1951 [contained in 1951i].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Geiger-Muller Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(4):201-234, 1951 [contained in 1951i].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Orgone Energy Charged Vacuum Tubes (VACOR)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(4):235-266, 1951 [contained in 1951i].
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgone Energy (OR) versus Nuclear Energy (NR): Oranur", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(4):267-325, 1951 [contained in 1951i and Reich Selected Writings 1960].
* Sharaf, Myron: "From the History of Science", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):35-38, 1951.
* Tropp, Simeon J.: "Limited Surgery in Orgonomic Cancer Therapy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):81-89, 1951.
* Tropp, Simeon J.: "Information on Cancer Research" (Letter to Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe), Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):113-114, 1951.
* Wevrick, N.: "Physical Orgone Therapy of Diabetes", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):110-112, 1951.
* anon.: "The Charter of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(1):59-60, 1951.
* anon.: "'Discovery of Life' in Russia", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):112-113, 1951.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis
* anon.: "A Few Directives in Stormy Social Weather: A Reminder on Scientific 'Control'; Two Children with Soap Bubbles; New Goals on the Horizon; Quotes from Wilhelm Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):114-117, 1951.
* anon.: "On the Record: Our Independence; 'Air Germs'; Corroboration of Orgone Biophysics", Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):181-184, 1951.
* Atkin, R.H.: "A Space-Energy Continuum", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):197-206, 1952.
* Baker, Elsworth F.: "Genital Anxiety in Nursing Mothers", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):19-31, 1952.
Keywords: breastfeeding, infants
* Grossmann, Werner: "Observations of Orgone Energy Lumination", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):59-60, 1952.
* Hamilton, A.E.: "Child's-Eye View of the Orgone Flow", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):215-216, 1952.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Orgon Energie gegen Atom Energie (Orgone Energy versus Atomic Energy)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie, 1(3):156, 1952 [contained in 1980i].
* Kelley, Charles R.: "Causality and Freedom: A Functional Analysis", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):37-43, 1952.
* Levine, Emanuel: "Observations on a Case of Coronary Occlusion", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):44-50, 1952.
* Raknes, Ola: "From Libido Theory to Orgonomy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):13-18, 1952.
Keywords: history
* Raknes, Ola: "A Letter", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):207-214, 1952.
Keywords: history
* Raphael, Chester & MacDonald, Helen E.: Orgonomic Diagnosis of Cancer Biopathy, Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Maine, 1952.
Originally published as Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(2):65-128, 1952.
Includes sections on:
- The Reich Blood Test
- The T-Bacilli
- Orgonomic Examination of Body Secretions
- Indications for Use of the orgone Energy Accumulator
- The Medical Efficacy of the Orgone Energy Accumulator
* Reich, Wilhelm: La Fonction de L'Orgasme, L'Arche, Paris, 1952.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II: On the Historical Development of Orgonomic Functionalism - Orgonomic Thinking in Medicine", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):1-12, IV(4):186-196, 1952. (Continued from Reich 1950)
* Reich, Wilhelm: "An Experiment in Social Administration", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):130-134, 1952.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Truth Versus Modju", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):162-170, 1952.
Keywords: emotional plague
* Reich, Wilhelm: "DOR Removal and Cloud-Busting", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):171-182, 1952 [reprinted in Reich Selected Writings 1960].
Keywords: cloudbusting
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Administration of Cosmic Orgone Energy: Regulation of Orgone Energy Accumulator Distribution", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):183-185, 1952.
* Sharaf, Myron R.: "Reviews: The Life and Works of D.H. Lawrence by Harry T. Moore", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):62-63, 1952.
* Silvert, Michael.: "On the Medical Use of Orgone Energy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):51-54, 1952.
* Silvert, Michael.: "Reviews: Science and Common Sense by James Conant; In the Name of Humanity by Joseph Lewis", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):61-62, 1952.
* Steig, William.: "Some Notes on Art Inspired by Reich", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):12-36, 1952.
* Steig, Arthur: "On the Common Cold: Notes by a Layman based on Wilhelm Reich's Concept 'Orgone Energy Metabolism'", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):54-58, 1952.
* anon.: "On the Record: Medical Orgone Therapy in England; Again Regarding Control of Orgone Energy; Quotes from Wilhelm Reich's 'Work Democracy in Action' (1947)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):63-64, 1952.
* anon.: "From the Charter of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):135-136, 1952.
* anon.: "The Wilhelm Reich Foundation By-Laws", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):137-145, 1952.
* anon.: "Financial Report of the W.R.F.", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):146-153, 1952.
* anon.: "The Scientific Activities of the W.R.F. Published 1950-1951", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):154-156, 1952.
* anon.: "Two Year Report of the Orgone Institute Press, 1950-1951", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):157-161, 1952.
* anon.: "On the Record: Clarifications; Destroy It!; Recent References to the Work of Wilhelm Reich in Books and Periodicals; Wilhelm Reich on 'The Little Man'; On Human Evil", Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):220-221, 1952.
Keywords: history, emotional plague, Marie Stopes, Lewis Mumford, Maxim Gorki, D.H. Lawrence, Anne Frank
* Baker, Elsworth F.: "A Grave Therapeutic Problem", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):60-70, 1953.
Keywords: therapy
* Bremmer, Kenneth M.: "Medical Effects of Orgone Energy", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):71-84, 1953.
Keywords: pain relief, neuralgia, injury, gigivitis, pyorrhea, rheumatic heart,
* Hoppe, Walter: "Zusammenstass der Orgon- und Radiumtherapie in einem Falle van Hautkrebs (Collision of Orgone Therapy and Radium Therapy in a Case of Skin Cancer)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie, I(4):198-203, 1953.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Wolkenbildung und Wolkenzerstoerung durch Orgon Energie (Cloud Formation and Cloud Destruction through Orgone Energy)", Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie, I(4):204, 1953.
Keywords: cloudbusting
* Neill, A.S.: The Free Child, Herbert Jenkins, London 1953.
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Einstein Affair, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy (American Period 1939-1952), Documentary Volume A-IX-E, Orgone Institute Press, Rangeley, Maine, 1953.
Keywords: To-T, thermal anomaly, Leopold Infeld
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Murder of Christ: Emotional Plague of Mankind, Vol.1, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1953 [reprinted by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1976]
* Reich, Wilhelm: People In Trouble: Emotional Plague of Mankind, Vol.2, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1953 [reprinted by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1976]
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Introductory Note", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):1, 1953.
Keywords: oranur
* Reich, Wilhelm: "On Laws Needed for the Protection of Life in Newborns and of Truth", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):3-4, 1953.
Keywords: infants, children, emotional plague
* Reich, Wilhelm: "From The Murder of Christ", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):5-27, 1953.
Keywords: Giordano Bruno, Judas Iscariot, adolescent sexuality, emotional plague
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Blackening Rocks: Melanor", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):28-59, 1953.
Keywords: dor, oranur, atomic energy
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Modju at Work in Journalism", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):85-89, 1953.
Keywords: emotional plague,
* anon.: "Introduction to the Documentary Volumes on Wilhelm Reich, History of Orgonomy (1897-1952)", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):90-92, 1953.
* anon.: "'Air Germs'", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):93-94, 1953.
Keywords: emotional plague
* anon.: BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ORGONOMY, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy (European and American Period, 1920-1952), Documentary volume A-IX-B, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1953
Originally published as volume V(3-4) of the Orgone Energy Bulletin, Sept. 1953.
Start of New Journal by Reich: Cosmic Orgone Engineering
(Continues same issue numbering from prior Orgone Energy Bulletin)
Food and Drug Administration files a legal Complaint for Injunction against Reich
* Reich, Wilhelm: "OROP Desert. Part 1: Spaceships, DOR and Drought", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VI(1-4):1-140, 1954.
Includes sections on:
- Introduction to OROP Desert
- Expansion and Contraction in the Atmospheric OR Energy
- Space Ships and Desert Development
- Dor Removal, Cloud-Busting, Fog-Lifting
- OROP Desert Project
- OROP Rangeley, August 1-2, 1952
- OROP Ellsworth, July 5-6, 1953
- OROP Orgonon, July 23, 1953
- OROP Children's Parade, August 8-9, 1953
- OROP Boston, September 2, 1953
- OROP Galactic Stream, Hancock, October 22, 1953
- Rules to follow in Cloud Engineering
- Protocols of the first 97 DOR removal operations
- Documentary record on information given regarding ORANUR, DOR and Weather Control.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Response" (to Judge Clifford), OROP Desert No.2, Orgone Institute, Rangelely Maine, March 1954.
Keywords: emotional plague, history
* Reich, Wilhelm: Conspiracy, An Emotional Chain Reaction, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy (American Period, 1942-54), documentary volume A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1954.
Keywords: emotional plague, history
* Ritter, Paul & Ritter, Jean: "Experiments with the Orgone Accumulator", Orgonomic Functionalism, I(1):43-47, 1954.
* Ritter, Paul & Ritter, Jean: "The Universal Manifestations of Orgone Energy in Spirals", Orgonomic Functionalism, I(2):76-106, 1954.
* Ritter, Paul & Ritter, Jean: "Experiments with Orgone Pillow", Orgonomic Functionalism, I(2):112-113, 1954.
* Ritter, Paul & Ritter, Jean: "Thermal Orgonometry", Orgonomic Functionalism, I(4):221-224 & I(5):273, 1954.
Keywords: To-T
* Ritter, Paul & Ritter, Jean: "Experiment Orgone Flower Pot #1", Orgonomic Functionalism, I(6):323-326, 1954.
* Steig, William: "Some Notes on Desert", from a talk by Reich at Orgonon, August 1954, Orgonomic Functionalism, I(6):322, 1954 [reprinted in Steig 1955]
Reich and an associate charged with "contempt of court" for technical violation of the FDA's injunction, based upon the associate's moving of forbidden items (books!) across a state line.
* Baker, Elsworth F.: "Observations on Dor", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):95, 1955.
* Boadella, David & Faneroff, S.: "Subjective Reactions to the Orgone Energy Accumulator", Orgonomic Functionalism, II(2):126-132, 1955.
* Courie, Marie: "Plant Response to Orgone Energy", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):203-204, 1955.
* Grad, Bernard: "Wilhelm Reich's Experiment XX", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):130-143, 1955.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, pleomorphism
* Grossmann, Werner & Grossmann, Doreen: "Wind Flow and Orgone Flow", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):114-129, 1955.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Orgone Versus Radium Therapy in Skin Cancer, Report of a Case", Orgonomic Medicine, I(2):133-138, 1955.
* Howell, H.: "Physics of Orgone Therapy", Orgonomic Functionalism, II(1):43-56, 1955.
* Howell, H.: "Orgone, Humidity, and Cancer", Orgonomic Functionalism, II(3):183-194, 1955.
* Howell, H.: "Lead and Lag in To-T Experiments", Orgonomic Functionalism, II(4):248-250, 1955.
* Kelley, Charles: "Orgone Energy and Weather", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):54-67, 1955.
* McCullough, Robert: "Antibiotics, Cloudseeding, and Life Energy", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):40-46, 1955.
* McCullough, Robert: "Dor Sickness in Animals", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):96, 1955.
* McCullough, Robert: "Rocky Road Toward Functionalism", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):144-154, 1955.
* Moise, William: "OROP Drought Atlantic Coast - Summer 1954", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):68-83, 1955.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Raphael, Chester M.:"DOR Sickness - A Review of Reich's Findings", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):20-28, 1955.
Also in Orgonomic Medicine, I(1):18-26, 1955.
* Raphael, Chester M.:"On the Air Germ Dogma", Orgonomic Medicine, I(2):159-161, 1955.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Response To Ignorance, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, Documentary Supplement No. 1, A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1955.
Includes sections on:
- Responses by WR in the Course of the FDA Assault
- Only Formalities Count
- Board of Social Psychiatry
- Supremacy of Basic Research
- Administration of Cosmic OR Energy
- Response
- Warning
- Letter to Subscribers to the Orgone Legal Fund
- Mobilizing the Legal Situation
- Letter to Dr. Silvert
Keywords: emotional plague, history, cloudbusting, weather, William Steig, Michael Silvert, William Moise,
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Red Thread of a Conspiracy, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, Documentary Supplement No. 2, A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1955.
Includes sections on:
- Basic Tenets on Red Fascism
- The Essence of the Case
- The Red Thread of a Conspiracy
- Comparison of Salient Elements
- Appendix-Table of Events
Keywords: emotional plague, history
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Expedition OROP Desert, Ea, 1: DOR Clouds Over the USA", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):4-19, 1955.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Medical DOR-Buster", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):97-113, 1955 [reprinted as "The Emotional Desert" in Reich 1960].
* Reich, Wilhelm & McCullough, Robert: "Melanor, Orite, Brownite, and Orene: Preliminary Chemical Analysis", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):29-39, 1955.
* Reich, Wilhelm & Moise, William: "OROP Hurricane Edna", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):84-92, 1955.
* Reich, Eva & Reich, Wilhelm: "Early Diagnosis of Cancer of the Uterus", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):47-53, 1955.
* Sharaf, Myron: "Priority of Wilhelm Reich's Cancer Findings", Orgonomic Medicine, I(2):145-150, 1955.
* Silvert, Michael: "Report of OROP Desert Ea Survey of Tuscon Area, September 18, 1955", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):200-202, 1955.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Silvert, Michael: "Dor Sickness in New York City: Observations of Lay People", Orgonomic Medicine, I(1):26-40, 1955.
* Sobey, Victor M.: "Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Orgone Energy", Orgonomic Medicine, I(2):121-132, 1955.
* Steig, William: "Abstract on Desert", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):93-94, 1955 [reprinted from Steig 1954].
* Steig, William: "Table of Events, DOR Emergency, 1954-1955", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):155-199, 1955.
* anon.: "DOR Clouds Over London", Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(1-2):94-95, 1955.
Food and Drug Administration agents burn Reich's books and destroy orgone accumulators.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Cancer Research -- A Comment on the Literature", Orgonomic Medicine, II(1):75-81, 1956.
* Raphael, Chester M.:"Confirmation of Orgonomic (Reich) Tests for the Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer", Orgonomic Medicine, II(1):36-41, 1956.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Re-emergence of Freud's 'Death Instinct' as 'DOR' energy", Orgonomic Medicine, II(1):2-11, 1956.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Atoms for Peace Vs. the HIG (Hooligans In Government), Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, Documentary Supplement No. 3, A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1956.
Includes sections on:
- Address to the Jury
- Letter to Judge Clifford
- Response
- Warning
- Proposed Solution: EPPO
- Boards on Soocial Pathology
- Factual Presentation
- Appendix Compiled by William Moise
Portions reprinted in Orgonomic Medicine, II(1):22-35, 1956.
Keywords: emotional plague, history
* Ritter, Paul: "Notes on Visual Manifestations of Atmospheric Orgone", Orgonomic Functionalism, III(1):39-43, 1956.
* Ritter, Paul: "Orgone Experiments Reported in Journals of Radiesthesia", Orgonomic Functionalism, III(2):111-113, 1956.
* Sobey, Victor: "A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Orgone Energy", Orgonomic Medicine, II(1):64-69, 1956.
* Sobey, Victor: "An Eyewitness Report of the Burning of Scientific Books in the USA, 1956", Supplement to Wyvell 1956, reprinted in Pulse of the Planet 4:75 1993.
Keywords: emotional plague, history
* Wyvell, Lois & Rees, Raymond: "The Jailing of a Great Scientist in the USA, 1956", privately published, NY, 1956.
Keywords: emotional plague, history
Reich is sent to Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary in March. He dies in prison on 3 Nov. 1957.
* Boadella, David: "The Use of the Orgone Pillow in the Treatment of Sinusitis", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(2):119, 1957.
* Boadella, David: "The Murder of Reich, 1957", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(6):250-253, 1957; reprinted in Wyvell 1993.
* Margoshes, Adam: "Epitaph for a Scientist", Village Voice, 13 Nov. 1957. Reprinted in The Village Voice Reader, D. Wolf and E. Fander, eds, Doubleday, NY p.212-214.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Contact With Space, Oranur Second Report: Orop Desert Ea, Core Pilot Press, NY, 1957
Contains sections on:
- Two Stars Fade Out
- The Spacegun
- Contact with the US Air Force
- Dor Clouds Over the USA
- The Planetary Valley Forge
- The Ea Battle of Tucson
- Breaking the Barrier
- Cosmic Self-Regulation in OR Energy Metabolism.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Reich, Wilhelm: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. III: Suppressed Documentary Evidence, U.S. Court of Appeals, for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1957; LC# 57-8813.
* Ritter, Paul: "The Persecution of Wilhelm Reich and the Silence of the Press", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(1):3-14, 1957.
* Ritter, Paul: "A Further Note on the Visual Manifestation of Atmospheric Orgone", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(1):72-73, 1957.
* Ritter, Paul: "The Use of the Orgone Pillow for a Sore Knee", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(4-5):229, 1957.
* anon.: "Pin Points in the Sky: A Correspondence in the 'New Scientist'", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(6):286-289, 1957.
Click here for Part II: 1958 to 1999. Research After Reich.
Click here for Part III: 2000 to the Present. Research After Reich (Continued).
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