Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
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This Bibliography on Orgonomy had its beginnings, and was built upon the main citation list of my Bibliography on Orgone Biophysics (Natural Energy Works, 1986) which is now out-of-print. The goal of the current effort is to have a complete listing of Wilhelm Reich's voluminous publications, along with all those by his associates and co-workers, and others who took up the subject of his research over subsequent decades. On many occasions, research scientists have asked me where they could find information on one or another aspect of Reich's work, or if something had been replicated or not, and it was a constant difficulty to provide assistance to those honest inquiries. Also, the "skeptics" have continued to misrepresent this large body of work, as if it did not exist. With the coming of global internet, a new possibility opened up for making these materials available, world-wide. This Bibliography on Orgonomy should be a helpful tool for researchers, allowing name, title and keyword searches using ordinary internet browsers. It should also finally put to rest the chronic misrepresentations that "only Reich" made observations the various the various orgone energy phenomena under discussion. Web links to on-line publications will also eventually be added. Users are invited to submit citation or keyword additions or corrections.
Since this is a scientific bibliography, I have included research publications which yield both positive and negative findings, though it must be said, the number of honestly-undertaken research efforts which obtained wholly negative results on Reich's work are extremely rare. By contrast, the malicious attacks against Reich, his associates and contemporary research scientists and physicians investigating this subject, disinformation smear articles as appearing in the popular press and occasionally spilling over as commentary in a few scientific journals (but without research support) are far more abundant. Due to their patently unscientific nature, such materials have been segregated into a separate Emotional Plague Bibliography which also includes published rebuttals against them. I also have made a separate listing of university theses and dissertations focused upon Reich and orgonomy, as these will be of special interest for students. Most contain excellent support for orgonomic research. Similarly, a separate list has been made of various court documents and records of the Reich legal case, as many of them are in book form, and contain materials of both scientific and historical importance. The rebuttal-materials, university theses and dissertations, and the Reich legal-case materials are all included within this main Bibliography on Orgonomy making it the most comprehensive source.
James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings, Ashland, Oregon, USA
* Included in this Bibliography: Original research articles and observations, historical notes and scientific contributions, first printings of materials or first reprinting in a new language, new compilations of older material, and genuine scientific criticism. Also: Reprinted or republished materials or editions as previously appearing in the same language, book reviews, newspaper or magazine summaries, interviews or popular press articles without original materials.
* The materials from c.1920 to 1957 are nearly complete and include subject material covering both Reich's sex-economic and orgone-biophysical findings, save for some German-language citations lacking from Reich's early psychoanalytic period. The materials after c.1957 currently have an emphasis on orgone biophysical research. However, this deficit is slowly being corrected with the inclusion of citations on the subjects of human emotion and sexuality.
* For historical purposes, this bibliography includes all known entries within Reich's original published journals, including various anonymous "notes" or "communications", but I have been more selective in this regard for journals which appeared after Reich's death in 1957. Some historical notes are also included to indicate Reich's geographical re-locations.
* The entire Bibliography is organized primarily for the English speaker, with English translations of publications in other languages given in parenthesis. Books and articles in other languages are included, but not as systematically. Reader suggestions and corrections are welcomed -- Email to: info(at)
* Reprinted items are listed in both the year they first appeared, and the year of the reprint, with separate listings and reference links (under construction).
* Many items are also available in public or university libraries, and it should be possible to find them via the "Inter-Library Loans" program (USA). In a few cases, the articles are available on-line, in which case the title will be linked to that on-line source.
* Author names: Where an author has only one publication for a given year, that entry is preceded by an asterisk (*). Where an author has more than one publication for a given year, their entries are listed with a sequential letter prefix (a, b, c., etc.) for that year. Author names are given with last name first. Anonymous items are listed as "anon." gathered at the end of each year's listings. Editors of items are identified as (Ed.), while pseudonyms used in a publication (due to political repression of the subject material) are identified as (pseud.) with the false name contained in the parenthesis and the real name given as the primary entry. The professional credentials of authors are not given here, but most hold advanced academic degrees in medicine or the natural sciences.
* Keywords: The keyword list (also very incomplete) only includes words which do not already appear in the publication title - you can thereby use your browser search engine to locate authors or topics of interest. Items are listed chronologically by year, and alphabetically by author within a given year.
* Serial Journals: Here is a listing of the various journals which have been reviewed for construction of this Bibliography, with some added information about them, and their periods of publication. "Not Fully Reviewed" means there are additional articles within these journals which will be added to our Bibliography at a later date.
Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte (Clinical and Experimental Report): c.1937-1939
Published in 7 volumes. Authored by Wilhelm Reich in Denmark and Norway. German language.
Not much is known to us about this publication, which had at least seven issues, starting when Reich fled Berlin for Scandinavia to escape the Nazis -- which marked the start of his electrophysiological and microscopical research -- and ending shortly before his departure to the USA. Source of reprints and back-issues unknown, but many articles are reprinted and translated (where noted). (European readers, please inform us if you can provide OBRL with a donated set of originals or photocopies for our Archives.)
International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research: 1942-1945
Published in 4 volumes. Edited by Theodore Wolfe in Forest Hills, New York and Rangeley, Maine. English language.
This journal founded after Reich's arrival in the USA, and is described as the "Official Organ of the International Institute for Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, Director Wilhelm Reich". Back issues are available as either photocopy or microfilm from the Wilhelm Reich Museum and Museum Bookstore,, PO Box 687, Rangeley, ME 04970 USA, Telephone 207/ 864-3443 -- Email: wreich(at)
Annals of the Orgone Institute: 1947-1949
Published in 2 volumes. Edited by Wilhelm Reich in Rangeley, Maine. English language. Not Fully Reviewed.
A publication which appeared during the time of Reich's transition from New York to his new laboratory headquarters in Maine. Back issues are available as either photocopy or microfilm from the Wilhelm Reich Museum and Museum Bookstore,, PO Box 687, Rangeley, ME 04970 USA, Telephone 207/ 864-3443 -- Email: wreich(at)
Towards Self Regulation: A Report by the Committee for Self-Regulation: 1949
Published in 1 volume. Edited by Lois Wyvell (Reich's secretary) in Rangeley, Maine. English language.
This publication was started as an experiment by Lois Wyvell, with intention to report on the activities of several citizen's groups devoted to helping create a healthier social climate, using Reich's sex-economic principles as a guideline. So far as we know, only one issue was published.
Orgone Energy Bulletin: 1949-1953
Published in 5 volumes. Edited by Wilhelm Reich in Rangeley, Maine. English language.
This new journal reflected Reich's increased focus upon orgone energy phenomena. Back issues are available as either photocopy or microfilm from the Wilhelm Reich Museum and Museum Bookstore,, PO Box 687, Rangeley, ME 04970 USA, Telephone 207/ 864-3443 -- Email: wreich(at)
Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie: 1950-1953
Published in 4 volumes. Edited by Walter Hoppe in Tel Aviv, Israel. German language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Source of reprints and back-issues unknown, but many articles are reprinted and translated from other available sources (where noted).
Cosmic Orgone Engineering: 1954-1955
Published in 2 volumes. Edited by Wilhelm Reich in Rangeley, Maine. English language. Not Fully Reviewed.
This publication was a name-change for the Orgone Energy Bulletin periodical, with volume numbering starting with "Vol. VI", and reflecting Reich's increased focus upon cosmological and atmospheric considerations. The series ended with Reich's imprisonment in 1956. Back issues are available as either photocopy or microfilm from the Wilhelm Reich Museum and Museum Bookstore,, PO Box 687, Rangeley, ME 04970 USA, Telephone 207/ 864-3443 -- Email: wreich(at)
Orgonomic Functionalism: 1954-1964
Published in 10 volumes. Edited by Paul Ritter in the United Kingdom. English language. Not Fully Reviewed.
This publication was the first to appear without Reich's personal approval, and history shows he was quite upset with Ritter for taking this initiative. The publication mixes Reich's work with what would later be called "neo-Reichian" themes, but does contain much authentic material, and was, for many years after Reich's jailing and death, one of the few publications on the subject of orgonomy. Not to be confused with a journal by the Wilhelm Reich Museum in the 1990s of the same title. Source of reprints and back-issues unknown, but many articles are reprinted and translated from other available sources (where noted).
Orgonomic Medicine: 1955-1956
Published in 2 volumes. Edited by Elsworth Baker in New York City. English language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Elsworth Baker was one of Reich's assistants and trainees, who kept a biomedical focus in this journal. It ended publication with Reich's imprisonment. Back issues are available as photocopy from the American College of Orgonomy, PO Box 490, Princeton, NJ 08542 USA, Telephone 908/ 821-1144, 908/ 821-0174 fax.
Creative Process: 1961-1965
Published in 4 volumes. Edited by Charles Kelley in California. English language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Kelley had published an article in Reich's Orgone Energy Bulletin but had a falling-out with Reich's medical followers after his death, eventually forming his own distinct neo-Reichian emphasis and Radix Institute and Radix Journal (described below). However, in the Creative Process his emphasis was more distinctly upon Reich's original orgonomy. Back issues are available as photocopy from Erica Kelley, Radix Institute, 108 N. Garrison Rd., Vancouver, WA 98664, 206-896-4004 -- Email: chuckradixkelley(at)
Journal of Orgonomy: 1967 to Present
Continuing into the present with various editors, this journal was originally edited by Elsworth Baker as the organ of the American College of Orgonomy, and for many years contained the most consistently genuine scientific materials on Reich's original orgonomy. Since the mid-1980s, the ACO underwent political divisions, with a significant number of its scientific membership quitting to form the Institute for Orgonomic Science, and henceforth publishing in the Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science. Other political divisions occurred thereafter, and today the Journal of Orgonomy has a primarily psychiatric emphasis, with the majority of biophysical and scientific papers being published in other journals. Back issues are available either in original published form or as photocopy from the American College of Orgonomy, PO Box 490, Princeton, NJ 08542 USA, Telephone 908/ 821-1144, 908/ 821-0174 fax.
Energy and Character: 1970 to Present
Edited by David Boadella in Switzerland. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed. Available via: info(at)
Eden Bulletin/PPCC Bulletin: 1974-1981
Edited by Jerome Eden in Careywood, Idaho. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Wilhelm Reich Blätter: 1976-1979
Edited by Bernd Laska in Germany. German Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Friends of the Wilhelm Reich Museum Newsletter: 1977 to Present
Edited by Mary Higgins in Rangeley, Maine. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Emotion: 1978 to Present
Edited by various contributors in Berlin. German Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
International Journal of Life Energy: 1978-1981
Edited by Edward Mann in Toronto, Canada. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Scienza Orgonomica: 1979-198?
Edited by Guiseppe Cammarella in Italy. Italian Language. Email: orgonomie1(at) Not Fully Reviewed.
Offshoots of Orgonomy: 1980-1987
Published in 15 editions. Edited by Lois Wyvell in New York City. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Started by Reich's former secretary and confidant, this publication continued for many years, as an outlet for various historical and philosophical items, plus a few scientific papers not found elsewhere. Original copies of back issues are available from Natural Energy Works catalog, PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA. Telephone/fax: 541-552-0118 -- Email: demeo(at)
Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science: 1984 to Present
Edited by Morton Herskowitz and others in Pennsylvania. English Language. Email: annals(at) Back issues are available from the Institute for Orgonomic Science, PO Box 2069, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2069. Telephone: (610) 896-4466. Not Fully Reviewed.
Lebensenergie: c.1980??
Published in ?? volumes. Edited by Dorothea Fuckert and Manfred Fuckert. German language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Orgonomic Education Newsletter: 1984-1987
Edited by Jonathan Coe in Careywood Idaho. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Sciences Orgonomiques: 1986-19??
Edited by Guiseppe Cammarella in Nice, France. French Language. Email: orgonomie1(at) Not Fully Reviewed.
Pulse of the Planet: 1989 to Present
Published in 5 volumes, with all issues since 1993 having simultaneous book editions. Edited by James DeMeo in Ashland, Oregon. English language. Fully Reviewed.
Back and current issues are available in original published form, or as high-quality photocopy, from the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA. Telephone/fax: 541-552-0118 -- Email: demeo(at)
Orgonomic Functionalism: 1990-1996
Published in 6 volumes by the Wilhelm Reich Museum (a different journal altogether from the one of the same title listed above). Edited by Mary Higgins. English language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Flatland Magazine: 1990 to Present
Edited by Jim Martin in Mendicino California. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
Steamshovel Magazine: 1990 to Present
Edited by Kenn Thomas in St. Louis Missouri. English Language. Not Fully Reviewed.
* Other Bibliographies: used as source material (none have been fully integrated as yet).
Bibliography on Orgonomy, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy (European and American Period, 1920-1952), documentary volume A-IX-B, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1953; originally published as volume V(3-4) of the Orgone Energy Bulletin, Sept. 1953.
Bibliography on Orgonomy, Compiled by David Boadella, Ritter Press 1960, Nottingham, England.
Microfilm Index to the Wilhelm Reich Bibliography, complied by Harold Treacy, with Eva Reich, by Reich Archive West, 1978.
Bibliography on Orgone Biophysics: 1932-1986, complied by James DeMeo, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, 1986.
Bibliography of Orgonomy compiled by Peter Nasselstein, annotated with an emphasis upon German-language materials.
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Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory,
A Non-Profit Science Research and
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Greensprings Center, PO Box
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
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by James DeMeo and the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc.
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