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Dissertations and Theses
On the Subject of Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy

This page periodically updated.

Based upon the works of Wilhelm Reich, containing sections devoted to his works, or indirectly drawing from his works in a substantial way. The listing is current as of c.2000, but it is very likely that many items have been missed and are not included. New submissions and/or corrections are welcomed.

Organized Chronologically:


* King, C.A.: "An Investigation of Selected Associations Between Personality Traits and the Human Muscular-Skeletal Structure", University of Miami, 1972, Dissertation Abstracts International, 33:2713A-2714A (University Microfilms No.72-31,912).


* Rabinbach, A.G.: "Ernst Fischer and the Left Opposition In Austrian Social Democracy; Crisis of Austrian Socialism, 1927-34", University of Wisconsin, History Dept, Dissertation, 1973, (published as The Crisis of Austrian Socialism: From Red Vienna to Civil War 1927-1934, U. Chicago Press, 1983).


* Olds, C.: "The Biophysical Foundations of Wilhelm Reich's Energetic 'Orgonomic' Concept of Health", Case Western Reserve University, Department of Education, Dissertation 1974, (University Microfilms No. 74-25,673).


* Johnson, S.P.: "A Comparison of Patient's Assessment of Behavior/Eclectic, Bioenergetic, and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists", Farleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck- Hackensack Campus, 1975, Dissertation Abstracts International, 36:3511A- 3512A (University Microfilms No.75-26,139).


* Kerberg, D.J.: "Comparative Body Therapies and a Scale for the Diagnosis of Bioenergetic Body Types", United States International University, 1977, Dissertation Abstracts International, 38:1407B-1408B (University Microfilms No.77-16,387).


* Berkowitz, S.A.: "A Study of Inwardness-Outwardness: the Relationship of Extraversion-Intraversion, Barrier Score, and Bioenergetic Character Structure", California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, 1978, Dissertation Abstracts International, 38:5557B-5558B (University Microfilms No.7805651).


* DeMeo, James: "Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster", University of Kansas, Geography-Meteorology Dept., Thesis, 1979, Master's Abstracts, 18(1), 1980 (University Microfilms No.1313336). Best-quality reprint available here.

* Sheridan, L.J.: "A Phenomenological Study of the Effects of Bioenergetic Therapy of Six Areas of Human Experience", United States International University, 1979, Dissertation Abstracts International, 40:5021B-5022B (University Microfilms No.8007629).

* Scott, G.T. 1979: "An Investigation of Relationships Between the Bioenergetic Therapist's Diagnosis of Patient's Character Structure and Developmental Status and Patient's MMPI Profile", University of Oregon, Dissertation Abstracts International, 40:1290A (University Microfilms No.7918732).

* Sucec, M.J.: "A Study of the Relationship Between Bioenergetic Character Types and Somatotypes", United States International University, Unpublished Master's Thesis, 1979.


* Krepack, A.F.: "An Exploratory Study Into the 'Functional Unity' Theory: Respiration and Personality", California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, Dissertation Abstracts International, 40:3404B (University Microfilms No.8000918), 1980.

* Millikan, F.: "The Integration of Marxism and Psychoanalysis: the Early Career of Wilhelm Reich", Appalachian State University, History Department, Thesis, 1980.


* Dudas, T.A.: "The Psychopathic Character Structure: A Correlational Study of Body Type and Personality Correlates", California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, 1981, Dissertation Abstracts International, 41:4657B (University Microfilms No.8110151).

* Pinhey, C.M.: "Character Structure and Psychophysiological Response", United States International University, 1981, Dissertation Abstracts International, 42:1223B-1224B (University Microfilms No.8118143).


* Cohen, I.: "Critical Political Psychology: Freud, Reich and Critical Social Theory", New York University, Dissertation 1982 (published as Ideology and Unconsciousness: Reich, Freud, and Marx, NYU Press, 1982).


* Shubs, C.H.: "Bioenergetic Analysis and the MMPI: A Validity Study", United States International University, 1983, Dissertation Abstracts International, 43:2717B (University Microfilms No. 8229640).


* Grossmann, A.: "The New Woman, The New Family, and the Rationalization of Sexuality: The German Sex-Reform Movement, 1928-1933", Rutgers University, History Department, Dissertation, 1984.


* DeMeo, James: "On the Origins and Diffusion of Patrism: The Saharasian Connection", University of Kansas, Geography Dept., Dissertation, 1986, Dissertation Abstracts International, #48, August 1987, pp.457-458A. A comprehensive book version Saharasia inclusive of Disseration information, is available at most on-line bookstores.

* Müschenich, S. & Gebauer, R.: "Die (Psycho-) Physiologischen Wirkungen des Reich'schen Orgonakkumulators auf den Menschlichen Organismus [The (Psycho) Physiological Effects of the Reich Orgone Accumulator]", University of Marburg (W. Germany), Department of Psychology, Dissertation, 1986.


* Rackelmann, Marc: "Der Konflikt des 'Reichsverbandes für proletarische Sexualpolitik' (Sexpol) mit der KPD Anfang der dreissiger Jahre - Zur Rolle Wilhelm Reichs bei Entstehung und Arbeit des kommunistischen Sexualreformverbandes", Schriftliche Hausarbeit im Rahmen der Diplomprüfung im Fach Politische Wissenschaft, Freie Universitat Berlin, 1992.


* Hebenstreit, Günter: "Der Orgonakkumulator Nach Wilhelm Reich. Eine Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Spannungs-Ladungs-Formel", Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des Magistergrades der Philosophie an der Grung- und Integrativ-wissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat Wien, 1995.

* Müschenich, Stefan: Der Gesundheitsbegriff im Werk des Arztes Wilhelm Reich (The Concept of Health in the Works of Dr. Wilhelm Reich), Doktorarbeit am Fachbereich Humanmedizin der Philipps-Universitat Marburg (published by Verlag Gorich & Weiershauser, Marburg) 1995.


* Allbritten, Joe H.: "Wilhelm Reich's Holism: Implications for Nursing", University of Nevada at Reno, Nursing Department, Master's Thesis, 1996.

* Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer : "A educação do corpo e as práticas corporais alternativas: Reich, Bertherat e Antiginástica" (The body education and the alternative bodies practices: Reich, Bertherat and Antigymnastic) Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Master Thesis, 1996.

* Smith, Christian: "Radical Therapy Center: The Theories of Alienation and Reification of Karl Marx", California State University, Psychology Department, Master's Thesis, 1996.


* Barreto, André Valente de Barros: "Em busca de Eros: a "democracia natural do trabalho" e a relação entre poder e afetividade no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich" (In the search of Eros: the "natural work democracy" and the relationship between power and affectivity according to Wilhelm Reich), Unicamp, Campinas, Master Thesis 1997.


* Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer: "A educação em Wilhelm Reich: da psicanálise à pedagogia econômico-sexual" (The education in Wilhelm Reich: from psychoanalysis to the sex-economic pedagogy), UNESP- Marília, Dissertation 2001.

* Oliveira E Silva, João Rodrigo: "O desenvolvimento da noção de caráter no pensamento de Reich" (The development of the notion of character in Reich's thought), Master Thesis, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2001.


* Southgate, Leon: "Wilhelm Reich and Chinese Medicine", Northern College of Acupuncture, United Kingdom, Master's Thesis, 2002. Published as Chinese Medicine and Wilhelm Reich: An Analysis of Chinese Medical and Reichian Theories of Life Force And Experimental Orgone-Acupuncture Study, Lambert Academic Publishing, London 2009.



* Kammer, Brad J.: Trauma & Civilization: The Relationship Between Personal Trauma, Social Oppression, and the Transformative Nature of Trauma Healing, Vermont College (of The Union Institute & University) Master's Thesis, 2004.





* Alvarez, Ruth: Effects Of The Orgone Accumulator Blanket On Free Radicals And Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels, Dissertation, Holos University, 2008.



* Hebenstreit G.A.: Die Elektrophysiologie erogener und nicht-erogener Hautzonen in Verbindung mit der Spannungs-Ladungs-Formel Wilhelm Reichs. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung. Universitaet Wien, Dissertation, 2010.



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