Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
A Record of Various Deliberated Misrepresentations, Distortions, Attacks and Smears
Directed Against Wilhelm Reich and His Supporters in the Science of Orgonomy Since the 1930s,
With a List of published articles giving rebuttal and analysis of the same.
Covering both the Early and Contemporary European and American Campaigns.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT WIKIPEDIA ENTRIES ON WILHELM REICH AND ORGONOMY: The Wikipedia website entries are popular, but can be altered by virtually any anonymous person who desires to scribble some unsubstantiated personal opinion, gossip or deliberate deceit into them, or to erase legitimate and accurate materials which they object to. Over the years, the Wikipedia entries on "Wilhelm Reich", "orgone energy", "orgonomy", "orgone accumulator", "cloudbusting", and so on, have had important factual materials erased, and substantial falsehood and even slander inserted by the professional "skeptic clubbers" and other "activists" with a personal grudge against Reich's findings. By doing so, they have fabricated their own false narrative of Reich as a "quack pornographer" who "went insane" late in life, and who has "no scientific support" for his orgone energy discoveries. Wikipedia thereby helps to publicly spread a fully malicious misrepresentation of Reich's life and work, while simultaneously censoring and deleting all the newer scientific evidence indicating the importance of his findings for psychology, biology, physics, cosmology and atmospheric science. Wikipedia entries on Reich should therefore not be consulted as accurate material, only as expressions of the open war against his findings which began in Europe in the 1930s, when Nazis and Communists maliciously assaulted him in newspapers, put him on death-lists and burned his books. This same malicious aggression to Get Reich continued in the USA after 1947 when a tidal wave of mainstream media slander began, leading to his death in prison, and the burning of his books. Today, people of similar upset emotional backgrounds aim to utterly destroy the legacy of his research, through continued slander and distortion. For more information, see the "Emotional Plague Bibliography" and the OBRL "Response to Skeptics" pages.
Scroll down to get to the chronological citation listings.
A. Experiments Undertaken by the Food and Drug Administration:
In the 1950s, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contracted with several medical institutions to experimentally test the orgone accumulator. The papers listed below were obtained by James DeMeo in the 1980s, through a Freedom of Information Act search of FDA files. They presently remain on file in the FDA headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. None of them were of publishable quality, and most contained major misunderstandings and errors of fact regarding the functioning of the orgone accumulator, the object of most of the studies; other glaring errors in traditional scientific method prevailed in the execution of the experiments, rendering them substandard scientifically. Cover letters to these papers often revealed contempt for the work, and an explicit desire to "prove" Reich a fraud, reflecting the witch-hunt atmosphere that the FDA tests were conducted in. The FDA materials have been more than adequately rebutted in citations 1972d, 1972p, 1973m, 1974g, and 1983b in the larger chronological bibliography. Other materials were contained within the FDA files which discussed a small number of medical tests with the orgone accumulator not reflected in any of the given citations. However, these were not presented in an organized paper format and, given their loose and nondescript nature, were not cited here.
* Heller, R.: "A Review of Dr. Reich's Literature from a Physics Point of View", Report to the US FDA from R. Heller.
* Krusen, F.: "Study of Devices Recommended by Wilhelm Reich for the Treatment of Various Diseases as Submitted by the Federal Food and Drug Administration", Report to I. Kerlan of the US FDA from F. Krusen of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, 1953.
* Lion, Kurt: "Investigations on the Orgone Accumulator", Report to R. Heller of the US FDA from K. Lion of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1953.
* Malcolm, H.: "A Report of Twenty-Two Cancer Patients Treated with the Orgone Accumulator and Blanket", Report to the US FDA from H. Malcolm of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 1953?
* Murray, W.: "Report on Tests Conducted with the Reich Orgone Accumulator", Report to K. Brimmer of the US FDA from W. Murray of the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, 1953.
* Norcross, J.: "Report on the Use of the Orgone Energy Accumulator in the Treatment of Anemia", Report to J. Maguire of the US FDA from J. Norcross of the Lahey Clinic, Boston, 1954.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS against the FDA materials and legal case can be found at:
* Blasband, Richard A.: "An Analysis of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part I, the Biomedical Evidence", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):207-222, 1972.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "An Analysis of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part II, the Physical Concepts", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):222-231, 1972.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "An Analysis of the Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part III, Physical Evidence", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2):234-245, 1973.
* Greenfield, Jerome: Wilhelm Reich versus the USA, W.W. Norton, NY 1974.
* DeMeo, James: "Postscript on the Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich", Pulse of the Planet 1:18-23 Spring 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Power by the US Food and Drug Administration and Other Governmental Agencies", Pulse of the Planet 4:106-113 1993.
B. Ongoing Attacks Made in Popular Publications, with REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS publications (Partial Listing):
This section includes books, magazine and newspaper articles which contain a greater or lesser amount of unfactual, distorted, and poorly-researched materials on Reich or orgonomy, materials which attack Reich on emotional grounds, for "moral" reasons, which condemn his biophysical research as "fraud", "quackery", and so on, and which generally possess a contemptuous tone. None attempt to either trace the red thread of logic in his overall theory, or make significant reference to published experiments. Most of these works cite rumor and gossip as fact, and others are downright vicious in their use of fabrications. Such approaches are most prevalent where genitality and orgone biophysics are discussed. A few of these authors devote 95% of their works to analyzing and sometimes praising Reich's early contributions to psychoanalysis, only to contemptuously or flippantly dismiss his studies on genitality and orgone biophysics, often in a few short, distorted paragraphs or pages. The list is not thorough, and includes only the most widely read of such materials. Opinions formulated about Reich or orgonomy based upon these works cannot possibly be accurate or factual. For detailed discussion and response to these attacks, see citations 1948b, 1972d, 1972p, 1973m, 1974g, 1983b, and 1983g. Also see the citations with keywords "history" or "emotional plague" for additional discussion and documentation on the prejudice against Reich within the FDA and medical establishment, and the anti-Reich media campaign which occurred in the late 1940s and 1950s.
Articles appearing on internet provide web site addresses which may not remain current for extended periods. A listing of foreign newspaper and magazine articles attacking Reich, which also includes materials from the years prior to his arrival in America, can be found in citation 1953g of this Bibliography. Note that these European materials are exceedingly incomplete, and reflect only a fraction of the published attacks against Reich during that period.
1920s - early 1930s: Reich's Early Psychoanalytic and Sex-Political Work in Vienna and Berlin
* Kautsky, Karl: Article attacking Reich's booklet ""Zur Kritik der Sexualreform," in the left-wing Freiheit No.7, Berlin, 1931. (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.266).
* Bernfeld, Siegfried: "Die kommunistische Diskussion um die Psychoanalyse und Reich's 'Widerlegung der Todestriebhypothese'", Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XVIII, 1932.
* anon.: Article in Nazi press attacking Reich, Völkischer Beobachter, Berlin. Date uncertain, c.March 1932. (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.267; Sharaf 1994, p.170).
* anon.: Notice prohibiting distribution of Reich's books, Roter Sport (Red Sport), publiction of Fichte, the Berlin-Brandenburg communist sports organization. 5 Dec. 1932.
English translation reprinted in inside front cover of Socialist Reproduction (pirate) edition of Reich's The Sexual Struggle of Youth 1972, London.
1933: Reich Departs Germany for Denmark, to Escape Nazi/Communist Persecution.
* anon.: Various undated articles in Danish and Norwegian newspapers attacking Reich, discussing attacks against him, and occasionally defending him, contained in Extrabladet, Ugeskrift for Laeger, and others, Copenhagen 1933.(cited in Siersted 1993).
"German Psychoanalyst Has Been Practicing Here and Took Payment for His Consultations",
"From Fashionability to Martyrdom",
"The Patient Whom Reich Treated",
"The Psychoanalysts are Preparing for a Fight: Your Physician, Dr. Reich from Vienna, is denied permission to stay",
"Open Letter to Chief Physician Schroeder",
"Wilhelm Reich, M.D., denied permission to stay in Denmark",
"Psychoanalysis Outside the Three-Mile Limit",
* anon.: Article in Communist Party press attacking Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism, in Arbejderbladet (The Daily Worker), Copenhagen 1933.(cited in Leistikow 1942 p.269, and Siersted 1993 p.53).
1934: Reich Departs Denmark for Norway (in October) Following Continued Nazi/Communist Attacks in Denmark.
* anon.: "Pjank! (Nonsense!)", Berlinske Tidende, Copenhagen, 1934.
* Gestapo of Berlin.: Order prohibiting publications by Reich, 9 April 1935.
English translation reprinted in inside front cover of Socialist Reproduction (pirate) edition of Reich's What is Class Consciousness? 1972, London.
* Gestapo of Berlin: Orders prohibiting publications by Reich, Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt, 13 April and 7 May, 1935.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Reich, Wilhelm: "Der Ausschluss Wilhelm Reich aus der IPV (The Expulsion of Wilhelm Reich from the International Psychoanalytic Association)", Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie , II:54-61, 1935 [translation contained in Reich 1947].
* Langfeldt, Mohr & Hansen: Smears against Reich in newspaper interviews, Norway 1937 (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.270).
* Nissen, Ingjald: Smears Reich in newspaper interview, Norway, 27 Oct. 1937 (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.270).
* Kreyberg & Thjötta: Smears against Reich in unnamed newspapers, Norway 1938 (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.271).
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Leistikow, Gunnar: "Sensational Scientific Experiments", Socialdemokraten, 3 March 1938 (translated in Siersted 1993, p.62-63).
* Nissen, Ingjald & Scharffenberg, Johan: "Psychoanalytic Quackery", Smears Reich in unnamed newspaper, Norway, c.January 1938 (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.271).
* anon.: Various articles attacking Reich, Morgenbladet, and the fascist Tidens Tegn, Norway c.1938 (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.272).
* anon.: Editorial on "God Reich", Tidens Tegn, fascist newspaper, Norway 1938 (cited in Leistikow 1942, p.272).
* anon.: Article attacking Reich, Berlinske Tidende, Copenhagen, c.1938.
1939: Reich Departs Norway for the USA (on 11 August) Following Continued Nazi/Communist Attacks Against His Work.
* Myerson, A.: "Book Reviews: The Function of the Orgasm. Sex-Economic problems of Biological Energy", American Journal of Psychiatry, 99:467-468, 1 November 1942 (critique in Wolfe 1943).
* anon.: Distorted review of Reich's Function of the Orgasm, in Journal of the American Medical Association, 120(15):1260, 12 Dec. 1942 (critique in Wolfe 1943).
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Leistikow, Gunnar: "The Fascist Newspaper Campaign in Norway", Int. J. Sex-Economy & Orgone Res., I:266-273, 1942.
* Grotjahn, Martin: "Book Reviews: Recent Psychoanalytic Literature", Psychosomatic Medicine, 5, p.309-310, 1943.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * anon.: "On Defamations", Int. J. Sex-Economy & Orgone Res., II:190-191, 1943.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Wolfe, Theodore: "Misconceptions of Sex-Economy as Evidence in Book Reviews", Int. J. Sex-Economy & Orgone Res., II:166--172, 1943.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Wolfe, Theodore: "On a Common Motive for Defamation", Int. J. Sex-Economy & Orgone Res., III:71-73, 1944.
* Wertham, Fredrick: "Calling All Couriers" (Book Review of The Mass Psychology of Fascism), New Republic, 2 December 1946.
* Brady, Mildred E.: "The New Cult of Sex and Anarchy", Harper's Magazine, April 1947, p.312-322.
* Brady, Mildred E.: "The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich", New Republic, 26 May 1947; reprinted in Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 12(2):61-67, March 1948; condensation reprinted as "Is the World Sexually Sick?", Everybody's Digest, December 1947.
* Henderson, Harry & Shaw, Sam: "Greenwich Village: Tourist Trap", Colliers, 6 December 1947, p.24-25, 81-82.
* Kleeman, Rita Halle: "Beware of the Medical Frauds!", Saturday Evening Post, 22 Nov. 1947, p.15-17, 132.
* Portigal, Alan: McGill Daily, Montreal, 4 December 1947.
* Puner, Hellen Walker: Freud: His Life and Mind, chapter on "The Larger World of Psychoanalysis", Howell Soskin Publishers, NY 1947.
* Smith, Harrison: "Editorial: The New Coast of Bohemia", Saturday Review of Literature, 16 August 1947, p.18. (The article extolls Brady's earlier Harper's article. Rebuttal letters are published in Saturday Review on 20 September 1947, p.19-20, none of which defend Reich, but merely say Brady was wrong to claim anyone cared much about Reich.)
* anon.: Article attacking Reich, Time, 14 April 1947.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Wolfe, Theodore: Emotional Plague Versus Orgone Biophysics: The 1947 Campaign, Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1948.
* Ager, Shana: "Bebop: Something to Talk About", Mademoiselle, January 1948, p.88-89, 132-133.
* Loftus, Robert F. & Ronald G. VanTine: "The People's Life Preservers", Collier's, 3 January 1948, p.26-27, 64-65. (General article indicative of the time, cheerleading for the FDA's "heroic war" against vitamins, herbal medicine, and a few legitimate fraudsters and toxic remedies.)
* anon.: "Cancer and the Need for Facts: Orgone Accumulator", Report of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, Journal of the American Medical Association, 139(2):96-97, 8 January 1949.
* anon.: "Cancer 'Cures' Beware", Consumer's Report, March 1949.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Ollendorff, Ilse: "Note Regarding Rumors", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):36-37, 1949.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Cott, Alan: "A Warning", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(1):35-36, 1949.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Raphael, Chester M.:"Social Pathology: The Marlboro Incident", Orgone Energy Bulletin, I(2):70-76, 1949.
* Cleckley, Hervey.: The Mask of Sanity, updated 1950 edition. Attacks Reich as a psychopath, drawing on the Brady article as seen in the Menninger Clinic Bulletin of 1947, and a copy-cat article in the Journal of the AMA of 1949.
* Franzblau, R.: "Guide to the Perplexed: The Theories of Wilhelm Reich", Sunday Compass, August 1950.
* Gardner, Martin: "The Hermit Scientist", Antioch Rev,, winter 1950-1951.
* Fay, Bill: "Cancer Quacks", Colliers, 26 May 1951, p.24-25, 48, 51-58. A hatchet-job aimed at all kinds of medical pioneers, including Harry Hoxsey, Ruth Drown, William Koch, and Wilhelm Reich.
* Frazier, G.: "Are Psychoanalysts Crazy?", Cosmopolitan, January 1951.
* Martinez, J.M.: Man in Nature & Behavior, Philosoph. Library, 1951.
* Fowler, Francis: "Strange Case of the Orgone Box", Man's Magazine #1, c.July 1952.
* Gardner, Martin: chapter on "Orgonomy" in In The Name of Science (later titled Fads and Fallacies In the Name of Science), Dover, NY 1952.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Reich, Wilhelm: "Modju at Work in Journalism", Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):85-89, 1953.
* anon.: "Orgone Energy Devices Barred from Interstate Commerce", American Psychiatric Association Newsletter, 15 April 1954. (The article indicated the APA's collusion with the FDA to destroy Reich: "The acting Medical Director of the Federal Food and Drug Administration has expressed his Agency's appreciation for APA's help in the successful development of its case.")
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Reich, Wilhelm: Conspiracy: An Emotional Chain Reaction, Orgone Institute Press, Rangeley, Maine, 1954.
* Ross, I.: "The Strange Case of Dr. Wilhelm Reich", New York Post, 5 September 1954.
* Crombie, Albert: Communism and the Moral Breakdown in America. Clearwater, FL: Youth Problems, 1955. Contains a long rant against Reich, advocating severe sexual repression of all kinds.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Reich, Wilhelm: Response To Ignorance, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, documentary supplement No. 1, A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1955.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Reich, Wilhelm: The Red Thread of a Conspiracy, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, Documentary Supplement No. 2, A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1955.
* McKeon, B.: "Sex Cult With Class", Sir!, December 1956.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Reich, Wilhelm: Atoms for Peace Vs. the HIG (Hooligans In Government), Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, Documentary Supplement No. 3, A-XII-EP, Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1956.
* Wingo, W.: "Learn to Read the Faces of Foxes, Dried-Out Lemons, Haters of Love", Washington Daily News, 28 September 1956.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Wyvell, Lois: The Jailing of a Great Scientist in the USA, privately published, NY, 1956; reprinted in Wyvell 1993. (Includes "An Eyewitness Report of the Burning of Scientific Books in the USA, 1956", by Victor Sobey.)
* anon.: "Quieting the Quacks", Daily Oklahoman, 30 September 1956.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * anon.: "Book Order Appealed: Liberties Unit Asks U.S. Not to Destroy Reich's Writings", New York Times, 13 July 1956.
* anon.: "Two Scientists Jailed; Pair Sentenced in Maine in Sale of 'Accumulators'", New York Times, 12 March 1957.
* anon.: "Milestones", Time Magazine, 18 Nov. 1957, p.110. Obituary of Wilhelm Reich repeating the Brady smears.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Boadella, David: "The Murder of Reich, 1957", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(6):250-253, 1957.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS io* Reich, Wilhelm: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. III: Suppressed Documentary Evidence, U.S. Court of Appeals, for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1957; LC# 57-8813.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Ritter, Paul: "The Persecution of Wilhelm Reich and the Silence of the Press", Orgonomic Functionalism, IV(1):3-14, 1957.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Ritter, Paul, Ed.: Wilhelm Reich Memorial Volume, Ritter Press, Nottingham, England, 1958.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Sharaf, Myron: "Impressions of the Trial of Wilhelm Reich", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(3):153-178, 1958.
* Mayo, G.A.: "The Boudoir Philosopher", Scamp Magazine, Vol.2, No.4, p.12-13 & 61, January 1959.
* Rieff, Philip: "Cosmic Life Energy Was Just What the Doctor ordered: Review of Selected Writings by Wilhelm Reich", New York Times Book Review, 3, 26, 11 Sept. 1960.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Kelley, Charles: The Ending of Wilhelm Reich's Researches, Interscience Research Institute, Stamford, CT, 1960.
* Temple, Sam: "Dr. Reich's Wonderful Sex Machine", Real Adventure, March 1961, p.24-25, 48-51.
* Brown, Carlton: "Con Men: The Man Who Boxed Sex. Dr. Wilhelm Reich and 'Orgone Energy'", True: The Man's Magazine, April 1962.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * anon.: "News and Comment: Reich Smear Articles Continue", Creative Process, III(2):49-50, 1963.
* anon.: "Morals: The Second Sexual Revolution", Time Magazine, 24 January 1964, p.54-59. Repeats the Brady smears on the orgone accumulator.
* Brown, Carlton: "Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his Magic Box", Nugget, 1964, p.53, 58-63.
* Rieff, Philip: "The World of Wilhelm Reich", Commentary, 38(3):50-58, September 1964.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Robinson, Paul, Blasband, Richard and Steig, Arthur: "Wilhelm Reich Defended" (three Letters to the Editor), Commentary, February 1965.
* Rieff, Philip: Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith After Freud, Harper & Row, NY 1966. Reprinted by Univ. of Chicago Press 1987, and Intercollegiate Studies Institute 2006. Contains skewed and misinformed chapter, "Reich's Religion of Energy".
* Cattier, Michael: La vie et l'oeuvre du docteur Wilhelm Reich, Lausanne: Editions l'Age d'Homme, 1969. Translation by Ghislaine Boulanger.
* Robinson, Paul: The Freudian Left: Wilhelm Reich, Geza Roheim, Herbert Marcuse, Harper & Row, NY, 1969.
* Cattier, Michael: The Life and Work of Wilhelm Reich, Horizon Press, NY 1970. Reprint by Avon, NY, 1971. Translated from original French edition, 1969.
* Chesser, Eustace: "New View of a Discredited Pioneer", Penthouse, March 1970.
* anon: "Behavior: The Gospel of Orgasm", Time Magazine, 10 May 1971. Distorted article referencing European psychoanalytic smears of Reich as "a pornographic charlatan and Communist crackpot."
* anon: "Cinema: Psychic Comedy", Time Magazine, 8 Nov. 1971. Approving review of the Makavejev film (1971) which distorts Reich's work and ideas into a pornographic monstrosity.
* Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher: "Back Into the Old Orgone Box", New York Times, p.29, 4 January 1971.
* Makavejev, Dusan: WR Mysteries of the Organism, Criterion Films, 1971. A film which fully distorts Wilhelm Reich's work and ideas. See the critical review by Bell & Koopman 1971, and by DeMeo 2007.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Bell, John & Koopman, Barbara: "Film Review: WR - Mysteries of the Organism," Journal of Orgonomy, 5(2):227-233, Nov. 1971.
* Rycroft, Charles: Wilhelm Reich, Viking Press, NY, 1971.
* Chesser, Eustice: Reich and Sexual Freedom, Vision Press, London, 1972.
* MacBean, James Roy: "Sex and Politics: Wilhelm Reich, World Revolution, and Makavejev's WR", Film Quarterly, 25(3):2-13, Spring 1972.
* Makavejev, Dusan: WR Mysteries of the Organism, Book, Avon Publishers 1972. See the critical review by DeMeo, 2007.
* Schatzberg, Arthur: "Wilhelm Reich: Self-Destined Victim and Social Casualty. A Study of His Trial and Appeal", Arch Gen Psychiatry, 27(1):73-77, 1972.
* Chesser, Eustice: Salvation Through Sex: The Life and Work of Wilhelm Reich, William Morrow, NY, 1973 (Basically a re-hash of his 1972 missive.)
*Harris, Tirril: "WR: World Revolution or Wishful Revisionism", International Socialism, 54:8-10, January 1973.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Ganz, M.: "A 'Purely Scientific' Attack", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):138, 1973.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Bell, John: "An Attack by the Radical Left: A Report", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):65-78, 1974.
* Montgomery, L.: "5 Classes Taken From Teacher; Action Sparks Student Protest", Miami Herald, 29 April 1975, p.1,4-B.
* Brown, Carlton & Cooley, Donald G.: "Wilhelm Reich: The Man who Put Sex in a Box", True: The Man's Magazine, Mid-May 1976, p.20-21, 51, 53-58.
* Grossman, W.I.: "Knightmare in Armor: reflections on Wilhelm Reich's contributions to psychoanalysis", Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes 39(4):376-85, Dec. 1976
* Raditsa, Leo: Some Sense About Wilhelm Reich, Philosophical Lib., NY 1978.
* Demisch, H.: "What ist von der 'Orgon'-Hypothese Wilhelm Reichs zu halten? (What About Wilhelm Reich's 'Orgone' Hypothesis?)", in Sexualität und Medizin, Volkmar Sigusch, ed., Koln, 1979. [See the notation on Demisch's claims by James DeMeo, at:]
* Van Haintze, Bill & Finder, Alan: "An Attempt to Save the World", Newsday, 2 Oct. 1980. p.3, 25. [About the arrest of Joel Carlinsky for burglary of the Wilhelm Reich Museum]
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Franzen, Don Erik: "American Inquisition: The FDAs Persecution of Wilhelm Reich", Reason, p.30-34, January 1980.
* Wilson, C.: The Quest for Wilhelm Reich: A Critical Biography, Anchor/Doubleday, NY, 1981.
* Gardner, Martin: Science: Good, Bad and Bogus, Prometheus, 1981. Repeats smears against Reich from author's earlier publications.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Greenfield, Jerome: "Examination of Wilhelm Reich by the Immigration and Naturalization Service", Journal of Orgonomy, 16(2):277-284, 1982.
* Marin, P.: "What Was Reich's Secret", Psychology Today, September 1982, p.56-65; cf. letter, February 1983, p.22.
* Mairowitz, D. & Gonzales, G.: Reich For Beginners, Writers & Readers, NY, 1986.
* anon.: "Professor at UNI Supports Orgone Energy for Drought Relief". ISRAP Newsletter, Vol.2, No.3, Summer 1988, p.1-2.
* anon.: "Amazing Inventions: The Orgone Accumulator", Facts & Fallacies: Stories of the Strange and Unusual Reader's Digest Books, 1988, p.159.
* Earl, Alice: "Who or What, Pray Tell, is the So-Called 'College' of Orgonomy!?", Peer Advocate, May 1988.
* Gardner, Martin: "Reich the Rainmaker: The Orgone Obsession", Skeptical Inquirer, Vol.13, p.26-30, 1988.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Report", Pulse of the Planet 1:23 Spring 1989.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Notes", Pulse of the Planet 2:52-53 Spring 1989.
* Adams, Cecil: "The Straight Dope", Baltimore City Paper, late 1990 (syndicated).
* Carlinsky, Joel: "Orgonomy in New Jersey", New York Skeptic, Fall 1990.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Report", Pulse of the Planet, 3:118-121 Summer 1991.
* Morrock, Richard: article attacking American College of Orgonomy meeting in Princeton, New Jersey, in Skeptical Inquirer, late 1991.
* anon.: Powers of Healing, Time-Life, 1991, section repeating Brady/Gardner smears on the accumulator, p.101. Early 1991.
* anon.: Journal, American Medical Assoc., 2 Oct. 1991, Two articles attacking Ayur-Veda therapy, with derrogatory notes about orgonomy and orgone therapy.
* Carlinsky, Joel: "Warning: The Coming of the Cloudbuster", Green Living, Winter 1993/1994, p.4.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Report", Pulse of the Planet, 4:123-124 1993.
* Carlinsky, Joel: "Epigones of Orgonomy: The Incredible History of Wilhelm Reich and his Followers", Skeptic, Vol.2, No.3, 1994, p.90-92.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "In Defense of Orgonomy", Skeptic, Vol.2, No.4, p.15-17, 1994.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "In Defense of Reich and Cloudbusting", Green Living, Spring 1994, p.6.
* Morrock, Richard: "Pseudo-Psychotherapy: UFOs, Cloudbusters, conspiracies and Paranoia in Wilhelm Reich's Psychotherapy", Skeptic, Vol.2, No.3, 1994, p.93-95.
* Bauer, Henry: "Sexpols, Orgone Energy, Cloud Busters, and Bions: Remembered, but Not Relevant" (Book Review of Reich's Beyond Psychology), Skeptical Inquirer, September/October 1995.
* Carlinsky, Joel: "Orgone Therapy and Mind Control: Right-Wing Cult or CIA Front", EDIOS, Winter 1995.
* Carlinsky, Joel: "Orgonomy Peddlers, Cloudbusting, and the Environment", Internet posted to the "Orgonomy Mailing List" of Jamerling Ogg's "PORE" website, and Jerry Decker's "KeeleyNet".
* Baker, Robert: Mind Games: Are We Obsessed With Therapy, by Robert Baker, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, Chapter on "Orgonomy: Wilhelm Reich and the Legacy of Freud and Jung, 1996.
* Carlinsky, Joel: "Orgonomy Peddlers, Cloudbusting, and the Environment", Paranoia Magazine, #13, 1996.
* Raso, Jack & Kroger, Manfred: The Dictionary of Metaphysical Healthcare: Alternative Medicine, Paranormal Healing, and Related Methods, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, 1996. Distorted sections on "Orgone Therapy", "Reich Blood Test", "Reichian Breathwork" and "Reichian Therapy.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Response to 'Orgonomy Peddlers' Article".
* anon.: Skeptical Inquirer, 21(3):5, May/June 1997, ridicule of cloudbusting work.
* unknown: "Freud and Reich: The Conservative and the Perverse" (English trsl. of orginal French) Le Monde, France 1997, slander of Reich.
* Fenichel, Otto: 119 Rundbriefs (1934-1945), Johannes Reichmayr, Elke Mühlleitner, Editors, Stroemfeld Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1998. A collection of "round-letters" written by Fenichel to the diaspora of German psychoanalysts after the rise of Hitler to power. Fenichel wrote many bad words against Reich, repeating slander and defamatory gossip in these letters, which spread them into psychoanalytic and psychiatriac circles around the world.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Martin, Jim & Thomas, Kenn: "Toxic Disinformation: Joel Carlinsky's Bonfire of Insanity", Steamshovel Press. Internet Posting to:
* Cohen, Hal: "A Secret History of the Sexual Revolution", Lingua Franca, 1999.
* Gilman, Richard: "Orgonization Man - People thought he was crazy, Wilhelm Reich", New York Times Review of Books, 5 Sept. 1999, a nasty review of the Reich book American Odyssey: Letters and Journals, 1940-1947.
* Golden, Frederic, Leon Jaroff, Jeffrey Kluger and Michael D. Lemonick: "Cranks, Villains and Unsung Heroes" Time Magazine, 29 March 1999, p.64-69 & 196. Reich put on same magazine page as Lysenko and Josef Mengele.
* Jaroff, Leon: article taking a jab at Reich, Time Magazine, 9 Nov. 1999, p.77.
* Makavejev, Dusan: WR Mysteries of the Organism, Book, British Film Institute, 1999. See the critical review by DeMeo, 2007.
* Morrock, Richard: "The World in an Orgone Box", Journal of Psychohistory, 26(4):854-858, Spring 1999.
* Wallace, Mark: "Crackpot Authorities", Salon Magazine, 17 Aug. 1999. Smear of Reich.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Orgone Oracle (Letter to the Editor, responding to Hal Cohen's 'A Secret History of the Sexual Revolution')", Lingua Franca, July/August 1999, p.5,65.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Shredding Saharasia: A Response to Richard Morrock's 'Review'", Journal of Psychohistory, 26(4):858-863, Spring 1999.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Steig, William & Willis, Ellen: REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS letters to a malicious "book review", New York Times Review of Books, 3 Oct. 1999.
* Befumo, J.P.: The Oranur Conspiracy: A Biographical Thriller, Based on the life of Wilhelm Reich,, 2000.
* Harkavy, Jerry: "Discredited Scientist's Disciples Keep the Faith", Maine Today, Portland, 17 July 2000.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Martin, Jim: Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, Flatland Books, Mendocino, CA, 2000. (Excellent documentation of the Communist Party and possible Soviet connections of Reich's major detractors.)
* anon.: "Orgon-Zauber (Orgone Magic)", Neues Deutschland (old East German Communist newspaper) 16./17.12.2000.
* Bauer, Henry: Science or Pseudoscience, U. of Illinois Press, 2001. (Contains chapter materials with toxic misrepresentations and deliberate ommissions of new research supporting Reich's findings.)
* Correa, Paulo & Correa, Alexandra: "To Be Done With (An)Orgonomists", Akronos Publishing. Angry vile hatred against Reich's contemporary followers, cloaked as "scientific analysis".
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Summary Critique of the Correa S2-Series Aetherometry Publications", "Preliminary Report on a Bare-Metal-Box, 'Naked Accumulator' To-T Experiment, with Negative Results" and "OPEN LETTER to Paulo Correa, Alexandra Correa and Malgosia Askanas", Sept. and Dec. 2001, Internet posting:
* Gardner, Martin: Did Adam and Eve Have Navels? Debunking Pseudoscience, W. W. Norton, NY, 2001. (Contains numerous false statements and misrepresentations regarding orgonomy.)
* Kimball, Roger: The Long March: How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed America, Encounter Books, 2001. (In an otherwise important book, the author consults various left-wing or communist writers for misinformation by which to attack Reich as a pornographer and sexual libertine.)
* Makavejev, Dusan: WR Mysteries of the Organism, VHS Film, Facets Video, 2001. DVD version released, Criterion Collection, 2007. See the critical review by DeMeo, 2007.
* Malgosia, Askanas: "Expose of the Secret and Not-So-Secret Misery of (An)Orgonomy and Reichianism..." More angry vile hatred sprayed at Reich's contemporary followers.
* Bauer, Henry: "'Pathological Science' is not Scientific Misconduct (nor is it pathological)". Internet article 2002. (Repeats more of Bauer's chronic toxic dismissal of Reich, cites the "skeptic" liar Martin Gardner for authority).
* Blumenau, Kurt: "Surf's up: Orgone but not forgotten", Milford Daily News, 3 November 2002.
* Buchanan, Patrick: Death of the West, St. Martin's Press, NY 2002. In an otherwise rational book, misrepresents Reich as a member of the "Frankfurt Group" of cultural Marxists. Widely quoted by others.
* Correa, Paulo: "Pulse of the Planet Taken To Task". Upset feelings cloaked as "analysis".
* MacDonald, Kevin: The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, 1st Books, 2002. Repeats various slanders against Reich, misrepresents him as a member of the "Frankfurt Group" of cultural Marxists. Widely quoted by others. Author's website presents a great deal of white-supremacist, Nazi-apologetic and Jew-hate material.
* Morse, Charles A.: "The Four Horsement of the Frankfort School", 14 Jan. 2002, Falsely claims Reich was a member of the "Frankfort (sic) School" of Marxist-leftists.
* Pietikainen, Petteri: "Utopianism in Psychology: The Case of Wilhelm Reich", Journal of History of the Behavioral Sciences, 38(2):157-175, Spring 2002.
* Shermer, Michael: "Hermits and Cranks: Lessons from Martin Gardner on Recognizing Pseudoscientists", Scientific American, 286, p.36-37, 2002. Reprinted in their 23 May 2010 issue. A nasty bit which mentions Reich alongside of "hollow earth" and "flat earth" claims, and next to Lysenko, as if Reich got his opposition murdered.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "More Attacks from the Aetherometry Web Site" (regarding Pulse of the Planet), Internet posting, contained in:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Special Note on the Video Documentary: Rain in the Desert", The Willful Stealing of Other People's Work, and Betrayal of Truth: The Case of John Trettin and Beate Freihold of the I.O.O." Internet posting only:
* Correa, Paulo & Correa, Alexandra: "Auto-epitaph: How a Reichian zealot reneges on his faith", contained in McFinlay 2003, Akronos Publishing. More angry bile sprayed at Reich's contemporary followers.
* Correa, Paulo & Correa, Alexandra: "The Serpent's Tooth and It's Egg (Or, How the Stupid are So Often Malicious)", Akronos Publishing. Ibid.
* McFinlay, Laura: "Fallout from the Challenge to Pulse of the Planet #5", Akronos Publishing. Ibid.
* Blackledge, Catherine: The Story of V: A Natural History of Female Sexuality, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick (also Orion Group - Phoenix Pub.) 2004.
Contains a hiddeous slander of Reich's work on human sexuality, claiming the porno film by Dusan Makavejev was a "propaganda film" made by Reich, which is false. This lie is used to tarnish Reich as a promoter of pornography. See the critical review by DeMeo, 2007 (cited below).
* Turner, Christopher: "Diary", London Review of Books, 26(11):38-39, 3 June 2004. Uncomplimentary review of Summerhill School and Wilhelm Reich, smearing Reich and describing Reich's orgone accumulator as the "orgasmatron", a theme which later re-appears in Turner 2011.
* Spitzer, Robert L.: "An Examination of Wilhelm Reich's Demonstrations of Orgone Energy," Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, Vol.4, #1, Spring-Summer 2005. Author claims to have tried replication of one of Reich's experiments as an undergraduate student back in the 1950s, only reporting it now, but without any details, just dismissals. The "journal" is a skeptic-club publication.
* Spitzer, Robert L.: "The Dictionary of Disorder: How One Man Revolutionized Psychiatry", The New Yorker, 3 Jan. 2005.
* Bannai, Kyo: "Interior Monologue," Portland-Maine's City Magazine, Feb/March 2007.
* Lacayo, Richard: "Why Norman Mailer Mattered", Time Magazine, 10 Nov. 2007. Obituary for Mailer, gives a distorted recounting of his use of the orgone accumulator.
* Flynn, Daniel: A Conservative History of the American Left, Crown Forum, NY, 2008. Repeats the original malicious lies of Mildred Brady (1947, above), which have been repeatedly recycled as in many of the listing above. Reich is wrongly smeared as a promoter of "polymorphous perversity", pornographic ideas and "cultural Marxism".
* Lewis-Kraus, Gideon: "Master of the Orgasm: A fresh look at the laughingstock of psychoanalysis", Nextbook, Feb. 2008, Internet item.
* Duke, David & Raymond V. Raehn: "How a Handfull of Marxist Jews Turned Western and U.S. Culture Upside Down", and "The Historical Roots of Political Correctness" on Duke's white-supremacist, Jew-hate website, accusing Reich of being a member of the "Frankfurt Group" of "cultural Marxists".
* Walter, Pierre: The Science of Orgonomy: A Study on Wilhelm Reich, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2010. (See the review by James DeMeo on
Turner, Christopher: "Free-for-All: A. S. Neill and Summerhill", Cabinet web-zine. #39, Fall 2010.
Shermer, Michael: "Hermits and Cranks: Lessons from Martin Gardner on Recognizing Pseudoscientists", Scientific American, reprinted from their 2002 issue. 23 May 2010.
* anon: "Cabinet: Book launch for Christopher Turner's Adventures in the Orgasmatron", Announcement of Turner Lecture, e-flux blog, 28 June 2011. Internet posting:
* Ahmed, Murad: "Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron by Christopher Turner," The Times, London, 6 August 2011.
* Allen, Henry: "Thinking Inside the Box", Exerpt from Turner 2011 ibid, Wall Street Journal, 11 June 2011.
* Bywater, Michael: "Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron: Wilhelm Reich and the Invention of Sex, By Christopher Turner", The Independent, London, 26 August 2011.
* Camp, James: "Weird inventions: Author Christopher Turner Takes Us Inside The Orgasmatron", Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011, New York Observer, 1 August 2011.
* Cerveny, Randy: "The Strange Career of Wilhelm Reich, the Original 'Cloudbuster'", Weatherwise, Sept.-Oct.2011, p.42-47. An unstudied dismissal of Reich. Corrective letters to the editor refused publication.
* Davenport-Hines, Richard: "Adventures in the Orgasmatron: Wilhelm Reich and the Invention of Sex by Christopher Turner: review A quirky biography of an eccentric sex theorist", The Daily Telegraph, London, 2 August 2011.
* Feldman, Sally: "The Revolution Is Coming: Can Orgasms Change the World?" (Review of Turner), New Humanist, 126(6) Nov./Dec. 2011.
* Hitchins, Christopher: "Inside the Orgone Box", Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011, New York Times Sunday Book Review, 23 Sept.2011; also reprinted as "Dr. Libido" in the 25 Sept. edition, p.BR26, and "Inside the Orgone Box" on Hitchin's website.
* Jones, Lewis: "Adventures in the Orgasmatron: Wilhelm Reich and the Invention of Sex by Christopher Turner: review", The Sunday Telegraph, London, 7 August 2011.
* Kramer, Peter: "Christopher Turner: Adventures In The Orgasmatron - Wilhelm Reich And The Invention Of Sex (Fourth Estate)", Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011,, 27 June 2011.
* Levy, Ariel: "Novelty Acts: The sexual revolutions before the sexual revolution", Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011, The New Yorker, 19 Sept. 2011.
* Pendle, George: "Adventures in the Orgasmatron" Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011, Financial Times Books, London, 29 July 2011.
* Phillips, Adam: "Am I a spaceman?" Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011, London Review of Books, 33(20):27-29, 20 Oct. 2011.
* Rennell, Tony: "Did this wooden box trigger the sexual revolution?", Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011, Daily Mail UK, 15 July 2011.
* Robin of Berkeley (pseud.): "Psychology and the Shrinking of America", American Thinker, 5 Jan.2011. Repetition of the 1947 Brady smears, as taken from Flynn 2008.
* Sandbroom, Dominic: "Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron by Christopher Turner," The Sunday Times, London, 31 July 2011.
* Turner, Christopher: Adventures in the Orgasmatron: How the Sexual Revolution Came to America, Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, NY, 2011. UK edition subtitled: Wilhelm Reich and the Invention of Sex: How Renegade Europeans Conceived the American Sexual Revolution and Gave Birth to the Permissive Society, Harper Collins UK (Fourth Estate). Arbeiderspers Amsterdam, S. Fischer Germany, 2007.
* Turner, Christopher: "Wilhelm Reich: the man who invented free love", A toned-down self-review of his own work, Turner 2011 ibid, The Guardian, London, 8 July 2011.
* Turner, Christopher: "Thinking Inside the Box", Reprint of Turner's Guardian article, in Cabinet No.42, Summer 2011, p.19-23.
* Turner, Christopher: "Adventures in the Orgasmatron", Exerpt from Turner 2011 ibid, New York Times Sunday Book Review, 23 Sept.2011.
* Turner, Christopher: "Adventures in the Orgasmatron", A toned-down self-review of his own work, Turner 2011 ibid, Kirkus Reviews, 15 May 2011.
* Washburn, Michael: "Adventures in the Orgasmatron", Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011 ibid, SFGate / San Francisco Chronicle, 26 June 2011. p.FE-4.
* Waters, Colin: "Christopher Turner: Adventures In The Orgasmatron - Wilhelm Reich And The Invention Of Sex (Fourth Estate) ", Review repeating revisionist history from Turner 2011 ibid, Herald Scotland, 15 August 2011.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Critical Review of Christopher Turner's Adventures in the Orgasmatron. A Defense of Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his Orgonomic Science Against Renewed Sexual Slander and Defamation", Internet publication only, 2011.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Fighting Defamatory Slanders from UK Channel 4/Wag-TV The Sex Researchers Program."
Internet posting June 2012:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Letters To the Editor, by Kevin Hinchey, Hugh Seidman, regarding "Adventures in the Orgasmatron", New York Times Sunday Book Review, 14 Oct.2011. Internet posting:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Letters To Christopher Hitchins, by James DeMeo, Richard Blasband, in reply to "Inside the Orgone Box", 23 Sept.2011.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Blasband, Richard: "Book Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron, How the Sexual Revolution Came to America by Christopher Turner", in press, Subtle Energies, 2011.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Crist, Peter: Unpublished Letter to the Editor of Wall Street Journal, Internet publication only, 2011.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Jones, Peter: "Standing Up for Wilhelm Reich", Internet publication only, 2011. and
* Darkmoon, Lasha (pseud.): "Masters of Porn: The Systematic Promotion of Sexual Deviance", Occidental Observer, a white-supremacist and Jew-hate website, June 2012. Internet posting now to multiple webpages, including a right-wing Jew-hate 911-conspiracy anti-American website, Veterans Today, run by one Jonas Alexis, and not related to any authentic veteran's organization. Darkmoon's article accuses Reich of sexual deviancy, or preaching it, claiming to prove this is so by use of misrepresented citations. * Glausiusz, Josie: "Technology: Pre-Digital Dreams", Nature Magazine, 488, p.279, 16 August 2012. Repeats salacious sexual slander against Reich.
* Miller, Michael V.: "The Speaking Body: Or, Why did Wilhelm Reich Go Crazy?" Gestalt Journal October 2012.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * anon.: "Correction (to Glausiusz article)", Nature Magazine, 491, p.191, 08 November 2012. Partial retraction of smears and misinformation in the Glausiusz article., or as PDF download:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: with 23 other signators: "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: An Open Response to Nature and the Scientific /Medical Community", Water: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, V.4, p.72-81, 2012.
Internet Posted:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * anon.: "What are Christopher Turner's and Henry Allen's Credentials?", American College of Orgonomy website, 2012:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: "Fighting Defamatory Slanders from UK Channel 4/Wag-TV The Sex Researchers Program."
Internet posting June 2012:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Whitener, Virginia: "Book Review: Adventures in the Orgasmatron by Christopher Turner", American College of Orgonomy website, 2012:
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * DeMeo, James: In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, 2013.
* Atzmon, Gilad: "Entretien avec Gilad Atzmon sur le national-socialisme de George Orwell", YouTube video, also re-posted to The Truth Seeker website, May 2014, and to many other websites. Atzmon makes severe sexual slander against Reich about 11 minutes into this interview, which is otherwise filled with "rational, intellectual" Jew-hate (cloaked in anti-Zionist rhetoric), with kindly words about the Holocaust-denying Jew-hating French commedian Dieudonne.
REBUTTAL/ANALYSIS * Martin, James E.: Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War: The True Story of How a Communist Spy Team, Government Hoodlums and Sick Psychiatrists Destroyed Sexual Science and Cosmic Life Energy Discoveries, 2nd Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, 2014.
* Merchant, Brian: "Drought Brings On a Downpour of Pseudoscience", Motherboard ("skeptic club") website, 27 August 2014. A slander of Reich, cloudbusting and water dowsing.
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