Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
Part II: 1958 to 1999
After Reich.
Click here for Part I: c.1920 through 1957 Covering Wilhelm Reich's lifetime
Click here for Part III: 2000 to the Present. Research After Reich (Continued).
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Compiled and maintained by James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Copyright (C), All Rights Reserved
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* Barth, L.: "Some Thoughts and Observations on DOR Clouds", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(6):373-377, 1958.
* Barth, L.: "Four New Facts about Atmospheric Orgone Dots", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(6):378-380, 1958.
* Boadella, David: "Some Orgonotic Lumination Effects", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(3):139-152, 1958.
* Boadella, David: "Orgonotic Excitation Effects II", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(4):211-232, 1958.
* Raknes, Ola, et al: "Response to Orgonotic Lumination", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(4):233-241, 1958.
* Ritter, Paul: "Modifications to the Orgone Accumulator", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(1):61, 1958.
* Ritter, Paul, Ed.: Wilhelm Reich Memorial Volume, Ritter Press, Nottingham, England, 1958.
* Sharaf, Myron: "Impressions of the Trial of Wilhelm Reich", Orgonomic Functionalism, V(3):153-178, 1958.
* Howell, H.: "Anti-Statics, Aeroionics, and Orgonomics", Orgonomic Functionalism, VI(1):153-159, 1959.
* Kelley, Charles: The Ending of Wilhelm Reich's Researches, Interscience Research Institute, Stamford, CT, 1960.
* Neill, A.S.: Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing, Foreword by Erich Fromm, Hart Publishing, New York 1960.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Selected Writings: An Introduction to Orgonomy, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1960 [enlarged and republished, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1973].
* Ritter, Paul, ed.: Experiments With Orgone, Ritter Press, Nottingham, England, 1960.
* Barth, L.: "Orgonomy and the Dangers of Oversimplifying", Orgonomic Functionalism, VII(1):37-62, 1961.
* Beggs, J.: "Report on Lumination Observations in an Orgone Accumulator", Orgonomic Functionalism, VII(5):333-336, 1961.
* Edwards, Walter: "Healing Energy Called 'Orgone'", Fate Magazine, June 1961, p. 75-80.
* Kelley, Charles: A New Method of Weather Control, Radix Institute, Santa Monica, CA, 1961 [partially reprinted in Kelley 1962].
* Kelley, Charles: "Note on Atmospheric Pressure and Orgonotic Charge", Creative Process, I(1):14, 1961.
* Margoshes, A.: "DOR in Spain", Creative Process, I(2):62-65, 1961.
* McDonald, A.: "A Preliminary Study of Reich's Experiment XX", Orgonomic Functionalism, VII(2):165-167, 1961.
* McDonald, A.: "An Investigation into the Atmospheric 'Dancing Dots' Phenomenon", Orgonomic Functionalism, VII(2):168-171, 1961.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Discovery Of The Orgone, I: Function Of The Orgasm, T. Wolfe, trsl., 2nd Edition, Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, NY, 1961 (from Reich 1948, cf. Reich 1973).
Keywords: Freud, bioelectricity, emotions, sexuality, armoring
* Barth, L.: "Orgone Dots: Atmospheric, Endoptic, or Both?", Orgonomic Functionalism, VIII(1):10-25, 1962.
* Kelley, Charles: "What is Orgone Energy?", Creative Process, II(2-3):58-80, 1962.
* Kelley, Charles: "The Effects of DOR", Creative Process, II(2-3):92-102, 1962.
* Kelley, Charles: "Experiments With Orgone: A Review", Creative Process, II(2-3):109-113, 1962.
* Starz, K.: "The Effect of the Orgone Energy Accumulator on Air Temperature", Creative Process, II(4):125-136, 1962.
* anon.: "News and Comment: Pendulum Experiment", Creative Process, II(2-3):54-55, 1962.
* anon.: "News and Comment: Dor and Bathing", Creative Process, II(4):123, 1962.
* Kelley, Charles: "The Life and Death of Wilhelm Reich", Creative Process, III(1):4-24, 1963.
* Markson, Ralph: "Oranur Weather Control Project - Israel 1963", unpublished report to the Oranur Research Laboratory, Buck's County, PA., 1963.
Keywords: cloudbusting
* Sharaf, Myron: "Letter (to the editor) from Myron Sharaf", Creative Process, III(1):42-46, 1963.
* anon.: "News and Comment: Weather Control in Israel", Creative Process, III(1):2, 1963.
* anon.: "News and Comment: Reich Smear Articles Continue", Creative Process, III(2):49-50, 1963.
* Shelton, B.: "An Experiment Investigating the Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on Plant Growth", Orgonomic Functionalism, X(1):59-62, 1964.
* Shelton, B.: "Thermical Orgonometry", Orgonomic Functionalism, X(1):63-66, 1964.
* anon.: "Notes and Comment: Biogenesis", Creative Process, IV(1):4-5, 1964.
* anon.: "Notes and Comment: Barth on Cancer", Creative Process, IV(1):6, 1964.
* Barth, L.: "Orgone In Relation to Some Other Energies", Creative Process, IV(2):72-90, 1965.
* anon.: "Notes and Comment: The Dying Trees", Creative Process, IV(2):61, 1965.
* anon.: "Notes and Comment: Cancer Confirmation", Creative Process, IV(2):62, 1965.
* anon.: "Notes and Comment: The Blue of the Sky", Creative Process, IV(2):62-63, 1965.
* Neill, A.S.: Freedom - Not License! Hart Publishing, New York 1966.
* Reich, Wilhelm: "Dialectic Materialism and Psychoanalysis" in Studies on the Left (Stanley, et al Eds.) Vol.6, #4, July-August 1966. English translation of 1934 Sex-Pol Verlag edition.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Sex-Pol Essays: 1929-1934, (Lee Baxandall, Editor), Vintage Books/Random House, NY 1966. Introduction by Bertell Ollman, Foreword by Lee Baxandall.
Includes the following - English translations from original German:
- Dialectic Materialism and Psychoanalysis (from Reich 1934)
- Psychoanalysis in the Soviet Union (from Reich 1929)
- The Imposition of Sexual Morality (from Reich 1935)
- Politicizing the Sexual Problems of Youth (from Reich 1932)
- Reforming the Labor Movement (from ?)
* Baker, Elsworth F.: Man In The Trap, Macmillan, NY, 1967.
* Blasband, David: "United States of America v. Wilhelm Reich, Part I", Journal of Orgonomy, 1(1-2):56-130, 1967 [continued in Blasband 1968].
* Reich, Wilhelm: Reich Speaks of Freud, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1967.
Keywords: Sex-economy
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "The Gravitational Spinning Wave", Journal of Orgonomy, 2(1):95-99, 1968.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "Mass and the Gravitational Function", Journal of Orgonomy, 2(2):210-214, 1968.
* Bizzi, Bruno: "Orgone Energy: Life Force and Morbid States", presented to SecondInternational Seminar on Prophylaxis and Prevention of Cancer, Rome, 1968 [reprinted in Energy & Character, 1(1-2):31-36, 1970].
* Blasband, David: "United States of America v. Wilhelm Reich, Part II, the Appeal", Journal of Orgonomy, 2(1):24-67, 1968.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Die Behandlung eines malignen Melanoms mit Orgonenergie (The Treatment of a Malignant Melanoma with Orgone Energy)", Proceedings, Second International Seminar on Prophylaxis and Prevention of Cancer, Rome, 1968 [translation reprinted in Energy & Character, 4(3):46-50, 1973; also in Hoppe 1976].
* Hoppe, Walter: "Biopsychische und biophysische krebsentstehung im lichte der orgonomie (Biopsychological and Biophysical Carcinogenesis in the Light of Orgonomy)", Proceedings, Second International Seminar on Prophylaxis and Prevention of Cancer, Rome, 1968 [Italian translation reprinted in Scienza Orgonomica, I(2):257, 1968]. Available on-line here.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral: Eine Kritik der bürgerlichen Sexualreform (Sexual Maturity, Abstinence and Marital Fidelity: A Criticism of Civil Sexual Reform), Revolutionäre Schriften VI, Underground Press, Berlin 1968. Pirate edition republished from Reich 1930.
Included as the first part of English language editions of Reich's The Sexual Revoluton, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1962.
* Roazen, Paul: "Freud and Reich: Book Review of Reich Speaks of Freud", The Nation, 15 April 1968, p.510+
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "The Electroscope - Part I", Journal of Orgonomy, 3(2):188-197, 1969 [continued in Baker 1970, 1976, 1977].
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Orgonomic Functionalism in Problems of Atmospheric Circulation, Part I, the Normal Atmosphere", Journal of Orgonomy, 3(2):166-187, 1969 [continued in Blasband 1970].
* Ollendorff, I.: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, St. Martin's, NY, 1969.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "The Electroscope - Part II", Journal of Orgonomy, 4(1):79-90, 1970 [continued in Baker 1976, 1977].
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "The Red Shift", Journal of Orgonomy, 4(2):183-191, 1970.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Orgonomic Functionalism in Problems of Atmospheric Circulation, Part II, On Drought", and "...Part III, On Desert", Journal of Orgonomy, 4(1):62-78, and 4(2):167-182, 1970.
* Moise, William S.: A Taste Of Color, A Touch Of Love, Hancock, Maine, 1970.
* Hart, Harold: Summerhill: For and Against, (Interviews with Nathan W. Ackerman, Louise Bates Ames, Sylvia Ashton-Warner, Bruno Bettelheim, John Culkin, Erich Fromm, Paul Goodman, Fred M. Hechinger, John Holt, Eda J. LeShan, Ashley Montagu, Ernst Papanek, Max Rafferty, Michael Rossman, Goodwin Watson), Hart Publishing, New York 1970.
* Raknes, Ola: Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy, St. Martin's Press, NY, 1970; Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1970.
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1970. New translation, from the revised German manuscript.
* Rosen, Rafi:"Report on Cloud Busting Operations and Rain Fall", unpublished research paper, Israel [for further discussion on these tests, see Greenffield 1976].
* Sinelnikoff, Constantin: L'oeuvre de Wilhelm Reich, Petite Collection Maspero Tomes 58 & 59. Paris: Franaois Maspero, 1970.
* Bean, Orson: Me And The Orgone, St. Martin's Press, NY, 1971.
* Bell, John & Koopman, Barbara: "Film Review: WR - Mysteries of the Organism," Journal of Orgonomy, 5(2):227-233, Nov. 1971.
Keywords: Dusan Makavejev
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Thermal Orgonometry", Journal of Orgonomy, 5(2):175-188, 1971.
Keywords: To-T
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report", Journal of Orgonomy, 5(2):189-191, 1971.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Constable, Trevor James: "Operation 'Backwash' #1: Rainmaking, Los Angeles Basin", Journal of Orgonomy, 5(2):192-198, 1971.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome: "Personal Experiences With Oranur", Journal of Orgonomy, 5(1):88-95, 1971.
* Eden, Jerome: "The Einstein Affair", Journal of Orgonomy, 5(2):199-204, 1971.
* Koopman, Barbara G.: "A Refutation", Journal of Orgonomy, 5(2):234-236, 1971.
* Kramer, Sol: Comments on Reich and the bions, "Introductory Remarks", in Proceedings, Second International Conference on the Origins of Life, Lynn Margolis, ed., Smithsonian Institution, p.11-14, 1971.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "The Temperature Difference: An Experimental Protocol", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(1):61-71, 1972.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "An Open Letter" to W. Louis Cleveland", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):258-262, 1972.
Keywords: criticism
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "A Prediction", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):262, 1972.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "An Analysis of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part II, the Physical Concepts", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):222-231, 1972 [continued in Baker 1973].
* Bizzi, Bruno: "Light in Deep Vacuum Lamps and Vital Energy", Energy & Character, 3(3):16-17, 1972.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report No. 2", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(1):72-79, 1972.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "OROP Hurricane Doria", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(1):80-83, 1972.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "An Analysis of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part I, the Biomedical Evidence", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):207-222, 1972 [continued in Blasband 1972, 1973].
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Core Progress Report", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):262, 1972.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Cleveland, W.L.: "Misrepresentation of Classical Physics and the Scientific Method - A Disservice to Orgonomy", Wilhelm Reich Institute for Orgonomic Studies, NY, 1972.
Keywords: criticism
* Constable, Trevor James: "Operation 'Kooler': Conquest of a Southern California Heat Wave", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(1):84-97, 1972.
* d'Allonnes, Claude Revault: "The Ideas of Wilhelm Reich", Realities: Christmas in Capadocia, #625:35-37, Dec. 1972.
* Eden, Jerome: "Drought Relief in the Northwest", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(1):98-103, 1972.
* Eden, Jerome: Orgone Energy, The Answer to Atomic Suicide, Exposition Press, NY, 1972.
* Konia, Charles: "Thermal Effects of the Reich DOR-Buster", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(1):48-60, 1972.
Keywords: To-T
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: Visualization of Cosmic Rays", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):241-243, 1972.
* Mathews, P. & Blasband, Richard A.: "The Oranur Research Laboratories, Inc.: A Tenth Anniversary Report", Journal of Orgonomy, 6(1):104-107, 1972.
* Neill, A.S.: Neill! Neill! Orange Peel! An Autobiography, Hart Publishing, New York 1972.
* Reich, Wilhelm: What is Class Consciousness?, Socialist Reproduction (pirate edition), London, 1972. With added Front-matter, Introduction and End-matter by pirate anon. editor. See Reich 1934 for more detail.
Keywords: politics, Marx
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Sexual Struggle of Youth, Socialist Reproduction (pirate edition), London, 1972. With added Front-matter, Introduction and End-matter by pirate anon. editor. See Reich 1932 for more detail.
Keywords: adolescent sexuality, contraception, abortion
* Reich, Wilhelm: Dialectical Materialism and Class Consciousness, Socialist Reproduction (pirate edition), London, 1972. With added Front-matter, Introduction and End-matter by pirate anon. editor. See Reich 1934 for more detail.
Keywords: politics, Marx
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "An Analysis of the Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part III, Physical Evidence", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2):234-245, 1973.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Commentary" (on Reich's 'Natural Organization of Protozoa...'), Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):29-32, 1973.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "The Orgone Energy Accumulator in the Treatment of Cancer Mice", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):81-85, 1973.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report No. 3", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):85-91, 1973.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Boadella, David: Wilhelm Reich: The Evolution of His Work, Henry Regenry, Chicago, 1973.
Keywords: history, biography
* Coulson, C.: "Wilhelm Reich's Investigation into the Cancer Process", Energy & Character, 4(3):39-41, 1973.
* duTeil, Roger: "The Bion Experiment:An Afterword", Energy & Character, 4(3):38, 1973.
* Eden, Jerome: "UFO's, DOR, and Drought in the Northwest", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2):246-253, 1973.
* Eden, Jerome: Planet In Trouble: The UFO Assault on Earth, Exposition Press, NY, 1973.
* Ganz, M.: "A 'Purely Scientific' Attack", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):138, 1973.
* Hale, Nathan Cabot: "Orgonomic Morphology, Part I: The Galactic Superimposition Sequence", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2):187-201, 1973 [continued in Hale 1975].
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: Emotional Factors in Cancer", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):119-120, 1973.
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: Photographing the Human Orgone Energy Field", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2):262-264, 1973.
* Koopman, Barbara G.: "Questions and Answers: Extrasensory Perception", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2):261, 1973.
* Mann, Edward: Orgone, Reich And Eros: Wilhelm Reich's Theory Of The Life Energy, Simon & Schuster, NY, 1973.
* Rabinbach, Anson G.: "Ernst Fischer and the Left Opposition In Austrian Social Democracy; Crisis of Austrian Socialism, 1927-34", University of Wisconsin, History Dept, Dissertation 1973 (published as The Crisis of Austrian Socialism: From Red Vienna to Civil War 1927-1934, U. Chicago Press, 1983).
Keywords: history, sex-pol
* Reich, Peter: A Book of Dreams, Harper & Row, NY, 1973.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Selected Writings: An Introduction to Orgonomy, enlarged edition, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1973 (from Reich 1960).
* Reich, Wilhelm: Discovery Of The Orgone, I: Function Of The Orgasm, V. Carfagno, translator., 2nd Edition, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1973 (from Reich 1948 & 1961).
Keywords: Freud, bioelectricity, emotions, sexuality, armoring
* Reich, Wilhelm: Discovery Of The Orgone, I: Function Of The Orgasm, Persian - Farsi Edition, Stephan Simonian & Andranik Reysan translators,
Iranbooks, Bethesda MD, 1973 (ISBN 0936347384).
Keywords: Freud, bioelectricity, emotions, sexuality, armoring
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Cancer Biopathy, Vol.2, Discovery of the Orgone, A. White, trsl., Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1973 (from Reich 1948).
* Reich. Wilhelm: Ether, God & Devil / Cosmic Superimposition, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1973 (from Reich 1951).
* Reich, Wilhelm & Karl Teschitz: Wilhelm Reich: SexPol: Selected SexPol Writings: 1934-37, Articles from the 'Zeitschruft fur Politische Psychologie und Sexualoekonomie', English translations, Pirate Edition, Socialist Reproductions, London, 1973. Similar material in Reich-Teschitz pirate booklet of 1977. Mixes Reich's materials with questionable anon. materials in front and end matter. No citations to original sources.
Includes the following:
- Introduction, by anon. (April 1973)
- Manifesto of the 'Zeitschruft fur Politische Psychologie und Sexualoekonomie', by W. Reich (Copenhagen)
- History of the German Sex-Pol Movement, by the Editorial Group (1934)
- On the Utilization of Psychoanalysis in the Study of History, by W. Reich (1934)
- Towards a Critical Analysis of Communist Policy in Germany, by K. Teschitz (from Teschitz 1934?)
- Objections to Mass Psychology, Parts 1 and 2, by W. Reich (pseud. Ernst Parell, 1934)
- From the International Sex-Pol Discussion, by K. Teschitz (1936)
- A Correspondence: Letter by Reich to an Underground KPD Cell in Germany. (New Year 1935/36)
- Dialectical Materialist Science against Intellectual Dilettantism in the Socialist Movement, by W. Reich (1937)
- Notes on the articles, by anon.
* Snyder, C.: "Energy Field Investigations", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):92-98, 1973.
* Wyckoff, James: Wilhelm Reich, Life Force Explorer, Fawcett-Premier, Greenwich, CT, 1973.
* Wyvell, Lois: "An Appreciation of Reich", Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2):170-186, 1973.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "The Golden Section", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(2):130-142, 1974.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.) et al: "Questions and Answers: A 'Working' ORAC; Radiation from TVs and Radios", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):98-99, 1974.
* Bell, John: "An Attack by the Radical Left: A Report", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):65-78, 1974.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report No. 4", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):85-89, 1974.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "The Medical DOR-Buster in the Treatment of Cancer Mice", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(2):173-180, 1974.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Rationality and Irrationality in Orgonomic Weather Control", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(2):261-262, 1974.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Questions and Answers: Fluorescent Lighting", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):99, 1974.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Questions and Answers: Keeping Your Distance from a Nuclear Reactor", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(2):233, 1974.
* Eden, Jerome: Animal Magnetism And The Life Energy, Exposition, NY, 1974.
* Greenfield, Jerome: Wilhelm Reich Vs. The USA, W.W. Norton, NY, 1974.
* Konia, Charles: "An Investigation of the Thermal Properties of the ORAC -- Part I", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):47-64, 1974 [continued in Konia 1978].
Keywords: To-T
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: Exfoliative Cytology in the Early Diagnosis of Cancer", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(2):230-232, 1974.
* Koopman, Barbara G.: "Questions and Answers: Auras", Journal of Orgonomy, 8(2):234-235, 1974.
* Olds, Carolyn: "The Biophysical Foundations of Wilhelm Reich's Energetic 'Orgonomic' Concept of Health", Case Western Reserve University, Department of Education, Dissertation 1974 (University Microfilms No. 74-25,673).
* Rabinbach, Anson G.: "The Politicization of Reich: An Introduction to Wilhelm Reich's 'The Sexual Misery of the Working Masses'", New German Critique, 1:90-97, Winter 1974.
Keywords: history, sex-pol
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Sexual Misery of the Working Masses and the Difficulties of Sexual Reform", New German Critique, 1:98-110, Winter 1974. Translated from Reich 1931.
Keywords: history, sex-pol
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Impulsive Character and Other Writings, Meridian Books, N.Y., 1974.
* Bays, G.: "The Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on the Growth Rate of Mung Bean Sprouts", unpublished monograph, California State College, 1975.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report No. 5", Journal of Orgonomy, 9(1):100-104, 1975.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "The Cancer Biopathy: A Case History", Journal of Orgonomy, 9(2):145-152, 1975.
* Brenner, Myron D.: "Orgone Energy & Psychic Phenomena", Energy & Character, 6(3):17-26, 1975.
* DeMattia, J.A.: "The Practical Applications of Orgone Energy", unpublished report, Second International Psychotronics Conference, Monte Carlo, France, 1975.
* DeMeo, James: "Effect of Fluorescent Lights and Metal Boxes on Growing Plants", Journal of Orgonomy, 9(1):62-68, 1975.
* Eden, Jerome: "Reich's Contact with the US Air Force", Journal of Orgonomy, 9(1):95-99, 1975.
* Eden, Jerome: "The Scientist Who Disabled UFOs", Official UFO, October 1975, p.20-21, 42-45.
* Hale, Nathan Cabot: "Orgonomic Morphology, Part II: The Function of Sequestration in Galactic Energy Fields", Journal of Orgonomy, 9(2):171-185, 1975.
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: Reich's Discovery of T-Bacilli", Journal of Orgonomy, 9(2):241-247, 1975.
* Konia, Charles: "Orgone therapy: A case presentation", Psychotherapy Theory Research & Practice, 12(2):192-197, 1975.
* Krieger, Dolores: "Letters: Author Dolores Krieger replies" (Error-filled discussion on orgone energy and her therapeutic touch methods), American Journal of Nursing, 75(7):1119-1121, July 1975.
* Rose-Neil, S., et al: "Acupuncture & Orgone, Part I: Comparison and some Therapeutic Implications", and "...Part II: The Energetic Basis of Acupuncture", Energy & Character, 6(1):69-74, and 6(2):60-64, 1975.
* Baker, Courtney F. (pseud. Rosenblum, C.F.): "The Electroscope III: Atmospheric Pulsation", Journal of Orgonomy,, 10(1):57-80, 1976 [continued in Baker 1977].
* Baker, Courtney F.: "Questions and Answers: The Orgone Energy Motor", Journal of Orgonomy, 10(2):285, 1976.
* Blasband, Richard A., et al: "Orgonotic Functions in the Solunar Cycle", Journal of Orgonomy, 10(1):81-89, 1976.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report No. 6: Twenty Years of Oranur", Journal of Orgonomy, 10(1):132-138, 1976.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Boadella, David, ed.: In the Wake of Reich, Coventure, London, 1976.
* Chiurco, G. & Bizzi, Bruno: "Bioenergy and Cancer Formation", in In the Wake of Reich, D. Boadella, ed., Coventure, London, 1976.
* Constable, Trevor James: The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs, Merlin Press, California, 1976. Republished by Borderland Sciences, Garberville, California, 1990. See critical review by Eden, 1977.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, mysticism, Rudolf Steiner
* Greenfield, Jerome: "Between Orgonomy and Jewishness", Energy & Character, 7(3):58-59, 1976.
Keywords: cloudbusting, Israel
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: Reich's Priority in Elucidating the Biophysical Basis of Somatic Diseases", Journal of Orgonomy, 10(1):139-142, 1976.
* Konia, Charles: "The Radiometer", Journal of Orgonomy, 10(2):221-231, 1976.
* Kroger, H.: "Einige Einwande zur Auswertung und Durchfuhrung des Pendelversuch von E. Wengel (Some Objections on the Evaluation and Realisation of the Pendulum Experiment of E. Wengel)", unpublished monograph, 1976.
* Laska, Bernd A.: "Der Orgon-Akkumulator", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 4/76:53-59, 1976.
* Laska, Bernd A.: "Orgonomform und Kreiselwelle (Orgonome Shape and Spinning Wave)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 6/76:137-140, 1976.
* Reich, Peter: "My Father Wilhelm Reich vs. the UFOs: A 50s Childhood", High Times, May 1976, p.52-54, 60-63.
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Murder of Christ: Emotional Plague of Mankind, Vol.1, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1976. Reprinted from 1953.
* Reich, Wilhelm: People In Trouble: Emotional Plague of Mankind, Vol.2, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1976. Reprinted from 1953.
* Senf, Bernd: "Orgonenergie - Energetische Basis der Akupunktur (Orgone Energy - Energetic Basis of Acupuncture)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 1/76:15-18, 1976.
* Wengel, E.: "Zur Überprufung einiger physikalischer Eigenschaften der Orgonenergie: Zwischenbericht (On the Checking of some Physical Properties of Orgone Energy: Interim Report)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 1/76:19-23, 1976.
* Wengel, E.: "Zu den experimentellen Grundlagen des 'Orgonomischen Pendelgesetzes' (On the Experimental Basis of the 'Orgonomic Pendulum Law')", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 1/76:28-31, 1976.
* Wengel, E.: "Einige Erkenntnispsychologische Probleme der physikalischen Orgonforschung (Some Psycho-Perceptual Problems of Physical Orgone Research)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 2/76:45-50, 1976.
* Wengel, E.: "Kurzer Überblick über die Orgonphysik (Short Overview on Orgone Physics)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 2/76:77-80, 1976.
* Wengel, E.: "Orgonomie und Physik zu einigen Phanomenen der sogenannten 'Electrostatik' (Orgonomy and Physics on some Phenomena of so-called Electrostatics)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, part 1, 3/76:29-40, part 2, 4/76:69-78, part 3, 5/76:86-95, 1976.
* Wengel, E.: "Vom Orgonotischen Geiger-Muller zahlereffekt zum Orgonmotor (From the Orgonotic Geiger-Muller Effect to the Orgone Motor)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 5/76:103-105, 1976.
* Wengel, E.: "Erstrahlung (Lumination)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 6/76:133-135, 1976.
* Ausserer, O.: "Kurzbericht über Experimente mit einem Orgonenergie- Punktstrahler (Short Report on Experiments with an Orgone Energy Spot Shooter)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 3/77:76-77, 1977.
* Ausserer, O.: "Aura Messung und Orgone (Aura Measurements and Orgone)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 4/77:111-112, 1977.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "The Pendulum Experiment", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(2):176-187, 1977.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "The Electroscope IV: Atmospheric Pulsation", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(1):35-48, 1977.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report No. 7", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(1):102-109, 1977.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report No. 8", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(2):247-264, 1977.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Questions and Answers: Differentiating DOR and Oranur", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(1):115, 1977.
* Dexter, M.E., et al: "Orgone Energy and Plant Growth", Energy & Character, 8(3):79-81, 1977.
* Eden, Jerome: "The Death of Planet Earth: Planetary Suffocation is Causing Widespread Weather Chaos", Eden Bulletin, 4(2):2-5, 1977.
* Eden, Jerome: "Fighting for Survival: Summary of Events Regarding CORE Operations in the Northwest", Eden Bulletin, 4(3):2-9, 1977.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome: "Book Review: Cosmic Pulse of Life, by Trevor James Constable", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(1):121-131, 1977.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, Rudolf Steiner, mysticism
* Hochberg, Louis: "Wilhelm Reich in the Alternative Therapies and Clinical Social Work", Clinical Social Work Journal, 5(2):99-107, June 1977.
Keywords: Reichian therapy, orgone therapy
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: the Bions", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(1):110-114, 1977.
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: the Red Blood Cell", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(2):263-269, 1977.
* Lance, Louisa: "Effects of the Orgone Accumulator on Growing Plants", Journal of Orgonomy, 11(1):68-71, 1977.
* Laska, Bernd A.: "Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Orgonmotors (On the History of the Formation of the Orgone Motor)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 1/77:16-22, 1977.
* Wengel, E.: "Zur Überprufung einiger physikalischer Eigenschaften der Orgonenergie, Praxisbericht 1 (On the Checking of some Physical Properties of Orgone Energy, Praxis Report 1)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 2/77:40-44, 1977.
* Wengel, E.: "Das Reichsche Spontanpendel - Praxisbericht 2 (The Reich Spontaneous Pendulum - Praxis Report 2)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 3/77:78-84, 1977.
* Wengel, E.: "Orgontischer Belbungsversuch an einer welken Blute (Orgonotic Animation Experiment on a Withered Blossom)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 5/77:131-132, 1977.
* Reich, Wilhelm & Karl Teschitz: Wilhelm Reich: SexPol: Selected SexPol Writings: 1934-37, Articles from the 'Zeitschruft fur Politische Psychologie und Sexualoekonomie', English translations, Pirate Edition, International Sexualpolitische Organization, USA, 1977. Similar to Reich-Teschitz pirate booklet of 1973. Mixes Reich's materials with questionable anon. materials in front and end matter. No citations to original sources.
Includes the following -- all are by anon. unless indicated otherwise:
- Zur Einfuehrung (Manifesto 1934)
- Reich and SexPol in the Light of History
- From the International Sex-Pol Discussion, by K. Teschitz (1936)
- Letter about Dialectical Materialism, by W. Reich (New Year 1935/36)
- Psychoanalysis in the Study of History, by W. Reich (1934)
- Handwriting Specimens with Comments on Matters of Public Interest.
- Rundbrief copies, by Reich, dated 1933-1941, with master list.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "The Perihelion Spiral", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(1):55-63, 1978.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "Quantitative Analysis of CORE Operation", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(1):111-114, 1978.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report #9: OROP Desert -- California, November 1977", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(1):104-111, 1978.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Questions and Answers: High Magnification; 'Normal' Body DOR", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(1):118-119, 1978.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Questions and Answers: Melanor, Orite, Brownite, and Orene", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(2):275-276, 1978.
* DeMeo, James: "Seed Sprouting Inside the Orgone Accumulator", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(2):253-258, 1978.
* DeMeo, James: "Evidence for the Existence of a Principle of Atmospheric Continuity", monograph, 1978 [contained in DeMeo 1979].
* Eden, Jerome: "Atmospheric Murder: the Cause of Global Weather Chaos", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(2):259-263, 1978.
* Finkel, T. & Baker, Courtney F.: "More on 'The Pendulum Experiment'", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(1):135-138, 1978.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Reich and Professor G.A. Ciurco", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(1):134-135, 1978.
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: the Orgonomic Potential", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(1):115-118, 1978.
* Konia, Charles: "Thermal Properties of the ORAC -- Part II", Journal of Orgonomy, 12(2):244-252, 1978.
Keywords: To-T
* Langfeld, R.: "Warum leuchten Lampen, ohne mit einer Spannungsquelle verbunden zu sein? (Why Luminate Lamps without being connected with a Voltage Source?)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 4.78:102-104, 1978.
* Langfeld, R.: "Aufbau eines Orgonenergiefeld- Messaparates (Construction of an Orgone Energy Field Measuring Instrument)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 4/78:104-108, 1978.
* Laska, Bernd A.: "Die Wunschelrute aus Orgonomischer Sicht (The Dowsing Rod from the Orgonomic Point of View)", 3/78:73-77, 1978.
* Laska, Bernd A.: "Ein 'Regenmacher' aus Argentinien (A 'Rainmaker' from Argentina)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 6/78:158-159, 1978.
* Latteier, B. & Glossmann, N.: "Orgonotische Behandlung einer kranken Pflanze (Orgonotic Treatment of a Sick Plant)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 2/78:38-40, 1978.
* Wengel, E.: "Elektrische Hochfrequenz, Versuche 1, Praxisberichte 3 (Electrical High Frequency, Experiments 1, Praxis Report 3)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 4/78:89-101, 1978.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "The Spinning Wave, part I", and "...part II", Journal of Orgonomy, 13(1):55-80, and 13(2):192-219, 1979.
* Baker, Elsworth F.: "Orgonomy Is Not Outlawed", Journal of Orgonomy, 13(1):150-151, 1979.
* Cammarella, G.: "Bioni-Terra (Earth Bions)", Scienza Orgonomica, I:307, 1979.
* Cope, F.W.: "Man in a Gas of Tachyon Magnetoelectric Dipoles -- A New Hypothesis. Part IV. Beta Rays May Add to Magnetoelectric dipoles in Accord with Schwinger Condition to Yield Toxic Products Observed in Reich Oranur Experiment...", Physiological Chemistry and Physics, 11:87-91, 1979.
* DeMeo, James: Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster, Geography-Meteorology Department, University of Kansas, Thesis, 1979; University Microfilms International, #1313336; reprinted, Natural Energy Works, 1986 [also partly reprinted in DeMeo 1980, 1985].
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome: "Orop Schweitzer Basin", Journal of Orgonomy, 13(1):140-145, 1979.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome: "Operation Firebreak", Journal of Orgonomy, 13(2):261-267, 1979.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome: "Sunspots and DOR", Eden Bulletin, 6(3):9-11, 1979.
* Elmer, M.: "Nachweis von Orgonenergie in der Dunkelkammer (Evidence of Orgone Energy in the Dark Room)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 2/79:53-54, 1979.
* Hulse, Norman: "Construction and Use of an Orgone Energy Accumulator", Int. J. Life Energy, 1(1):57-61, 1979.
* Hulse, Norman: "Construction of the Orgone Blanket", Int. J. Life Energy, 1(2):125, 1979.
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: Physical Evidence for a Mass-Free Cosmic Energy: The Three Degree Background Radiation", Journal of Orgonomy, 13(1):146-150, 1979.
* Konia, Charles: "For the Record: A Review of Recent Solar Findings", * Orgonomy, 13(2):285-304, 1979.
* Koopman, Barbara G.: "Mysticism, OR, and DOR", Journal of Orgonomy, 13(2):220-244, 1979.
* Koopman, Barbara G.: "A Report on Kirlian Photography", Journal of Orgonomy, 13(2):305-307, 1979.
* Mann, Edward W.: "The Demystification of Cancer", Int. J. Life Energy, 1(3):126-141, and 1(4):185-203, 1979.
* Mann, Gary: "Experiments with the Orgone Accumulator", Int. J. Life Energy, 1(1):43-56, 1979.
* Moss, Thelma: "We Discover Non-Electrical Photographs", chapter in author's book on Kirlian Photography, The Body Electric, J.P. Tarcher, Los Angeles, 1979.
* Ollman, Bertell: Social and Sexual Revolution: Essays on Marx and Reich, South End Press, NY 1979.
Keywords: sexpol
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Bion Experiments: On the Origin of Life, Farrar,Straus & Giroux, NY, 1979.
* Scott, G.T.: "An Investigation of Relationships Between the Bioenergetic Therapist's Diagnosis of Patient's Character Structure and Developmental Status and Patient's MMPI Profile", University of Oregon, 1979 Dissertation Abstracts International, 40:1290A (University Microfilms No.7918732).
* Senf, Bernd: "Wilhelm Reich: Discoverer of Acupuncture-Energy?" American Journal of Acupuncture. 2(7):109-18, 1979 April-June, 1979.
* Wyneken, M.: "Die elektrische Messung von Orgonfeldern (The Electrical Measurement of Orgone Fields)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 1/79:23-26, 1979.
* Wyneken, M.: "Orgonomie und Kirlianfotographie (Orgonomy and Kirlian Photography)", Wilhelm Reich Blätter, 1/79:27-28, 1979.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "The Orgone Energy Continuum", Journal of Orgonomy, 14(1):37-60, 1980.
* DeCamp, P.S. & Deutsch, B.G.: "Rediscovering Melanor, 1979-1980", Journal of Orgonomy, 14(2):163-170, 1980.
* DeMeo, James: "Water Evaporation Inside the Orgone Accumulator", Journal of Orgonomy, 14(2):171-175, 1980.
* Eden, Jerome: "Making Contact with DOR", Eden Bulletin, 7(1):13-14, 1980.
* Eden, Jerome: "Functional Changes in Orgonomic Potential", Eden Bulletin, 7(4):3-4, 1980.
* Eden, Jerome: "The Tell-Tale Lows", Eden Bulletin, 7(4):13, 1980.
* Eden, Jerome: "The ORAC--an Introduction to the Orgone Energy Accumulator", pamphlet, 1980.
* Franzen, Don Erik: "American Inquisition: The FDAs Persecution of Wilhelm Reich", Reason, p.30-34, January 1980.
* Hoppe, Walter: "Energia orgonica contro energia atomica (Orgone Energy versus Atomic Energy)", Scienza Orgonomica, II(1):75-76, 1980.
* Lindermüller, Toni: Der Orgon Akkumulator, Verlag Kurt Nane Jürgensen, Munich 1980.
* Mann, Edward & Hoffman, Ed: The Man Who Dreamed Of Tomorrow: A Conceptual Biography Of Wilhelm Reich, J.P. Tarcher, 1980.
* Millikan, Frank: "The Integration of Marxism and Psychoanalysis: the Early Career of Wilhelm Reich", Appalachian State University, History Department, Thesis, 1980.
* Averbach, R.J.: "Effect of the Orgone Energy Accumulator on the Sprouting of Mung Beans", unpublished manuscript, 1981.
* Baker, Courtney F., Et al: "The Reich Blood Test", Journal of Orgonomy, 15(2):184-218, 1981.
* Baker, Courtney F. & Blasband, Richard A.: "Training in Orgonomic Weather Control", Journal of Orgonomy, 15(1):132, 1981.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "Addendum: Recent Developments", Journal of Orgonomy, 15(2):267, 1981.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report #10: DOR, 1984 and Today", Journal of Orgonomy, 15(1):127-129, 1981.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report: The Drought of 1980-1981", Journal of Orgonomy, 15(2):263-267, 1981.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* DeMeo, James: "The Future Development of Cosmic Orgone Engineering: A Personal View", unpublished monograph, 1981.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Dew, R.A.: "Wilhelm Reich's Cancer Biopathy", in Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer Patients, J.G. Goldberg, ed., Free Press, NY, 1981.
* Eden, Jerome: "A CORE Training Program", PPCC Bulletin, 8(1):5, 1981.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome: "Functional Considerations of Combustion and Lumination", PPCC Bulletin, 8(1):6-12, 1981.
* Eden, Jerome: "Atmospheric DOR in Floods & Droughts", PPCC Bulletin, 8(4):10, 1981.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome: "Operation 'Holy Smoke'", PPCC Bulletin, 8(4):11-13, 1981.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Espanca, Jutta: "The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life: Part I", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 3:23-28, Autumn 1981 [continued in Espanca 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986].
* Geister, H. & Wyneken, M.: "Auf den Spuren der Orgonenergie - Part 1: Untersuchungen am Orgonakkumulator (On the Trail of the Orgone Energy - Part 1: Investigation of the Orgone Accumulator)", Emotion, 3:25-36, 1981 [continued in Geister & Wyneken 1983].
* Laska, Bernd: Wilhelm Reich: mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten dargestellt, Rowohlt Tachenbuch Verlag, Hamburg 1981. Keywords:
* Widmoser, J.: "The Orgone-energetic Effect of the Pyramid", Journal of Orgonomy, 15(2):219-223, 1981.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "The Orgone Energy Continuum: the Ether and Relativity", Journal of Orgonomy, 16(1):41-67, 1982.
* Cohen, I.: "Critical Political Psychology: Freud, Reich and Critical Social Theory", New York University, 1982 Dissertation (published as Ideology and Unconsciousness: Reich, Freud, and Marx, NYU Press, 1982).
* DeMeo, James: "Orop Florida Drought, December 1981 - March 1982: Preliminary Report", unpublished monograph, Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, 1982 [partly contained in DeMeo 1985].
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Espanca, Jutta: "The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life: Part II", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 4:35-38, Spring 1982 [continued in Espanca 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986].
* Greenfield, Jerome: "Wilhelm Reich: 'Alien Enemy'", Journal of Orgonomy, 16(1):91-109, 1982.
* Greenfield, Jerome: "Examination of Wilhelm Reich by the Immigration and Naturalization Service", Journal of Orgonomy, 16(2):277-284, 1982.
Keywords: confusion with "William Reich"
* Grudzinsky, Thomas: "Some Technical Problems of theReich Blood Test", unpublished monograph, Symposia on Bion Experiments, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, 1982.
* Hughes, D.C.: "Some Geiger-Muller Counter Observations After Reich", Journal of Orgonomy, 16(1):68-73, 1982.
* Lentine, Samuel: "A Preliminary Report on the Effects of Orgone on Atomic and Nuclear Processes", US Psychotronics Newsletter, Spring-Summer, 1982, Chicago.
* Opfermann-Fuckert, Dorothea & Fuckert, Manfred: "Summary on Bion Research", unpublished report, Symposia on Bion Experiments, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, 1982.
* Reich, Wilhelm: The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1982.
* Reich, Wilhelm & Neill, A.S.: Record of a Friendship: The Correspondence of Wilhelm Reich and A.S. Neill, edited by Beverley Placzek, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, London 1982.
* Seiler, Hanspeter: "New Experiments in Thermical Orgonometry", Journal of Orgonomy, 16(2):197-206, 1982.
Keywords: thermal anomaly, To-T
* Sellers, Charles Grier: "Experiments in Neobiogenesis II", unpublished monograph, Symposia on Bion Experiments, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, 1982.
* Strick, James E.: "Questions and Problems with Bion Motility & Culturability", unpublished monograph, Symposia on Bion Experiments, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, 1982.
* Zucconi-Mazzini, E.: "The Problem of Cryptobiosis in Bion Research", unpublished report, Symposia on Bion Experiments, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, 1982.
* Zucconi-Mazzini, E. & Ambrogi, M.: "Use of Micro-Method to Study T- Bacilli from Blood Autoclavation, and an Original method to Produce T-Bacillus", unpublished report, Symposia on Bion Experiments, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, 1982.
* Zucconi-Mazzini, E., et al: "Use of the Heating Table (Microscope System) in the Research of Orgonomic Oncology", unpublished report, Symposia on Bion Experiments, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, 1982.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Some Effects of the Medical DOR-buster on Plant Growth", Journal of Orgonomy, 17(2):201-204, 1983 [continued in 1985d].
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Summary Report of Orgonomic Weather Control Operations in Israel, 1983", Unpublished Report to the American College of Orgonomy 1983.
Keywords: cloudbusting
* Croall, Jonathan: Neill of Summerhill: The Permanent Rebel, Pantheon Books, New York 1983.
* Espanca, Jutta: "The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life: Part III", and "...Part IV", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 6:20-23, Spring 1983, and 7:36-37, Autumn 1983 [continued in Espanca 1984, 1985, 1986].
* Fischer, Jurgen (Pseud: Jürgen F. Freihold) Der Orgonakkumulator nach Wilhelm Reich, Verlag Konstanze Freihold, Edition Space, Berlin 1983.
* Geister, H. & Wyneken, M.: "Auf den Spuren der Orgonenergie - Part 2: Messungen mit dem Elektroskop (On the Trail of the Orgone Energy - Part 2: Measurments with the Electroscope)", Emotion, 5:62-74, 1983.
* Greenfield, Jerome: "Reich and the INS: A Specific Plague
Reaction", Journal of Orgonomy, 17(2):205-226, 1983.
* Konia, Charles: "Electroscopic Effects of the Medical DOR-buster: Preliminary Report", Journal of Orgonomy, 17(1):56-60, 1983.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Children of the Future: On the Prevention of Sexual Pathology, edited by Mary B. Higgins and Chester Raphael, with Preface by William Steig. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1982. Contains:
The Source of the Human "No"
Children of the Future
Problems of Healthy Children during the First Puberty
Orgonomic First Aid for Children
Meeting the Emotional Plague
Armoring in a Newborn Infant
Falling Anxiety in a Three-Week-Old Infant
Maltreatment of Infants
Concerning Childhood Masturbation
Conversation with a Sensible Mother
The Sexual Rights of Youth
* Sharaf, Myron: Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich, St. Martin's-Marek, NY, 1983.
Keywords: history
* Strick, James E.: "Origin of Life Studies Related to Reich's Bion Experiments: an Annotated Bibliography", unpublished monograph, 1983.
* Baker, Courtney F., Byron Braid, Robert Dew, Louisa Lance: "The Reich Blood Test: 105 Cases", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 1(1):1-11, 1984.
* Baker, Courtney F., Byron Braid, Robert Dew, Louisa Lance: "Wound Healing in Mice, Part I", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 1(1):12-23, 1984 [continued in Baker 1985].
* Baker, Courtney F. & Dew, R.: "Bion Migration", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 1(1):24-32, 1984.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Effects of the Orac on Cancer in Mice: Three Experiments", Journal of Orgonomy, 18(2):202-211, 1984.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report #12", Journal of Orgonomy, 18(1):78-79, 1984.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Brenner, Myron D.: "Bions and Cancer: A Review of Reich's Work", Journal of Orgonomy, 18(2):212-220, 1984.
Keywords: biopathies, health
* Burlingame, Patricia: "Basic Bion Experiments", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 1(1):53-59, 1984.
Keywords: biology, biogenesis
* Dressler, David: "Perceptions of Orgone Energy Auras", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 9:32-36, Fall 1984.
Keywords: human energy field
* Espanca, Jutta: "The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life: Part V", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 8:35-43, Spring 1984 [continued in Espanca 1985, 1986].
Keywords: orgone accumulator, agriculture
* Espanca, Jutta: "Orgone Energy Devices for Irradiation of Plants", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 9:25-31, Fall 1984.
Keywords: orgone accumulator, agriculture
* Grossmann, A.: "The New Woman, The New Family, and the Rationalization of Sexuality: The German Sex-Reform Movement, 1928- 1933", Rutgers University, History Department, Dissertation, 1984.
* Harman, Robert: "The Pendulum Experiment Reconsidered", Journal of Orgonomy, 18(1):29-41, 1984.
Keywords: physics,
* Koopman, P.: "Orgonometric Gravitational Acceleration", Journal of Orgonomy, 18(2):221-225, 1984.
Keywords: physics, gravity
* Lassek, Heiko & Gierlinger, M.: "Blutdiagnostik und Bion-Forschung Nach Wilhelm Reich: Teil 1 (Blood Diagnostics and Bion Research According to Wilhelm Reich)", Emotion, 6:101-142, 1984.
* Neill, A.S.: All the Best, Neill: Letters from Summerhill, Introduction by Zoe Neill, Edited by Jonathan Croall, Franklin Watts, New York 1984.
* Senf, Bernd: "Unbegrenzte Energie - Ausweg aus der okologischenb Krise? - Über mogliche technologische Nutzung von Orgonenergie und ihr Verhaltnis zur Schwerkraftfeld- und Wirbelenergie (Unlimited Energy - Escape from the Ecological Crisis? - On possible technological use of Orgone Energy and its relationship to Gravitational Field Energy and Whirl Energy)", Emotion, 6:143-177, 1984.
* Wyvell, Lois & Strick, James E.: "Orgonotropism", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 9:7-12, Fall 1984.
* Baker, Courtney F.: "Atmospheric Pulsation: Air and Water", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 2(1):25-32, 1985.
* Baker, Courtney F., et al: "The Reich Blood Test: Clinical Correlation", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 2(1):1-6, 1985.
* Baker, Courtney F., et al: "Wound Healing in Mice, Part II", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 2(1):7-24, 1985.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Some Effects of the Medical DOR-Buster on Plant Growth (II), Journal of Orgonomy, 19(2):220-225, 1985.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "CORE Progress Report #13, Fighting the Extreme Drought of Spring 1985: Northeast", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(2):260-65, 1985.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Burlingame, Patricia: "The Amateur Scientist in Orgonomy: A Home Made Electroscope", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 2(1):60-68, 1985.
* Claymond, H.J.: "Preliminary Indications for an Energetic Concept of Soil Fertility", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 11:8-12, Fall 1985.
* DeMeo, James: "Field Experiments with the Reich Cloudbuster: 1977- 1983", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(1):57-79, 1985.
* DeMeo, James: Bibliography on Orgone Biophysics, Natural Energy Works, Miami, 1985 [redrafted & enlarged, 1986].
* DeMeo, James & Morris, Robert D.: "CORE Progress Report #13, Fighting the Extreme Drought of Spring 1985: Southeast", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(2):265-266, 1985.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Espanca, Jutta: "The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life, Part 6", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 11:30-32, Fall 1985 [continued in Espanca 19867.
* Fuckert, Manfred: "Messungen der atmospharischen Orgonenergie (Measurment of the Atmospheric Orgone Energy)", Emotion, 7:139-158, 1985.
* Gassner, Madeleine: "Orgonomy in Israel: Yesterday and Today", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 10:53-57, Spring 1985.
* Harman, Robert: "The Integral Nature of Physical Constants", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(2):242-248, 1985.
* Hoppe, Walter: Wilhelm Reich und Andere Grosse Manner Der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus (Wilhelm Reich and Other Great Men of Science in the Battle Against Irrationalism), Verlag Kurt Nane Jurgensen, Munich, 1985.
* Konia, Charles: "The Rotation of Spiral Galaxies", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(2):226-241, 1985.
* Lappert, Patrick: "Primary Bions through Superimposition at Elevated Temperature and Pressure", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(1):80-91, 1985.
* Meyerowitz, Jacob: "Basic Orgonometry: Wilhelm Reich's Abstract Technique for Comprehensive Thinking", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(1):92- 121, 1985; reprinted as a separate booklet of same title, by rRp Publishers, NY, 1985.
* Meyerowitz, Jacob: "Function as a CFP; Index of Orgonometric Symbols", Journal of Orgonomy, 19(2):249-259, 1985.
* Nagy, Stephen S.: "Notes From Afield: Origin of Life: Proteinoid Microspheres", Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Science, 2(1):57-58, 1985.
* Strick, James E.: "Reich, Pasteur, and Spontaneous Generation", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 10:51-52, Spring 1985.
* Strick, James E.: "More on Reich, Pasteur, and Spontaneous Generation", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 11:36-37, Fall 1985.
* Strick, James E.: "Photographing Bions", Newsletter, Friends, Wilhelm Reich Museum, 18:6-7, Fall 1985.
* Baker, Courtney & Dew, Robert: "Studies of the Reich Blood Test in Cancer Mice", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 3(1):1-11, September 1986.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, cancer, biopathies
* Baker, Courtney & Burlingame, Patricia: "The Effects of Calcium on Preparation 6", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 3(1):12-17, September 1986.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis
* Bauer, Ira: "The Reich Blood Test", unpublished monograph, presented at New Work in Orgonomy conference, Wagner College, June, 1985.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Principes de biophysique orgonique", Sciences Orgonomiques, 1(2):3-9, 1986.
* Blasband, Richard A.: "Recent Developments in Orgone Biophysics", unpublished monograph, presented at New Work in Orgonomy Conference, Wagner College, June, 1985.
* Clark, S.A. & Frauchiger, R.A.: "Paradigm-Maker or Paradigm Breaker, Part I: A Comparison Between the Paradigm and Orgonomic Functionalism as Scientific Tools", Journal of Orgonomy, 20(1):93-105, 1986.
* Claymond, H.J.: "Some Observations on Orgonotropism", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 12:49-50, Spring 1986.
* DeMeo, James: "On the Origins and Diffusion of Patrism: The Saharasian Connection", University of Kansas, Geography Dept., Dissertation, 1986, Dissertation Abstracts International, #48, August 1987, pp.457-458A.
* DeMeo, James: "Orgone Energy Motor Reference and Data Package", Natural Energy Works, Miami, 1986.
* DeMeo, James: The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: With Plans for Construction of Experimental Orgone Energy Accumulators, Blankets, and Garden Seed Chargers, and Directions for their Use, 1st Edition, Natural Energy Works, Miami, Florida 1986.
* DeMeo, James: "Orgone Energy", Acres USA, August 1986, p.34.
* DeMeo, James: "Interview: Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy & the Accumulator", Acres USA, October 1986, p.25-28.
* DeMeo, James & Morris, Robert D.: "Core Progress Report #14: Possible Slowing and Warming of an Arctic Air Mass Through Cloudbusting", Journal of Orgonomy, 20(1):120-125, 1986.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Eden, Jerome, et al: "Emergency Edition" (Observations in Pacific N.W. following Chernobyl Accident), Orgonomic Education Newsletter, 2(2):1-11, May 1986.
* Eden, Jerome: CORE Manual, Eden Press, Careywood, ID, 1986.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Espanca, Jutta: "The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life, Part 7", Offshoots of Orgonomy, 12:45-48, Spring 1986.
* Espanca, Jutta: "The Orgone Accumulator for Enhanced Growth", Acres USA, September 1986, p.32-33.
* Fuckert, Manfred: "OROP Chernobyl", unpublished monograph, presented at Annual Meeting & Symposia, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, July 1986.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, drought
* Grad, Bernard: "Orgonotic Functions in Healing by Touch", unpublished monograph, presented at New Work in Orgonomy conference, Wagner College, June, 1986.
* Harman, RobertA.: "Further Experiments with Negative To Minus T", Journal of Orgonomy, 20(1):67-74, 1986.
* Harman, RobertA.: "Cosmic Superimposition and Gravitation", unpublished monograph, presented at New Work in Orgonomy conference, Wagner College, June, 1986.
* Koopman, Barbara G.: "Energy Fields and Consciousness", Journal of Orgonomy, 20(1):23-41, 1986.
* Meyerowitz, Jacob: "The Formulation of Right and Partly Right", Journal of Orgonomy, 20(1):106-119, 1986.
* Meyerowitz, Jacob: "Speaking Orgonometry" & "The Real Meaning of E=mc2", Applied Orgonometry, 1:1-32, March 1986.
* Müschenich, Stefan & Gebauer, Rainer: "Die (Psycho-) Physiologischen Wirkungen des Reich'schen Orgonakkumulators auf den Menschlichen Organismus" (The Psycho-Physiological Effects of the Reich Orgone Accumulator)", Dissertation, Department of Psychology, University of Marburg, West Germany, 1986.
* Nasselstein, Peter: "Über die Grundlagen einer Orgonomischen Metrologie (On the Basis of an Orgonomic Metrology)", Verstand, I(4):78-80, 1986.
* Opfermann-Fuckert, Dorothea: "Reports on Treatments with Orgone Energy: 1. Physical Orgone Therapy with Orgone Energy Accumulator, Orgone Tunnel, Orgone Shooter, and Orgone Blanket", unpublished Monograph, presented at Annual Meeting & Symposia, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, July 1986.
* Raphael, Chester M.:"The Cancer Biopathy", paper presented at Annual Meeting & Symposia, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, July 1986.
* Raphael, Chester M.:"Reich's Concept of Orgonomic Functionalism as it relates to the Autonomic Nervous System", paper presented at conference on The Autonomic Nervous System: Theory and Practice, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, July 1986.
* Schwartz, Jesse: "Orgone", Acres USA, April 1986, p.1,6.
* Strick, James E.: "Studies on the Origin of Life - The Bion Experiments", paper presented at Annual Meeting & Symposia, Wilhelm Reich Museum, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, July 1986.
* Baker, Courtney: "Energy: An Overview", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 4(1):1-14, September 1987.
* Bauer, Ira: "Erythrocyte Sedimentation: A New Parameter for the Measurement of Energetic Vitality", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 4(1):49-65, September 1987.
* Blasband, Richard, DeMeo, James & Morris, Robert D.: "Core Progress Report #15: Breaking the 1986 Drought in the Eastern US -- Phase I, The Northeast; Phase II, The Southeast, Initial Efforts; Phase III, A Cloudbusting Expedition into the Southeastern Drought Zone", Journal of Orgonomy, 21(1):14-41, 1987.
* Claymond, H.: "Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on Potato and Onion Plants", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 4(1):44-48, September 1987.
* DeMeo, James & Morris, Robert: "Preliminary Report on a Cloudbusting Experiment in the Southeastern Drought Zone, August 1986", Southeastern Drought Symposium Proceedings, March 4-5, 1987, South Carolina State Climatology Office Publication G-30, Columbia, SC, 1987.
* DeMeo, James: "Reduction of Rainwater Acidity Following the End of the 1986 Drought: An Effect of Cloudbusting?", Journal of Orgonomy, 21(2):249-251, 1987.
* Dew, Robert: "An Air Germ Experiment", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 4(1):15-43, September 1987.
* Müschenich, Stefan & Gebauer, Rainer: Der Reichsche Orgonakkumulator: Naturwissenschaftliche Diskussion, Praktische Andwendung, Experimentelle Untersuchung,
Nexus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1987.
* Meller-Marcovicz, Digne: Wilhelm Reich - Viva Little Man, Movie produced in association with Channel 4 Televsion in UK and Hessischer Rundfunk FRG. German and English subtitle versions. VHS & DVD versions produced by Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, USA.
* Braid, Byron & Dew, Robert: "Reich's Bioelectric Experiments: A Review With Recent Data", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science 5(1):1-18, September 1988.
* DeMeo, James: "Cloudbusting: Fact or Mythology", Acres USA, Aug. 1988; also in Wildfire, 4(1):12-14, Fall 1988.
* Fallend, Karl: Wilhelm Reich in Wien: Psychoanalyse und Politic (Wilhelm Reich in Vienna: Psychoanalysis and Politics), Geyer-Edition, 1988.
Keywords: sex-pol, communist party, Leon Trotsky
* Lai, Tung-Ming & Eberl, D.: "Effect of an Energy Accumulator on Phosphorus Availability", Abstracts, 80th Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Anaheim, CA 1988, p.240.
* Little, Karl: "WR: Functions of the Artist", Art in America, 76(3):142-145, March 1988.
* Meller-Marcovicz, Digne: Über Wilhelm Reich: Viva Kleiner Mann, Das Buch zum Film von Digne Meller Marcovicz, Nexus Verlag, Frankfurt, c.1988.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Passion of Youth: An Autobiography 1897-1922, Edited by Mary B. Higgins and Chester M. Raphael, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1988.
* Coe, Jonathan: "In Remembrance: Jerome Eden (1925-1989)", Pulse of the Planet 1:53 Spring 1989.
* Dew, Robert: "Reich's Experiment XX", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 6(1):1-32, September 1989.
* DeMeo, James: The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Construction Plans, Experimental Use and Protection Against Toxic Energy, 2nd Revised Edition, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Cloudbusting, A New Approach to Drought", Pulse of the Planet 1:1-3 Spring 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Response to Martin Gardner's Attack on Reich and Orgone
Research in the Skeptical Inquirer", Pulse of the Planet 1:11-17 Spring 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Postscript on the Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich", Pulse of the Planet 1:18-23 Spring 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Report", Pulse of the Planet 1:23 Spring 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Climate Features and Unusual Phenomena", Pulse of the Planet 1:24-37 Spring 1989, and 2:54-80 Fall 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Research Progress Report: Development of a Desert Research Facility", Pulse of the Planet 1:45-46 Spring 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Cosmic Orgone Engineering Report", Pulse of the Planet 1:47 Spring 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "The Orgone Energy Continuum: Some Old and New Evidence", Pulse of the Planet 2:3-9 Fall 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Conference Reports", Pulse of the Planet 2:31-37 Fall 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Notes", Pulse of the Planet 2:52-53 Fall 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Research Progress Report: The Desert-Drought Map", Pulse of the Planet 2:82-83 Fall 1989.
* DeMeo, James: "Cosmic Orgone Engineering Report", Pulse of the Planet 2:84-86 Fall 1989.
* Fuckert, Manfred: "Letter to the Editor: On the Possible Northward Spread of the Sahara Desert into Europe", Pulse of the Planet 2:93 Fall 1989.
* Müschenich, Stefan & Gebauer, Ranier: "Psycho-Physiological Effects of the Reich Orgone Accumulator", Pulse of the Planet 2:22-24 Fall 1989.
* Kato, Yoshio: "Recent Abnormal Phenomena on Earth and Atomic Power Tests", Pulse of the Planet 1:4-10 Spring 1989.
* Opferman-Fuckert, Dorothea: "Reports on Treatments with Orgone Energy", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 6(1):33-52, September 1989.
* Senf, Bernd: "Wilhelm Reich, Discoverer of Acupuncture Energy", Pulse of the Planet 2:25-30 Fall 1989.
* Skoglund, Richard: "Letter to the Editor (on photographs of atmospheric orgone)", Pulse of the Planet, 1:51-52 Spring 1989.
* Strick, James: "Letter to the Editor (on Reich's Oranur Experiment)", Pulse of the Planet, 1:51-52 Spring 1989.
* Whiteford, Gary: "Nuclear Bomb Tests and Earthquakes: Dangerous Patterns
and Trends", Pulse of the Planet 2:10-21 Fall 1989.
* anon.: "Atomic Bomb Tests & Earthquake Data, Solar-Geomagnetic Data, Environmental Notes, Sex-Economic Notes, Celestial Events Calendar, Planetary Clock, Science Notes", Pulse of the Planet 1:38-44 & 48 Spring 1989.
* anon: "Environmental Notes, Science Notes, Sex-Economic Notes, Planetary Clock", Pulse of the Planet 2:39-51 & 81 Fall 1989.
* anon: "Orgonomic Observations: Pin Points in the Sky", Pulse of the Planet 2:89-90 Fall 1989.
* Baker, Courtney & Burlingame, Patricia: "Orgone Treatment of Sprouting Mung Beans", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 7(1): September 1990.
* Constable, Trevor James: The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs, Borderland Sciences, Garberville, California, 1990. Republication of 1976 edition. See critical review by Eden, 1977.
Keywords: cloudbusting, weather, mysticism, Rudolf Steiner
* Dew, Robert: "Further Observations on the Air Germ Experiment", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 7(1):1-8, September 1990.
* DeMeo, James: "Hidden Psychological Motivations", NOCIRC Newsletter, 4(2):1, Summer 1990.
Keywords: genital mutilations, circumcision, sadism
* DeMeo, James: "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, c.4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Kyoto Review, 23:19-38, Spring 1990 & World Futures, 30:247-271 1991.
Keywords: origins of violence, armoring
* DeMeo, James: "Patrism in Saharasia: Climate-Linked Human Behavior", Women's International Network News, 16(3):75-77 Summer 1990.
Keywords: genital mutilations, circumcision, sadism, origins of violence
* Palm, Monika & Döring, Dirk: "Neue Untersuchungenzu den Seesand-Bionen von Wilhelm Reich", Emotion 9:110-127, 1990. Reprinted 1997. Keywords:
* Silver, Nina: "The Cosmic Pulse: Where Sex and Spirit Meet", Gnosis Magazine, Fall 1990, p.20-25.
* Stocker, Stephen: "Interview with James DeMeo", Baltimore City Paper, 2 Nov. 1990, p.8-10.
* Trotta, Ernandi E. & Marer, Eugenio: "The Orgonotic Treatment of Transplanted Tumors and Associated Immune Functions", Journal of Orgonomy, 24(1):39-44, 1990.
Keywords: orgone accumulator therapy
* Von Uexkill, Theodore: Psychosomatische Medizin, Urban & Schwarzienberg, Munich, 1990. (Chapter on "Body Oriented Psychotherapy" with generous discussion of Reich.)
Keywords: orgone therapy, body therapy
* Appleton, Matthew: "The Ecology of Childhood, A View From Summerhill School", Pulse of the Planet 3:57-61 1991.
* Appleton, Matthew & Gelbiter, Gulio: "Fifth International Orgonomic Conference, Nice, France, 1990", Pulse of the Planet 3:94-96 1991.
* Brenner, Myron: "Orgonotic Devices in the Treatment of Infectious Conditions", Pulse of the Planet 3:49-53 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, c.4000
BCE: Evidence for the Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", Pulse of the Planet 3:3-16 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "Personal Observations with the Orgone Accumulator", Pulse of the Planet 3:54-56 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "OROP Arizona 1989: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Bring
Rains in the Desert Southwest", Pulse of the Planet 3:82-92 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "Book Review: The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS by Michael Fumento", Pulse of the Planet 3:106-108 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "Research Progress Report: Desert-Greening Program, CORE Operations in the Western USA, CORE Research and Field Operations Overseas: Greece 1990, Germany 1989-1990 Orgonomisches Projekt Waldheilung, Core Breakthrough in California Rains, March 1991, Cloudbuster Icarus", Pulse of the Planet 3:110-117 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Report", Pulse of the Planet, 3:118-121 Summer 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "Letter to the Editor: In Search of the Goddess", East-West Journal April 1991, p.6.
* Fuckert, Manfred: "Measurements of the Atmospheric Orgone Energy", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 8(1):1-16, September 1991.
* Katagiri, Mitzuru: "Three Mile Island: The Language of Science Versus the
People's Reality (Part I)", Pulse of the Planet 3:26-38 1991.
* Lassek, Heiko: "Orgone Accumulator Therapy of Severely Diseased People", Pulse of the Planet 3:39-48 1991.
* Lassek Heiko: "Vegeto-Orgontherapie nach Wilhelm Reich," Natural Healing Methods for the European Community, Doc. Reg. V.5, Min. of Tech., Niedersachen, Univ. Lueneburg, Germany 1991.
* Prescott, James: "Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence", Pulse of the Planet 3:17-25 1991.
* Reich, Eva: "Thank You For This Honor", Pulse of the Planet 3:93 1991.
* Ryan, Matthew: "Interview with James DeMeo", Pulse of the Planet 3:62-81 1991.
* Sellers, Grier: "Letter to the Editor (on Kirshna Bahadur)", Pulse of the Planet, 3:142 Summer 1991.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, jewanu
* Sharaf, Myron: "An Additional Perspective on the Conference at Orgonon", Pulse of the Planet 3:101 1991.
* Strick, James: "The Voice of Wilhelm Reich, Conference at Orgonon, 1990", Pulse of the Planet 3:97-100 1991.
* Wilson, Robert Anton: "Letter to the Editor (on the orgone accumulator)", Pulse of the Planet, 3:142 Summer 1991.
* anon.: "Science Notes, Sex-Economic Notes, Environmental Notes, Nuclear Hazards, Health Notes, Economic Notes, Positive Signs & Changes", Pulse of the Planet, 3:122-138 Summer 1991.
* Jorgenson, Lars: Ein Überblick über die Grauzone in der Wissenschaft, WDB Verlag, Berlin, 1992. (Nearly 100 pages devoted to Reich's discoveries).
* Mann, Edward & Hoffman, Edward: Yoga Journal, September-October 1992, p.30-36.
* Neill, A.S.: Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood, edited by Albert Lamb, St. Martin's Press, NY 1992.
* Nitzschke, Bernd: "Wilhelm Reich, Psychoanalyse und Nationalsozialismus", Emotion 10:183-190, 1992.
Keywords: history
* Grad, Bernard: "The Accumulator Effect on Leukemia Mice", Journal of Orgonomy, 26(2):199-218, 1992.
Keywords: cancer mice orgone
* Rackelmann, Marc: "Der Konflikt des 'Reichsverbandes für proletarische Sexualpolitik' (Sexpol) mit der KPD Anfang der dreissiger Jahre - Zur Rolle Wilhelm Reichs bei Entstehung und Arbeit des kommunistischen Sexualreformverbandes", Schriftliche Hausarbeit im Rahmen der Diplomprüfung im Fach Politische Wissenschaft, Freie Universitat Berlin,1992.
* Albini, Aurelio: "Letter to the Editor: Atmospheric Deterioration", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:168-169, 1993.
* Appleton, Matthew: "Summerhill at 70 - A Personal Perspective", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:125-129 1993.
* Blasband, R.A. and G. Martin: "Biophoton Emission in 'Orgone Energy'-Treated Cress Seeds, Seedlings, and Acetabularia." ICRL Technical Report #93.6, Princeton, 1993.
Keywords: plants, biophotons
* Carrino, Deborah: "The Beauty of Children: Through a Child's Eyes", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:130-131 1993.
* Cook, Theirrie: "Book Review: The Petkau Effect: Nuclear Radiation, People and Trees by Ralph Graeub", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:135-136 1993.
* DeMeo, James (Ed.): On Wilhelm Reich And Orgonomy (Pulse of the Planet #4), Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "The Biophysical Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:78-82 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "OROP Israel 1991: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Winter Rains During Extended Drought", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:92-98 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "HIV is Not the Cause of AIDS: Review of Current Research", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:99-105 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Power by the US Food and Drug Administration and Other Governmental Agencies", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:106-113 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "Research Reports and Observations: Orgonomic Project Waldheilung 1989 - 1993, OROP Namibia 1992-1993, Cloudbusting is Not 'Weather Modification', Healing Lakes with Life Energy?", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:114-116 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "Weather Anomalies and Nuclear Testing: The Oakland Wildfires of October 1991, Report on Nuclear Accident at Tomsk, Russia, 6 April 1993", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:117-120 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "Modern Medical-Genetic Quackery/Modern Horrific Medicine", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:161-165 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "Book Reviews: Denying the Holocaust by Deborah Lipstadt;Against Therapy by Jeffrey Masson; and The Montauk Project by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:137-140 1993.
* DeMeo, James: "Emotional Plague Report", Pulse of the Planet, 4:123-124 1993.
* Gherman, Ed: "Reich", Anderson Valley Advertiser, Booneville, CA 10 March 1993.
* Harnish, Guenter: Orgonenergie. Geballte Lebenskraft. Die Heilende Wirkung des Orgonstrahlers, Turm-Verlag, 1993. Keywords: orgone shooter, orgone accumulator
* Katagiri, Mitzuru & Smith, Aileen: "Three Mile Island: The Language of Science Versus the People's Reality (Part II)", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:84-91 1993.
* Koopman, Barbara: "Translator's Preface (to Reich papers)", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:4 1993.
* Kolokoltsev, Sergei & Androsov, Vladimir: "An Accumulator of Subtle Energy", Aura-Z, July 1993, p.85-87.
* Laing, R.D.: "Why is Reich Never Mentioned?", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:76-77 1993. German translation in 1997.
* Leverant, Robert: "Book Review: Deadly Deceit: Low Level Radiation, High Level Cover-Up by Jay Gould & Benjamin Goldman", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:132-134 1993.
* Mann, Oscar; Weiler, Teddy; Dirkes, Kenneth: "Letters to the Editor: Orgone Accumulator Experiences", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:166-167 1993.
* Manning, Jean: "Radioactivity: A Cause of Droughts? Interview with Dr. James DeMeo", Explore!, Vol.4, No.1, p.64-67, 1993.
* Martin, Jim: "Wilhelm Reich in Hell", Steamshovel Press, 6:24-27 1993.
* Martin, Jim: "Wilhelm Reich in Vienna", Steamshovel Press, 7:25-30 1993.
* Martin, Jim: "Quigley, Clinton, Straight & Reich", Steamshovel Press, 8:40-45 1993.
* Müschenich, Stefan: "Letter to the Editor: Classical Biology Rediscovers the Bion", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:167-168, 1993.
* Nagy, Stephen: "Memo to CORE Network (on nuclear accident at Tomsk, Russia)", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:119 1993.
* Nelson, Chris: "Letter to the Editor: Traveler's Report (on atmospheric deterioration)", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:170-172, 1993.
* Rackelmann, Marc: "Was war die Sexpol? Wilhelm Reich und der 'Einheitsverband für proletarische Sexualreform und Mutterschutz'", Mitteilungen der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesselschaft, #19, Nov. 1993.
Keywords: sex-pol, history
* Reich, Wilhelm: "The Bioelectrical Experiments of Wilhelm Reich: The Basic Antithesis of Vegetative Life Functions, The Orgasm as an Electrophysiological Discharge, and Experimental Investigation of the Electrical Function of Sexuality and Anxiety", B. Koopman trsl. On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:5-43 1993.
* Shanahan, Stephen: "Electron Microscope Photos of Bions from Iron Dust", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:83 1993.
Keywords: biogenesis
* Siersted, Ellen: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:44-69 1993.
* Sobey, Victor: "An Eyewitness Report of the Burning of Scientific Books in the USA, 1956", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:75 1993.
* Wyvell, Lois: "The Jailing of a Great Scientist in the USA", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet 4:70-74 1993.
* anon.: "Educational Activities", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:121-122 1993.
* anon.: "Science Notes, Nuclear Notes, Environmental Notes, Economic Notes, Sex-Economic Notes, Health & Biology Notes", On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy: Pulse of the Planet, 4:143-161 1993.
* Brown, Thomas J.: Loom of the Future: The Weather Engineering Work of Trevor James Constable, An interview Conducted by Thomas J. Brown, Borderland Sciences, Garberville, California 1994.
Keywords: cloudbusting, mysticism, Rudolf Steiner
* DeMeo, James: "In Defense of Orgonomy", Skeptic, Vol.2, No.4, p.15-17, 1994.
* DeMeo, James: "In Defense of Reich and Cloudbusting", Green Living, Spring 1994, p.6.
* Meyerowitz, Jacob: Before the Beginning of Time, rRp Publishers, Easton, PA 1994.
* Reich, Wilhelm: Beyond Psychology: Letters and Journals 1934-1939, Edited and with Introduction by Mary B. Higgins, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1994.
* Hebenstreit, Günter: "Der Orgonakkumulator Nach Wilhelm Reich. Eine Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Spannungs-Ladungs-Formel", Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des Magistergrades der Philosophie an der Grung- und Integrativ-wissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat Wien, 1995.
* Müschenich, Stefan: Der Gesundheitsbegriff im Werk des Arztes Wilhelm Reich (The Concept of Health in the Works of Dr. Wilhelm Reich), Doktorarbeit am Fachbereich Humanmedizin der Philipps-Universitat Marburg 1995 (published by Verlag Gorich & Weiershauser, Marburg).
* Allbritten, Joe H.: "Wilhelm Reich's Holism: Implications for Nursing", University of Nevada at Reno, Nursing Department, Master's Thesis, 1996.
* Grad, Bernard: "Some Heat Experiments Implicating the Existence of a Subtle Energy", Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, 7(3):239-262, 1996. Keywords: orgone accumulator
* Hebenstreit, Günter: "Eine sexualökonomische Annäherung an den Orgonakkumulator", Scan Reader No.5, Ed. Loil Neidhöfer, Hamburg, Endless Sky Publications, 1996, pp.75-87.
Keywords: orgone accumulator
* Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer : "A educação do corpo e as práticas corporais alternativas: Reich, Bertherat e Antiginástica" (The body education and the alternative bodies practices: Reich, Bertherat and Antigymnastic) Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Master Thesis, 1996.
* Senf, Bernd: Die Wiederentdeckung des Lebendigen (The Rediscovery of the Living), Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt, 1996.
Keywords: Schauberger, living energy, living water
* Smith, Christian: "Radical Therapy Center: The Theories of Alienation and Reification of Karl Marx", California State University, Psychology Department, Master's Thesis, 1996.
* Appleton, Matthew: "Wilhelm Reich, A.S. Neill und die Orgonomie (Wilhelm Reich, A.S. Neill and Orgonomy)", "Die Ökologie der Kindheit - eine Sicht der Summerhill-Schule (The Ecology of Childhood - View from Summerhill School)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.317-337. Latter article translated from Appleton 1991.
Keywords: history, self-regulation
* Barreto, André Valente de Barros: "Em busca de Eros: a "democracia natural do trabalho" e a relação entre poder e afetividade no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich" (In the search of Eros: the "natural work democracy" and the relationship between power and affectivity according to Wilhelm Reich), Unicamp, Campinas, Master Thesis 1997.
* Bizzi, Bruno: "Bioenergie und die Entstehung von Krebs (Bio-Energy & Cancer Formation)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.693-697. Translated from Bizzi 1976.
* Blasband, Richard: "Transformationen in mikrobiologischen Organismen (Transformations in Microbiological Organisms)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.606-614. Translated from Blasband 1988.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, pleomorphism
* Blasband, Richard: "Wirkung des Orgonakkumulators (ORAK) bei krebs-kranken Mäusen: drei Experimente (Effects of the Orgone Accumulator on Cancer in Mice - Three Experiments)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.673-684. Translated from Blasband 1984.
* Boadella, David: "Die Wiederkehr des Unterdrückten", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.338-353. Translated from Boadella 1972.
* Boxer, Sarah: "William Steig, at 90, Still Rebels Against Taboos", New York Times, 29 Nov. 1997.
* Brenner, Myron D.: "Orgonomische Hilfsmittel bei der Behandlung von Infektionen (Orgonotic Devices in the Treatment of Infectious Conditions)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.764-777. Translated from Brenner 1991.
* Cantwell, Alan: "Bionöse Desintegration bei degenerativen Krankheiten (Bionous Tissue Disintegration in Degenerative Disease)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.615-626. Translated from Cantwell 1991.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, pleomorphism, cancer biopathy
* DeMeo, James & Senf, Bernd (Eds.): Nach Reich: Neue Forschungen zur Orgonomie: Sexualökonomie , Die Entdeckung Der Orgonenergie (After Reich: New Research in Orgonomy: Sex-Economy, Discovery of the Orgone Energy), Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt, 1997.
* DeMeo, James & Senf, Bernd: "Vorwort", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.9-17.
* DeMeo, James: "Einführung", "Wissenschaftstheoretische Betrachtungen zur Entedeckung der Orgonenergie" (Natural Scientific Theoretical Overview of the Discovery of the Orgone Energy), Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.31-56 & 477-488.
* DeMeo, James: "Entstehung und Ausbreitung des Patriarchats - die 'Saharasia' These (The Origins & Diffusion of Patriarchy - The Saharasia Thesis)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.377-410. Translated from DeMeo 1991.
* DeMeo, James: "Persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Orgonakkumulator (Personal Observations with the Orgone Accumulator)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.778-784. Translated from DeMeo 1989, 1991.
* Frigola, Carles & Castro, Pilar: "Forschungsnotiz: Reichscher Bluttest und Autofluoreszen (Research Report: The Reich Blood Test & Autofluorescence)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.627-628. Translated from Frigola & Castro 1991.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, blood test, cancer biopathy
* Fuckert, Dorothea: "Methodik der psychiatrischen Orgontherapie (Methods of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.138-162.
* Fuckert, Dorothea & Fuckert, Manfred: "Die medizinische Anwendung des Reichschen Orgonakkumulators - zen Behandlungsberichte", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.698-732. Reprinted from Fuckert & Fuckert 1987.
* Grad, Bernard: "Bechamps Mikrozyme und Reichs Bione: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede (Bechamp's Microzymas and Reich's Bions: Similarities & Differences)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.598-605. Translated from Grad 1990.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, pleomorphism
* Grad, Bernard: "Orgonomische Funktionen bei Heilung durch Berührung (Orgonotic Functions in Healing by Touch)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.804-814. Translated from Grad 1986.
* Grad, Bernard: "Some Heat Experiments Implicating the Existence of a Subtle Energy", Subtle Energies, 7(3): 1997, p. Abstract posted online:
Keywords: orgone accumulator, thermal anomaly, To-T
* Greenspan, Nathan: "Das politische und soziale Denken Wilhelm Reichs (The Political and Social Thought of Wilhelm Reich)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.203-249. Translated from Greenspan 1984 & 1985.
* Hebenstreit, Günter: "Die psychophysiologischen Effekte des Orgonakkumulators. - Eine experimentelle Untersuchung mit sexualökonomischer Interpretation", in Lebensnergieforschung, Ed. Heiko Lassek 1997, Berlin, Simon und Leutner, pp.153-250.
* Herskowitz, Morton: "Psychiatrische Orgontherapie (Psychiatric Orgone Therapy)", "Symptombefreiung mit orgonomischer Erste Hilfe (Symptomatic Relief with Orgonomic 'First-Aid')", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.121-137 & 163-171. Latter article translated from Herskowitz 1967.
Keywords: orgone therapy
* Herskowitz, Morton: "Erinnerungen an Wilhelm Reich (Recollections of Reich)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.286-305.
Keywords: history
* Knapp-Diederichs, Volker: "Eva Reich - ein Leben für die Rechte der Kinder (Eva Reich, Her Life's Work for the Rights of Children)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.172-175. From Knapp-Diederichs 1989.
* Koopman, Barbara: "Energiefelder und Bewußtsein (Energy Fields and Consciousnes)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.815-837. Translated from Koopman 1986.
* Lassek, Heiko: "Die Krebstheorie und -therapie nach Wilhelm Reich - biografische Einführung und Erfahrungsberichte", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.733-763.
* Lassek, Heiko & Gierlinger, Michael: "Blutdiagnostik und Bionforschung nach Wilhelm Reich (Blood Diagnosis and Bion Research of Wilhelm Reich)", "Zur Bionforschung Wilhelm Reichs (The Bion Research of Wilhelm Reich)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.489-561.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis, cancer biopathy
* Lassek, Heiko (Ed.): Lebensnergieforschung, Simon und Leutner, Berlin, 1997.
* Lassek, Heiko: Orgon-Therapie: Heilen mit der Reinen Lebensenergie. Ein Handbuch der Energiemedizin, Scherz Verlag, Bern, Munchen & Wein, 1997.
* Maluf, Nicolau: "Orgonomia e Ciencia Contemporanea (Orgonomy and Contemporary Science)" Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia Vol.49, n.2. UFRJ-Imago, 1997. Keywords:
* Mannion, Michael: "Wilhelm Reich, 1897-1957: A Reevaluation for a New Generation", Alternative & Complementary Therapies, Vol.3, No.3, pp.194-199, June 1997.
* Müschenich, Stefan: "Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Forschungen zum Orgon-akkumulator und zum Reichschen psychosomatosozialen Gesundheitsbegriff", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.631-663.
* Neill, Alexander S.: "Das selbstregulierete Kind (The Self-Regulated Child)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.306-316.
* Nitzschke, Bernd: "Wilhelm Reich, Psychoanalyse und Nationalsozialismus", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.276-285. From Nitzschke 1992.
Keywords: history, psychoanalysis, national socialism
* O'Harra, Marjorie: "The Search for Cosmic Life Energy: Greensprings Scientist Studies the Controversial Work of Wilhelm Reich", The Gazette, Ashland, Oregon, September 1997, p.8-11.
* Palm, Monika & Döring, Dirk: "Neue Untersuchungen zu den Seesand-Bionen von Wilhelm Reich", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.562-581. From Palm & Döring 1990.
* Prescott, James: "Körperlust und die Ursprünge von Gewalt (Body Pleasure & the Origins of Violence)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.354-376. Translated from Prescott 1991.
* Rackelmann, Marc: "Wilhelm Reich und die Sexpol", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.250-275. From Rackelman 1993.
Keywords: sex-pol, history
* Raknes, Ola: "Eine Einfrührung in die Orgontherapie (An Introduction to Orgone Therapy)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.115-120. Translated from Raknes 1968.
* Reich, Eva: Lebensenergie Durch Samte Bioenergetik, Ester Zornanszky Editor, Kosel Verlag GmbH, Munchen, Germany, 1997.
* Reich, Eva: "Efahrungen in Geburtsvorbereitung und sanfter Geburt", "Emotionale Erste Hilfe (Emotional First Aid)", "Selbstregulierung und Grundrechte (Self Regulation and Basic Rights)", "Der Kampf für das Menschliche im Menschen (The Struggle for a New Humanity)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.176-200.
* Seiler, Hanspeter: "Spiralform, Lebensenergie und Matriarchat", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.411-444. From Seiler 1992.
* Senf, Bernd: "Die Forschungen Wilhelm Reichs (I) and (II)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.57-91 & 447-476.
* Senf, Bernd: "Wilhelm Reich - Entedecker der Akupunkturenergie? (Wilhelm Reich: Discoverer of Acupuncture Energy?)" Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.787-803. From Senf 1981.
* Shanahan, Stephen: "Elektronenmikroskopische Fotografien von Bionen aus Eisenstaub", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.582-585. Translated from Shanahan 1993.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis
* Sharaf, Myron: "Wilhelm Reichs frühe Arbeit über Charakteranalyse (Wilhelm Reich's Early Work on Character Analysis)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.95-114. Translated from Sharaf 1979.
* Snyder, Maxwell: "Einige Beobachtungen zu Reichs Experiment XX", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.586-597.
Keywords: bions, biogenesis
* Snyder, Neil R.: "Wirkungen des Orgonakkumulators auf die Fingertemperatur (Finger Temperature Effects of the Orgone Accumulator)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.664-672. Translated from Snyder 1989.
* Trotta, Ernani Eduardo & Marer, Eugenio: "Die orgonenergetische Behandlung transplantierter Tumoren und die damit verbundenen immunologischen Funktionen (Orgonotic Treatment of Transplanted Tumors & Associated Immune Functions)", Nach Reich, James DeMeo & Bernd Senf, Editors, Zweitausendeins Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, p.685-692. Translated from Trotta & Marer 1990.
* DeMeo, James: Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon 1998. (Revised and updated second edition in 2006)
* Albini, Carlo: Creazione & Castigo: La Grande Congiura Contro Wilhelm Reich, Tre Editori, Roma 1998.
* Herskowitz, Morton: Emotional Armoring: An Introduction to Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, Transactions Press, NY 1998.
* Overly, Richard: Gentle Bio-Energetics: Tools for Everyone, Gentle Bioenergetics Press, Asheville, NC, 1998.
* Wilson, Robert Anton: Wilhelm Reich In Hell, Aires Press, 1998.
* Bean, Orson: "Wilhelm Reich -- Wacko or Scientific Genius? (Book Review of American Odyssey: Letters and Journals 1940-1947, by Wilhelm Reich", San Francisco Chronicle, 4 July 1999.
Internet posted in SF Gate:
* Blasband, Richard: "Book Review of DeMeo's Orgone Accumulator Handbook," Journal of Scientific Exploration, 13(4):706-709, Winter 1999.
* Crist, Peter and Schwartzman, Richard: "Medical Orgone Therapy", in Allison, Nancy, ed. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body-Mind Disciplines; Rosen Publishing Group, NY, 1999.
* DeMeo, James: "Shreding Saharasia: A Response to Richard Morrock's 'Review'", Journal of Psychohistory, 26(4):858-863, Spring 1999.
* DeMeo, James: "Orgone Oracle (Letter to the Editor, responding to Hal Cohen's 'A Secret History of the Sexual Revolution')", Lingua Franca, July/August 1999, p.5,65.
* Dew, Robert: "The Metabolism of the Orgone", Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science, 9(1):1-14, September 1999.
* Mann, Edward: "Review of DeMeo's Saharasia", Peace Magazine, January/February 1999.
* Nitzschke, B. & Lothane, Z.: "Psychoanalysis During National Socialism; Present-Day Consequences of a Historical Controversy in the 'Case' of Wilhelm Reich.", Psychoanalytic Review, 86(3):349-366, June 1999.
* Reich, Wilhelm: American Odyssey: Letters and Journals 1940-1947, Edited by Mary B. Higgins, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1999.
* Steig, William & Willis, Ellen: Rebuttal letters to a malicious "book review", New York Times Review of Books, 3 Oct. 1999.
Click here for Part III: 2000 to the Present. Research After Reich (Continued).
Note: This listing is incomplete. Additional Citations will be posted in the near future.
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