2-6 August, Summer 2008

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Laboratory Seminar on General Orgonomy

Sex-Economy and Orgone Biophysics

Covering issues from Sex-Economy, Saharasia, the Bions, Orgone Accumulator,
Atmospheric Orgone and Orgone Physics Experiments, with an
Emphasis Upon Natural Scientific Methods and the
Relationship of Orgonomy to Modern Science.

Instructor: James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Click here for:
On-Line Registration And Payment
Printable Registration Form
Lodging And Travel/Location Information
Other OBRL Greensprings Center Summer Seminars
Full Calendar of Summer 2007 Events

A 5-day Laboratory Seminar on General Orgonomy is being organized, meeting each day and led by James DeMeo, Ph.D., Director of OBRL. The program will consist of a mix of lectures and open discussions, with demonstrations of apparatus and orgone energy phenomenon using the facilities of OBRL.

Topics to be covered will include (as humanly possible, to the extent that time allows):
* Reich's sex-economic findings and DeMeo's findings on Saharasia.
* Bioelectrical experiments and environmental bio-fields.
* Microscopical investigations of bions and bion preparations.
* Orgone accumulator construction principles.
* Orgone accumulator seed-sprouting experiments.
* Orgone accumulator physical measurements and demonstrations: To-T, Electroscopical phenomena, water evaporation and surface tension.
* Observations in the Orgone Energy Accumulator Darkroom (room-sized accumulator) and of atmospheric orgone energy phenomena.
* Oranur physics and chemistry: Direct work with a cloud-chamber, studying background and low-level radioactive minerals.
* Orgone-charged vacuum tubes (VACOR) and orgone energy lumination.
* The Orgone Energy Field Meter, and similar devices.
* The Orgone Energy Motor: What is known, and unknown.
* Astronomical and orgone-energy observations in the OBRL Greensprings Observatory, with 16" Meade Richey-Cretein telescope, 3" aperture "battleship binoculars", and H-alpha filter Solar telescope and Solarscope.
* Differentiation between Reich's authentic biography and orgone energy discovery, and the various "orgone gadgets" and falsifiers. * Field Trip on August 7th to Crater Lake National Park (optional, and weather permitting).

* First Days: Introduction to the Greensprings Center and OBRL facilities. Discussion of Reich's sex-economic principles, and DeMeo's findings on Saharasia as the logical outcome of applying sex-economic principles to existing anthropological cross-cultural data. Discussion of Reich's findings on emotions and bioelectricity, with demonstrations of apparatus for measurment of skin potentials, and also tree and atmospheric potentials following the methods of Harold S. Burr. Start of 1st series of orgone accumulator experiments, to demonstrate growth enhancement from seed-charging and other physical parameters.

* Middle Days: Principles of bionous disintegration, biological/atmospheric orgone energy, and the orgone energy accumulator. Discussions and demonstrations of Reich's findings on bions (orgone energy vesicles) and biogenesis with study at the microscope of radiating bions from sands. Use of natural sunlight in the microscope, Ott's discoveries on light frequency. Discussion and demonstrations of Reich's findings on orgone energy accumulators and orgone physics, the orgone energy field meter. Observations in Orgone Energy Darkroom (a room-sized accumulator).

* Last Days: Discussion and demonstrations of Reich's findings on oranur physics and chemistry, and principles of atmospheric-energetic functioning. Observations of radiation-tracks with a cloud-chamber. Start of 3rd series of orgone accumulator experiments. Open discussion periods, wrap up and analysis of results from orgone accumulator experiments. Depending upon the weather, the day following the last Seminar date will be devoted to an optional field trip for observation of orgone energy phenomenon in nature, to nearby Crater Lake Park, one of the most beautiful and alive places in North America.

Enrollment is limited to around 10 students maximum, at a cost of $600 for the full 5-day series. Students may elect to attend only a part of the Independent Study Program at a cost of $150 per day. It is recommended that students be familiar with Wilhelm Reich's original writings, and the writings of James DeMeo, to give a better foundation.

Student Assistantships are also sometimes available: OBRL usually has openings for one or two student assistants during the period of our summer events. The assistants help prepare the OBRL Greensprings facility for the seminars during the week before the events occur, and then assist with various experimental demonstrations, and with other tasks during the seminars. Assistants receive a full tuition waiver for the Laboratory Seminar, plus a place to stay in the student cabin. However, they must commit to the entire period of work before the class begins, arriving a week early to help prepare the facilities for our paying seminar participants. Students of any age interested in applying to the assistantship program should contact Dr. DeMeo early in the year to ascertain if the positions are open. Applicants should be prepared to submit a resume with statement of their interests and background in orgonomy, along with any recent university transcripts plus a letter of recommendation and a photo.

Similar Laboratory Seminars may be offered at other times of year by special arrangement, so long as a minimum number of students wish to enroll. For more serious and dedicated, advanced students and established workers in orgonomy, an apprenticeship program in orgone biophysics and cosmic orgone engineering is also available. Dr. DeMeo is also available for special hour-long lectures and presentations to outside groups and organizations. Click here for more info.

More Information:

- "Report on OBRL Summer 2003 Educational Events"

- New Research in Orgonomy Conferences, Paper Abstract Booklets

- "OBRL Progress Report, Summer 2006"

Dates: 2-6 August, Summer 2008

Times: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day.

Where: At the O.B.R.L. Greensprings Center, 20 miles east of Ashland, Oregon in the forests of the Siskiyou Mountains. A map will be sent to registered seminar participants.


Lunch: There are local restaurants, but they are slow-service and unable to accommodate our seminar guests -- for that reason, and due to time constraints, we strongly recommend to bring your own lunch - sandwiches, fruits, or whatever you like. Tables and chairs are available for outdoor eating and a coffee/tea service will be provided. However, you will be responsible for your own lunch.

Other Activities For those persons who arrive early, there will be a Friday afternnon pre-Seminar Open House and Social Gathering, from 5-7 PM, plus a possible evening lecture/discussion from 7-9 PM on a topic to be announced. Weather Permitting, the OBRL Orgone Energy Accumulator Darkroom will be open for viewing to seminar participants, during off-times. Likewise, the Greensprings Astronomical Observatory may be opened for evening celestial events. The region surrounding the OBRL Greensprings Center is also excellent for outdoor picnics and hiking, with Crater Lake National Park only 3-hrs drive to the north, with the bluest water in the world, and a favorite visiting place for our seminar guests. Weather permitting, we will organize an optional bonus field trip to Crater Lake National Park on the day after the seminars, leaving in the morning and returning late that evening. For more information, about the OBRL Greensprings Center and region, click here.

Click here for:
On-Line Registration And Payment
Printable Registration Form
Lodging And Travel/Location Information
Other OBRL Greensprings Center Summer Seminars
Full Calendar of Our Summer Events

Before registering, please also read our Policy on Refunds.

Additional Articles and Materials:

* Click here to review and/or purchase books by James DeMeo.

* The Orgone Biophysical Research Lab: James DeMeo's Research Website.

* The Saharasia web page.

* The Complete OBRL / Natural Energy Works On-line Bookstore and Product Shop

Click here for more information on SAHARASIA             Click here for our Online Books & Products Page
    saharasia.org                           naturalenergyworks.net

If you enjoyed and benefited from these materials, please consider to
purchase our publications on similar topics, or to
make a donation to the OBRL research fund.
Thank you!

Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc.
A Non-Profit Science Research and Educational Foundation, Since 1978
Greensprings Center, PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
Phone/Fax: (541) 552-0118

E-mail to: info(at)orgonelab.org
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