Books/Videos By or About Wilhelm Reich
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* INVASION OF COMPULSORY SEX-MORALITY by Wilhelm Reich. A discussion of the sex-economic implications of Bronislaw Malinowski's work on the Trobriand Islanders. Reich noted the high levels of sexual freedom among the Trobriand islanders, as recorded by the anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski ("Sexual Life of Savages"), did not lead to pornographic sexual chaos, as is the usual claim. Instead, the Trobrianders were spontaneously but not compulsively moral, and self-regulated, without noticable social violence. BOOKS ABOUT REICH AND ORGONOMY, BY OTHER AUTHORS
* FURY ON EARTH: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich, by Myron Sharaf A penetrating, fact-filled & definitive biography of Reich, illuminating the man's greatness & genius. Traces Reich from his early psychoanalytic, Marxist & anti-fascist periods in Vienna &Berlin, his sex-economic & later orgone biophysical discoveries in Scandinavia & the USA. Masterful, emotion-stirring. 550 pp. * WILHELM REICH AND THE COLD WAR: The True Story of How a Communist Spy Team, Government Hoodlums and Sick Psychiatrists Destroyed Sexual Science and Cosmic Life Energy Discoveries, by James Edward Martin. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), his colleagues, and his antagonists, are among the most influential groups of people of the 20th century. As a part of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic movement in Vienna, Reich is hailed as an innovator. His later work in the United States brought him to an ignominious end when he died in federal prison. Author and researcher James Edward Martin took up the subject of the controversial psychoanalytic pioneer and natural scientist, expecting to disprove Reich's suspicions that his detractors were predominantly communists and even Soviet spies. This led the author to dusty university archives across the United States and Europe, and to interview Reich's associates and relatives. He also made Freedom of Information Act searches of FDA, FBI and CIA files, investigating not only their files on Reich, but also of his major detractors. In this book, you'll meet Karl Frank, the leader of an underground anti-Nazi group of Germans, calling themselves "New Beginning." Frank was a friend of Reich's in Vienna in the 20s; he later worked for Allen Dulles' intelligence agency Office of Strategic Services. It was Karl Frank who confirmed to Reich that Mildred Edie Brady, the instigator of the FDA's persecution of Reich, was indeed a fully committed Soviet agent. You'll listen in on conversations with Michael Straight, who was the publisher of Mildred Brady's article in "The New Republic" magazine. You'll hear his explanation of his tangled past involvement with a notorious den of Soviet moles, the Cambridge Five spy ring that included Anthony Blunt, Kim Philby, Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess. You'll learn how Stalin's agents used Reich's own techniques of character analysis in a perverted way, in order to find psychological hooks into the minds of innocent people, conforming them to the red thread of conspiracy. You'll see what Mildred Brady, a cheerleader for the Emotional Plague, did to her own daughter. You'll travel to Arizona, and visit the places where Reich conducted his atmospheric medicine, under the noses of officials in the government's weather modification center, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. You'll join Albert Einstein at Princeton as he tests Reich's discoveries, confirms them experimentally but not pursuing them. You'll meet the famed Dr. James E. McDonald and his colleagues at the University of Arizona, about McDonald's groundbreaking work on weather modification and UFO research - he was one of the first mainstream scientists to blow the whistle on a government cover-up. Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War is exceptionally well documented with numerous citations, in a fully indexed edition including an Appendix with newly uncovered documents from FDA and FBI files, damning Reich's persecutors. 420 pp. In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: From the Introduction: Dr. Wilhelm Reich is the man whom nearly everyone loves to hate. No other figure in 20th Century science and medicine could be named who has been so badly maligned in popular media, scientific and medical circles, nor so shabbily mistreated by power-drunk federal agencies and arrogant judges.
Additional Books About Reich's Discoveries and Orgone Energy Research are found in the "General Orgonomy", and "Bions" Sections (Return to the Catalog Index Page)
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* SELECTED WRITINGS: An Introduction to Orgonomy, by Wilhelm Reich. A selection of articles and monographs by which the reader can follow the logic of Reich's scientific development as he pursued his energy research, from the early days in psychoanalysis, through his breakthrough into the biological realm, to his later work in orgone biophysics and astrophysics. An excellent guide to the though of this pioneering physician-scientist for a new generation that is increasingly receptive to his groundbreaking work. This anthology is not intended to replace any of Reich's works, but rather to serve as an introduction to them. The Chapters include materials from The Function of the Orgasm, The Cancer Biopathy, Character Analysis, Ether, God and Devil, Cosmic Superimposition, The Oranur Experiment, and The Murder of Christ. Also included are several of Reich's articles on biophysical subjects not found elsewhere. 557 pp.
$33.95 - Softcover
* WHERE'S THE TRUTH? Letters and Journals 1948-1957, by Wilhelm Reich. The fourth volume of Reich's personal writings from diaries, letters and laboratory notebooks, revealing the details of this scientific maverick's life, and chronicle his experiments with orgone energy in the last years of his life. Starting in 1947, Reich was hounded by the FDA which eventually burned six tons of his published books and research journals. Challenging the right of a court to judge basic natural scientific research, Reich was imprisoned in March 1957, and died in prison. The text gathered here shows Reich's steadfast determination to protect his work. "Where's the truth?" he asked a lawyer, and that question animates this volume. 272 pages.
$39.95 - Hardbound
* CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE: On the Prevention of Sexual Pathology, by Wilhelm Reich. Foreword by William Steig. Details the importance of the social-family environment of the infant and child, and how disastrous is the exclusion of genitality to the young. Includes his 1932 work "The Sexual Rights of Youth", where Reich speaks to the essential nature of sexuality and the rights of youth to genital gratification. Other chapters detail the affects of parental attitudes towards infantile masturbation, the source of the human "no", special disturbances of the young -- all of which is substantiated by Reich's clinical observations, including case studies from the Orgonomic Infant Research Center. 223 pp.
$ 18.95 - Softcover
* THE FUNCTION OF THE ORGASM, The Discovery of the Life Energy, Vol.1, by Wilhelm Reich.
Follows Reich's initial work with Freud; the discovery of the energetic connection between the psyche and soma; the role of sexuality, especially in orgasm, in establishing emotional and physical health, and the discovery of the orgone, or life energy. Covers Reich's therapeutic method, as it evolved from the early character-analytic vegetotherapy, into orgone therapy. A milestone set of discoveries, nearly lost to the world due to the actions of angry psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, who were (and continue to be) champions of sex-repression and psychopathological "normalcy" as "health". 400 pp.
$29.95 - Softcover
* THE CANCER BIOPATHY: Discovery of the Life Energy, Vol.2, by Wilhelm Reich. Outlines Reich's discovery and investigation of a specific biological energy, the orgone, and how this led to a radically different understanding of cancer. Cancer is a systemic disease caused by the chronic thwarting of natural sexual function. The term "biopathy" describes a disturbance in the natural function of energy pulsation in the body. Its central mechanism is the inability to adequately discharge biosexual excitation in the orgasm. Reich presents a functional theory which explains the origin and development of cancer, as well as the specific origins of the cancer cell. He also offers possibilities for its treatment, using the orgone therapeutic measures (which include use of the orgone energy accumulator), but emphasizes the prevention of sexual misery and the resulting stagnation of bioenergy. 433 pp.
$27.95 - Softcover
* THE BIOELECTRICAL INVESTIGATION OF SEXUALITY AND ANXIETY, by Wilhelm Reich. Presents three of Reich's milestone papers on the subject, undertaken in Europe. "The Orgasm as an Electrophysiological Discharge", "Sexuality and Anxiety: The Basic Antithesis of Vegetative Life", and "The Bioelectrical Function of Sexuality and Anxiety". The papers follow one another in a logical sequence, clarifying aspects of human physiology which even today are presented in a most confused manner in textbooks, due to the constant down-playing and overlooking of the central role of sexual pleasure and the orgasm function. Basic information for understanding the increasing incidence of anxiety attacks, depression and sexual dysfunction, as seen in sex-negative social structures. 161 pp.
$14.95 - Softcover
* THE BION EXPERIMENTS: On the Origins of Life, by Wilhelm Reich. Presents Reich's original microbiological experiments, published in Germany in 1938, now available in English. Documents his Oslo experiments of 1936-37, in which Reich applied the formula of tension-->charge-->discharge-->relaxation, derived form his research on the function of the orgasm, to the microscopic biological world, thereby opening a route to an understanding of the origin of life. The work is divided into two parts: the first, a detailed report on the experiments; the second, Reihc's conclusions and exposition of his research method. Important to note, Reich's experiments on the vesicular microscopical bions predate all later work on similar micro-particles and proto-cells, which are the mainstay of today's research on the "origins of life" question. The bion experiments have been repeatedly replicated by other researchers, as provided in other publications on our booklist. 161 pp.
$17.95 - Softcover
* THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION: Towards a Self-Regulating Character Structure, by Wilhelm Reich. First published in 1936, but immensely relevant in today's world, where 30-40 percent of American men and women suffer from severe sexual dysfunction. Reich believed we are living through a true revolution in all values regarding sexual life, especially those relating to infant and adolescent sexuality. Unfortunately, moralism and pornography dominate the human viewpoint. Reich introduces a fundamentally different view, of a natural sexuality, bioenergetically rooted in nature. Contains also a revealing study of the sexual revolution which occurred briefly in the Soviet Union immediately following their revolution in 1918. 288 pp.
$21.95 - Softcover
* ETHER, GOD AND DEVIL / COSMIC SUPERIMPOSITION, by Wilhelm Reich. Companion volumes. Ether, God and Devil describes Reich's functional approach to objective social and natural phenomenon, and how this led to the discovery of the cosmic orgone energy. Cosmic Superimposition steps beyond the human character structure to reveal our orgonotic roots in nature. The superimposition of two orgone energy streams as demonstrable in the sexual embrace is revealed as a common functioning principle in all of nature. Reich paints with a broad brush in these two works, describing the basic unity of all life in nature, and the relationship between living functions to meteorological and cosmological functions.. 307 pp.
$21.95 - Softcover
* CHARACTER ANALYSIS, by WILHELM REICH. The development of Reich's therapeutic techniques which establish the biological and emotional/sexual basis of neurosis. Presents case histories as well as thorough discussions of the methods he developed. Used as a psychiatric textbook with important discussions on the emotional plague and life energy functions. 545 pp.
$22.95 - Softcover
Reich's study on the origins of authoritarian political and social phenomena, as rooted in irrational character structures that arise from the suppression of primary biological needs. Reich analyses the role of sexual repression in the rise of the Nazis in WWII Germany. 400 pp.
$22.95 - Softcover
* LISTEN, LITTLE MAN, by Wilhelm Reich.
Reich's personal response to the emotional plague's attempts to defame and kill his sex-economic and orgone research; a scathing portrayal of Homo normalis; clearly shows how the emotional plague functions. Drawings by William Steig. 128 pp.
$11.95 - Softcover
* REICH SPEAKS OF FREUD: Wilhelm Reich Discusses His Work and His Relationship with Sigmund Freud, edited by Mary Higgins & Chester Raphael The core of this book is a tape-recorded interview of Wilhelm Reich, conducted by a representative of the Sigmund Freud Archives. Published here for the first time, it is a profoundly human and an unusually candid document that supplies a long-awaited clarification of the relationship between Reich and Freud. Reich discusses the personally tragic, but scientifically vital implications of his relationship with Sigmund Freud. The book also contains previously unpublished materials from his archives -- letters to Freud, Adler, Ferenczi and others involved in the early struggles within psychoanalysis -- as well as documents revealing the unrelenting hostility of the psychoanalysts toward Reich. 296 pp.
$ 25.95 - Softcover
* GENITALITY In the Theory and Therapy of Neurosis, by Wilhelm Reich. First published in 1927 and revised in 1944, presenting Reich's clinical findings on the significance of genitality in psychotherapeutic practice. Chapters on: Orgastic Potency, Neurotic Conflicts, Orgastic Disturbances, Sexual Stagnation (the energy source of neurosis), Genital Impotence, and on Aggression, Destruction and Sadism, and the Social Significance of Genital Impulses. A must-read item for psychotherapists and psychiatrists. 225 pp.
$ 19.95 - Softcover
* THE MURDER OF CHRIST: The Emotional Plague of Mankind, by Wilhelm Reich. In this profound and moving work, Reich explores the meaning of Christ's life and reveals the hidden, universal scourge that caused his agonizing death - the Emotional Plague of Mankind. Reich contends that man is faced with full responsibility for the murder of Christ all through the ages -- for the murder of fellow human beings, no matter what the circumstances. Here is the blunt truth about people's true ways of being, acting and emotional reacting. 228 pp.
$ 19.95 - Softcover
* PEOPLE IN TROUBLE, by Wilhelm Reich. First published in 1953 as Vol. II of The Emotional Plague of Mankind, presenting Reich's development of his sociological thinking 1927 to 1937, his personal experiences with major social and political events and ideas (Marxism and Nazism), and how these experiences gradually led him to an awareness of the deep significance of human sexuality and character structure in shaping and responding to social processes. The story of one man's courageous struggle to understand the social activity of his fellow men. 283 pp.
$ 23.95 - Softcover
$ 19.95 - Softcover.
* PASSION OF YOUTH, An Autobiography, 1897-1922,
by Wilhelm Reich.
Reich describes his early childhood years of family conflicts, his four years in the military, and his studies and life as a student in Vienna where he met and began work with Freud. 178 pp.
$17.95 - Hardbound (New copies with shelf wear on dust jacket)
* BEYOND PSYCHOLOGY: Letters and Journals 1934-1939, by Wilhelm Reich., with an introduction by Mary Higgins. A chronicle of revolutionary scientific discovery and personal courage; covers the period of Reich's expulsion from the International Psychoanalytic Association, the attacks by the Nazis, and flight to Norway. 320 pages.
$24.95 - Hardbound
* AMERICAN ODYSSEY: Letters and Journals 1940-1947, by Wilhelm Reich. Compilations from Reich's correspondence and diaries, covering the time of his first years in America: the period of development of the orgone accumulator, meetings with Albert Einstein, new marriage and groups of American students, new laboratory at Orgonon, and various new discoveries in social pathology, biology, physics, astronomy. Provides many previously unknown details about Reich's life and work, his feelings about America and his American students, illuminating the life of an embattled scientist during a period of dynamic historical change. 453 pp.
$ 31.95 - Softcover
$ 29.95 Hardcover - New but with sl. shelf wear, some without dustcover.
$ 19.95 - Softcover
$ 27.95 - Softcover
Opposing the 80-Year's War of Defamatory Mainstream Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists
by James DeMeo, PhD
Publicly denounced and slandered in both Europe and America by Nazis, Communists and psychoanalysts, placed on both Hitler's and Stalin's death lists but narrowly escaping to the USA, subjected to new public slanders and attacks by American journalists and psychiatrists who deliberately lied and provoked an "investigation" by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), imprisoned by American courts which ignored his legal writs and pleas about prosecutorial and FDA fraud, denied appeals all the way up to the US Supreme Court, which rubber-stamped the FDA's demands for the banning and burning of his scientific books and research journals, and finally dying alone in prison -- who was this man, Wilhelm Reich, and why today, some 50 years after his death, does he continue to stir up such emotional antipathy? It is a literal 80-Years' War of continuing misrepresentation, slander and defamation.
Who were and are Reich's attackers? And what stands behind their obsession to utterly rid the world of him, and of his work? What are the facts regarding Reich's social-sexual theories and his experimental work on the orgone energy, or life-energy? Author and Natural Scientist James DeMeo takes on the book-burners, exposing with clarity and documentation their many slanderous fabrications, half-truths and lies of omission. In so doing, he also summarizes the lesser-known facts about Reich's important clinical and life-energetic experimental findings, now verified by scientists and physicians worldwide, and holding great promise for the future. 279 pages.
$26.95 - Softcover
* RECORD OF A FRIENDSHIP: The Correspondence of Wilhelm Reich and A.S. Neill (1936-1957). Lively, informative exchanges between Reich and his close friend Neill, the founder of the democratically-operated Summerhill School. 429 pp.
$19.95 - Softcover (New or "Like New" Out-of-Print Item)
Contains various articles on Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy.
Five different issues have been published.
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* WILHELM REICH: VIVA LITTLE MAN. A Documentary Movie in DVD or Videotape by Digne Meller-Marcovicz. An intimate time-capsule of people and places recalling the controversial natural scientist, Wilhelm Reich, M.D., his trial, imprisonment, and the court-ordered burning of his books in America. Viva Little Man includes interviews with many of Dr. Wilhelm Reich's former friends, associates, family members and scholars who have personally investigated the facts surrounding his life and work, to include: Dr. Richard Blasband, Willy Brandt (former German Chancellor) Prof. Bernard Grad, Prof. Jerome Greenfield (author of Wilhelm Reich vs. the USA), Mary Higgins (Trustee of the Wilhelm Reich Museum), Grete Hoff, Jo Jenks, Heiko Lassek, Elsa Lindenberg, Thomas Mangravite, Renata Moise (Reich's granddaughter), Ilse Ollendorff (Reich's wife), Dr. Eva Reich (daughter and co-worker), Tom Ross, Prof. Bernd Senf, and Dr. Myron Sharaf (author of Fury on Earth). 90 min.
$19.95 - DVD in hardshell case, Multi-Region (will play worldwide)*.
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