Ending Genital Mutilations
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* SEXUAL MUTILATIONS, A Human Tragedy, Ed. by GEORGE DENNISTON & MARILYN MILOS. Papers presented by over 30 different authors to the Fourth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations, at Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1996. Excellent and definitive. 237 pp. * CRIMES OF GENITAL MUTILATION, Edited by JAMES PRESCOTT. Special edition of the Truth Seeker magazine with 17 different articles by Prescott, M. Milos, J. DeMeo, F. Hoskin and others. Includes discussions of both male and female circumcision. Original Publication, Collector's Item. 56 pp. * WHOSE BODY, WHOSE RIGHTS? Examining the Ethics and the Human Rights Issue of Infant Male Circumcision A new video that compassionately explores genital mutilation of unconsenting male infants. Boldly addresses the history and medical ethics of genital mutilations, consequences of circumcision, legal and constitutional issues, changing religious attitudes, foreskin functions, men's awareness and uncircumcision, medical conscientious objection, and children's rights. Contains some heart-breaking scenes of actual circumcisions. 56 min.
* CIRCUMCISION, THE HIDDEN TRAUMA; How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us All, by RONALD GOLDMAN, Ph.D. Explores the psychological and social aspects of this practice. Covers the potential adverse effects of circumcision on infants, men, sexuality, mother-child relationships, male-female relationships, social traits and problems. Documented with clinical reports, interviews, surveys, illustrations, and thorough documentation. 302 pp.
* DOCTORS RE-EXAMINE CIRCUMCISION, by THOMAS J. RITTER, and GEORGE DENNISTON, with a Foreword by ASHLEY MONTAGU. Gives 40 compelling reasons, with precise details and strong arguments, why you should respect your son's birthright and allow him to remain whole and intact. 95 pp.
* WARRIOR MARKS: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women, by ALICE WALKER & PRATIBHA PARMAR. A series of interviews made by the authors, as they traveled across North Africa, documenting the painful and devastating effects of female genital mutilation upon the lives of women. 50+ photographs, 373 pp.
* THE HOSKEN REPORT on Genital and Sexual Mutilation of Females, 4th Revised and Enlarged Edition, by FRAN P. HOSKEN. A comprehensive research document covering the history, health facts, politics, and statistics on female genital mutilation, with case histories from many nations, and extensive bibliography. By a pioneer on the subject. 443 pp. Related Items:
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