Electrosmog and Nuclear Radiation Hazards
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* CELL TOWERS: Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard?, edited by Blake Levitt. Cell towers and hidden "stealth" antennas are cropping up all over, despite vehement objections from community members. Health and safety questions arise, but are often dismissed by the very people entrusted to protect community welfare -- planners and zoners -- who have been told they cannot consider such questions. But safety concerns about radio frequency radiation (called "RF") used in all wireless technology, spans decades. Those concerns ahve yet to be resolved, despite our increasing exposures. Cell Towers... cuts through the rhetoric to address the complex issues of low-level RF. With chapters contributed by prominent research scientists, government officials, engineers and attorneys, the book is the most comprehensive and balanced resource available for laypeople today. It addresses questions such as: Are the health concerns justified? What does the science really say? What are the roles of the lead government agnecies like EPA and FCC? Are the RF exposure standards reliable? Are they Current? What are other countries doing? Are humans the only concern? What about millions of birds killed annually? What about property devaluation? Liability? Case Law? What can communities do? What are good zoning regulations? Are we on an environmental collision course with the entire cell-phone, cell-tower industry? 348 pp with special supplement insert on Senate Bill 1538.
$19.95 - Softcover
L@@K!-----> Looking for a "Cell Phone Meter" to measure toxic radiation from cell phones and towers? We have them------> Here!
L@@K!-----> Looking for a general "Electrosmog Meter" to measure toxic radiation from power lines, fluorescent lights, TV and home appliances? We have them------> Here!
* UNUSUAL LONG-DISTANCE ATMOSPHERIC AND GEOPHYSICAL EFFECTS FROM UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR BOMB TESTS AND NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACCIDENTS: Suppressed Scientific Evidence. Reprints of scholarly articles and reports from back issues of Pulse of the Planet journal, by Katagiri, Whiteford, Kato, DeMeo and Nagy, addressing this important issue. Documents the reality of what Reich called "oranur" as observed by eye-witnesses to nuclear accidents, as well as phenomena which can only be explained by the existence of a radiation-irritated atmospheric/planetary energy continuum. An essential tool for anyone concerned about nuclear issues. 40 pp.
$4.95 - PDF Download - after purchase we will email you the PDF or the download link.
* THE ENEMY WITHIN: The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors, by JAY M. GOULD, with Ernest Sternglass, et al. Exposes the startling correlation between deadly diseases and proximity to nuclear reactors. Using data from NCI, CDC and other official sources, Gould provides statistical evidence proving the residents of nuclear counties suffer disproportionately from the interaction of nuclear fallout with industrial pollutants. 346 pp.
$ 14.95 - Softcover (One Copy Remaining)
* ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues, and How to Protect Ourselves, by B. Blake Levitt. The author sorts through the complex social and medical issues on low-level EM field effects. From high tension lines to radio towers, consumer products to government regulations, she explores our ever-increasing electromagnetic environment and shows us what we can do to live more safely within it. Essential reading for community planners and all those concerned with personal and family health and well-being. Low-level EM fields can pose serious challenges to our health, housing values, and community development plans. This book helps explain why and where EM fields occur, which illnesses may have a strong connection to them, and how your doctor's knowledge may be limited. New Edition, 2007, 432 pp.
$ 28.95 - Softcover **NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM US. TRY AMAZON ====>
* THE GREAT POWERLINE COVER-UP, How the Utilities and the Government Are Trying to Hide the Cancer Hazards Posed by Electromagnetic Fields, by PAUL BRODEUR. An in-depth follow-up to CURRENTS OF DEATH, on the growing body of evidence showing the harm caused by high voltage powerlines. Excellent documentation and abundant citations. 351 pp.
$ 19.95 - Hardcover **NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM US. TRY AMAZON ====>
* CROSSCURRENTS: Promise of Electromagnetism, Perils of Electropollution, by ROBERT O. BECKER. Further research into the effects of low level electrical charge and electromagnetic pollution on organisms, with a discussion on various theoretical problems. 336 pp.
$ 16.95 - Softcover **NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM US. TRY AMAZON ====>
* DEADLY DECEIT: Low-Level Radiation, High-Level Cover-Up, by Dr. Jay M. Gould & Benjamin A. Goldman; Account of the biological effects of low-level atomic radiation from nuclear power facilities upon pregnant women, infants, schoolchildren and the cancer epidemic. Documents the full knowledge of the deadly hazards by top-level government "officials".
L@@K!-----> Looking for a simple, easy-to-use but very sensitive, hand-held "Nuclear Radiation Meter (Geiger Counter)" to measure low-level nuclear radiation as from natural background, or nearby nuclear power plants, including soft x-rays from television sets? We have them------> Here!
L@@K!-----> Looking for non-radioactive "Photoelectric Smoke Detectors", which do not use toxic radioactive materials (as is the case with all other types)? We have them------> Here!
* THE TRUTH ABOUT CHERNOBYL, by GRIGORI MEDVEDEV with a forward by ANDREI SAKHAROV. A minute-by-minute account by a leading Soviet nuclear physicist and a former deputy chief engineer at Chernobyl of the world's largest nuclear disaster and cover-up. A gripping narrative by the man who headed the investigation. 274 pp.
* RADIATION-INDUCED CANCER FROM LOW-DOSE EXPOSURE: An Independent Analysis, by JOHN W. GOFMAN. Long-time nuclear expert and establishment critic Gofman provides human and physical evidence proving that carcinogenesis from nuclear radiation does occur at the lowest conceivable doses, refuting claims by "official science" that low doses may be safe. 450+ pp.
$ 29.95 Softcover, Large Format **NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM US. TRY AMAZON ====>
* THE PETKAU EFFECT: Nuclear Radiation, People and Trees, by RALPH GRAEUB; Documents the deadly effects of low-level nuclear radiation upon the entire biosphere, stimulating massive forest-death, and increases in human immunological difficulties, birth disorders, infant mortality, and cancer across large areas. 232 pp.
* PREVENTING BREAST CANCER: The Story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of This Disease, by JOHN W. GOFMAN. Uncovers the major cause of the recent breast-cancer incidence in the USA, that past exposure to ionizing radiation - primarily medical x-rays - is responsible for about 75% of the breast cancer problem. Outlines a program of action to start breast cancer prevention today. 424 pp.
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