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All our in-house books (but not the DVDs) are also distributed at trade discounts by Ingram/Lightning Source.
INTERNATIONAL BOOKSTORES: We can now ship to you from our POD facilities in the USA, UK or Australia, and reasonable international shipping rates. We also have Spanish, Italian and Greek editions of our popular Orgone Accumulator Handbook. Contact us for details (link at upper left side).
* THE ORGONE ACCUMULATOR HANDBOOK: Wilhelm Reich's Life Energy Science and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans. Expanded and Revised 2010 Edition.
by James DeMeo, Ph.D., with a foreword by Eva Reich, M.D. Also includes two Appendix documents examining new experimental and theoretical evidence on the orgone energy accumulator. The orgone accumulator is based upon the discoveries of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich, whose work remains vital and of wide interest. Learn how to concentrate and work with orgone (life) energy using simple, readily available materials. A limitless supply is freely available from the atmosphere. These experimental devices have been shown to stimulate plant growth and human physiology in controlled studies. In this edition, Dr. DeMeo updates information on the construction of orgone energy blankets, shooters, box-type accumulators, draw buckets for atmospheric cleansing, and a new chapter on healing "living waters", with many instructional diagrams and photographs, a complete scientific bibliography, resource guide and index. Over 248 pages, perfectbound with full-color cover featuring the clearly visible blue orgone (life energy) field of an Apollo astronaut on the lunar surface.
ISBN: 0980231639 / 9780980231632, Perfectbound Softcover, 5.5"x8.5", color covers, illustrated, 248pp. Articles and reviews published in various popular magazines, web sites and scientific journals.
Retail Price: $26.95
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $21.56 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $16.17 each

NOW SHIPPING THE REVISED 2006 SECOND EDITION, over 464 pages with new Preface and Appendix "Update on Saharasia".
Dr. DeMeo's Magnum Opus on the ancient historical origins of human armoring, social violence and war: the first geographical, cross-cultural study of human behavior around the world using Wilhelm Reich's sex-economic discoveries as a basic starting point, and presenting world maps of different social institutions. Source-regions and migratory diffusion patterns were traced, back in time, to pinpoint where and how the human tragedy began. A breakthrough in the scientific study of human psychology and anthropology, and must-reading for every parent, student, professor and clinical worker in the field of human health and behavior. With dozens of maps, photos, and illustrations, full bibliography and comprehensive index.
ISBN: 0962185558 / 9780962185557, Perfectbound Softcover 8.5"x11", color covers, hundreds of maps and illustrations, fully indexed, 454 pp. Summary articles and reviews published in various scientific journals, web sites and magazines.
Retail Price: $39.
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $31.20 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $23.40 each
Click here for Front Cover Enlargement (72k).
Click here for Rear Cover Enlargment (72k).
Click here for Saharasia Table of Contents.
In Defense of Wilhelm Reich:
Opposing the 80-Year's War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against
One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists
by James DeMeo, PhD
From the Introduction: Dr. Wilhelm Reich is the man whom nearly everyone loves to hate. No other figure in 20th Century science and medicine could be named who has been so badly maligned in popular media, scientific and medical circles, nor so shabbily mistreated by power-drunk federal agencies and arrogant judges.
Publicly denounced and slandered in both Europe and America by Nazis, Communists and psychoanalysts, placed on both Hitler's and Stalin's death lists but narrowly escaping to the USA, subjected to new public slanders and attacks by American journalists and psychiatrists who deliberately lied and provoked an "investigation" by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), imprisoned by American courts which ignored his legal writs and pleas about prosecutorial and FDA fraud, denied appeals all the way up to the US Supreme Court, which rubber-stamped the FDA's demands for the banning and burning of his scientific books and research journals, and finally dying alone in prison -- who was this man, Wilhelm Reich, and why today, some 50 years after his death, does he continue to stir up such emotional antipathy? It is a literal 80-Years' War of continuing misrepresentation, slander and defamation.
Who were and are Reich's attackers? And what stands behind their obsession to utterly rid the world of him, and of his work? What are the facts regarding Reich's social-sexual theories and his experimental work on the orgone energy, or life-energy? Author and Natural Scientist James DeMeo takes on the book-burners, exposing with clarity and documentation their many slanderous fabrications, half-truths and lies of omission. In so doing, he also summarizes the lesser-known facts about Reich's important clinical and life-energetic experimental findings, now verified by scientists and physicians worldwide, and holding great promise for the future.
ISBN: 0980231671 / 9780980231670, Perfectbound Softcover, 5.5"x8.5", color covers, illustrated, 279pp. Articles and reviews published in various popular magazines, web sites and scientific journals.
Retail Price: $26.95
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $21.56 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $16.17 each
* Heretic's Notebook:
Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy:
with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich
Edited by James DeMeo, Ph.D. The fifth issue of the ongoing series, Pulse of the Planet, presents new research in the fields of biogenesis and experimental orgone biophysics, with insightful essays and research articles by 17 different authors on a truly amazing range of subjects: On natural childbirth, sexuality, archaeological evidence on early human violence, Reich's orgonomic functionalism, exposes on Reich's detractors, Giordano Bruno's work, protocells and bion-biogenesis research, a fresh look at Dayton Miller's ether-drift discoveries, emotional effects in REG (psychokinesis) experiments, new methods for detection of orgone energy, dowsing research, orgone energy effects in low-level radiation, cloudbusting experiments in Africa, plant growth stimulation in the orgone accumulator, several papers on the orgone energy motor with a discussion on the implications of "free energy", plus UFO research, book reviews, and much more, with many striking photos and illustrations.
ISBN: 0962185582 / 9780962185588 Perfectbound Softcover, 8.5" x 11", 272 pages, published in 2002
Retail Price: $24
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $19.20 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $14.40 each
Click here for a larger image of the Front Cover (106K) or Rear Cover (96K).
Click here for more info and full Table of Contents
* On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy:
(Pulse of the Planet #4) 1993,
Edited by James DeMeo, Ph.D., with original articles by Wilhelm Reich, R. D. Laing, James DeMeo and others, on the subjects of bioelectricity, bion-biogenesis research, the jailing of Reich and burning of his books, cloudbusting in Israel, and more.
ISBN: 0962185531 / 9780962185533 Perfectbound Softcover 8.5" x 11", 173 pages,
Retail Price: $20
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $16.00 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $12.00 each
Click here for the Table of Contents
New DVD on Wilhelm Reich:
Directed by Jon East
A new DVD short-length dramatic motion picture by former BBC documentary filmmaker Jon East, presents a fictional but sympathetic and moving account of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, his supporters and his persecutors. This high-budget film was shot on 35mm to Hollywood movie standards and successfully played at major international film festivals (Venice, Cannes etc) in 1999. Now available for the first time on DVD, the film has been newly digitally transferred and comes complete (via an interactive menu) with behind-the-scenes 'making of' footage, a biographical essay on Wilhelm Reich and cast and crew notes. The film depicts Dr. Reich and his co-workers in his laboratory in Rangeley Maine, (using the orgone accumulator, giving therapy and lecturing on infant care). Soon federal agents from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) invade the premises, disrupting the work and burning Reich's books. Dr. Reich watches history repeat itself, noting that, "It could be worse. The Communists and the Nazis weren't content with burning my books, they wanted me on the fire as well!" Finally Reich uses the cloudbuster to win an emotional and symbolic victory. The film starts with a "fake documentary" presenting the FDA's jaundiced view of "Reich the quack", made in the style of the melodramatic 1950s anti-crime films, and ends on a hopeful note, that Reich has opened the way for humanity to the stars. It will alternatively leave you laughing, and crying with sadness. Originally produced partially as a marketing 'teaser' for a feature-length movie, "It Can Be Done" has grown in popularity and interest. The film's title itself came from a sign posted to Reich's laboratory wall, as an encouragement to his associates. For more information on this DVD, click here
22 mins with Special Features, 5 min "behind the scenes" + Reich biography
Click here for a larger image of front and rear covers.
ISBN: 978-0980231625
Retail Price: DVD $24.95 in hardshell case, Multi-Region (will play worldwide).
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $19.95 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $14.95 each
* DVD - Wilhelm Reich: Viva Little Man
A Documentary by Digne Meller-Marcovicz
Viva Little Man: An intimate time-capsule of people and places recalling the controversial natural scientist, Wilhelm Reich, M.D., his trial, imprisonment and the court-ordered burning of his books in America.
Viva Little Man includes interviews with many of Dr. Wilhelm Reich's former associates, friends, family members and scholars who have personally investigated the facts surrounding his life and work, to include: Dr. Richard Blasband, Willy Brandt (former German Chancellor), Prof. Bernard Grad, Prof. Jerome Greenfield (author of Wilhelm Reich Versus the USA), Mary Higgins (Trustee of the Wilhelm Reich Museum), Grete Hoff, Jo Jenks, Heiko Lassek, Elsa Lindenberg, Thomas Mangravite, Renate Moise (Reich's granddaughter), Ilse Ollendorff (Reich's wife), Dr. Eva Reich (daughter and co-worker), Tom Ross, Prof. Bernd Senf, and Dr. Myron Sharaf (author of Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich).
With visits to the Freud Museum in Vienna, to the Wilhelm Reich Museum and town of Rangeley, Maine, to Food and Drug Administration Headquarters near Washington, DC where the plot was hatched to "get Reich", to the courtroom in Portland, Maine where Reich was tried, to Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary where he was imprisoned and died, to the New York City incinerators where his books were burned, and briefly, a search for Dobrenicza, Bukovina, Ukraine, where Reich grew up. With side-trips to Princeton, New York, Montreal, Berlin and Vienna.
Plus a small collection of Reich-detractors in mainstream psychoanalysis and the FDA, including prosecuting attorney Peter Mills and FDA "historian" Wallace Jansen (who coldly defends US government bookburning).
Click here for a larger image of front and rear covers.
ISBN: 0962185574
90 min. Some interviews in German with English subtitles.
Retail Price: DVD $24.95 in hardshell case, Multi-Region (will play worldwide).
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $19.95 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $14.95 each
* DVD - EXPLORING THE SPECTRUM: The effects of natural and artificial light on living organisms, by Dr. John Nash Ott, founder and former director of the Environmental Health and Light Research Institute, Sarasota, Florida. Dr. Ott pioneered in the science of photobiology and discovered the profound effects that qualities of light have on living organisms. He was the first to recognize and document the harmful effects of fluorescent lights on both plants and animals. His astounding time-lapse photograpy shows that variations in periodicity, intensity and wavelength distribution of light energy control certain plant growth processes such as the setting of buds, opening of flowers, determination of sex and maturing of fruits. This video shows the effects of different colors of light on living organisms even down to the the cellular level. Dr. Ott's investigations into the effects of fluorescent lights on hyperactivity and cancer among school children are milestone environmental and health discoveries. This video drives home the observations made by Dr. Ott in his critical book Health & Light (described in the "Bioenergy..." section of this catalog).
Click here for a larger image of front and rear covers.
ISBN: 0980231604 / 9780980231601
DVD Video in Hardshell Plastic Case with color cover, Multi-Region (will play worldwide).
1 hr 20 min. with humourous introduction.
Retail Price: $24.95
Single Copy 0rder (20% discount) $19.95 each
Multiple Copy Order (40% discount - 5 or more copies, or fewer if combined with other titles to make 10 items) $14.95 each
NOTE: We still have a small lot of the "Exploring the Spectrum" in VHS tape, PAL (European Standard) available at below wholesale for quantity. Contact us if interested.
WHOLESALE RETURNS POLICY: All of our unsold titles are available for return and refund so long as they arrive at our facility in the original, new and resellable condition, minus a restocking fee of 10%. Shipping charges are not refundable. Items should be packed well, double-boxed for heavier quantities. Items returned in used condition, as with books which have been browsed by customers, with open backs, smudged or damaged covers, etc. will be refunded at 50% or less of what was paid, based upon conditions. DVD disks with scratches, and all VHS tapes are not refundable. Shipments which arrive at your facility with minor shipper damage may be returned for refund, but only within two weeks of receipt. Shipments with significant carrier damage can be returned only with proper claims for insurance being initiated, which requires your contacting us about it very soon after receipt of delivery. Books with razor cuts across the cover due to employee damage during opening are not refundable. Thank you!